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Organization Behaviour Assignment Sample

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Introduction - Organization Behaviour

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Organization behaviour is considered as a part of management which shows the way of employees they work within the organisation and factors which lead to impact the behaviour of the workers. The present report is based on BBC which is an international organization in broadcasting sector. In this study different culture which impact the behaviour of employees will be described. Along with this, different motivational tools and techniques which lead to motivates employees toward the work is explained. Apart from this, the way team working assist company in accomplishing the goals and objectives is analysed.

Task 1

a.) Organisational culture in BBC

Handy's culture of typology assist in providing a clear framework of the previous culture of the organisation. It shows that it is important for BBC to motivates its employees so that the work effectively for the organisation. In the organisation there is no working environment and employees are not treated as it is required. It also developed different cultural model which is different from the other organisation. The culture are as follows:

  • Power culture: It is one of the effective culture which provide power to the people so that they can make effective deiscisons. There are some people who can make different types of policies and procedure for the employees and they have power to take decisions. In this centralized culture other employees are not provided any power and they are not involved in the decision making process.
  • Task culture: Task culture is the culture in the firm which is designed and developed team so that employees can work hard for the accomplishment of the task (Park and Lunt, 2017).. This culture shows the team work which is important within the BBC so that it make improvement in the performance of employees and increase productivity. In a team each member give equal contribution in the work so that given task can be accomplished on the time.
  • Person culture: In this type of culture employees are not provided any objectives in respect to accomplish the goals and objectives. The management team put concern on accomplishing the own objectives which is not effective for the company because it do not provide much benefits to the firms (Kandel and et. al., 2013).
  • Role culture: It is a culture in which employees in the firm are delegated with some roles and responsibilities according to their skills and knowledge for completing the task.
  • Therefore it is analysed that in the BBC it is important that employees are motivated toward the work and they need to provide working environment so that each and every employees give their best efforts (Kandel, and et. al., 2013). Apart from this employees should be provided some monetary rewards on the basis of their work so that other employees also work hard for getting such types of benefits. Employees in the organisation take responsibility of their work if they are given specific deadline and involved them in decision making process. As it lead to increase their focus toward the work which is very beneficial for the BBC company.

Smith review in this context is that there is no need of the policy for the employees and it develops the culture which is different from other due to which company face many loss.

b) The way Culture, power and politics overall have affected the behaviour within the BBC

In the modern ear, within the organisation there is a great impact of power, politics and culture on the behaviours. It can impact the work in both positive and negative manner as it depends on the way it is adopted within the firm. Therefore, BBC has developed an official and formal working culture in respect to regulate the business operation and authority of the firm. In the last year, at BBC there was power culture where few authorities was have the power of making decision and communicate about the policies and procedures. There main aim was to earn money and they do not care of employees benefits. Further the major impact of the politics, power and culture is as follows:

 Organisational culture: There main aim is to earn profit instead of increasing the satisfaction level of customers (Matsson and Dahlqvist, 2013). It lead to impact the motivation level of the employees and they do not work hard for the BBC to accomplish the task.

Power: Power in BBC refer to the delegation of the authority for making decision etc. It is noticed that in last year company if following the power culture in which employees have no authority which lead to impact their motivation level ( Heize, Render and Munson, 2016).

Politics: At BBC there is strong politics which create problem for employees to wok effectively as it lead to impact their way of working. It impacts the performance and productivity of the firm.

Task 2

a.) What is meant by content and process theories of motivation

Motivation is one of the important tool which is used by every organisation to boost the morale of employees, so that they work effectively within the firm. It play significant roles in respect to accomplish the goals and objectives which are set by the top level of management. Furthermore, there are different theories of motivation which is considered as beneficial for the BBC Company to increase the productivity and profitability of the firm. Some of the motivation theory which is effective for the firm is as follows:

