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Introduction: Development of an E-Portfolio Website
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An educational e-portfolio is an electronic collection generated by a student of one course-related work, like writing, commenters, images, videos, and illustrations; educational e-portfolios can also obtain other elements of a participant life, such as volunteer work, job history, extracurriculars, and more. In other words, e-portfolios record and make visible learning outcomes. But just a good e-portfolio should be more than a range of products. Adults are more digitally present, the material, viewpoints, photos, video clips, and more contribute all over multiple online forums and digital media. Grown-ups across generations. A great e-portfolio is a product electronic relic compilation and a procedure of reflecting on those artifacts and what they come with. Like an LMS, e-portfolios exist on the internet and assist student learning. Those who vary in two main ways, notably possession and regulation, from learning analytics.
Higher education should therefore sell new discussion boards and social media as a way to enhance the image and increase students' awareness of the virtual social discussion and its donations (Slepcevic et al. 2018). However, critics weakened the concept of digital indigenous people and recent research has also shown that students are primarily customers of social media and not automatically translated into critical and professional online networks or communities their use in social Facebook. Therefore argued that the key role of the teacher has not been superseded by mobile phones. The provable lack of student critical skills makes it even more essential. With the help of python and a database, the website will be created to keep track of every student's record for future reference.
Content of Pages
This section describes the content of the pages that are present in the developed website. The pages include a CV, Reflective, University, About, and home page (Thibodeaux et al. 2017). The pages are created and designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript web technologies. The content of the pages that are present on the website is described below.
Reflective Page
We basically created a website that shows the digital identity of an individual. We implemented the website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This website basically displays the e-portfolio of a student which includes the details of the student, university, and other things. In the first week, we created the home page as well as the index page of the website which has hypertext navigation that links to other pages. On the index page of the website, there will be various hypertext navigation like home, reflective pages, CV, About, and the university. When the user will click on any of the hypertexts, the user will be redirected to the particular page. So, at the end of week 1, the index and the home page are created. In the 2nd week, the CV is created in the doc file and the CV is being implemented in the developed website so that the visitor can display the CV when clicking on that hypertext. In the 3rd week, the "About me" page is created showing the various details of the student related to academic qualifications and other things. In the 4th week, the university page is created and developed that will provide the details of the university (Douglas et al. 2019). On that page, the university photos are also described. In the final or the 5th week, the reflective pages are being created which includes the tasks performed each week while developing the website
About me Page
Hi, you have just landed on my about me page, and let me tell you something about myself. I am XYZ and I study at the University of West London. My stream is the School of Computing and Engineering. I would like to tell you that the website is being created to display my portfolio and visualize various things including CV, university, and so on. On the reflective page, the tasks completed by me are mentioned on the basis of the week (Morreale et al. 2017). My objective is to get a difficult position in an established organization to develop my expertise, abilities, and knowledge. It is also required to ensure that my expertise and education are fully utilized and make a major contribution to the organization's growth.
University Page
The Campus of West London is West England's chosen professional university, providing excellent transport infrastructure, manufacturing facilities, outstanding connections to the industry, and incredible job openings. UWL centralizes everything England brings into a legitimate supportive atmosphere where everyone is gratefully received, identified, and endorsed for their enormous potential. The university campus has altered from a constant curriculum of significant investments in amenities to great new teaching and academic areas with advanced tech. For three years, the University has begun a £150m bill proposes to improve the learning environment in society and trying to learn, preserving its position as London's leading learning institution. During the process, the University has worked in close collaboration with the Student Association and student-elected officials to make sure that the school's reputation is at the center of the proposal.
Today, employers worldwide are progressively going to check prospective hires online in order to identify their suitability as part of a job procedure. So electronic research now represents a competitive edge for teachers and students (Mahasneh et al. 2020). Online learning delivers healthcare different examples, including changing from postcolonial theory professional development to educational settings, starting to move from technological innovation to reinventing tasks, to concentrate on originality as guarantee effectiveness of fresh concepts, to epistemological constructing knowledge.
