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People Management And Kant's Dictum Assignment Sample

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Introduction : Kant's Categorical Imperative and its Application in Performance Management Assignment sample

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In this context, it can be observed that Immanuel Kant first introduced the moral principle, which holds one should only follow a maxim if one may simultaneously wish to have it recognized as a universal law. Additionally, those who can reason freely as well as irrationally when making decisions were able to act in a morally upright manner. He believed that moral obligations were categorical imperatives since they dictate how we should behave. He emphasized that while these moral duties dictate that it does specific actions, giving rise to the name "imperative". Kant also believed that since people are rational as well as have the capacity to choose for themselves without being influenced by others, such moral obligations were relevant to them. This study will examine the category imperative's place in Kant's ethics along with the constraints of its theory, achieving the conclusion that although obedience may serve as a motivating ideal, it can't be implemented consistently as well as fairly in everyday life. This essay also explains the details of the theoretical perspective to discuss Kant's categorical imperatives. This essay also explains what is HRM performance management and also explains the two such as details of the theoretical perspective to discuss Kant's categorical imperatives this essay also explains what HRM performance management also explains can be economical if it all.

Discussion of performance management and Kant’s dictum

In this context, it can be observed that This Categorical Imperative, as Kant refers to its supreme principle, is among its many sonorous names. This "Formula of Universal Law" is one; while the Formula of such Kingdom of Ends would be another. The other I'll focus on is referred to here as the Formula of such Beginning in Itself. This requires a thorough examination of "Kant's philosophy" to comprehend why he believes that such principles with picturesque names are interchangeable (Camilleri, 2021). This concept of humanity, often known as the equation of such a goal in itself, has been the second iteration. "Behave in a manner that it never sees mankind as a means of control, always and at the exact time as a goal either in its personality or through the personality of anyone else. Grounding for such "Metaphysics of Morals", "Immanuel Kant". There were many questions concerning this formulation that are difficult to address, especially those that deal with free will. Because it demands a great deal of depth plus heavy focus. Since each individual has a different opinion as well as viewpoint, there seem to be numerous interpretations as well as meanings that can be attached to this statement.

Kant states that people-management and this dictum can be seen on the same level. He believes that such principles are interchangeable and he has referred to them frequently in his writings. This concept of humanity, often referred to by its second iteration as "grounding for such metaphysics", is very important in making sense of the idea of an end in itself. In this context, it can be observed that this "Formula of Universal Law" is one; while the Formula of such Kingdom of Ends would be another. The other I'll focus upon is referred to here as "Formula of such Beginnings in themselves", requiring a thorough examination of "Kant's philosophy". People Management and Kant's Dictum (2021) This is a discussion of performance management, specifically in relation to the author's work on universal principles and duty. It can be observed that this categorical imperative is one of many sublime names it may bear. Much like the formula of such law requires an examination of "Kant's philosophy" for its understanding why he believes that such principles with picturesque names are interchangeable. This concept of humanity (#Behave in a manner), has been second iteration since its first iteration was grounded on grounding for such "Metaphysics Of Morals", by Immanuel Kant. As we believe, people management and Kant's dictum has been influential for any company. This concept of humanity, often referred to as the equation of such a goal in itself, has been the second iteration. Grounding for such "Metaphysics of Morals", "Immanuel Kant".

Kant's teaching and his moral principles, as well as the ethics that he derived from these principles, have entered the tradition of philosophy in a multitude of forms and approaches, particularly in the West. At one level, he is the builder who gave contours to Enlightenment denoting what people can and should do. At another level, Kant provides a kind of higher synthesis for the methodologies of his predecessors including his initial teachers Locke and Rousseau and their metaphysical predecessors Spinoza and Descartes. The development of Kant's ethical method is repeatedly interrupted by two different streams addressed by which he was dealing with: firstly his Analogy with Metaphysics being described by some as a "Methodology" of Rationality (Montagu). ie. it's based on a general scheme utilizing a division into categories in order to analyze objects that are otherwise not susceptible to analysis at all.

Performance management can be defined as the method used to assess any employee's performance. This is frequently undertaken and determined by looking at the employee's contribution from the previous year. Nevertheless, this procedure has a varied cycle for such businesses. Each organization begins this procedure one to 2 months before even the cycle's end date, being a common practice (Formosa & Sticker, 2019). An organization's performance management system may be crucial. Because the company can prepare with a "performance management process". Additionally, it aids in establishing corporate goals that emphasize talent development as well as clearly define performance improvement strategies. Let's go into further detail regarding the significance of performance evaluation. Every company engages in certain planning. Its key to success in this undertaking is "human resource management". Building stronger and better strategies is made possible by performing performance reviews. Users also learn about every employee's present and upcoming workload (Schafer, 2019). By figuring out what they need as well as what their particular objectives are, they can create a more inviting atmosphere. Companies that regularly solicit employee feedback had "14.9% lower turnover rates" than those that do not, according to a study by HR Everyday Advisor.

It can be found the relationship between Kant's means vs end dictum and performance management where Kant's means is related to using the people as a means to achieve the objective. In this dimension, it can be found a greater relationship with this aspect of performance management because it is an essential function to utilize human resources optimally for meeting the standard performance level of the organization. In addition, Kant's means essentially represents and is a crucial task to consider in training and development of people and applying performance appraisal process for effective utilization of people to meet strategic goals of the organization (Lindner & Bentzen, 2018). Therefore, it can be found between these two aspects. Apart from that, Kant's end also has a greater relationship with the performance management process because Kant's end is considered on people's end or the value of people within the organization. Employee value is involved with different essential aspects including - relationship satisfaction, equality, effective motivation, and others. In addition, all these aspects are essential for workplace motivation and can assist in giving effective encouragement to employees for giving their effective performance (Tseng & Levy, 2019). The aspect of employees' increased turnover rate and the dissatisfaction of people are major issues where it can be observed that Kant's end shows all the value aspects for people for maintaining productive performance. Therefore, it can be found that Kant's means vs end is highly related to the employee's motivation factors as well as the development of utilization of talent, and this consideration shows that it has a greater relationship with the performance management aspect.


It can be concluded that The second iteration of the concept of humanity has been known as the equation of such a goal in itself. "Behave in such a way that it never sees mankind as a means of control, but rather as a goal in its personality or through the personality of anyone else." Performance management is the process of evaluating an employee's performance. This is commonly done and determined by examining the employee's contribution from the previous year. There is a stronger link between this aspect and performance management because it is an essential function for utilizing human resources optimally to meet the organization's standard performance level. Kant's end also has a stronger relationship with the performance management process because Kant's end is based on the value of people within the organization.


Camilleri, M. A. (2021). Using the balanced scorecard as a performance management tool in higher education. Management in Education35(1), 10-21. Retrieved from: [Retrieved from: 25.10.2022]

Formosa, P., & Sticker, M. (2019). Kant and the Demandingness of the Virtue of Beneficence. European Journal of Philosophy27(3), 625-642. Retrieved from: [Retrieved from: 25.10.2022]

Lindner, F., & Bentzen, M. M. (2018). A formalization of Kant's second formulation of the categorical imperative. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.03160. Retrieved from: [Retrieved from: 25.10.2022]

Schafer, K. (2019). Kant: constitutivism as capacities-first philosophy. Philosophical Explorations22(2), 177-193. Retrieved from: [Retrieved from: 25.10.2022]

Tseng, S. T., & Levy, P. E. (2019). A multilevel leadership process framework of performance management. Human Resource Management Review29(4), 100668. Retrieved from: [Retrieved from: 25.10.2022]

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