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Marketing Essentials Assignment Sample

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Introduction - Marketing Essentials

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The term marketing is very important process in order to make all the function in effective and efficient manner. It is also helpful to maintain good customer relationship. With the help of market function it is possible to have increment in Growth and development of the firm it is essential to follow smooth process. This kind of activities is also helpful in order to earn brand image in market. In this present report the activities of Your destination has been discussed with the comparison of services of firm Nationwide Expression (Deshpande and, 2017). Your destination is taking various effective steps in order to make business function in effective and efficient manner and it also taking many steps in order to have increment in the in its branches in united Kingdom so that firm can earn market share and can give competition to market leader “Nation expression. In this firm the new Marketing plan and marketing strategy are also has been defined which can able to make product or services in better manner. The role and responsibilities of marketing officers need to be defined so that active steps can be taken in relation to this. The main object of Nation express is to provide effective and efficient services to customers so that organisation can have nationwide expansion. In this relation firm is able to earn market share And can enlarge profit scale by delivering good and better services.


P1) Responsibilities of Marketing Officers and structure and operations of marketing department

As it is identified that 'Your Destination' is growing at higher level as well got succeed for business in London and Essex. Likewise, senior management decided to expand business with establishing other branches in Newcastle (Guy and Patton, 2013). For this purpose, there is planning for recruiting two new marketing officers regarding expansion plan of the destination. However, roles and responsibilities of marketing officers can be understood as follows:


Date: 10th November, 2017.


To: Senior Management team

From: Marketing Manager

Subject: To understand roles and responsibilities of marketing officers and operations of marketing department of 'Your Destination'.

Marketing manager plays crucial role in business operations for destination as of prepares planning for increasing customers' satisfaction as well advertising it on large scale (Biggemann 2014). However, their roles and responsibilities can be identified as:

Analysing market position of entity: It is essential role of marketing officers to analyse its market position and decision making regarding its future implementation. In addition to this, customers' views on destination are collected for maximizing their satisfaction level (Satit and, 2015). However, they are also responsible for identifying competitiveness of the entity as well other competitive entities' performance to face competition and sustaining its good position for longer time period.

Preparing planning regarding marketing of destination: For promoting 'Your Destination', marketing officers are responsible to select the best technique for promoting encouraging tourists at maximum level (Grönroos and Ravald, 2015). For example; they prepare planning for advertising and contacting with customers including agents, business parties and others for its longer term sustainability in competitive market (Lehtinen, 2015). Including this, they prepare plans regarding adopting new technologies for attracting people and promoting destination.

Evaluation on production and distribution of goods and services: It is recognised that marketing managers are accountable for preparing strategies related to create balance between production and distribution system (Amirkhanpour, Vrontis and Thrassou, 2014). However, management of this system can be created impacted on business profitability and market position of 'Your Destination'. Therefore, they also evaluate entire business operations in terms of reducing wastages as well creating plan for business' efficiency.

Responsibilities of Marketing officers:

Marketing officers have some essential responsibilities towards their duties can be understood as:

· They are responsible for creating plan and coordinate in planning for business operations.

· It is an essential responsibility of marketing officers to consider ethical considerations during planning for marketing and advertising of destination (Schroeder, 2013).

· Marketing officers are accountable for business and marketing plan in respect of decision making for production and distribution system.

Marketing department's operations:

For recruiting new marketing officers, it is essential to identify business operations of marketing department in business plan for 'Your Destination' as:

· Analysing business performance and market position of the destination as of tourists' attraction and making decision for further implementations.

· Decision making regarding using advertising tools, digital technologies as well communicating with customers.

· Creating coordination with other departments ' of 'Your Destination' for effective communication and planning strategy to achieve its effectiveness (FISK, 2013).

· Taking advise from higher level managers regarding better performance and creating uniqueness in products and services of the destination.

· Getting aware with recent market trend as of other competitive entities' performance and new creations to attract customers with destination.

