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TCHR2002 Children, Families & Communities

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TCHR2002 Children, Families & Communities

Question 1

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Part A

Parent toolkit is one of the parenting websites which help isolated families to take care of their children. This website was launched in the year 2008 and was generalized in the year 2010 intending to identify and monitor early development and education. Also, it is based on two important objectives. The first objective is to increase the participation of the parents in providing support to their children and help them make choices in their studies. The websites contain a set of various tool kits to foster a strong relationship between the parents and their children's teachers of their school staff. Two different sections are concerned with parenting which are the primary toolkit and the secondary toolkit (Lupton et al., 2016). The primary tool aims at learning to read and the teacher invites parents to come to school through the website interaction. The secondary toolkit focuses on supporting parents to understand the structure of the school and the education system. This secondary toolkit helps the parents to understand the organization and method of the school operation which helps the parents in thinking and developing ways that can help in the development of their children. In terms of access to the toolkit, it is much easier as compared to other websites related to parenting. In terms of the efficiency of the websites, the evaluation of the various programs launched by the company shows that it enables much involvement of the parents in their children's activities especially their education (Bowes & Grace, 2014).

Part B

I believe that face-to-face interaction is much more effective than social media connections. There are various important reasons which have made me consider opting for a face to face communication than social media connection. These reasons include the promotion of passive engagement through online interaction. It is been asserted by Przybylski & Weinstein (2013) that online interaction takes place in the context of various online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This multitude of applications can create a passive interaction which I refer to as just scrolling the websites without actually interacting with anyone. This kind of interaction is much like watching television which can decrease the mood and can impact the overall well-being of the individual. It has also been noted that while having face-to-face interaction, there is a quick response or feedback on the message sent. However, through the online platforms, it is often seen that there is a delay in response and therefore I believe that communication done through social media is not free communication and often is fragmented. Clark et al., (2018) state that through online platforms the person's identity or characteristics are not truly represented. Also, people can rewrite text or edit and delete the text endlessly while in the face to face conversation, it is not easy to take back words.

Hence it can be said that face-to-face interaction foster higher quality communication than online communication as the messages are not directly transferred to the person as compared to face-to-face interaction.

Question 2

Part A

Child abuse and neglect do not have a clear definition as they both have different meanings. However, they both are linked to the physical and mental well-being of the individual. Abuse refers to the maltreatment of the child whereas neglect means failure to provide suitable care to the person or children (Zeanah & Humphreys, 2018). It can be said that abuse is the misuse of trust and power while neglect refers to deliberately forgetting to not provide care to the other person or child. In other words, abuse is harming someone or somebody while neglect means not protecting from a harmful event or situation. Hence, it can be said that there is no clear definition of child abuse and child neglect as the consequences are the same but they have a different meanings (Mulder et al., 2018).

Part B

Protecting children from any kind of abuse or neglect or even exploitation is everybody's responsibility. In the protection of the child, it is the duty of the families, government and community to play a significant role in realizing children's rights to protection. It has been pointed out by Ireri (2018) that community-based intervention helps children in getting protection from any abuse and neglect. The NSW has therefore shared responsibility for the well-being of children. Hence, the authorities in Australia focus on various measures to protect the rights of children across the country. They aim to prevent and intervene early in the services that need them the most along with working in improving the way the authorities work with the legal system and families to protect the rights of the children. It has also been noticed that these concerned authorities work with families to make sure that they also follow a few measures that are required for the child safety and protection of the families (Tadese, 2020). They work to provide the children with guardianship which will help them to be protected from any abuse or negligence. Hence, as per the evidence cited, it can be said that it is the combined responsibility of the families, government and communities to act towards child protection and safety.

Part C

While it is the responsibility of the community and the families along with the government, there is also the prevalence of various factors which act as a barrier which prevent the community to take action against abuse. The first barrier is the exposure to the denial of the fact that the children can be abused or mistreated. Also, organizations, it is the not our problem attitude most the organizations as these organizations consider child abuse and neglect a social phenomenon which is beyond their scope and control. Also, they ignore the fact that they are responsible to go beyond their duties to get into the depth of certain issues. Hence, it can be said that these organizations should work based on their moral obligation which can help them in preventing a child from abuse and neglect (Darlington et al., 2005).