  • Content theory: It is considered as one of the effective theory which can be used by the firm to motivate the employees. As this theory focused on the behavioural aspects of the employees which help in completing the task. This theory provides major impact on the performances of the employees within the organisation and changes the way of working of employees.
  • Maslow theory: Maslow theory is also one of the effective theories which help company to motivate the employees. There are different stages in the Maslow theory which show the needs of employees which motivate them (Stafford and Miles, 2015).. It includes safe and healthy environment of working, self-esteem etc. which motivates employees to work effectively and efficiently within the organisation. Hence it is one of the effective theory which help BBC to motivates it employees so that they can work hard for an organisation.
  • Herzberg two factor theory: In this there are two theory theory X and theory Y which show the way of motivating the employees (Dachs, Stehrer and Zahradnik, 2014).
  • . Employees within the organisation get motivated if them are provided different types of benefits it can be monetary or non-monetary. Further it help in improving their performance which is effective for the company in accomplishing the objectives.
  • Process theories: It is recognised as one of the effective theory which assist in getting the analysis and determination of sustaining behaviour of an individual and it provide way of motivating the employees (Zipf, 2016).
  • Reinforcement and setting goals: It is a theory which is emphasis on the situation of operant conditioning of the personnel (Hutchinson, Mack and Plastow, 2015). Positive reinforcement which includes the situation in the cited organisation which lead to enhanced the strength of the individual and started the repetition of the behaviour. On the other side negative reinforcement includes demotivated which impact the way of working of the organisation. It is known as the unwanted situation which motivates employees to work hard within the firm.
  • Process theory motivation and reinforcement :-
  • Motivational theory is explained for the people who disappointed, hopeless people, who can not able to do their work on time, who can not lead the team and the main thing is who can not change themselves and they never want to learn from others or self, so here a theory explained about motivation, which help us for number of situation, number of problems, number of issues with content theory, there are a number of process theories. These include: Equity theory, Expectancy theory and The Porter-Lawler Model. Equity theory give a motivation to maintain current situation and Expectancy theory based on change inputs, perception of others and self, change perception and leave the situation.
  • Reinforcement theory is based on behaviour. As way to describe behaviour and what we do, why we do. Reinforcement theory has been used in so many locations of study to include employees motivating, animal training, children training and many more. Through Reinforcement theory a person can learn how to behaviour in professional way and how to talk in professional way, how to avoid anger, integrity and some weak point which can be weakness in a person and its make good human to people.

b.) Evaluating the motivational techniques helped in improving the effectiveness in the teams within the BBC.

According to the given scenario , it is important for the company to bring improvement in the cultures and it can be done through the help of motivational theories. There are many factor within the firm which provides the clear understanding of the effectiveness of the team in the company. There are two theories which is analysed that bring the changes in the team of the BBC company which are as follows:

It is important for the company to remove the poor policies which are developed within the organisation (Piteira and Gomes, 2017).. As it lead to impact the work culture and performance of the employees .

Further BBC need to use motivation tool and support the employees so that they can work hard within the company.

Increasing the employee's participation in decision making process and make them feel that they are valuable for the company is one of the effective ways of motivating the employees. Apart from this the motivational theory are more effective to influence the employees. BBC can also use to provide the monetary and non-monetary benefits to employees so that they work hard for an organisations. Job satisfaction is also lead to enhance the motivation level of employees and make them more dedicative toward the works. Increasing employees willingness to work and retain skilled employees for longer period of time.

c.) The way level of motivation within the BBC assist in accomplishing its organisational goals.

The increase in the motivation level of employees support organisation and provides lots of benefits in respect to accomplish the objectives. The friendly working environment, shared valued and positive culture lead to improve the performance of employees. Further, providing benefits and motivation to employees help in implementing different strategies which use to develop for accomplish the goals and objectives (Ajala, 2015). Further involving employees in the decision making problem and problem solving also make them feel valued. Motivated employees become loyal and retain them for longer period of time. At BBC employees are motivated toward the work if they are satisfied with their job and encourage them to work hard for the firm. In the BBC there are some points of rise in motivation on achievement of organisation. Further, at BBC there are some points which are identified for accomplishing the goals and objectives which are as follows

Needs satisfaction: It is a most important perspective which clearly determined in respect to provide assist the workers. Further, providing compensation to employees helps in increasing their satisfaction level. It helps in enhancing the focus of employees toward the task and objectives. It helps organisation in sustaining in the competitive market (Park and Lunt, 2017).

Job satisfaction: Motivation assist in increase the job satisfaction level. It can be considered as the fulfilment of the employees needs and wants such as provided them recognition at workplace.

Tuck-man theory on Team leading :-

Tuckman theory determine entire team leading work and it is describe that how to handle a team, how to accept challenges for work hard and its make leader to any of the staff who working in the company. It learns us to control our integrity and anger. They may be motivated but that motivational communication will help us to lead the team and team management. All team members build the team and develop team. Communication skills, professional behaviours, multitasking and many more skills learn by a team leader according to Tuckman theory. It help in purposefully picking the team, facilitate team to identify goals, supporting behaviours, develop mutual trust, set aside time for planning and engaging the team, resolving the issues of customers and give them to best services and create future leadership opportunities.

