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RIIRIS401E Apply Site Risk Management System Assignment Sample

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RIIRIS401E Apply Site Risk Management System

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Tasks in this Assessment include:

Task 891 - Plan and prepare risk management system information

Task 892 - Apply risk management system information

Task 893 - Evaluate application of risk management controls

Task 894 - Report on continuous improvement of risk management control

Task 895 - Work Based Exercise

Task 896 - Research and Explain


Managing risk on a Construction site is for some an all project long process. Risk can include anything from people having sickies to dealing with Environmental and WHS hazards and risks.

In this unit we will be working through 4 essential components for managing risk.

• Plan and prepare risk management system information

• Apply risk management system information

• Evaluate application of risk management controls

• Report on continuous improvement of risk management controls

Task 891 – Plan and prepare risk management system information

Please note: Risk can include BUT not limited to business risk, environmental risk, quality risk, sabotage and vandalism risk, weather risk, financial risk, industrial relations risk, public relations risk, schedule or program risk.

T891: Select a project you are currently working on or have recently worked on OR use the Jimboomba Ambulance station case study and complete the following table ensuring you:

  • 1 Access and apply the organisations risk management system information relevant to the risk (2nd and 5th Columns).
  • 2 Provide documents and reference information for risk management policies, procedures and programs in an accessible manner (4th Column).
  • 3 Clearly and concisely explain risk management compliance documentation system information and data (3rd Column).
  • 4 Clearly indicate the Communication mechanism of hazards & risks & controls (Last Column).

(two rows have been completed for you)

Risk Area

Applicable Documentation, Regulations, Legislation

Explanation of risk management compliance documentation

Organisation Risk management policies, procedures

Location of risk management policies, procedures

Communication mechanism of hazards & risks & controls







The Risk Assessment Report, “Risk Evaluation” report, “Work Health & Safety Act” of Australia

Conduction of safety meetings at frequent intervals, giving training to the employees regarding the “safe work practice” at the site (Willumsen et al. 2019). Use of safety equipment by the workers while working at the site. Use of PPE at the site.

Safety equipment for the workers, proper management strategies on the site

Work permit, safety toolkit, surrounding the area of work for ensuring the safety of the users of the area


“Environment impact assessment” report, sustainable measures in the project, and details of sustainable work practices.

Finding out the potential causes of the ill effects on the environment, Mitigation measures for the identified ill effects on the environment.

Good environment for working inside the workplace

“Waste management plan”, carbon neutral plan for construction


Work permits, specifications, “design”, and “drawings

Checking of quality of material to be used at the site.

Review of work at frequent intervals

Working according to the prepared design, efficiency of use of energy

Industrial Relations

Fair Work Act 2009, Fair Work Regulations 2009

Act passed by Parliament ensuring and protecting the conditions of employees.

Job descriptions, employment agreement, wages program

P. drive, computers used for wages. Employee files

Toolbox meetings, induction, casual conversation

Public Relations

Involvement of local communities, CSR activities

Describing the goals of the project to people involved in the project. Take part in the different programs that are held in the local area (Wideman, 2022). Do the publicity of the project. Describing the benefits of the project to the local people. Involvement of the local community in the project. Meeting the stakeholders often. Meetings of the different teams present in the project frequently.

Maintaining good relations among the employees

Encouraging the local community to take part in the project, recruiting the local workforce

Theft / Vandalism

Material checklist at the site

Making arrangements for the storage of important data of the project. The proper facility of guarding the materials (Sami et al. 2022). Provision of guarding the site office and other important places of the site. Ensuring the safety of the equipment.

Maintaining proper database, keeping the document of the project safe.

The proper facility of storage, arrangement of guarding the materials & equipment

Materials Supply



Specifications, service level agreements & contracts with suppliers,

On-the-job training, toolbox,


Preventive measure plan for adverse conditions of weather

Making arrangements for shelter at the time of bad conditions of weather. Proper storage of equipment in order to ensure that the equipment is not damaged because of the different forces of nature.

