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Manage Project Stakeholder Management Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Manage Project Stakeholder Management

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Assessment 1: Knowledge based

1. Stakeholder engagement theory and strategies

 According to Friedman's theory, the economic condition and development of an organisation rely on the engagement and responsibility of stockholder groups (, 2019). Friedman's theory is recognised as a stakeholder theory that is concerned to increase the value of stakeholders in business management practice. This theory suggests providing different information based on stakeholder management and way to increase their involvement in a working process concerning allocating and entering their responsibility that contributes to increased effectiveness as well as stakeholder satisfaction (Bellucci and Manetti, 2018). However, Friedman's theory is facing criticism due to a lack of managing social responsibility in stockholder management practice. 

 The stakeholder engagement strategy is associated with surveying stakeholders' engagement, prioritising them concerning their interest and encouragement, measuring ROI and mapping stakeholder engagements, developing a communication plan and maintaining skills and knowledge-based (Torelli et al .2020). Stakeholder mapping helps to identify the roles and responsibilities of stakeholder groups and the survey is concerned to measure their involvement and potentiality in the project management process. Representing value for stakeholder groups involves allowing them to make a decision, develop plans and recognise their contribution through the rewarding process. In this aspect, providing proper training and development opportunities can be segmented as a notable way to recognise contributions and maintain knowledge-based and skill levels in organisations that contribute to increased work performance and engagement of stockholder groups (Loureiro et al. 2020). Apart from that, it can be stated that a stockholder-centric strategy helps to encourage their satisfaction that is important for increasing their involvement in the working process.

2. Levels and meaning of stakeholder engagement

 Stakeholder engagement is associated with three essential levels that include informing, consulting and collaborating. Developing a strategy for stakeholder engagement has to include those three levels to represent value and increase the satisfaction of stakeholder groups. Stakeholder engagement is recognised as a process that is associated with conducting communication and meeting among stakeholders to knowing about them (Pedrini and Ferri, 2018). Stakeholder engagement is defined as a systematic process that involves adequate involvement of stakeholder groups in different activities such as identifying, planning, analysing, prioritising, and implementing. Stakeholder engagement is concerned to influences stakeholder groups and encouraging them to involve active in each action and process of project management.

3. Interests and expectations of stakeholders 

Customers are interested in purchasing high-quality products and services at low cost and exponential purchasing experience. Employee is concerned with earning adequate amounts based on their performance and working in supportive working environments with safety and security (Bahadorestani et al. 2020). Suppliers prefer good revenue and safety in business with the Client Company and the Investor emphasises achieving good returns on revenue. The community is concerned with encouraging social welfare and concerning the good reputation of the organisation as well as governments' interest in taxation and better GDP growth from business.

4. Describe types of project stakeholders.

Stockholder groups can be categorized into different segments such as employee stakes, customer’s stakes, investor stack, supplier’s stakes, government stakes and community stakes (Boaz et al. 2018). On the other hand, different types of stockholder groups in the project management process are the Project manager, Team members, Company owners, Managers, Senior Management, Resource managers, Investors, Executives and clients.

5. Common problems in stakeholder engagement

Several common problems in stakeholder engagement are associated with a variation in decision-making, completing priorities, resource constraints and disparate data and perspectives of stakeholder groups that lead to cresting conflicts and variation in stakeholder engagements (Lehtinen et al. 2019). In event management, project stakeholder groups can be faced different types of issues such as over-budgeting, poor employee involvement, employee conflicts, client dissatisfaction, issues in payments and employee insufficiency. 

6. Information on previous project

 Key stockholders

The client, interior designer, Assistant Project Manager, Trained hospitality professional and chef, Project Manager, and Music expert were stockholders in the event management project based on previous experienced.

Interest of stakeholders

They have an interest in costs, job satisfaction, social value, job security, and customer satisfaction, employee happiness, earning profit and health and safety.

Expectation of stakeholders

 The expectation of stakeholder groups was to make the event successful concerning the utilisation of the right tools, techniques and supports that contribute to increasing profit, and social reputation as well as the development of the company with effective customer satisfaction (de Oliveira and Rabechini, 2019). 


