Have your professors also told you to make sure your work has sufficient words? Now you are worried that you will have to check it manually or use some unsafe application. Well. worry not because we the New Assignment Help Australia have brought our own Word counter. It is an AI-based tool that calculates the number of words and characters in the given text. Our word counter not only provides you with easy access to its application but you can get complete information about the text you have pasted instantly too.

It is very important to know the word count of the text. The students could have guidelines to make academic writing with specific word limits. Similarly, writers can have a minimum or maximum word limit for their poems, stories or anything else. Hence the use of the word count tool is vital. With this information, you can optimise your text accordingly.

The New Assignment Help Australia has been working effectively to provide the students with more academic assistance. Our Word Counter tool has been proven to be one such creation too. Because of our tools' ease and unlimited usage, it is the first stop for Australian students.