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RQF Unit 35 Developing Individual Teams and Organisations Assignment Sample

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Introduction - RQF Unit 35 Developing Individual Teams and Organisations

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In this global environment, every business entity want to grow and diversity. For this purpose, it is essential for them to manage its all working activities and operations in an effective manner. Human resource department of the firm is liable to manage workforce diversity so that company can achieve high competitive advantage (Bolman and Deal, 2017). Its main objective is to get optimum utilisation of available resources. in addition, HR professional are responsible to provide training and development assistance to all staff members for their growth and betterment. The present assignment is based upon TESCO; it is one of the largest retailer which deals in grocery and other luxury products. The firm has covered almost 30% of overall market share. Apart from this, the report will be described skills, knowledge and behaviour of HR professionals. There will a discussion upon the importance of continuous and professional learning within a commercial entity.


P1. Determine skills, knowledge and behaviour of HR professionals

Human resource is an eminent part of every business organization. The core concept of HR consists of all those aspects which are related to managing employee relations at the workplace. In other words, HR is all about supporting and handling people in a systematic process for associated processes. Thus, human resources are the most important function, in the perspective, companies hire well-qualified and skilled people who are liable to effectively controlled its workforce (Salas and et. al., 2012). Several multinational firms have their own HR department so as to handle its business activities and operations at the international level. TESCO is having adequate HR professionals who manage its workforce at a very large scale. While hiring such people, companies need to consider certain skills and qualities which are described as under:

Skills of HR professionals-

  • Managing resources - It is the foremost quality of an HR person; he or she should be able to manage resources, i.e. humans within the company. Such people are capable to motivate, develop, control as well as directing other people as they can work for the company.

  • Active listening - Another major skill of HR is, ability to listen carefully to what others want to say. He should give proper attention while hearing employees' problems and issues; take time to understand them and find appropriate solutions towards the same.

  • Effective communication - The HR manager have to communicate effectively with others and able to present his viewpoint in front of senior manager. Good communication skills also help a person to achieve his career goals and objectives.
  • Leadership and management - It is another essential skill of HR's as they should be able to lead and manage overall tasks. In this context, he or she has to know how to manage people or a team and then influence them towards a particular activity (Leonard, 2011).
  • Decision making skills - Making fast decisions helps a person to grab good opportunities and get succeed. So that, HR persons must be able to take quick decisions when it is required therefore firm can easily achieve high competitive advantage.
  • Analytical thinking - Human resource managers should be capable to think effective and innovative manner. With this assistance, they can increases the efficiency of a specific project or task.
  • He promotes equality and diversity within organizational culture so that employees can work effectively. In addition, HR manager develops various policies in order to improve employees' performance, health and safety, recruitment and selection, training and development etc.
  • Another skill of HR professionals is to resolve conflicts and issues at the workplace and advising on compensatory benefits and remuneration.

Knowledge of HR manager -

  • Knowledge of the business - Such people have proper knowledge about a business as well as overall organizations. It will helpful for them to prepare effective strategies and policies (Seibert, S. E., Wang, G. and Courtright, 2011), Business and organizational knowledge consist with, HR should be familiar with all rules, regulations and other policies of the company.

  • Knowledge of labour legislations - Human resource professionals have good knowledge of labor relations therefore he can easily manage people. Labour relations are related with taking care employees' rights and duties at work. For example- providing a healthy and safe working environment to all staff members as they can work in proper way.

  • Knowledge of International HRM - The term HR is not limited with national level; it is spread in all over the world. Therefore, the person has good information of international HR policies and management.
  • Knowledge of Best practices - There are certain HRM practices, i.e. recruitment and selection, training and development, staffing etc. so that HR manager have to be familiar with all of them.
  • HR manage have proper knowledge regrading preparing staff handbooks; it involves all information about employees reaging their performance, salary, skills, leaves etc.
  • He also have good information of administrating payrolls and employee laws. It helps in influencing managing and coordinating all employees in an effective manner.
  • HR managers shoudl knows training needs among employees and able to plan such activitives in proper manner.