Arrangements for proper shelter for the workers

The proper facility of working in the form of site offices to get protected from adverse conditions of weather


Estimate of the project, specification of materials

Preparing the estimate in such a way that ensures the absence of unnecessary items. Using locally available materials to avoid the high cost of transportation of materials.

Using energy efficiently, reducing of cost of transportation for workers

Estimate of the work, specifications of the materials

Time Risk

Time estimate of the project, and plan for the delay.

Some approaches can be employed here for managing the risk of delay in the project. The first thing in this regard is the time scheduling of the different activities present in the project. Moreover, another thing that can be implemented here is finding out the different paths through which the project can be completed (Vujovi? et al. 2020). Among these paths, the critical path is needed to be evaluated.

Arrangement of living of employees close to the site so that the time taken for reaching to the site becomes less.

Time scheduling of the different works

Task 892 – Apply risk management system information

For the project you selected for Task 891, complete the following;

T892.1 Explain the importance of effective consultation processes with others in your work space in order to manage all types of risks.

Consultation processes and procedures could also include toolboxes, pre-starts, safety committee meetings, environment committee meetings, discussions with work groups, discussions with bosses Etc.

Us It is to be noted that there are many types of risks present in a project. A project is planned to mitigate the different risks through the various pre-determined policies. It can be seen that before starting a project the possible risks that can come with the project are determined in advance. After this different plans to tackle these risks are made (Abraham & Anifowose, 2020). It can be seen that depending on the type of risks the types of solutions for these are determined. A risk assessment plan tries to cover all the potential risks that can be encountered in a project. Also, a risk mitigation plan tries to provide solutions for all possible risks that can occur at any stage of the project. In this project also, it can be seen that there are different areas where there is a possibility of coming different risks.

It can be seen that in this project, there were different things of sustainability considered. It refers that one of the objectives of this project was to make one sustainable project. Although there were enough arrangements for tackling the different risks still it was seen that there were some unforeseen circumstances were created that were not included in the “risk management plan” (Chapman & Cuang, 2021). Also, there were some instances observed where it was necessary to consult between the different members of the teams present in the project. It was found through this project that consultation is very much necessary irrespective of how good the “risk management” plan is. The different aspects of consultation that were found in this project are described below.

Toolbox Meetings

Figure 1: Toolbox Meetings


It is to be noted that there were different forms of consultation used in this project. All of these describe the importance of the consultation process. One of the major criteria of a project is the safety of the members working on the project. It can be seen that the workers who are directly in the execution process are the most potential people to be affected by the different risks present at the site. So, it is needed that the workers working at the site are well aware of the different dangers present at the site. It is not possible to teach each of the workers about this individually. So, the best way of doing this is to consult with all of the workers together. This can be achieved by processes like toolbox meetings. It is to be noted that these are the meetings that are conducted before starting the work. In this meeting, the workers are informed about the different risks present at the site (Wang et al. 2021). The training is given by the people who have a great experience regarding this. Through this process, all the workers can be informed of the potential dangers at the site together. So, this describes the importance of this form of the consultation process.

In addition to this, it can be seen that before starting projects plans are made for the project. These plans are dependent on the nature of the project, the potential risks present in the project, and desired outcome of the project. It is to be noted that it is not possible that one team or person can make all the plans that are needed before starting the project. Moreover, things like design & drawings, estimates & other important things are needed to be done prior to starting a project. So, for doing all of these it is needed that different departments take different responsibilities in this regard. It can help in distributing the work (Serpell et al. 2019). Moreover, teams can work on matters in which they are efficient. In this project also, there were many things like design, estimates, plans for tackling risks & others were included. So, in this project, it was found that the process of consultation was very much necessary in this regard. In this project also, before starting project, different departments present in this project consulted with each other regarding different matters before starting the project. It was important from the point of view of making proper planning of the different activities for the project.

There are some other forms of meetings that were conducted in this project. All of these meetings had their own importance. Firstly, it can be seen that there was a meeting of the safety committee. It is to be noted that this is a very important form of meeting. In this meeting, discussions are done regarding the process of tackling the different risks present in the project. In the safety committee, there are different members who have a good experience regarding safe practices of work at a site (Gavrysh & Melnykova, 2019). So, by the consultation of these members with each other better suggestions regarding maintaining safety in the project can be obtained.

