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Module 2
Personality is basically an individual identity and it generally refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking. Behaviors play an important role in personality and it varies from person to person. Personality helps to understand the difference between two people and it also identifies the characters of the individual peoples. There are different types of personalities that can be noticed, “Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Melancholic”.
Personality basically shows the characteristic of an individual and it can be changed according to the environment and situation. According to the module, personality is the basic characteristic patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and the characters that make a person unique.
Module 3
Depression is the most common entity that has been founded in most people. According to the case study, the friend is demotivated and Bruce of that reason, he is struggling to focus on his studies, communication can help him with his issues and it might reduce the effectiveness of the depression (Prospects, 2022). As per the case study, the friend needs to get well sleep to concentrate on his study and it might increase his efficiency level. Other than that, the friend needs to make an activity schedule to monitor his work and it can increase his productivity level. Enough sleep, well eating and daily exercise can reduce depression.
Communication can be the best tool to reduce depression and most doctors advise patients to communicate while facing depression. According to the “National Academic of Science”, communication can be a better and more effective tool for preventing loneliness and depression (Journals, 2022). Other than that, an activity schedule can help the friend to plan the work and it can increase their productivity level. Lastly, weal sleep and eating well might improve his physical health.
Module 4
Behaviors are dependent on the situation and they also affect the character of the individual. Most people react according to tube situations. According to Albert Ellis, individuals' think largely determine how they feel and behave and it makes sense. People could understand their self-issues and they reacted mostly according to their beliefs (Study, 2022). Other than that, most people understand the theory self-defeats which lead people to the conclusion of his thinking. Furthermore, Albert Ellis’s theory is based on “Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)” and its value the negative thoughts of the person and it can also identify the negative and emotional issues of an individual.
Rational emotional behavior theory identifiers the characteristics of the person and it also showcases the characteristic of individuals. Most people used this theory to achieve their goals and it clears their mindset and perspective regarding a particular topic. For example, a co-worker who comes to work on a morning passes the other employees' desk, and does not acknowledge their presence of them, it is a clear-cut example of Albert Ellish's model.
Module 5
Personality can be defined on the basis of biology. Hormones are the primary elements that affect the personality of the individual and it is connected to the current situation of the person. Personality can be defined as a set of characteristics and it has the power the create individual differences in their characteristic. Personality can be influenced by biological factors, which includes, genetics, hereditary factor, Physical factors, physical appearance, and rate of maturity.
There are plenty of cases that has be proven that most serial killer has gen in their body, which is MAOA and CDH13. Genres and DNA are the biological elements that have been selected from a serial killer and it is a clear-cut example of the biological influence on a personality (Kiser, 2019). MAOA and CDH13 gen is also called serial killer gen and some studies shoes that, this hormone can generally have negative thoughts in the mind and people can be influenced to commit a crime.

Module 6
According to a recent study, there are three personality factors that can be noticed and those are extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. Over a period of time communication plays the primary role to analyses the personality of an individual. Most the persons think differently and it affected their current personality. Three factors of personality can identify the current mental health of a person and also improves their current set of minds (Tandfonline, 2022). Other than that, it also evaluates the current biological factor of a person and this may reduce the negative thoughts of a individuals. Furthermore, it created a correlation between their thinking process and their communication process. After the analysis, it has been proven that these three personality factors can show the real personality of a person.
Module 7
It has been observed that the culture derives from the personality of human beings. As per the psychologists, the cultural forces shape human personality as well as psychological factors. The socialization process of human beings around the world is different from each other. This is because the cultural values and norms are varied, molding the behaviors as well as the thought process. In a study it has been observed that the people belonging from the hilly region tend to be more hardworking than the people lining in planes and plateaus. The psychological reductionism is a way of looking into the personality with the social behavior and cultural variety (Researchgate, 2020).the distinctive practices in the socialization followed by different parts of society around the world results in the variance ion personality. Thus, many psychologists and experts argued that there is a clear connection of personality with culture. However, few scientists declined the study arguing it to be an orthodox thought.
