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In the modern context, it has been seen that the individuals that are employed in the Health and Social Care sector of the country, encompasses employability skills that allow them to be employed in the sector. However, it has been seen that not only are the employability skills important but also the need for upgrading the skills, as well as the methods of encompassing newer skills are important in the Health and Social Care sector of the UK (Ryan and Ryan, 2013, p.252). This essay has been aimed to the importance of the reflective learning in the Health and Social Care sector of the UK and its importance in the development of the employability and superior service skills. Further, it has been seen that the up gradation of the previous skills is equally important, on account of the developments and the amendments in the Health and Social care policies and legislations, across the country and at the local and organisational levels. The reflective learning allows both the service providers as well as the service users to be benefitted. It also focusses on the cultural, social, ethical and personal development of the service providers.

Summary of the Course Event

It was during my training course, that I had been subjected to a seminar for an audio, video and theoretical lesson, on the services that are offered to the service users of the UK, that have been affected by mental issues. Several cases were forecasted and explored in the seminar, including the patients affected with Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It was evident that the service users affected with the mental disorders had the formal lack of the ability to take the desired decisions and are exposed to accidents and abuses. It was also forecasted that the service providers had treated some of the patients without the desired levels of care, and as the result of which the abuse and harm of the patients were observed. It was observed that the service providers found difficulty in communicating with the service users, on account of the differences in the cultural, religious, social and ethnic differences between them, this hampered the desired mode of care services that are intended to be provided to the service users. In this context, it was further noted that the policies and the legislations that were prepared at the organisational and the national as well as the local level were successfully implemented in most of the cases, however, the desired satisfaction was not evident on the service users.

It was further noted that in some cases, the service providers had provided the plans for their individual services to the service users differently, according to their personal experiences and skills. It was noted that in many of the cases that the service providers violated the legislations and policies, however, it led to the satisfaction of the service users. Therefore, it was noted that not only are the policies and the legislations are important in the context of the health and social care, but also are the personal experiences required in many occasions of providing the services to the service users.

Concept of Reflective Learning

The concept of Reflective Learning is based on the personal experiences that have been gained by the individual or the service providers and at the same time being equipped with the policies and legislations of the Health and Social Care unit. As stated by Kittoet al. (2013, p.7), it has been seen that the training facilities in the Health and Social Care sector, provides the essential guidelines for the service users to analyse and implement the skills of providing the services to the service users, by a strict adherence to the policies, codes of conduct and the legislations that have been prepared and implemented at the national, local and the organisational level. According to Norrieet al. (2012, p.574), the Reflective Learning provides the ability to the service providers or the employees of the Health and Social Care sector to analyse and evaluate the trainings that have been provided to them, during the training sessions and the extent of which the service providers are able to maintain these procedures. It also summates the amount of information and the skills, which have been difficult to be attained by the service providers. Therefore, in these situations, the methods of reflective learning may enable the service providers to learn and adopt and monitor the changes and the extents to which the changes have been adopted by the individual service provider. Moreover, it has been seen that the service users may not have the mentality or the psychology to increase the skills in the Health and Social Care sector, through the training procedures (Eppich and Cheng, 2015, p.112). In these cases, the reflective learning must be encouraged for the service providers.

A number of methods may be implemented by the service providers to implement the reflective learning procedures. The reflective learning among the service providers in the modern context of Health and Social Care is based on the psychology of the service users. The service users must be provided with the ultimate levels of security, respect, dignity and person-centred care, to provide them with a shield against the abuses and accidents from the locality and in the Health and Social Care organisations (Henderson et al. 2012, p.300). The service users may have different cultural perspectives, social outlook, religions and ethical differences. This will provide me difficulty on account of these differences of the individual service users. The different cultures have not been easily adopted by me. Therefore, these aspects have to be met specifically, through the implementation of the Reflective Learning. The reflective learning allows the service providers to learn the effective means of communication, by inducing the differences in cultures by the service providers. As opined by Sage and Allan (2016, p.87), the differences in the ethical issues lead to the development of the differences in the levels of communications with the service users in the Health and Social Care sector of the UK. This has been observed among the service users, which do not have the skills of maintaining the ethical aspects of the service users. In this context, I have to increase my experiences, by implementing the personal experiences of improving the ethical issues, ion communicating with the service users.

Analysing the Learning Experiences, Using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle

The Gibb's reflective Cycle is an analytical model, which enables the learner to adopt the learning experienced in a methodical way, by incorporating the individual events through reflective thinking. This model is based on six different stages including the Description of the events or experiences. The next step that is implemented is the feelings that were actually the reviews of the experiences or the events. The third step of the model underlines the evaluation of the event or the experience, about what has been the correct and the incorrect ones, in the context of the decisions that were undertaken at that period of time (Potter, 2015, p.341). This step is followed by the Concluding step, where the overall event or the experience is concluded and according to the inefficiencies and the drawbacks, an action plan is made. The action plan provides the increase in the skills and an opportunity for the service users to rectify the current problems.