Another important form of consultation that was seen in this project was the consultation with the workers working at the site. It is to be noted that not every worker is aware of the actual work & objectives of the work that he is doing. For this, it can be seen that the quality of work may be hampered. So, it becomes very much necessary to interact with the workers and make them aware of the work & objective of the work. For this, the approach of doing meetings with the workers is taken.

Another form of consultation that was maintained with the project is to have meetings with the bosses. It is to be noted that here the boss may be referred to as the project manager or the client himself. In this project consultations with both of these parties were made. It can be seen that the projects should match the requirements of the client. So, for ensuring this it is needed to have meetings at specified time intervals in order to ensure that the work is progressing according to the requirements of the client (Ekung et al. 2020). Moreover, it is also needed to have meetings with the project managers as well. It is because this is the person who is responsible for managing each of the works in the project. So, for informing him regarding the progress of the work it is needed to hold meetings with the project manager frequently.

 a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T892.2 Explain the process you use to resolve issues raised through consultation above

Use a In this project, different issues were solved through the process of consultation. It can be seen that there are many benefits to this process. Although it can be seen as one very simple method the results of this are very much effective. In this project, this process helped in solving different issues. The description of the process of solving the different issues present in the project with this method is described below.

Firstly, it was seen that there were risks present at the site regarding the safety of workers. It can be seen that there were workers like Darin Construction there. Also, there were other forms of work also. So, the workers had to engage in different areas where there was a potential risk present at the site (Micán et al. 2019). This was solved by consultation with the workers present at the site. This was done by safety meetings conducted on a weekly & daily basis. These meetings were called “toolbox” & “weekly safety meetings”. With the use of these meetings, it was ensured that the information regarding the possible hazards present at the site was communicated to the workers properly.

In addition to this, it can be seen that there were different other forms of risks that were tackled in this project with the use of the consultation process. At the start of the project, there were some difficulties with making the plans for different works of the project. Different team members had different ideas with them. So, in this project, before starting the construction work meeting among the team members was conducted several times in order to decide the plans & other important aspects of the project. It was found that the different ideas of different individuals helped a lot in making proper plans for the project.

In addition to this in this project, one of the main approaches was to make this project sustainable. For this there were different recommendations were there to the different people present in the project. So, it was necessary to decide on some of the sustainable practices from the set of ideas (Copertari, 2021). For this, meetings between the members of the project were conducted to decide the most suitable approaches for making the project sustainable. Moreover, there were continuous discussions between the project members & the client of this project in order to inform the progress of the project of the client frequently.

minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

Task 893 – Evaluate application or risk management controls

T893 Continuing to work with the information from the table in Task 891, answer the following:

  • 1 the best measure of risk management system effectiveness
  • 2 the best method of documenting the risk management effectiveness
  • 3 the people receiving information on the risk management

Use the table below to assist with this task

Risk Area

Applicable Documentation, Regulations, Legislation

Best measure of system effectiveness

Documenting the risk management effectiveness

Who will receive these Documents and information?





Number of accidents that occurred at the site

Risk register

Safety engineer


Efficiency of use of energy

“Environment impact assessment”

Safety engineer & site manager


Carbon emission and extent to which the work is matching with the predetermined schedule

Work progress

Site in charge

Industrial Relations

Fair Work Act 2009, Fair Work Regulations 2009

Number of IR issues /month

Log of issues monthly.

HR manager and CEO

Public Relations

Teamwork among the project members

Team performance

“Human resource” department

Theft / Vandalism

Provision against theft

Number of instances of theft

“Human resource” department & store in charge

Materials Supply


Average lead time on materials ordered.