Behaviour of HR professionals -

  • Ethical behaviour - HR professionals behaved ethically with all employees. He should give respect to value, morale and believes of other persons.
  • Be polite and clam - The HR manager of the company has to be polite and keep clam with all employees. He does not have shouted with other people: it helps in improving healthy and positive relations with all employees.
  • Fairness - While taking any decisions and implementing any rules, HR persons have to be fair or equal with all of them. The manager of the company does not make any partiality between employees; it improves their loyalty and faith towards the organisation and workers will prefer to attian and retain at workplace for long term period.

P2 (a) Identify training and development needs

An individual has various skills out of them certain are assistive. In order to identify effective skills of people, a personal skills audit should be conducted un this, a variety of all activities are involved. Skill audit helps in identifying the requirements of training and development.

Training and development needs: -

Apart from this, training and development is the most imperative part of every business organisation; it charted out to cover the number of existing staff and trainess. Training programmes are designed in order to improve skills and knowledge of employees as they can work in an effective manner. Companies are focused on manpower training for achieving its goals and objectives in a certain time period. It can also increases production and performance level which will contribute in enhacing sales and productivity of the firm. It builds up employees' confidence so that they can easily deal with any adverse situation.

Along with this, Jane Cambridge is a Human resource officer of a corporate association; the person has several skills and knowledge which aids him to deal with all situations in an effective manner.

While implementing a skills audit event, strengths and weaknesses also have to be examined so as to reduce them in a certain time of span (Warrick, 2011). All these practices facilitates the process of skill audit therefore described outcomes can be achieved. Below 8mentioned is SWOT analysis of a person: -

(B) and (c) Create a personal amd professional development plan





Effective communication skills of HR professional is their major strength, it helps them to interact with anyone as well as regulating things systematically.

Does not have proper knowledge of using HR software and tools.

Jane Cambridge have capability to resolve all problems at workplace; it will become a great opportunity for him.

Lack of training could become a big threat of employees.

Jane Cambridge has b knowledge of using Microsoft software; which shows his good command over technical area.

Do not know the proper use of data base, which would be counted his another major weakness,

Chances to handle compound data by imposing things effectively.

Improper knowledge of databases will be considered as major threat for HR professionals.

Ethical and polite behaviour of HR professionals helps in managing healthy and friendly relationship with employees,

Due to lack of training sessions, Jane Cambridge cannot deliver effective training to employees.

As he is focusing to learn advance excel in order to make things operative; it helps in impressive implementation of working activities.

Market competition is increasing day by day.

Personal Skill Audit

Name : Jane Cambridge

Job role - Human resource officer.

Mentioned all things properly that are associated with personal are stated as under: -

Very good




Information technology

Having b command on technical area and efficiently knows using internet.

But in order to get more specialisation, the person has to improve this skills litte more.

Communication skill

Needs to improve communicate skills so as to deal with employees' issues and queries. It also aids in improving inter-personal relations at workplace.

Problem solving skill

Having effective problem solving skills will be considered in decision making process as it becomes more relevant.


Very Good



Information Technology

Use Microsoft office word


Use Excel Spreadsheet


Use specialist HR



Use a database


Use the internet


Use Email


Use PowerPoint



Very Good



Little or no experience

Communication skills

Drafting contracts of employment


Taking notes of disciplinary hearing


Write reports


Produce materials to support presentations


Delivering a training session


Resolving disputes




Advising on HR issues


Personal and professional development plan: -

Step 1: In this stage, the HR manager of the company have to learn certain skills and competencies which can gives strength to its working activities. For example- development of interpersonal and communication skills.

Step 2: Afterwards, talent planning for growth and development of norgansiation. Staff members are required to involved in decision making process of the company for seeking out best options in in future.

Step 3: In this stage, an employment development plan is prepared for finishing business operations and activities. It helps in improving skills and knowledge of employees in an effective manner.

Step 4: At last, the overall plan is implemented at workplace. Managers are formulated an organisational structure in which all workers can work effectively.