Design and Implementation
This part describes the design as well as the implementation of the website that is being developed. Portfolio methodology is changing significantly, as people transition from conventional paper portfolios to computerized database technology portfolio systems. Portfolios enable students to rethink and narrate their educational experience through what is known as “think and act” (Chang et al. 2018). This is a repetitious process of looking back at past achievements and looking forward to seeing objectives. Portfolios help pupils in finding links between "constructive reflection" that they have accomplished or have learned, the method of developing a cumulative, multi-selfish, multi-voiced identification. In the process, students build a cohesive sense of their very own acquisition of knowledge and establish a developing identity as a learned self.

The portfolios stress the learning process, as they stimulate reflection and modification. Portfolio learning implies that the artifacts collected in a portfolio demonstrate this learning process and produce a fuller image of the student than merely the completed output. Portfolios enable students to take over their own knowledge and take charge of it. Students grow up to be critical thinkers through the management of their work, their choice of which artifacts represent their achievements, and how these artifacts show progress in education (Pitts et al. 2019). These are profoundly interconnected principles. Collectively, they encourage the dynamic participation of students in the creation of their learning selves as well as in the building of a logical statement of who they are.
The website of e-portfolio is being created which shows all the details of a college student including CV, university details and so on. The design of the website is made in such a way so that the website becomes efficient and user-friendly. The implementation of the website is done with the help of several web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web technology like HTML is basically used to structure the web pages and CSS is used for designing and styling the web page in the developed website. The usage of the Web has had numerous good educational consequences (Wilson et al. 2018). The worldwide website. Conventional schools address time and space constraints. Instructors and learners increasingly use the Web to access large quantities of online data and knowledge. This developed website also permits interaction both asynchronous as well as synchronous. Despite the numerous benefits of the web, the shortage of face-to-face connections might undermine the enthusiasm of pupils.
Figure 1: Home Page
(Source: Self-created)
This is the homepage of the website, where users will get a small introduction of the website's purpose. This is an E-Portfolio page where any course-related task such as posters, essays, videos, photographs, and artwork are being captured. Academic portfolios can keep a record of various perspectives of individual students (Roberts et al. 2018). They can share their employment history, volunteer experiences, extracurricular activities, and many more ideas and new concepts. This website is created to make E-Portfolios more than just a collection of products. It is developed to be innovative and effective.
Figure 2: Reflective Page
(Source: Self-created)
In the above figure, this is a reflective page where the time schedule of the project development has been displayed on the webpage. This shows on which week which task has been conducted. On week 1 the home page was implemented (Haggerty et al. 2017). Next week the CV page will be implemented. On the third about me page and similarly, on the fourth and fifth week, my university page and reflective page were implemented respectively. These have been recorded in order to keep track of the progress of the entire project.
Figure 3: CV Page
(Source: Self-created)
This website has a menu and one of the menus where you can see the curriculum activity of others along with a beautiful background. The top middle option section will show your name after that there will be an Email address, contact and also academic background and hobbies and this will help someone to understand (Mueller et al. 2018).e-portfolios can enable students to improve new or more profound learning, resulting in higher levels of education, help students to develop a positive impression of themselves first learners and as persons, share their knowledge with family members and friends, and showcase students' accomplishments once utilizing.
Figure 4: About me Page
(Source: Self-created)
This will explain everything about the person. Build and share an e-portfolio with your students. The obstacles and advantages of keeping an e-portfolio are better understood and will also try and convince students to be an effective activity. Incorporate the e-portfolios of other students into the evaluation and comment them on each other. For example, in the online space your course has in the LMS university you can have a link to each student blog. You can also generate an e-Portfolio discussion board in which youngsters on one another's portfolios are helpful and friendly (Batson et al. 2017). To promote, report, and archive effective teaching, an e-portfolio has already been used. It offers students a learning tool for clarifying their education objectives, integrating and solidifying learning via reflective thinking, and displaying prospective employers (Munday et al. 2017). By reflecting on what they experienced, how they started to learn it, and how much they learned, students begin to regulate their own learning.
Figure 5: University Page
(Source: Self-created)
This is the university page of the developed website. On this page, it is also seen that there are navigation bars at the top of the page and in the navigation bar there are various hyperlinks to the various other pages of the developed website (Scholz et al. 2017). On this particular page, it is seen that there is an image provided of the university in which the student studies. Below the image, there are details of the university provided.