Progress reports, Site meetings

Project Manager, COO


Measures for protection against weather forces

Summary of weather protection measures

Safety department


Cost spent in managing the risks

Cost spent in “risk management”

Finance department

Time Risk

Time taken in managing the risks

Time is taken in managing the risks

Planning department

For the project you selected for Task 891, complete the following;

Task 894 – Report on continuous improvement of risk management controls

T894.1 Continuing to work with the information from the table in Task 891 and Task 893, answer the following:

  • 1.1 Completing Column 3 and 4 by listing 1 or 2 potential risks for each risk area and a potential control to manage each risk
  • 1.2 Completing Column 5 by detailing methods and/or processes for improving the control effectiveness of each risk area

Risk Area

Best measure of system effectiveness.

3. Potential risk

4. Potential control to manage each risk

5. Methods , processes for improving the control effectiveness





Worker`s safety

Use of PPE


Waste generation

Material recycle


Low-quality work

Work supervision

Industrial Relations

Number of IR issues /month

Strike action

Bad Publicity

Listen to everyone

Ensure paying everyone correctly

Increased communication and transparency

Public Relations

Lack of teamwork

Team meetings

Theft / Vandalism

Theft of materials

Proper storage facility

Materials Supply

Average lead time on materials ordered.

Lead time blow out

Regular contact with supplier and construction crew.

Increased communication


Damage to people

Provision for weather protection


Loss of capital

Efficient use of capital

Time Risk


“Time management” techniques

T894.2 How you would Identify and report inadequacies in controls and present potential solutions to remedy the inadequacy.

Us It is to be noted that it is very much important to find out whether the measures of control that were employed here in the project are enough for the improvement of the project or not. For this different processes are employed. The description of these methods is as follows.

The first method that was employed here in this project was collecting feedback regarding the progress of the project at continuous intervals (Bukar & Ibrahim, 2021). It is to be noted that feedback is the option that opens the path of improvements for a project. It can be observed that the client is the ultimate person depending on the requirements of whom this project was initiated. It was very much necessary that the requirements of the client were met. In this project, the progress of the project was informed to the client at regular intervals. Also, feedback was obtained from the client. If the client gives consent of him then the measures of control that were employed here were well. Although it was seen that in some cases there were some changes suggested from the client side. The “control measures” were changed according to this.

In addition to this, an evaluation of the work of the project members was also done here. It can be seen that the work of all the members present in the team is not the same. So, in order to ensure the quality work working of each of the members was evaluated here and feedback was provided to them according to this (Adhikari & Mishra, 2020). This helped in improving the “control measures” of the project.

 a minimum of 4-6 sentences to write your answer below:

T894.3 How you would communicate improvements and engage staff to facilitate the improvements.

Use It is to be noted as the communication of the potential risk present at the site is necessary also the improvements made in the work are also another important thing that is needed to be communicated for keeping the level of motivation of the members high. In this project also the same thing was done.

Here, for communicating the improvements, monthly meetings were conducted. It can be seen that in this project monthly meetings of the different teams of the project & the workers working in those teams were done (Muthuveeran et al. 2020). In this process, the progress of the project as a whole along with the progress of the individual teams was communicated to them.

It is to be noted that proper staff at the proper place is very much necessary for the completion of work well. In this project also, some particular things were maintained for recruiting staff. Firstly, staff who have a good experience in this field were recruited for this project. Moreover, for reducing the cost of the project local worker were recruited in this project.

a minimum of 4-6 sentences to write your answer below:

Task 895 – Work Based Exercise

Select a project you are currently working on, have recently worked on OR use the Jimboomba Ambulance Station case study to complete the following;

T895.1 Select a risk for your chosen case study OR own job role complete the following risk management form ensuring you respond to each area on the form.

Risk Control Form

Person Completing Form

Safety Engineer

Date / /

Others Assisting in Completing Form

Site In charge

Identified Risk Area

Safety of the workers during in the drains & near heavy equipment

Identified risk

Chances of heavy injury to the workers

Risk Analysis

Likelihood Rating


RISK RATING (From risk Matrix)

Consequence Rating



Control of Risk

Hierarchy of Controls

Control Options


Not entirely possible


Not possible because no other way of doing this work is there.