Very Good



Little or no Experience

Problem solving skills

Make good use of verbal reasoning skills, able to handle complex data and make selective use of information


Explore more than one solution in order to solve a problem


Consider the ideas of others to help solve problems


P3 Differentiate organisational and individual learning

Organisational learning

Organisational learning is a process of implementing knowledge for a specific purpose and get better future outcomes. Its main goal is to continuous learning and improve employees' capabilities. The purpose of organisational learning is to boost up overall performance of a company as it can achieve its goals and objectives (Van de Ven and Sun, 2011). It generates a cultural of inquiry in which people can feel secure and openly share their problems. Organisational learning is conducted as people can ready to take risks. TESCO always conducted organisational learning process so that its employees can acquire new skills and market trends. It is done for increasing adaptability as well as flexibility of workforce in an adequate manner. It allows people to learn what is beneficial for their teams.

Individual learning -

It is the process in which learning sessions are executed for improving particular skills of employees. For example- if an individual will be promoted for higher position but he has lack of some skills in this field. Regardless in this matters, managers are conducted a training sessions for boost up certain skills of a person. In other words, individual learning can be defined as the capability of building knowledge of individuals regarding a regarding a specific topic. Apart from this, the core concept of individual learning is starts with interest as well as motivation level of a person whether he is willing to learn or not.

Difference between individual and organisational learning: -

Organisational learning

Individual learning

It is also known as development process which is created only for managerial personnel. Organisational learning is regulated for long term purpose.

It is also known as training method which is created for managers as well as non-managerial people. Individual process is implemented for short term period..

It requires theoretical knowledge of persons and its prime objective is to have broader overview as well as consider general knowledge (Pless, Maak and Stahl, 2011). Because it is very tough for higher authorities to give practical knowledge to a large group of persons, 

It needs managerial persons who have capability to learn technical skills and knowledge. Therefore, individual learning is related with practical knowledge of people; its major goal is to improve job related process or activities.

Organisational learning is procedure which makes staff members efficient as they can easily handle critical or adverse situations in an effective manner.

Individual learning focuses on initiate improvements in employees. For example- after training, they can use better methods or ways to complete any task or activity.

It means implementation of various learning sessions and new methods of production because there are several people involved in organisational. So that all of them are able to give new and innovative ideas,

It refers learning or acquire through various ways in order to do perform in effective manner. If staff members have new and innovative skills then they can compete other rivals of the firm.

The main benefit of organisational learning , it is a career oriented in nature and executed for improving future performance as well as productivity of the company,

The advantgae of individual learning is, It is job centred in nature and regulated for boost up current performance level or efficient level of workers,

In this, learning sessions are linked with vision and mission of the company. Organisational learning is a continuous on-going process and its success is difficult to measure.

It covers the overall employees of organisation and organisational learning is cost and time effective.

It is linked with completion of a particular task or project within organisation. Individual learning is a onetime process and easy to evaluate by skill tests or using other methods.

Individual learning in costly and needs more time, because it improve certain specific areas of people. It is conduced only for few people.

P4 Need of continuous learning and professional development

Continuous learning plays a vital and crucial role in an individual's life. It forces people to themselves in order to achieve their career goals and objectives in an effective manner. Before understand the need of continuous learning readers have to its actual mean. Continuous learning consists with a process of documenting as well as tracking the skills and knowledge which is gained during work (O'leary and et. al., 2011). Several individual prefer to read and learn on continuous basis because they know it will be accessible for them in future in order to deal with any adverse situation in an effective manner. Along with this, several business organisations, like TESCO organise personal and professional development programmes in order to boost up skills and knowledge of its employees so as to gain higher competitive advantage. Professional development and continuous learning helps to connect workers capabilities with current standard of external environment. It also aids in upgrading skills and information of people towards changing market trends and renders direction in specific field.