· Generating ideas for adopting new technologies which impacted on business performance and marketability of 'Your Destination' on larger scale.

Therefore, marketing department of the entity plays efficient role in decision making related to promoting destination and improving its quality services. In addition to this, marketing officers coordinate with other departments' managers related to its performance. It influences management of entire business operations of 'Your Destination'. Accordingly, marketing officers make decision for enhancing profit level and sustaining destination's market position with facing competition (Amirkhanpour, Vrontis and Thrassou, 2014). Thus, marketing department of the destination plays effective role in achieving entity's growth and its effectiveness at higher level.

P2) Significance of Marketing officers' role in growth of 'Your destination' as well meeting its goals



To: Senior Management Team

From: Marketing Manager

Subject: To identify significance of marketing officers' role in establishing new branch of 'Your Destination'.

It is recognised that marketing officers are responsible for decision making on adopting new technologies for improving quality services. Similarly, they plan for sustaining market position of 'Your Destination' with facing high level of competition in tourism industry (FISK, 2013). In addition to this, they also create plan for establishing and maintaining good relations with customers impacted on its profitability and marketability. However, importance of marketing manager's role for establishing new branch of 'Your Destination' in Newcastle can be evaluated as follows:

For aware with market position of entity: It is analysed that marketing department's officers are aware new trend in market and tourism industry as well. In this regard, market position of entity and competitive entities' performance are identified (Schroeder, 2013). Therefore, different ideas are created for adopting new technologies and meeting customers' expectations at maximum level. It influences productivity and profitability of 'Your Destination' as well management of its entire operations effectively. Thus, marketing officers play effective role in sustaining market position of entity as well enhancing competitiveness on larger scale.

Managing production and distribution system: As marketing officers analyses production and distribution system of 'Your Destination' therefore, appropriate decisions are made for creating balances and increasing profit level as well competitiveness (Guy and Patton, 2013). Thus, wastages of resources and fund is identified which is linked with management of entire business operations. Hence, it is significant to recruit new marketing officers for proper production and distribution system by which different ideas are created for implementations and improving entity's efficiency at maximum level.

Generating ideas regarding expansion: It is identified that marketing officers are aware with new creations in destination by other competitive entities as National Express and so on. However, as per awareness of recent trend in tourism sector as well tourists' requirements, variety of ideas are created for further implementations as well meeting their expectations effectively (Lehtinen, 2015). In addition to this, it is beneficial for expansion of destination in several ranges such as; product development, entering into market, establishing new branch etc. Thus, several creative and unique ideas are generated for maximizing tourists' attraction with destination as well improving business performance on larger scale.

Increasing customer loyalty: Marketing officers' analyses market demand and customers' requirements towards destination (Joppi, Gerardi and Garattini, 2016). Therefore, decisions are made for achieving their satisfaction as well sustaining interest towards 'Your Destination'. It is effective for maintaining and increasing customers' loyalty as well demand for destination at higher level. Hence, marketing officers play effective role in maintaining good relations with its customers which impact on its profit level and competitive advantage on large scale.

Therefore, it is recognised that marketing officers' roles are effective in management of overall business operations as well for decision making regarding future business operations. It is beneficial for enhancing tourists' satisfaction level with destination as of advertising its unique facilities and encouraging them towards destination at higher level (Satit and, 2015). It influences productivity and profit maximization also related with management of business activities properly. Moreover, variety of ideas are generated for sustaining market position and enhancing profit level at higher level. Besides this, with communication of its strategies and presenting performance of marketing department of 'Your Destination', good coordination can be created among different departments which influences its environment. Thus, marketing officers' roles are crucial for improving business performance and managing its entire operations effectively.


P3 comparison of Your destination to National express in relation to elements of marketing mix.