Module 8
One of the aspects that influence the preference of music involves the personality trait. Studies are evident that the creative and intellectual people prefer classical and folk music in general. On the other hand the people who are more enthusiastic prefer pop music in general. Another driving factor of music preference includes the age of the person (Srce, 2019). According to the studies it has been observed that the elderly people are more likely to prefer sophisticated and soft music. Whereas the adults have the preference toward contemporary dance songs on average. Children under 5 years of age like to listen to jingle songs. Mood is another factor in music preference, it is observed that the people suffering from negativity and loneliness prefer soft and soothing music. While the people with a positive attitude have a preference towards comparatively loud and cheerful music. Habituation is also one of the factors deriving this preference.
Module 9
In a case where I am the creative designer of a company’s product, the 4 p’s will influence in the following ways.
Person: As an individual, my creativity and skill will affect the product produced within the company. The creative ability which is based on divergent thinking is produced which results in innovative thinking.
Process: the process or methodology adopted is highly dependent on the thought process adopted by the creator (academia, 2019). The Foresight Thinking Profile is one of the main aspects that derives clarity in the thought process.
Product: the approach of the model relating to the product is the outcome related to the creativity of a person. The outcome is the product which is the result of the thought process and creative thought of the person.
Press: this specifically represents the environment in which the creator functions. This is one of the driving factors related to the success of the product. The creativity of any person may highly vary according to the conductive or prohibitive nature of the environment.
Module 10
Generation Z who are supposedly more addicted to social media are found to be lacking the basic social connection. The context of the conversation in the social gatherings is usually related to social media as well. The reliance on technology has increased the lack of tone and social etiquette among the children. Although social media has the capability to increase the socializing factor, the studies are evident that it does the opposite (embopress, 2018). Although the internet has made communication easier than before, the common touch has been missing in the world of AI technology. The interpersonal conversation among groups of people has been disappearing day by day. Basic social skills within the people have been decreasing due to lack of face-to-face communication. The overuse of the technology has increased in social anxiety as well as social inadequacy. According to a study conducted in 2019, almost 60% of the people all over the world suffer from anxiety and awkwardness within social groups.
Module 11
The main difference between IO and EQ, is to measure the ability of reasoning of any type of data. Although EQ is the ability to evaluate, control emotions, and perceive. Furthermore, IQ may introduce intelligence quotients (Pediaa, 2021). It helps to measure fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. These processes are engaged in solving problems, and to understand the abstract of the information. On the other hand, EQ suggested the characteristics based on emotion and control over oneself. As per my opinion, the EQ and IQ are equally important for existing in a social environment.
Journals, (2022), Journal of Applied Gerontology, Available at:,%2C%20and%20Medicine%2C%202020). (Accessed on: 02/08/2022)
Study, (2022), Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Theory, Available at: (Accessed on: 02/08/2022)
Kiser, D.P., 2019. Gene x Environment Interactions in Cdh13-deficient Mice: CDH13 as a Factor for Adaptation to the Environment (Doctoral dissertation, Universität Würzburg). Available at:, (Accessed on: 02/08/2022)
Tandfonline, (2022), Eysenck's BIG THREE and communication traits: three correlational studies, Available at:, (Accessed on: 02/08/2022)
Prospects, (2022), 5 ways to manage student stress, Available at:, (Accessed on: 02/08/2022)
Researchgate, 2020. culture and personality interrelationship. Available at: on :02.08.2022)
Srce, 2019. aspects of preference of music. available at: on :02.08.2022)academia, 2019. Runco’s 4 Ps person, process, press and product. available at: on :02.08.2022)
embopress, 2018. internet making people more socially awkward. available at: (accessed on :02.08.2022)
Pediaa, 2021, What is the Difference Between IQ and EQ, available at: (accessed on :02.08.2022)