  • To create a transparent decision-making and problem-solving process with inputs from each member of stakeholder groups
  • To develop supportive and collaborative working environments
  • To increase employee satisfaction with exponential service and products
  • To increase employee happiness through improving their knowledge-based and potentiality with learning and development opportunities
  • to represent value for stakeholder groups as well as the manpower of the organisation


  • To save time and money and increase work efficiency through finishing projects successfully with effective engagements of stockholder groups
  • To develop organisational processes and working environments positively concerning employee satisfaction and overall performance

Communication method

 Previous event management process has been conducted through verbal, non-verbal, written and telecommunication process that helps to manage stockholders' engagements and job location process as well as every dimension of the event management process effectively (Petkovic et al. 2020). 

Issues and risks

Yes, stakeholder engagements and investments have several issues such as employee conflicts due to variation in perspective, insufficient knowledge and skills as well as overspending due to poor management and assessment practice.

Way of increasing stakeholder engagements

Conducting a communication plan for discussing important aspects of event management and representing value for them helps to influence stockholder engagement. Providing proper training and opportunity for career development through recognising them with rewards and incentives helps to increase their involvement in working practice effectively (Xia et al. 2018). In the previous event management process, this team was enabled to achieve effective customer satisfaction, a high rate of profit as well as brand equity due to completing the project successfully and avoiding any kind of issues. 

Learning outcome

Throughout the previous experience, it has been learned that influencing workforces and representing value for stakeholders helps to make the project successful with effective engagements of stakeholder groups because stakeholders are key components to executing and planning a project as well as events.

Improvements and change 

After studying stakeholder engagements, I always try to decide by discussing with them and sharing different information ly transparent decision managing processes that will help me to become successful in the upcoming days.

Personal lacking

Yes, I have to improve my communication and interpersonal skill to communicate and share information with stakeholder groups through influencing listening capability as was acceptance with agreeableness. 

Assessments 2: Case study analysis

Section 1: Set Up Project Overview

1. 1. Impacts of constraints/issues based on the project


Impact on the project

Over Spending

Overspending by clients in event management leads to creating lack of availability of products and financial issues that contribute to creating a huge loss in the budget management process. 

Lack of money comparing budget

 Increasing expenditure comparing budget is responsible for creating low reinvestments, and a higher level of borrowing that affects ultimate profitability as well as the availability of required elements in the project management process (Hughes et al.2022). 

Too Many Guests 

Attending to more guests, a greater than expected number makes issues in the quality of service that can be recognised as problems in accommodations and caterers concerning the reduction of recession value. Excessive attendance of guests in reception is interesting with over budgeting with makes uncertainty in procuring resources such as food, being, accommodation and financial aspects.

Gifts at the Wedding Reception

Attending many guests and do not provide adequate gifts makes issues for clients because they prefer to manage the expenditure of the wedding from gifts of guests. Concerning those issues, it can be analysed project management will be affected by low reinvestments and loss due to a lack of interest payment by wedding planners (Ferreir et al.2020). 

Lack of client knowledge

 Lack of client knowledge about budget and requirements in weddings is associated with burgeoning for products and unnecessary spending that affects the management process of event manager as well as creates arguments. 

Family issues based on variability in decision

Variability in the decision of different family members of client parties makes issues for an event manager to deciding procured elements and makes budget plan as well as issues in the decoration and management process. 

2. Assumption of issues and their impacts


Impact on the project

Marriage and reception at church

 Well-organised wedding plan at a low cost that can be managed within budget (Refers to case study)

 Marriage at the Banquet, and father's restaurant of tony

Well-organised wedding plan but too expensive creates overspending in event management

3. WBS

4. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders




Skills/Competency and Knowledge

Project Manager

Managing and observing every segment of wedding events (Giordano et al.2020)

· Operational skills

· communication and interpersonal skill

· negotiation skill

· time management skill

· Budgeting

· Decision-making and problem-solving skills

· Management skill

Jane Smith

Trained hospitality professional and chef 

 Managing food and hospitality-related segments such as accommodation and entertainment, and travel

· Cooking

· Customer service concerning hospitality related skill

· Multi-tasking

· Time Management

· Communication and Interpersonal Skills

· Flexibility

Tom John

Assistant Project Manager

 Supervising event management process concerning involvements of other workers and providing updates to project manager

· Communication and Interpersonal Skills

· time management skill

· Observation skill

· Risk assessments skill

· Knowledge about finance

· Employee management capability

· Decision-making and problem-solving capability

Louise Red

Interior Designer

Managing decoration, and accommodation part in this wedding events 

· Creativity and innovation

· Trend identification

· Superior communication

· Knowledge of sustainable practices

· Sketching ability

· Operational skills

· Computer knowledge

Mark Green

Music expert 

Entertainment of guests with background music in wedding events (Refers to case study) 