Marketing mix- This term is very helpful in relation to make all the business function in smooth manner. This is very important in order to frame effective planning of marketing activities. This thing is inclusive of 7p's which is very helpful to decide marketing approach of Your destination in effective and expertise way. To make the business successful it is essential to cope up with it. In this following things are included are as Product, place, price, promotion, physical evidence, process and people and this all are the key element which helps to run business function efficient (Elves, 2014). This all are defined in following manner are as-

Product- This is very important to bring the changes in product so that customer can get attracted towards it. In Your destination the product strategy is somewhat differed from The National express. In this manner there are some loopholes in service of Your destination which is to be improved in order to gain competition in the market (Engelen, Lackhoff and Schmidt, 2013). This kind of function is very helpful in manner to bring maximum amount of market share so that business can sustainable for longer period. According to present scenario it is important to expand the size and scope of organisation in Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester and Aberdeen. In this manner the management need to develop the product design and increase their product segment so that needs and expectation of the customer can be fulfilled and the rate of customer retention can be improved. In this make all business function can run into smooth manner. In order to have effective and efficiency comparison with Nation Express it is important to have improvement in product segments. With the help of this kind of activities firm is able to maintain its brand image in the market (Grãdinaru, Toma and Marinescu, 2016).

Price- The main object of Your destination is to provide better services to the customer so that they can earn maximum amount of market share. In Morden time the customer are more quality conscious they want better products in affordable price. IN this manner it is very important to have the better strategy in order to have innovation in product so that customer can get attracted towards it. The price of product of Nation express is differed from time to time or as per the Quality of commodities available in market. The managers of the destination and higher authorities of firm should take effective steps in order to have improvement in pricing strategy of commodities. In order to gain competitive advantage in market (Menz and Scheef, 2014). By working in this manner the business enterprise can earn positive brand image in market. The main object of this entity is to attract the customer by providing effective services to them.

Promotion- This is the method which is helpful to get customer aware about the product and services in market. To adopt better and effective promotion strategy it is very helpful to attract the customer so that firm can able to gain market share. It can be true to said that promotional strategy of marketing is good enough to run the market of Your destination in effective manner. But it is not that effective which can give tough competition to The Nation Express (Ryan, 2016). In this manner it is very important to make better promotional strategy and its is to be modified and upgraded ion time manner so that firm can earn competitive advantage in market.

Physical evidence- The main branch of Your destination is located in London. The term physical environment is that part of environment which is very helpful to provide service to the customer. The main premises of Nation Express is also located in London which is giving tough competition to Your destination. IN this manner it can be true to said that Your destination is need to take effective steps in order to have modification in the physical evidence strategy of this firm. In this manner Business enterprise is able ear heigh volume of revenue.

Process- The term process is that part of the organisation which is helpful to follow all the procedures of business enterprise in effective and efficient manner. To have increment in Growth and development of the firm it is essential to follow smooth process. With the help of better services in the market the organisation is able to gain competitive advantage as well as maximum amount of market share. The process of Your destination is not that much attractive and effective which can able to compete with procedure of Nation express. In this way it is very important to bring changes in it so that there can be improvement in transportation and deliver services.

Marketing plan

P4 Description on the formulation of the marketing plan as per the nationwide enlargement of Your destination.

The effective marketing plan of Your destination can be made with the help of having analysis on internal and external environment and the following process is need to be considered such are as segmentation, targeting and positioning so that business can run its function in effective and efficient manner (Vargas-Hernández and Jimenez, 2016). The following activities are need to be consider in order to make business process effectively.

Internal analysis- In organisation the internal analysis can be taken with the help of Swot process- this is defined in following manner are as-

Strength- the main strength of your destination is that firm is having good reputation in the market so that customer can attracted to their product and services in easy manner. This firm is taking effective steps in order to provide quality of services within affordable cost.

Weakness- The main weak point about this organisation is that there inefficient in services due to which it is unable to stiff tough competition in the market (Wirtz, Tuzovic and Kuppelwieser, 2014). There area also some problem such are as lack of customer satisfaction, lace of skilled workforce due to which firm is not able to maintain is business function in effective and efficient manner. This kind of activities can hampered the growth of the organisation and can demotion in the growth and development of the business enterprises.