Audio Presentations of speech delivered by experienced Health and Social Care Professionals

The experienced professionals delivered the speech and the theoretical lessons were provided by the Health and Social Care experts about the policies and the procedures that are needed to be adopted at the time of serving the service users. It provided me with the idea of how to approach the care needs of the service users, to ensure that they are satisfied and happy with the services that are to be provided by me.


Video presentations of the mentality and the aspirations of the service users

The video presentations revealed the state of mind of the service users that are affected with the mental problems. The video had the b impact on the views and the documentations of the service users and depicted that the better terms of service and the treatment of the service users with dignity and respect provided them to interact efficiently and control the incidents of abuses and accidents.


Technical instructions by the General Practitioners

The technical instructions provided me with the idea that the service provision to the service users had to be achieved idealist on account of a number of consequences including the previous experiences and the correct decision-making the ability of the service users.


Good Points

The good points from the seminar included the aspects including the theories of a team working and the importance of establishing cooperation with the co-workers of the organisation, to achieve the significant increase in the communication skills and management of time.


Bad Points

The bad points included the fact that the service providers were sometimes not free to communicate in spite of all the necessary care and services that have been provided to them. It was seen that the method of leadership was difficult in maintaining, as the co-workers may have different views in the context of a topic and these may be difficult to be handled by the service providing team leaders.


Action Plan

My action plan includes a number of aspects including the nonverbal modes of communication. This will allow me to communicate effectively with the service users that prefer communicating using sign languages as well as verbally. These will provide me with the opportunity to provide the services to the service users effectively.

Time Management is another aspect that has been a part of my action plan. It will allow me to manage the significant amount of work within a short span of time, which includes the better quality of services.

I will continue to note down my experiences and the solutions of each of the events, that will enable me to undertake different decisions at different situations, as desired by the service users.


A number of recommendations may be made in these aspects of the benefits and improvements in the service skills of the service providers in the Health and Social Care sector of the UK. The recommendations include the participating in training sessions may allow the service providers to have the desired diversities of working experiences as required by the Health and Social Care organisation. It establishes that the differences in cultures and the ethics are mitigated effectively by the service providers. Another important recommendation in this aspect is the development of the effective means of verbal and nonverbal language learning by the individuals. This allows the service providers to learn the efficient means of learning. Further, the overall knowledge of the policies and the legislations that are employed in the Health and Social Care organisations might be acknowledged and learnt by the service providers.


From the above studies and the individual reports, it may be concluded that the methods of reflective learnings are not only important for the service providers, but also for the service users and the organisation as a whole. In the context of the service providers, the increased skills and the developed outlook are included within the service providers that allow them to have future improved employment and promotions. On the other hand, the service providers are exposed to the superior services by the service providers, with the establishment of respect, dignity and care, in the context of the services that are provided to the service users by the service providers. In the context of the organisation, the superior services by the service providers and the increased communication of the service users provide the opportunity for the Health and Social Care organisations with a variety of advantages. These include the increase in the trust among the service users and the increase in the status and demands for the organisation. Moreover, it has been noted that the use of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, the efficient self-evaluation and ultimately the effective reflective learning may be achieved by the service users.


Eppich, W. and Cheng, A., (2015). Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS): development and rationale for a blended approach to health care simulation debriefing.Simulation in Healthcare,10(2), pp.106-115.

Henderson, A., Cooke, M., Creedy, D.K. and Walker, R., (2012). Nursing students' perceptions of learning in practice environments: a review.Nurse Education Today,32(3), pp.299-302.

Kitto, S., Nordquist, J., Peller, J., Grant, R. and Reeves, S., (2013). The disconnections between space, place and learning in interprofessional education: an overview of key issues.Journal of interprofessional care,27(sup2), pp.5-8.

Norrie, C., Hammond, J., D'Avray, L., Collington, V. and Fook, J., (2012). Doing it differently? A review of literature on teaching reflective practice across health and social care professions.Reflective Practice,13(4), pp.565-578.

Potter, C., (2015). Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs' Reflective Cycle and Scharmer's Theory U.Industrial and Commercial Training,47(6), pp.336-342.
Husebo, S.E., O'Regan, S. and Nestel, D., (2015). Reflective practice and its role in simulation.Clinical Simulation in Nursing,11(8), pp.368-375.

Ryan, M. and Ryan, M., (2013). Theorising a model for teaching and assessing reflective learning in higher education.Higher Education Research & Development,32(2), pp.244-257.

Sage, H. and Allan, M., (2016). Sustaining Reflective Practice in the Workplace.Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organization, p.87.

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