Manager of BBC also satisfied with jobs if they were recognised for their work.

Task 3

a. ) Identifying the different types of team within the BBC

In the international organisation BBC there are different types of team which are identified which are as follows:

  • Informal team: Informal team is that team which is developed within an organisation by the employees in respect to accomplish the targets. Informal team within an organisation assist in developing positive relationship and healthy competition within the BBC.
  • Problem solving team: It is a team which is developed within an organisation for resolving the problems of employees. This team is developed in the organisation in which different department employee's work together for solving the work related problems. In the BBC there are some workers are selected by the management so that they can sought out the problems of employees who are facing problem related to work.
  • Virtual team: The team work and perform their duties are impacted by the technologies. Collaborative software and conference system assist in improving the abilities of workers to meet, organise and make effective decision in respect to accomplish the goals and objectives. Related to this BBC is accountable for the accomplishment of the work which is done within an organisation.
  • Project team: Project team is developed by the firm in respect to the completion of important task in the firm. The project team roles is to analyse the new project and identify its success factor and risk associated with the particular project (Hollebeek, 2013).

Hence, the above mentioned is the teams of the BBC which work effectively and efficiently within the organisation.

b.) What makes team effective in the BBC

Team become effective within the organisation with the different qualities which each team member have in respect to perform the task.

Clear directions: Team set clear direction for accomplishing the goals and objectives. For this purpose roles and responsibilities are provided to each team member within the team so that they help in accomplishing the objectives.

Knowledge and skills: Knowledge and skills of team member help in accomplishing the objectives of the team. Team member with their different skill help in making effective decision and solve issues which appear while completing the task.

There are different theory of effective team such as Tuckman and Jensen model of team development which shows the way team members work together ( Kalliath and Kalliath, 2014).

These theories are mainly focused on the ways team member work together and handle the different types of tasks. It is important that each team member support each other for accomplishing the task so that tough task can be easily handle. Team within the organisation develops maturity and ability to develop strong relationship. There are four stages in respect to form team which are as follows:

  • Forming: In a team a member are highly depend on the leader for the proper guidance and direction (Du Plessis, Wakelin and Nel, 2015). This is a stage which is considered as a development of team. In this BBC communicate the goals and task with team member which they have to achieved within the given period of time.
  • Storming: It is the second stage at which team leader delegate the roles and responsibilities to each team member within the firm. Work is delegated to team member according to their skills and knowledge so that they can easily accomplish the given task.
  • Norming: It is the stage in which member help each other for completing the tough task and team member discuss the process of completing the task.
  • Performing: It is the last stage in which all the team member perform their roles and responsibility effectively in respect to accomplish the given objectives within a given period of time.

Task 4

A.)The way team performance and productivity can be improved within the BBC

In respect to improve the performance and productivity of team within the BBC there are different leadership theories which can be applied. The theory is as follows:

Path goal leadership theory:

It is one of the effective theory which is based on the assumption such as employees perception on of setting standard between the performance and efforts which is impacted on the behaviour of leaders Yang, Wu and Jing, 2017). If leader is effective then it works hard and provide support to the team member which help in accomplishing the goals and objectives. Any team member who face problem is resolved by the leader and motivates its employees to perform tough task in an effective manner. This help in improving the performance and productivity of the team member within the organisation. There are four parameters which is included in this that is leader's effectiveness, employees contingencies, environmental contingencies and leader behaviour (van Riel and Berens, 2015). For increasing the performance and productivity. Further leader provide direction to employees and solved their issues which they face while working on specific task. Leader motivates its employees so that they can work in a team by supporting each other.

The motivational techniques helped in improving the effectiveness in the teams within the BBC.

In the team motivational techniques help them for work easily. Motivational techniques Increase the staff's job satisfaction in the work place. Job satisfaction is main effect in the staff, if they get motivational techniques then can do more afford on work place. And motivational techniques also promotes job satisfaction when a staff satisfies then he will be happy. And job satisfaction is the key to other important consequences. Through motivational techniques staff's productivity can easily increase in good way and they give their best on work place.