Question 3

Part A

Parents and children have a role in governance and opportunities to influence the design and implementation of child care education. This answer is based on the example of the Australian childhood care centre BusyBees where the parents, as well as children, have higher involvement in the day-to-day activities and governance (Wilkins et al., 2019). Their involvement in the governance and the opportunities in the education system helps in providing transparency for both the parent and the children to know about the curriculum structure as well as it gives an overview of how the teachers deal with the students with this it provides the parents with an idea on how their children will be taught. With the involvement in the governance, the parents have the right to be a part of the decision-making process which gives the parents a sense of ownership towards the performance of their child and their school as a whole. With the involvement of the parents, there is an influence on the culture and institutions. Also, the help of parents' contribution in the voluntary participation in the school along with attending parent-teacher meetings and helping the schools in organizing events creates a responsibility of being authorities in terms of their children's education (Radzi et al., 2010). Hence in the centres like BusyBees, the role of parents and children help in a well-adjusted learning atmosphere of the school and also increases the interest of parents in the day-to-day activities of the education centre and consequently, they can feel that they are also an important part of the organization.

Part B

There are many ways through which the BusyBees may improve their partnership with the parents. The organization should work on determining the best method suitable to contact the parents. Hence the organization should adopt different ways to connect with different parents as there might be some who can be extremely busy or extremely shy to get face-to-face contact. A proper messaging channel should be used by the teachers to communicate with the parents to improve their partnership with the parents (Wilkins et al., 2019).

Also, the teacher should take an asset-based approach in communicating with the parents about the progress of the student by seeing the parent as an investor who has invested in the success of their children. Through the asset-based approach, it will be beneficial on part of the organization as with this approach, the parent trust the teacher in various areas such as classroom, instructions and the teacher's role in making the student learn at best. Through this approach, there is a common goal that needs to be shared among the parents and teachers so that both of them have equal trust in each other and they can contribute to the child's education in a better way. Hence it can be said that BusyBees can improve their partnerships with the families of the students (Radzi et al., 2010).


Bowes, J., & Grace, R. (2014). Review of early childhood parenting, education and health intervention programs for Indigenous children and families in Australia.

Clark, J. L., Algoe, S. B., & Green, M. C. (2018). Social network sites and well-being: The role of social connection. Current Directions in Psychological Science27(1), 32-37.

Darlington, Y., Feeney, J. A., & Rixon, K. (2005). Interagency collaboration between child protection and mental health services: Practices, attitudes and barriers. Child abuse & neglect29(10), 1085-1098.

Ireri, A. W. (2018). An assessment of the role of Community based child protection mechanisms in Kilifi County, Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, Strathmore University).

Lupton, D., Pedersen, S., & Thomas, G. M. (2016). Parenting and digital media: from the early web to contemporary digital society. Sociology Compass10(8), 730-743.

Mulder, T. M., Kuiper, K. C., van der Put, C. E., Stams, G. J. J., & Assink, M. (2018). Risk factors for child neglect: A meta-analytic review. Child abuse & neglect77, 198-210.

Przybylski, A. K., & Weinstein, N. (2013). Can you connect with me now? How the presence of mobile communication technology influences face-to-face conversation quality. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships30(3), 237-246.

Radzi, F. A. M., Razak, M. N. A., & Sukor, N. H. M. (2010). Parental Involvement in School to Improve Academic Achievement: Primary Teachers' Views. International Journal of Learning17(9).

Tadese, M. (2020). The Role of Community Care Coalitions (CCCs) for Child Protection Services in Sidama Region, Hawassa City, Ethiopia (Doctoral dissertation).

Wilkins, A., Collet-Sabé, J., Gobby, B., & Hangartner, J. (2019). Translations of new public management: a decentred approach to school governance in four OECD countries. Globalisation, Societies and Education17(2), 147-160.

Zeanah, C. H., & Humphreys, K. L. (2018). Child abuse and neglect. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry57(9), 637-644.

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