· Singing

· Reliability

· Creativity

· Rhythmic

· Singing lots of tunes

· Motivation, and determination

· Flexibility 

· Self-discipline

· Time management skill

· Perseverance

· Confidence

5. Skill analysis and developments

Lacking Skill /Competency for stakeholder engagement

Professional development recommended

Project Manager

Lack of dealing with customers about particular budgets concerning business profitability leads to creating over-spending

 Have to develop a contract for recovering overspending without affecting loss that is associated with improvements of client dealing skills and capability

Jane Smith

 Inadequate knowledge about the number of foods and other hospitality-related elements that affects the budget due to over-borrowing (Refers to case study) 

Have to improve measurements and assumption capability for borrowing an adequate amount of products and required elements

Tom John

Less capability in risk assessments that is responsible for creating budget-related issues as well as overspending

 have to improve risk assessment capability to minimised overspending with preparedness

Louise Red

 lack of employee management capability during decoration as well as budgeting skill

Have to improve employee management capability to decorate effectively as well as purchase products within budget

Mark Green

Lack of guiding other team members that are responsible for delivering improper and dis-satisfied entertainment to guests

Have to enhance team management and scheduling process for satisfied and entertaining guests 24/7

6. Way to influence support team and stockholder engagements

Stakeholder engagement can be improved through d developing a proper stockholder mapping concerning their roles and responsibilities that can be recognised as a significant factor in stockholder identification and management process. Conducting a communication plan with the stakeholder groups helps to analyse performance and progress reports in the event management process that is important for increasing stakeholder engagement and increasing the effectiveness of the event management process (When et al.2018). Pro-activate mitigation of lacking and insufficiency of stakeholder group is required to increase their effectiveness and makes the project successful. A proactive mitigation process is associated with training and development as well as recognition for stakeholder groups in the event management process.

7. Objectives of project

  • To increase client and guests satisfaction with remarkable hospitality service as well as wedding design
  • To create memorable events for clients by delivering them exponential experience
  • To acquire profit through designing and planning events as per clients' expectation
  • To represent an appreciable event with control action in the event management process concerning arising issues

8. Stakeholder’s analysis matrix


Stakeholder Interests in the Project

Assessment of Impact and Authority

Potential strategies for gaining support and reducing objections

Communication Needs/Form of engagement

Project Manager

Managing wedding events, increasing client satisfaction to earn profit and making a reputation for expanding business 

Proper event management with less possibility of issues and dissatisfaction of guests but there is an issue regarding overspending

Creating a business contract with a client based on budget and expenditure and strengthening operational guidelines is required to reduce objection(Refers to case study) 

Business meetings with clients and business meetings with the project team based on the working process and its maintenance

Trained hospitality professional and chef 

 Producing and delivering testy foods and drinks to guests and managing accommodation and travel-related activities with the team, member

 Excessive food waste due to over-borrowing affects profitability with increased expenditure

 Developing contract with food and another ingredient supplier concerning return policies helps to reduce food waste 

Meeting with the project manager and supplier team

Assistant Project Manager 

Supervising events and analysing risk for increasing effectiveness with preparedness, updating information to the project manager and managing workers

Increasing overspending due to a lack of risk management and work m management practice is responsible for creating loss 

Be aware of managing employees and other activities in the event by providing proper guidelines concerning do's and don't 

Meeting with the project manager and other team members

Interior Designer

Designing and decorating the reception place properly to represent creativity concerning client interest and managing the team 

 Issues with managing time and maintaining client expectations due to timeless style

Note down clients' expectations during meetings and follow them concerning budget and availability of resources as well as time management

Conducting meetings with clients and project managers as well as supplier

Music expert 

Entertaining guests through singing and dancing as well as playing background music in special events and moments as well as managing the music team effectively 

Lack of creating variable tone based on the situation that affects guests' expectations as well as improper involvement in the music team (Refers to case study) 

 Using auto-tune will be preferable for singing the situational songs and providing proper training to the music team helps to encourage their active involvement in entertaining guests

Communicating with a client, project manager and music team 


Making decisions and financing to project manager for conducting events for

Variability in their decision and issues in budget affects the quality of events 

Discussing with the project manager and analysing their template and deciding according to budget