Opportunities- in organisation the various kind of opportunities are available in market which is need to be considered in timely manner. There are some opportunities such are as increment in manpower skills it can be improved by providing effective training facility to the employees of the firm so that services of organisation can run in smooth and efficient manner. By working in this kind of activities they can earn good reputation in the market.

Threats- The major threat is occurred in firm is that there are very tough competition available in the market. Sometimes it is not possible to cope up with market and in this way the bran image of company can get affected in large manner. In this manner in order to overcome from this kind of issue it is important to have conversation into opportunities so that it can set benchmark to company by improving services of customers.

External Analysis-

The organisation can able to do activities in effective manner. In this relation it is essential to undertake the process of PESTLE analysis- it is provided below-

Political- The political factors of business can affect the growth of firm and it probability can also decrease. Due to rapidly changed in government polices of the firm need to modify the strategies effectively in this way firm is able to maintain good relation with current scenario.

Economic- In paste few years there are various kinds of changes in economic condition of united Kingdom (Wirtz, Tuzovic and Kuppelwieser, 2014). The heigh rate of inflation in European union the company is facing lots of issue. Due to this the bran image of company is also affecting. The slight changes is need to be taken in order to get overcome from it.

Social- The social factor of business is inclusive of various kind of things such are as taste and preference of consumers. In order to have good image in the market it is essential to take effective steps so that product can be modified so that customer can get attracted towards it and able to earn good reputation in market.

Technological- The firm should use equipment of modern technology so that they can provide better and effective services to customers.

Legal- The firm need to follow all kind of laws and legislation so that brand image of company can be improved. The government of united kingdom should take effective steps in order to have make various rules are as customer health, safety, employment rights and many other in this way firm is able to carry its operation in effective manner (Wolfe, Plesko and Miller, 2014).

Environment- The environment of the organisation is to be protected it is essential for firm to reduce carbon foot prints from environment so that firm is able to render better and effective services.

The STP process-

The marketing plan can also make with the help of this process such are as-

Segmentation- The market need to segment the customer as per their age and gender in manner to provide better services to them. This kind of activities can facilitate the transportation service effectively.

Targeting- the customers should be target as per their needs and expectation. In this manner firm is able to full fill the demand of each individual in better manner.

Positioning- the product positioning is very important with the help of this customer can give specific position to the commodities as pert the needs of customers (Mišič and Podnar, 2017). Your destination need to take effective steps in order to provide better services to customers.


From the above assignment it has been determined that marketing is very crucial process in manner to do all the activities in effective and efficient manner. This term is very helpful in manner to get competitive advantage as well firm can able to sustain market for longer period. In this relation the role and responsibilities of marketing officers is need to be effectively framed. The marketing plan will help to aid growth and development opportunities to firm. With the help of 7p”s of marketing mix, Your destination is able to make effective marketing strategy.


Books and Journal

Amirkhanpour, M., Vrontis, D. and Thrassou, A., 2014. Mobile marketing: a contemporary strategic perspective. International Journal of Technology Marketing. 59(3), pp.252-269.

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Deshpande, T., and, 2017. Marketing Plan for the DJI Phantom 4 Follow-Me Drone Camera System.

Elves, R., 2014. Book Review of:'Marketing your library's electronic resources: a how-to-do-it manual'by MR Kennedy and C. LaGuardia. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2), p.316.

Engelen, A., Lackhoff, F. and Schmidt, S., 2013, December. How can chief marketing officers strengthen their influence? A social capital perspective across six country groups. American Marketing Association.

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Wirtz, J., Tuzovic, S. and G. Kuppelwieser, V., 2014. The role of marketing in today's enterprises. Journal of Service Management, 25(2), pp.171-194.

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The 7Ps of Marketing Mix. 2014 [Online]. Available through:<

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