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Introduction: Reflecting and Improving Professional Practice in Human Services

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Task 1


This paperwork has been divided into three different tasks the first task needs to create or design an action plan with provided client information. The below figure shows the three other clients' action plans and there have some different columns for inputting their plan details. As per the view of Alqahtani and Orji, (2020), the main focusing goal is that this plan has been provided with an efficient framework that is executing particular tasks, and then completes the work without distractions.

Figure 1: Action plan

(Source: Acquired from Excel)

The social, emotional, mental, and physical decreases are affected by the five different types of factors. These factors are, connecting with other people, for good relationships that are most important for their mental well-being. As per the view of Orji et al. (2020), it is helping to build the belonging sense as well as self-worth. It is given an opportunity that shares good experiences. It also provides emotional support as well as allows to others support. There have more things that can be trying to helping for build more strongest and close relationships. Then the thing is that being physically active is being active which is not only well for physical fitness and also health. Most evidence are also shows that it is also improved mental health. It is raising to helping to set their challenges or goals and also achieved them.


The reducing ability is with to the participate in based on citizenship activities, and it is poverty often that making to engage citizens in the anti-social activities as voter apathy, cheating and also theft. The poor citizen cannot participant in any types of national issues. As per the view of Carina et al. (2018), the ignorant persons are often that it can be fails to the differentiate along right and wrong as well as these are prevents as citizens from making some full of national contribution developments. The self-interest is an individual who can be motivated with the self-interest an avoids the simple ignores or public responsibility that is general welfare of the society. The defects in the electoral system while with large citizens are not have any confidence in the system of an electoral. It can be making them to losing an interest in state affairs.


In Australia poverty snapshot has been find out there 3.3 million people as 13.4% people are living below line of poverty and the 50% of income median has been includes to the 16.6% of the children. As per the view of Edwards et al. (2017), there are have some main causes in inequality as well as poverty that are access to income and work, housing, education, services and health. Individual groups of the Australian people society are with a high scale risk of the income poverty. It can be seen to the below table and that groups are most experiencing with a poverty income that are with the single people who can over the age below 65, and 47% of people who are living the poverty under line in 2006 as well as the unemployed people, and 45% of people were living to the under of poverty line and it is at 2006 were using the 50% of the median income of poverty line.


Australians have to gained 0.4 years life expectancy and it is since by 2019, moreover the global life of expectancy has been dropped from the 71.0 to 72.8 over the several period due to covid 19 impact. As per the view of Fleming et al. (2020), the low expectancy in Australia studies is suggest that people is with to the lower level education and low income that are greater with the risk of disability and illness, with the reasons that are including to the differences in the nutrition, smoking rates, activity levels, and access to the medical care.


The restrictions are still in the place of Australia after affected by Covid 19, in public services and spaces. The social distance restrictions as well as it is with another local measured that are still within the Australia across place with the variations number. In Australia isolation means as staying at accommodation or home and remaining to separate from the others. If the isolating is with to the Covid 19 that are not to be go with out in the public. There people do not go to school, work, university or childcare. As per the view of Graham et al. (2021), it can be could not travel on the public transport or it is with in the ride-share and taxis of vehicles.

Task 2

The SDA is especially with two designed housing or it can be modified with an existing housing for the people with to high level intensity that are needs. The SIL on another hand, and it can be referring to onsite that supports as well as daily services are living that people can live to as an independently as such possible.

2.1 Cultural and social issues

Cultural and social factors are having negative impact on their people support. It is with crucial which are understanding this while working people are with that can be helping with them and making informs and appropriate decisions as to support that can be needed. As per the view of Haddad et al. (2019), the population size, growth of population as well as migration are with the first factors that are with to the effects of population in the quality life. The next factors are affected with the life quality that are with cultural values, political system and social systems. It is making sure that it has been listen to actively to their complaints or problems and also resist with the urge of interrupt or it can be solving the problem in the right away. It is understanding and empathic as well as making sure that communicates.

