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Individual Determinants For Health assignment sample

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Introduction : Individual Determinants For Health

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While working in the healthcare as caregiver sector I encountered a case of Rosa, who was suffering from severe arthritis. This writing is a reflection of my experience to deal with the case. This writing is consistingof several challenges that had been faced by me while treating Rosa. My experience of dealing with such a sensitive case and its several aspects are discussed.


I think living with arthritis was severely painful for Rosa. it was a pathetic incident that Rosa encountered while going for collecting mail, she slipped which led her to neurosurgery, and then suffered arthritis for a long period of time (Case study). I believe that the most challenging thing for Rosa was dealing with chronic pain. Another thing took place in the case. Generally, long periods of suffering lead patients to experience several psychological disorders such as General anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and many other disorders (Ahn&Chae, 2019). Anxiety and depression were also encountered by Rosa.

I believe it was really a troublesome journey for her. As old people know that they are near their death, it produces anxiety for them (Wong et al. 2020). The same went for Rosa, the thought of death and the severe pain of arthritis produced several hazards to her mental health.

I feel the potential impact of my interactions with Rosa is pain. My assumption is that Rosa’s illness regarding arthritis and the experience of the treatment process will be helpful for my future practices. While I was dealing with Rosa’s case it often reminds me of my grandfather, who also suffered due to arthritis. I was very little at that age but I had some prior ideas about how to deal with an arthritis patient.

When I visited Rosa’s house, I experienced a normal behavior of a patient suffering from Arthritis. I experienced a sense of anxiety and depression with Rosa which I genuinely expected from her as I have treated a lot of patients suffering from Arthritis this was well-known to me. In case of Rosa, she was an elderly woman and I felt pity for her as she was going through a lot of pain because of the disease. Before this, I had treated patients who were much younger than this old lady Rosa experienced severe pain, therefore, had a very disturbing attitude in the way she talked and behaved which was quite natural. It was my responsibility to calm her down so that she could feel comfortable. I perceived that she was absorbing a lot of pain from the past few years which she might have neglected in the past this way she increased her agony and at present-day it had reached severe levels.

I would try to keep myself calm while treating such patient’s next time. As sometimes I lost my cool and could hold my temper for the poor lady. I would practice yoga, breathing practices, and different exercise practices to keep myself calm.


In conclusion, it has been a productive journey for me. I got a productive insight into how to deal with such an old patient dealing with arthritis. Several aspects of this treatment process like the mental health of the patient are also encountered by myself.



Ahn, J. A., & Chae, D. (2019). The influences of socio?individual determinants and health information seeking on health?promoting behaviors among migrant women: A cross?sectional study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 16(4), 481-490.DOI: 10.1111/jjns.12259

Wong, M. S., Steers, W. N., Hoggatt, K. J., Ziaeian, B., & Washington, D. L. (2020). Relationship of neighborhood social determinants of health on racial/ethnic mortality disparities in US veterans—mediation and moderating effects. Health services research, 55, 851-862.DOI: 10.1111/1475-6773.13547

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