B.) The main barrier to effective performance within the BBC

According to the give scenario, it is important for the BBC to remove the barriers within the organisation that impact the ways performances of the team member can be improved. There are some barrier which are identified in BBC which are impacting the performance of the team member.

Centralised structure in the firm lead to impact the performance of the team members. It is so because while working on particular project if proper amount of information is provided to team member then it lead become barrier for the team to accomplish the task successfully. Changes in the behaviour of team member and they get dissatisfied because without proper information then unable to accomplish the task ((Krzyzanowski, 2016) . Therefore, this structure lead to create dissatisfaction among the team members and it lead to bring changes in their working behaviour. Apart from this, lack of proper communication between team member and leader lead to become barrier in the way of working. Therefore, ineffective interaction between employees and leader lead to impact the way of working. It is so because employees unable to share their ideas and opinion with each other due to which they face problem in completing the task. Team work itself create barrier in the working because if employees unable to share their views with each other then it lead to impact their organisation productivity and performance (Ajala, 2015).

Main barriers to effective performance within the BBC :-

In the BBC company so many department are working according to their work. So BBC is surviving from some barriers which can not considered by company. In a team poor coordination between the boss and staff or within staff. The main barriers are poor communication in some staff, Unclear goals, many issue in managerial involvement, some office staff can be egoistic. Some problems are created by misunderstanding. Some barriers are in the way of talk, in the way of behave, poor team work and lack of discipline.


From the above report it is concluded that culture of the company lead to impact the behaviour of employees. It is important for the company to provide its employees some benefits and treat them in an positive manner so that they work hard within the firm for accomplishing the goals and objectives. Further it is concluded that working in a team is not easy task it is important to keep effective communication and share views and opinion. Knowledge and skills of team member help in accomplishing the objectives of the team. Team set clear direction for accomplishing the goals and objectives. For this purpose roles and responsibilities are provided to each team member within the team so that they help in accomplishing the objectives. Further the structure of the team also impacts the performance and productivity of the team. It is essential for an organisation to keep simple structures so that goals and objectives of the team can be accomplished on time.


Books and journals

  • Ajala, E. M., 2015. The influence of organisational justice on employees' commitment in manufacturing firms in Oyo State, Nigeria: Implications for industrial social work. African Journal of Social Work. 5(1). pp.92-130.
  • Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G., 2014. The internationalisation of business R&D. Edward Elgar Publishing.Vos, M., Schoemaker, H. and Liisa Luoma-aho, V., 2014. Setting the agenda for research on issue arenas. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 19(2). pp.200-215.
  • Du Plessis, M., Wakelin, Z. and Nel, P., 2015. The influence of emotional intelligence and trust on servant leadership. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology. 41(1). pp.01-09.
  • Heizer, J., Render, B. and Munson, C., 2016. Principles of operations management: sustainability and supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., 2013. The customer engagement/value interface: An exploratory investigation. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ). 21(1). pp.17-24.Gaggiotti, H., Kostera, M. and Krzyworzeka, P., 2016. More than a method? Organisational ethnography as a way of imagining the social. Culture and Organization. pp.1-16.
  • Hutchinson, M., Mack, J. and Plastow, K., 2015. Who selects the ‘right'directors? An examination of the association between board selection, gender diversity and outcomes. Accounting & Finance. 55(4) pp.1071-1103.
  • Kalliath, P. and Kalliath, T., 2014. Work–family conflict: Coping strategies adopted by social workers. Journal of Social Work Practice. 28(1). pp.111-126.
  • Kandel, E. R., and et. al., 2013. Neuroscience thinks big (and collaboratively). Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 14(9). pp.659-664.
  • Krzyzanowski, M., 2016. Political communication, institutional cultures and linearities of organisational practice: a discourse-ethnographic approach to institutional change in the European Union1. Advances in Critical Discourse Studies. p.218.
  • Matsson, A. and Dahlqvist, A., 2013. The impact of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards on
  • Park, S. and Lunt, N., 2017. Productive Resistance within the Korean Public Sector: Exploring Organisational Culture. Public Organization Review. pp.1-19.
  • Piteira, M. C. and Gomes, J. F., 2017. Organisational Narratives of Applied Knowledge in Technology-Based Organisations. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO). 7(1). pp.19-31.
  • Stafford, D. and Miles, L., 2015. Integrating cultures after a merger [White paper]. Bain & Company.
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