“Safe work practices”


Safety Engineer

PPE (safety risks)

Use of PPE


Money compensation

Through Systems


Contract work to others


Control Implementation

Control Selected from Above

Person responsible for Implementation

Monitoring Frequency of Control to be implemented

“Safe work practices”

Site engineer


Use of PPE

Safety Engineer


Money compensation


In case of any accident

Control Review Date

/ /

Person Responsible for Review

Safety Engineer

Effectiveness of Risk Control


Possible future Risk


Task 896 – Research and Explain

Using your chosen case study from Task 895 AND considering the different areas of risk research complete the questions below.

T896.1 List and briefly explain two (2) tools and or techniques that can be used to analyse risk management system data

It is to be noted that there are different tools that are present for the management of the risks present in the project. It can be seen that there are different risks are there in a project that impacts the project in many ways. So, it is needed that these risks are controlled. So, it can be seen that project members always try to manage these risks (Kaur et al. 2020). In this project also, there were some methods were employed for the management of the risks. The description of these risks is as follows.

Risk Register

Figure 2: Risk Register


The first tool that was used here was the risk register. It is to be noted that it is one of the most important tools that are used in the management of risks. It can be observed that one project may consist of different forms of risks depending on the activities present in the project. In this project also, there were different activities of construction were there. Depending on the various activities it was seen that there were different risks involved in the project. A risk register was prepared for this project. This consists of the description of the different risks that are present in a project. So, in this project, the possible risks present in this project were considered & documented. All of these risks were identified on the basis of past experiences from other similar projects (Bedrii, 2020). This tool uses three different & distinct stages in the entire process. The first thing that was done in this project using this tool was to make a list of the potential risks. After this, the risks were prioritized on the basis of the impacts of the risks & also on the basis of the frequency of occurrence of the risks. By this, it was obtained which risks are to be tackled first. In this project also, the risks were prioritized here. After this, the best possible strategies for solving these risks were decided here in this project. Next, the different team members were assigned to work on resolving the different risks. It can be seen that different teams were working on this project. Risks were there in each part of the project, so different individuals were needed to solve the different risks (Nahlik & Fabozzi, 2021). At the end of this method, checking the progress of mitigation of the risks was done. It can be seen that there were different solutions were implemented for the mitigation of the risks in this project. So, in order to check the effectiveness of the implemented strategies continuous checking of the plans was done in this method.

“probability & impact” matrix

Figure 3: “probability & impact” matrix


Another tool that was implemented here was the “probability & impact” matrix. It is to be noted that there are different forms of risks that have different impacts on the project. Also, it can be seen that the likely occurrence of the different risks is also different from each other. So, it is better to treat each of the risks separately. In other words, each of the risks should be given importance. Although it can be seen that the effects of the risks on the project are not similar for all the risks (Yang, 2021). So, priorities are given to the risks that have the most potential to impact the project Priorities are also given to the risks that are most likely to occur.

Considering this, in this project the tool of the “probability & impact” matrix was implemented. This is another tool that helps in prioritizing the risks present in the project. It was necessary to do this because in this project different risks were present but some of the risks were only there that had the potential to severely damage the project. So, it was decided that the risks that are the most harmful to the project will be decided and the main focus will be given to those risks. So, depending on this consideration in this project these risks were determined. Furthermore, the risks that are most likely to occur were considered. It was because these were the risks that the project members were going to encounter the most (Alzoubi, 2022). Moreover, there are some of the characteristics of this tool were identified in this project. Firstly the “impact scores” of the risks were identified here. Also according to the impact, those risks were ranked. Moreover, on the basis of the impacts of the risks, the best possible strategies for the mitigation of the risks were also determined here.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T896.2 Briefly explain the difference between hazards and risks as they apply to safe systems of work

In the “safe work practice” there are two terms that are very famous that are “risks” & “hazards”. These two are the terms that signify the potential dangers that one can face in doing work at the site. Although these are used for similar purposes still there is a difference between these two. The difference is as follows.

Risk vs Hazard

Figure 4: Risk vs Hazard


Hazard signifies the potential area present in a project that can cause harm to people working in that area. It means that the presence of different things in the project can cause harm to the users. In this project also there were different forms of work were involved in this project (Denney, 2020). Also, most of these works created some areas that were harmful to the project members. These were termed hazardous places or simply hazards.