If employees have effective skills and competencies they will be contributed in achieving goals and objectives of the firm. Strong knowledge regarding any area can make easier the decision making process of the company. In individuals perspectives, continuous learning and professional development increasing self- confidence as they can easily interact with public. At last, CPD underwrites in improving quality of the life, sustainability as well as the overall working environment. Beside this, in order to briefly understand learning styles, readers have known the theory of David Kolb: -

Figure 1 Learning styles

(Source: Kolb - Learning Styles, 2013)

In 1984, David Kolb was published his learning styles. The theory states that learning involves the procurement of abstract concepts which can easily applied in any situation. It provides new thoughts regarding the development of new experiences. Learning is an activity in which knowledge is generated by different transformations of experiences. Along with this David Kolb's theory is divided in four parts, such are stated as under: -

  • Concentrate experience
  • Reflective experience
  • Abstract conceptualisation
  • Active experiment

Therefore, it can be said that, continuous learning is assistive in improving employees' performance as they can work towards achieving goals and objectives of the company. In addition, it also aids in boost up decision amking capabilities of the firm so that it achieves high competitive advantage. Professional development and continuous learning upgrade knowledge and information of people towards changing market trends and renders direction in specific field.


P5 Role of HPW in employee engagement and contributing

High performance working (HPW) is a set of various management practices which is implemented in order to create working environment in which workers are highly contributed in working activities. Generating a HPW means collecting all aspects of human resources and put them together in order to get maximum future benefits. Along with this, it also helps in workforce needs within company and then selecting such kind of employees who can fulfil all job requirements (Tannenbaum and et. al., 2012). Afterwards, HPW evaluate workers performance and then rewarding them so that they can retain in firm for long term period. In TESCO, the concepts aids in employee' coordination and engagement as they can work for specific goals and objectives. Its prime motive is to boost up workers performance and efficiency in order to meet customers' desires in an effective manner. Well enagaged and coordinated employees are liable for achieving goals and objectives of the company in a meaningful manner. HPWs prefer to get together all employees as they can work in team and work effectively for accomplishing goals and objectives of the company in an effective manner.

Therefore, if employees are productive and efficient then any firm can easily achieve high competitive advantage in a short time of span. Furthermore, HPW also helps in providing training and development assistance to staff members as they can learn new skills and capabilities in order to deal with any situation in an effective manner. Along with the core concept of HPWs, is to improve performance level of employees as they can contribute in gaining high competitiev advantage. As if sales are increased then the market share of the frim will automatically grow.

Benefits of high performance working (HPW) is stated as under: -

  • It aids in enrolling staff members for future benefits and training programmes.
  • Rendering and identifying insurance and further beneficial options.
  • Administrating employees surveys to gauge their satisfaction.
  • It enhances employees' knowledge, empowerment, skills and incentives which motives them to accomplish higher performance targets.
  • HPW creates workplace in that people are treated as valuable resources and it also provides full job satisfaction to individuals.

P6 Approaches of performance management

Performance management is one of the important task for every business organisation; it helps managers to evaluate the employees capabilities whether they are able to able to achieve organisational goals and objectives. In TESCO, PM considers with a process of building a work atmosphere in which staff members are facilitated to use best of their competencies (Leonard and Rayport, 2011). managerds

Along with this, it is regular process which involves measuring, demonstrate and developing efficiency of individuals as well as teams. In order to evaluate performance level, managers are using different approaches which improve the effectiveness of their tasks. In order to gain high growth and development it is essential for managers to adopt certain approches of performance management. It gives right direction to business activities and operations. Below mentioned are various approaches of PM: -