Future scope
The e-Portfolio is also a connection between the university and a college, as the students who are coming are involved in a transfer program of honor and can complete their classes by using this e-Portfolio. In this project, there is only the resume of a student (Collins et al. 2018). But in the future, the student will be able to make the resume of other students also with the help of the following website. The student will be able to add other details to this website also in the future. The student can be able to link his resume with the other online coaching center so that the student gets selected for the classes of an online coaching center (Tur et al. 2019). The student can be able to make his resume more attractive by adding several features with the help of this website.
There is a boom in the use of the e-portfolio for knowledge and competence development and management. Today, we have moved towards a wisdom society and digital culture. This shift is entirely consistent with the development of e-portfolios. The technologies should be utilized to effectively satisfy people and to best represent the learner; one must therefore use their e-portfolios. As per the outcome, people will enjoy this software for personal uses and the benefits will be countless for students. Most people do not think they are independent learners as they enter college. Sometimes it is believed that teacher’s kind of make you know or prevent you from learning in some cases. Many see tasks, necessary courses, and examinations as hurdles to their future path.
Batson, T., Coleman, K.S., Chen, H.L., Watson, C.E., Rhodes, T.L. and Harver, A., 2017. Field guide to ePortfolio. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 109.
Chang, C.C., Chou, P.N. and Liang, C., 2018. Using ePortfolio-based learning approach to facilitate knowledge sharing and creation of college students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(1).
Collins, E. and O'Brien, R., 2018. Highly Structured ePortfolio Platform for Bachelor of Nursing Students: Lessons Learned in Implementation. International Journal of ePortfolio, 8(1), pp.43-55.
Douglas, M.E., Peecksen, S., Rogers, J. and Simmons, M., 2019. College Students' Motivation and Confidence for ePortfolio Use. International Journal of ePortfolio, 9(1), pp.1-16.
Haggerty, C. and Thompson, T., 2017. The challenges of incorporating ePortfolio into an undergraduate nursing programme. Open Praxis, 9(2), pp.245-252.
Mahasneh, O.M., 2020. A Proposed Model for the University Students' E-Portfolio. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 7(1), pp.28-33.
Morreale, C. and Zile-Tamsen, V., 2017. Thinking Skills by Design: Using a Capstone ePortfolio to Promote Reflection, Critical Thinking, and Curriculum Integration. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(1), pp.13-28.
Mueller, R.A. and Bair, H., 2018. Deconstructing the Notion of ePortfolio as a'High Impact Practice': A Self-Study and Comparative Analysis. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(3), p.n3.
Munday, J., 2017. An Embedded ePortfolio in a Master's Degree: Is It Working? International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), pp.175-185.
Pitts, W. and Lehner-Quam, A., 2019. Engaging the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as a Lens for Assessment in an ePortfolio Social Pedagogy Ecosystem for Science Teacher Education. International Journal of ePortfolio, 9(1), pp.29-44.
Roberts, P., 2018. Developing reflection through an ePortfolio-based learning environment: design principles for further implementation. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(3), pp.313-326.
Scholz, K., Tse, C. and Lithgow, K., 2017. Unifying Experiences: Learner and Instructor Approaches and Reactions to ePortfolio Usage in Higher Education. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), pp.139-150.
Slepcevic-Zach, P. and Stock, M., 2018. ePortfolio as a tool for reflection and self-reflection. Reflective Practice, 19(3), pp.291-307.
Thibodeaux, T., Cummings, C. and Harapnuik, D., 2017. Factors That Contribute to ePortfolio Persistence. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(1), pp.1-12.
Tur, G., Urbina, S. and Forteza, D., 2019. Rubric-Based Formative Assessment in Process Eportfolio: Towards Self-Regulated Learning. Digital Education Review, 35, pp.18-35.
Wilson, C.B., Slade, C., Kirby, M.M., Downer, T., Fisher, M.B. and Nuessler, S., 2018. Digital Ethics and the Use of ePortfolio: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Journal of ePortfolio, 8(2), pp.115-125.