On the other hand, there is a term called risk. This is almost similar to the hazard but there is a small difference between these two. Risk defines the likelihood of occurrence of harm because of the hazards present at the site. Also, this defines the likelihood of doing harm to people. In this project also, the potential hazards were determined (Abdulrahman et al. 2019). After the determination of these hazards, the potential impact of the hazard was determined. This helped in doing the project work safely. Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T896.3 List some of the problems with risk management system implementation

It can be seen that there were different policies implemented in this project for managing the risks present in this project. Although it was found that there were different problems or issues faced here in the implementation of these policies. The description of these challenges is as follows.

Problems in Risk management

Figure 5: Problems in Risk management

(Source: Self-created)

It was seen that in this project, at the start of the project, people failed to implement the different “risk matrices” that were planned here. It can be seen that at first the determination of the risk was not as good as it should be. Also, there were some problems with the prioritization of the risk present in this project. These two together created the problem of not properly implementing the “risk matrices”. Although later this was corrected & the proper use of this matrix was shown.

Another problem that was faced here was the mismeasurement of risks (Simon & Mutiso, 2021). It was seen that at the starting time of the project, there was some confusion about the risks present in the project. So, it was needed to estimate the risks well and take necessary measures against the risks. This created some problems to tackle the risks at the starting phase of the project. Although after the start of the project, it was seen that soon all of these mismeasurements were gone & proper strategies of safety were well used in this project.

Moreover, another problem that was faced here was the failure of not identify some major risks. It was seen that in this project the change in the price of the materials was not considered first. So, at some point in time when the price of the materials was changed then the project faced some issues. This signifies the missing of some risks present in the project (Putra et al. 2021). Although, it was seen that this was compensated by reducing costs from other works.

Another problem that was faced in implementing the strategies was the communication of the risks to the “top management”. At the start period of the project, there were unforeseen incidents happened that harmed the different workers. Although, it was seen that the management of the project was not well informed regarding the causes of this incident. So, it was seen as a delay to take necessary measures for mitigating the risks (Soares et al. 2020). Although after the identification of the risks the “risk mitigation” strategies were used dwell in this project.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T896.4 List some of the limitations that a risk management system may have

Use It is to be noted that there are some limitations present in the “risk management” system. All of these limitations make this process limited for the purpose of use. The description of these limitations is as follows.

It can be seen that although there are risks present in every organization it is not possible to employ these techniques in all the organization. In this project also, some of the techniques of “risk management” were not suitable for this project (Nyathi et al. 2020). So, it can be seen that some specific methods of “risk management” were used here. Moreover, it can be seen that the application of these methods is quite expensive. It is because there are a lot of arrangements are needed to be made. So, considering this in this project also there was a high amount invested in “risk management”. So, it can be seen that a good portion of the estimate was spent on managing the risks. Another risk that can be seen in this process is the cost of training. It is to be noted that not all the people present in a project are well aware of how to manage the risks. For this reason, it is needed that people are given training in this regard. In this project also, it was seen that arrangements of training were there for making the people involved in the project regarding the different risks present in the project (Taghipour et al. 2020). So, there was also a lot of time & money was invested in this.

a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T896.5 List some possible negative effects on the work environment based upon your answers to T896.3 and T896.4

It is to be noted that there are some ill effects that can be seen in the work environment because of the management of risks. In this project also, it was seen that although the management of risks helped a lot for the success of the project still there were some ill effects of this in the form of reducing the quality of the “work environment” (Hayat et al. 2019). It can be seen that one of the processes that were employed here was evaluating the performance of the project members. So, it was seen that there was created a sense of competition among the people present in the project. Also, this degraded the teamwork between the team members. Another thing that was observed here was the increase in the time taken in completing the different activities resent in the project. It can be seen that this project involved many risks so, keeping this in mind arrangements of training were there. This took a lot of time in giving training to the workers regarding the “safe work practices” at the site (Nugroho et al. 2020). Because of this, the work lagged behind the schedule at some point in time which created a level of demotivation among the members of the project team at one point in time.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

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