Communicating with family members and the project manager

9. Interest and power grid of stockholders

Jane Smith

Activity management

Mark Green

keep satisfied 

Tom John


 Louise Red

be organised

10. Stakeholder analysis

  1. Stockholder interest
  • Job security
  • Employee happiness
  • Health and Safety
  • Profits
  • Costs
  • Social impact
  1. Implication process based on requirements

Providing training and development opportunities helps to increase employee satisfaction and influence employee involvement in the working process for delivering exponential service for customers and guests. Proper interaction and conducting the meeting is important for planning events as per customers' requirements and encouraging their interest and satisfaction level concerning stakeholders' interest in event management (Boaz et al. 2018). Developing proper stakeholder mapping and assigning their tasks as power roles and responsibility helps to reduce employee conflicts and increase the effectiveness of project deliverables. In this aspect, employee motivation and proper project planning with collaborating in important as well as marketing is included with the effective project management process. Recognizing the creativity of music experts, and event designers and the dedication of trained safe, hospitality managers, and assistant projects is required to encourage them to work effectively. 

Section 2: Manage Effective Stakeholder Engagement

1. Identify and list the objectives of stakeholder engagement

The objective of stakeholder engagement has been achieved in a transparent decision-making process with a greater range of inputs that have increased the ultimate ranges of productivity rates. The objectives of stakeholder engagements are to prioritise the influences and interest rates by mapping the stakeholders to determine the ROI in stakeholders by creating engagement ratios and developing the cultures of communications by balancing the institutional knowledge rates (Armenia et al. 2019). Therefore, it can also be stated that the chances of working conditions and developments of working flexibility rates can also be sustainably developed by improving the cultures of workers' attitudes in a sustainable manner. 

2. Issues associated with the engagement of stakeholders

At the time working in the retail organisations related to Woolworth Group, there have also been enhanced wider ranges of challenges that have increased the rate of difficulties for fulfilling the objectives and constant developments in the rates of stakeholder’s engagement ratio effectively (, 2022). The issues regarding multiple decision makers, resource constraints, disparate opinions, data, and competing priorities have also been considered as other problems that have been enhancing the rates of disruptions. As stated by Carroll and Brown (2022), by creating an alignment with stakeholders and competing with the accurate ranges of priorities by developing the cultures of communication planning infrastructures the chances of sharing information rates have also been sustainably developed. In this context, need to be developing cultures of multiple ranges of attributes related to Communication, transparency, and accuracy the rates of completing identification modules have also been eventually developed by making the ultimate ranges of net income statement ratios. Along with that, addressing the right technology, balancing distributions and infrastructures channels and offerings of multi-channel customers buying experiences have been treated as another problematic approach that can also be faced by the retail industry, situated in Australia. 

3. Clarify stakeholder behavioural expectations

Taking the help of the multiple ranges of measurements the chances of development activity rates can also be easily accessed and the rates of production ability can be sustainably developed. In this context, the multiplier ranges of strategic attributes related to "Stakeholder Mapping, Identification the triggers, influenced the key" factors the chances of team building ability and rate of team building ability can also be getting easily accessed effectively. As opined by Nguyen et al. (2018), the initial process has created a positive effect by making an establishment the foundations that have designed the process and that have identified the accurate ranges of the process and managing the workplace cultures of the organisations. However, Carroll and Brown (2022), have stated that by taking different kinds of action plans the chances of identification rates can also be effectively developed by identifying the stakeholders and managing the multiple stakeholders the shares of evidence for this research can also be effectively developed and there can also be values have also be generated. The expectations of stakeholders have been briefly considered into multiple ranges of attributes related to change issues, Record issues and Activity issues that are motivated, developing the cultures of performance rates, and successfully managing the process effectively. 

4. Address the following:

  1. Opportunities for engagement 

A project, manager needs to be developing the cultures of multiple ranges of aspects related to the development of communications, time management skills and problem-solving ability. According to Pedrini and Ferri (2018), focusing on the multiple ranges of attributes related to leadership ability, organisational awareness, project management and decision-making skills that have been created a positive effect on successful handling in organisations. Thus, by balancing the timelines and budgets the chances of quality of work and development of productivity rates have also been easily accessed by gaining the ultimate ranges of competitive advantages in a sustainable manner. Collections of possible information through the workers, engaging the stakeholders with the estimation values, directed with integrity modules, developments of listening activities and seeking the understanding rates by talking with another customer have also been considered as other opportunities for developing the cultures of working flexibilities. 