Task 3

3.1 Feedback gain to the supervisor

To - supervision1234@gmailcom

Subject - Cultural and Social Context

Respected Sir/ Madam,

The cultural model of disability values as a human diversity, and it is with the model’s perspective, lack of the accessibility, ableism as well as some personal feelings are caused by the heightened of problems as well as serve as the individuals’ barriers with disabilities. The culture disability is about to the self-value and visibility. It is with too many society groups and it is recognition with other only coming with the self-awareness with the group’s strengths and differences. It is disability cultures are offers to the people ways are with to the various disabilities to pursue their sharing goals. The model of social disability is with the disabled people to the society barriers, as buildings that are not having with accessible toilets or ramp, or people’s attitude, as assumed the people with the disability does not certain things.


Yours faithfully,

John Louis


The social monitoring is also simply to the collating process, responding and identifying these mentions brand. It is such as, with a big brand that can be might to employ or clients to the social media group to watch the mentions as responding and Twitter to in the time manner. As per the view of Hung et al. (2019), the using techniques are provided to the monitoring process as health inequities are raised from the unfair conditions that are faced by the people with disabilities, and also including to discrimination, stigma, poverty, employment and also exclusion from the employment and education. The faced barriers are with the health system itself. The result attitudes are including to the fear, pity, guilt, uneasiness, respect and sympathy. These perceptions negative with the disability persons relegate with the background disabilities, and thereby with to making the biggest oppressed with the society monitoring.

The intersectionality concept explains that the ways which are systems of an inequality depend on the ethnicity, gender, disability, and class with the discrimination forms intersect to creating a unique effects and dynamics. It is accordingly with the three intersectionality forms, political, structure and the representational intersectionality. As per the view of Lambert et al. (2018), the social intersectionality is with for the conceptualization framework with a person, social problem that are affected by the discriminations number as well as disadvantages. It can be taken into the people account overlapping experiences and identities in the order that is understanding the prejudices complexity they can face. The intersectionality is type of metaphor to understanding the multiple ways inequality forms or disadvantages with sometimes are compounded themselves as well as creating obstacles that are often that it is not to be understanding among to the ways of conventional thinking.

Intersectionality is most famous with the studies of communication as it can be given to the in-depth understanding to an interplay different type of social categories as well as communication. As per the view of Lee et al. (2020), the diversity context as well as inclusion, intersectionality has been describing to the relationship with an interconnected of the categorizations of social that are applied to the group or individually. The cultural and social context has been referring to the basic concept about the language, and it is rather than to an existing within the isolation and it is closely linked with the society and culture which is used. It is mean as while language is learned, the cultural or socio context then it can be used for needs to take into the consideration.

The cultural and social analysis has been origins with the anthropology and sociology. It is basically examining the sociology groups that can be constitute the interaction processes, constitute societies along these effects and groups these interactions fields as education, law and economics. As per the view of Liu et al. (2020), the social and cultural analysis does not only focus on the structures baseline, but it is also factors to an introducing the exogenous and endogenous changes to the societies. It can be providing to basic understanding to the societies behavior towards development the co-operation considered societies as whole or it is an individual comprising groups society.

The approaches are evaluated to aims that understanding that how its dynamics within the social hierarchies, society, social relations depend on the gender, and beliefs to religious with some common perceptions of money, poverty and wealth can be influenced the implementation and acceptance to the co-operation programmers. As per the view of Mohammed et al. (2020), to analysis the social changes as well as impediments to the development with social and cultural analysis could be with a principal tools for strategies design as well as programmes definition. It can be facilities that understanding with the social capacity structure to enhance and absorb to changing induced the development implementation strategies. Sometimes, it can be provides to the identifying any types of constraints that are such as imped of changes, and it is therefore to the dynamic process, and it is in with the static contrast of the society description.

The evaluation about the social and cultural analysis is most appropriate with an evaluations, as it is understanding to the national societies that is with a components that is with the entire process of co-operation that can be leaned. As per the view of Sánchez et al. (2019), the particular using can be developed here. The evaluator could be established the social framework that can be with an incorporating strategy for the co-operation development. It is with to the strategy as well as resulting to the programmes that are mostly like or less successful in the various types of the development favor strategies. The operating programme;s are managed that who otherwise go to the against of the particular social, political and religious characteristics, interest groups and cultural habits that are doing here. As per the view of Sarsak et al. (2020), the research paper has been described some social and cultural things and it is most important for this paperwork.


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