  • Behavioural approach - It is one of the most common and traditional approach of performance management. Behaviour approach refers to a chain of vertical scale towards several dimensions of job. It can be done through BARS, (behaviourally anchored rating scale) which involves 5 to 10 rating on scales. In addition, staff members are categorised on the basis of performance level. Apart from this, BOS (behavioural observation scale) is the another tool of behavioural approach; it renders more clear description regarding the behaviour of an individual in any particular task. Although, the approach is consistent as well as accurate. Its main advantage is it provides objectives in order to measure an individual's performance at managerial level. Behavioral approach allows specific performance feedback.
  • Comparative approach - This approach of performance management contains that managers have to use a rater while measuring employees' with others. Along with this, comparative approach assesses overall performance of an individual and gives some ranking for the group of persons. In other words, people are ranked on the basis of highest to lowest. In this context, there are various techniques of comparative approaches, i.e. forced distribution, graphic rating system and paired comparison. In which, forced distribution technique is, it aligns employees performance to organisational performance by confirming top performers will be remunerated or rewarded. And then employees are provided training and development assistance for higher positions. Apart from this, in paired comparison technique an individual performance is compared with another. And the higher performer assigned with a score of 1. At last, managers evaluate performance of each person for various times in order to get favourable decision. Comparative approach is an effective tool which differentiate employees' performance; it eliminates problems of leniency, central tendency and strictness.
  • Quality approach - The approach is applied in order to improve customer satisfaction by plummeting errors in production process. Quality approach aids in accomplishing regular improvisation in products and services so as firm can easily achieve its goals and objectives (Suppiah and Singh Sandhu, 2011). Along with this, the technique is taken into account by person as well as system factor. It also helps employees as they can take continuous feedbacks from managers' regarding professional traits. It relies on primarily combination of attributes and results approaches. Its main advantage is, it is a system oriented approach which focuses on employees performance rather than any aspect.
  • Attribute approach - In this, managers are emphasised on traits and characteristics of individuals who are liable to growth and success of the company. attribute technique involves a set of skills, i.e. leadership, initiative, competitiveness etc. and then monitor people on the same .basis. The prime benefit of this approach is, it is easy to implement and it also generalised a wide range of jobs. If more attention pays in order to determine attributes regarding job performance then; it is valid as well as reliable. Beside this, its main advantage is little congruence among the tools as well as firm's strategy.


Form the above mentioned report, it has been summarised that human resource department plays a significant role in growth and development of a business entity. It helps managers to handle as well as controlled to their all tasks and activities in a pervasive manner. Along with this, HR manager of TESCO should be able to listen employees' needs and also he has capability to make fast results or decisions towards any particular topic. Apart from this, organisational and individual learning helps people to improve their knowledge so as to perform effectively at workplace. For this purpose, managers need to organise various personal and professional programmes in order to boost up employees' efficiency. There are various approaches of performance management, such as- comparative, behavioural, quality etc.


Books and Journal

  • Bolman, L. G. and Deal, T. E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Salas, E. and et. al., 2012. The science of training and development in organizations: What matters in practice. Psychological science in the public interest. 13(2). pp.74-101.
  • Leonard, D. A., 2011. Core capabilities and core rigidities: A paradox in managing new product development. In Managing Knowledge Assets, Creativity And Innovation (pp. 11-27).
  • Seibert, S. E., Wang, G. and Courtright, S. H., 2011. Antecedents and consequences of psychological and team empowerment in organizations: a meta-analytic review.
  • Warrick, D. D., 2011. The urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: Integrating transformational leadership and organization development. Journal of leadership, Accountability, and Ethics. 8(5). pp.11-26.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. and Sun, K., 2011. Breakdowns in implementing models of organization change. The Academy of Management Perspectives. 25(3). pp.58-74.
  • Hu, J. and Liden, R. C., 2011. Antecedents of team potency and team effectiveness: an examination of goal and process clarity and servant leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology. 96(4). p.851.
  • Berry, G. R., 2011. Enhancing effectiveness on virtual teams: Understanding why traditional team skills are insufficient. The Journal of Business Communication (1973). 48(2). pp.186-206.
  • Suppiah, V. and Singh Sandhu, M., 2011. Organisational culture's influence on tacit knowledge-sharing behaviour. Journal of knowledge management. 15(3). pp.462-477.
  • Leonard, D. A. and Rayport, J., 2011. Spark innovation through empathic design. In Managing Knowledge Assets, Creativity And Innovation (pp. 355-369).
  • Tannenbaum, S. I. and et. al., 2012. Teams are changing: Are research and practice evolving fast enough?. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5(1). pp.2-24.
  • Pless, N. M., Maak, T. and Stahl, G. K., 2011. Developing responsible global leaders through international service-learning programs: The Ulysses experience. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 10(2). pp.237-260.
  • O'leary, M. B. and et. al., 2011. Multiple team membership: A theoretical model of its effects on productivity and learning for individuals and teams. Academy of Management Review. 36(3). pp.461-478.


  • Kolb - Learning Styles, 2013. [Online]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 11th November 2017].
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