  1. Ensure stakeholders agree on communication methods

As stated by Xia et al. (2018), the developments of communications methods have also been making positive effects on increasing the rates of production abilities and profit margin rates accordingly. The multiple ranges of strategies such as "Identification of triggers, influence is key, stakeholder mapping, absenteeism of opportunities and proactive migrations" have also increased the rates of communications progress. Therefore, the following cultures of differentiation of aspects related to identification of stakeholders, practice and policy-relevant topics, prioritisation and gaming of review questions and developments of the scope of a review by creating a draft, the chances of development activities modules could also be easily developed. Taking the appropriate ranges of measurement plans the rates of incentives and developments of opportunities rates can also be easily accessed by increasing the rates of accurate ranges of planning infrastructures rates. As a result, the constant development rates of engagement opportunities have been also managing the expectations and building the team enhancements opportunities that have generated the trusting opportunities modules based on the organisational infrastructures (Hu et al. 2019). 

5. Address the following:

  1. Project Authority 

Woolworth Group has recently tried to develop cultures of multiple ranges of attributes related to improvements of "Customer service, e-commerce sectors and in-store experienced cultures" for increasing the rates of technological advancements modules (, 2022). As stated by de Oliveira and Rabechini (2019), by providing the accurate ranges of training facilities among the workers and assisting with the e-commerce growing structures the chances of development activities rates have also been effectively developed. Improvements of market infrastructure growth and making a wider range of changes in the delivery process the ultimate ranges of the online delivery modules can also be effectively improved. Along with that, the creation of effective ranges of planning infrastructures has also increased the rates of profit margins rates and the recognized collaboration tools have helped the respective retail industry to minimize the risk factors that have been already faced by the industry. 

  1. Communicate information as planned 

As opined by El Khatib et al. (2018), using different kinds of methods the chances of communication planning have been sustainably developed "Weekly checks-ins" have been considered one of them. In this context, "Meetings, status reports, formal presentations, project dashboards, surveys, meetings summaries, and to-do lists" have also created a positive effect to improve the cultures of communication progress by determining the ultimate ranges of determinations and net income statement rates based on the company's perspectives. In this context, there can also be overviewed the wider range of developments of the constantly increased rates of communication modules related to transparent working progress, usages of collaboration tools, precise concepts and developments of team managing ability have also been considered as one of them. 

6. Manage conflicts with them based on your stakeholder analysis

Working in the retail organisations related to Woolworth Group, there have overseen a wider range of attributes related to addressed conflicts, uncovering the motivations based on stakeholders' perspectives, notifying of relationship structures, and involvements with senior management team by determined the stakeholder's groups the chances of issues mitigations rates can also be effectively developed (, 2022). As stated by Lehtinen et al. (2019), using the multiple ranges of forms of communication and routes by collecting reliable feedback the chances of stakeholders' perspectives have also been sustainably developed by diversifying the stakeholder groups' rates of engagements authority rates have also been sustainably developed. It can also be identified that the stakeholders of the respective retail organisations are Customers and investors taking the necessary action plans and the proper usage of communication methods has helped to resolve the conflicts and created positive effects to increase the rates of team building ability. In this regard, the improvements in financial infrastructure and the adaptations of effective ranges of planning platforms have been also sustainably developed by constantly developing the cultures of economic stability that can also be making positive effects on increasing the ultimate ranges of net income statement module (Mikkelsen, 2020). 

7. Lead stakeholder performance reviews for this project

Taking the necessary action plan and constantly increasing the use rates of different kinds of strategic attributes related to SWOT Analysis the strengths, threats, opportunities and weaknesses have also been effectively identified. According to Vuorinen and Martinsuo (2019), the collection of reliable information related to feedback has also been effectively collected through increased constant using rates of multiplier ranges of attributes related to "Email, Collaborative spreadsheets, feedbacks collections platforms, team meetings and chat". Along with that, the constantly increasing the using rates of the above-depicted innovative platforms the chances of engagement rates as well as developments of infrastructures modules have been also sustainably improved by creating a positive effect to identify the accurate ranges of issues. Therefore, the appropriate range of issues has also been eventually collected by creating an effective range of decision-making cultures.



Bellucci, M. and Manetti, G., 2018. Stakeholder engagement and sustainability reporting. Routledge.

Carroll, A.B. and Brown, J., 2022. Business & society: Ethics, sustainability & stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.


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