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Leadership in change management Assignment Sample

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INTRODUCTION: Navigating Textile Industry Transformation Through Strategic Change Management

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The present business world is becoming complex and is changing significantly due to the increasing technological advancement and digitalisation. With the changing business world it has become important for the businesses to make changes in the firms in an effective manner which can help them in operating in the changing business environment in an appropriate manner (Skogland, and Hansen, 2017). The leader of the company always plays a major role in bringing change in the organisation and if the leader is effective than it would help them in managing the change effectively. In this report the researcher would focus on explaining the role of leadership in the change management. For explaining the topic of the report in detail the researcher would focus on considering H&M as a case company. H&M is an international company which is operating in the clothing retail industry and is offering high quality and fashionable apparel to the customers across the globe.


Change management is referred as the process or the methods which are being used by the businesses for implementing the change in the organisation (Thakur and Mangla, 2019). When the company is implementing any of the change in the organisation then it is important for them to focus on making the change in an appropriate manner and managing it in an appropriate manner so that the company can get benefitted from the change which is being made by them. It is important for the company to focus on understanding the change, planning for the change, communicating the change and then implementing the change (Vlados, 2019).

H&M is an organisation which focusing on making a lot of changes in their product range and business strategies for being the leader in the clothing retail industry (Javed, et. al. 2020). The leader of the case company is focusing on making an effective change in the company because the firm is facing issues due to traditional stores  and the brick and mortar sales network. As the company is facing competition in the industry they have focused on investing in the customer data analytics for analysing the buying pReferences of the customers. The company founds that the customers are making more purchase through the online platforms and as a result of it the company had focused on making changes in their strategies as they want to focus more on the strategic development.

In 2018 the CEO of H&M Karl Johan Persson had decided to make significant changes in their business practices and their strategies so that they can make better benefits from the opportunity developed due to the rapid digitalisation. The leader of the case company had focused on planning all the thing in advance as it would help them in managing and implementing the change in an effective manner (Bonilla, et. al. 2019). The effective leadership skills of the leader had helped him in developing better cooperation and collaboration among all the team members which had helped him in communicating the change in the organisation. One of the most important and initial thing on which the leader had focused is preparing the organization for the change. The leader had focused on developing better training programs for the employees of the company so that they can except the change in an effective manner and can use the latest technology properly.

            On the basis of the information collected the leader of the company had developed clear vision for the company and had focused on developing an effective plan which can help them in implementing the change in an appropriate manner. The leader had focused on motivating the employees to get involved in the change as it would help the firm in managing the change in an appropriate manner (Holten, et. al. 2019).

For making the change effective the leader had focused on analysing all the things in advance and then developing better plan. In the present digital world data is playing an major role and for this the leader of the company had focused on making effective use of the data which would help them in managing their online sales in an appropriate manner. The company had focused on investing in the data project and for this the company had arranged the financial resources. The data which would be collected from this project would help the company in analysing the online trend and this would help the firm in forecasting the store stocks and managing the inventory in an appropriate manner. This would help the company in reducing the unnecessary cost and bringing more efficiency in their business practices (Choi, et. al. 2018).

It can be said that the leader of the case company had focused on making better changes in the firm and had also developed an effective plan which had helped the company in implementing the change in an appropriate manner. Due to better change management the case company had gained the competitive advantage from this change and had gained several other benefits as well (Tudor, 2018). On the basis of this case it can be said that the leader of the company is playing an major role in the change management as the clear vision made by the leader had helped them in transforming in an effective manner and focusing more on the online platforms for increasing their sales. The leaders had also developed an effective plan and had also implemented it by applying  better leaderships skills and style. The leader had also focused on developing the skills of the employees which is important for them because when the change is being made then it is important that the entire workforce needs to be well prepared so that they can work effectively with the new change (Mansaray, 2019). The communication skills of the leader are also playing an major role in the helping the leader in develop an better two way communication with their employees which is important for bringing successful change in the firm.


From the above-mentioned report it can be said that the leader of the company is playing an major role in the change management in the firm. If the leader of the company make an better plan and train the workforce and motivate them to get involved in the change management process then it would help the leader in making the change effective and successful. It can be concluded that the leader needs to have effective skills and knowledge which would help the firm in bringing better changes and keeping the firm up to date with the changes taking place in the external business environment. It can be recommended that when the firms are focusing on making change in the firm then they need to focus on having an effective leader who can help them in managing the change properly.


Bonilla, M.D.R., del Olmo Arriaga, J.L. and Andreu, D., 2019. The interaction of Instagram followers in the fast fashion sector: The case of Hennes and Mauritz (H&M). Journal of Global Fashion Marketing10(4), pp.342-357.

Choi, T.M., Cai, Y.J. and Shen, B., 2018. Sustainable fashion supply chain management: A system of systems analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management66(4), pp.730-745.

Holten, A.L., Hancock, G.R. and Bøllingtoft, A., 2019. Studying the importance of change leadership and change management in layoffs, mergers, and closures. Management Decision.

Javed, T., Yang, J., Gilal, W.G. and Gilal, N.G., 2020. The sustainability claims' impact on the consumer's green perception and behavioral intention: A case study of H&M. Advances in Management and Applied Economics10(2), pp.1-22.

Mansaray, H.E., 2019. The Role of Leadership Style in Organisational Change Management: A Literature Review. Journal of Human Resource Management7(1), pp.18-31.

Skogland, M.A.C. and Hansen, G.K., 2017. Change your space, change your culture: exploring spatial change management strategies. Journal of Corporate Real Estate.

Thakur, V. and Mangla, S.K., 2019. Change management for sustainability: Evaluating the role of human, operational and technological factors in leading Indian firms in home appliances sector. Journal of cleaner production213, pp.847-862.

Tudor, L., 2018. Change in textile and clothing industry. Industria Textila69(1), pp.37-43.

Vlados, C., 2019. Change management and innovation in the “living organization”: The Stra. Tech. Man approach. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy7(2), pp.229-256.

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