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Managing a Work-Based Team Project Assignment sample

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Introduction - Managing a Work-Based Team Project 

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Team management encompasses all of the procedures necessary to make the most of the individuals working on the project (Soni, 2020). The project team is made up of the project manager and the people who have been tasked with carrying out the project's tasks. Therefore, the following assignment is conducted mainly to aid benefit to the local community by conducting a community development program. Therefore, the community development program chosen by the organization includes the development of a free-cost public study center in the UK, for providing free education study materials to children from socio-economic backward communities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of the project, the task sets milestones, as well as the duties and responsibilities of each team member, is spilled so that the project is implemented effectively without any hindrance disrupting the project’s success.

Task 1: 

Aim and Objectives of the Project

The aim of the project is to enlighten the backward community in the UK by the development of a free-cost public study center for providing free education study materials to children from socio-economic backward communities. The objectives of the project are listed below:

  • To develop a local free-study center 

  • To provide free education to children from a backward socio-economic background

  • To generate funding for the development of the free-study center

  • To collect study materials from Government, NGOs as well as the local community

Scope of the Project

The project has the scope to enlighten the backward socio-economic classes by providing them education. By assisting children in acquiring knowledge, abilities, and character, free education offers one of the greatest chances to decrease crime and its associated costs to society. The goal of providing free basic education to all children is great. It is because it provides a variety of advantages, one of which is full access to a fundamental level of education. This implies that all students in the nation may get a minimum level of education. In this manner, no one will continue illiterate, since the society's backward group will no longer be denied education. With education being just the key to a better life, when children are educated, even at the most fundamental level, they improve their prospects of future self-sufficiency as well as that of their families. After completing their basic education, these students may enter the workforce or even start new businesses or continue their studies at higher schools. In any case, an upgrade in lifestyle will occur, which will benefit the economy. Additionally, it increases job chances. With a little instruction, these children will be able to seek work and be absorbed by market forces. This in turn will contribute to social transformation, which will improve the overall development of the community.

Ways of monitoring and evaluating the project

The ways in which the project will be monitored include by constantly conducting review meetings, as well as the creation of a Work Breakdown Structure further, helps to divide the various activities of the project into phases that in turn helps to better monitor and track the project's success (Tang and Schmidt, 2021). When establishing the monitoring and control process for a project, it is important to first define the project baselines. This comprises the scope of the project, the timeline, and the money. With the use of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), it is necessary to break down a project into smaller units of work, or sub-tasks. It becomes easier to oversee and assess the job as a result of this. Consequently, issues can be identified more quickly, the project can be kept under control, as well as the progress of the project can be more easily verified. It also serves to maintain team members from feeling overburdened by their work (Burghate, 2018). The following WBS shows how the various activities of the project are divided into phases:

Task 2:

Proposed Methodology

For conducting the following project, the quantitative methodology is adopted by the researcher. Objective measurements and statistical, quantitative, or numerical analysis of data gathered via polls, questionnaires, and surveys, as well as altering pre-existing statistical data utilizing computer tools, are the characteristics of quantitative research methodologies. Therefore, the explorative research design is selected for conducting the study. The phrase "research methods" includes the processes followed by the investigator in order to accomplish the project's objectives (Roever and Phakiti, 2017). It really should be noted that primary data collection techniques were used in the majority of cases, which contributes to the precision and consistency of the study. In fact, questionnaires have already been developed to determine the number of children in the community who do not attend a school or who are unjustly deprived of an educational opportunity. As a result, the candidates selected to conduct the survey are local residents of the region who are between the ages of 18 and 45. However, this age group was usually selected in order to better assess their socio-economic condition as well as whether or not the children from backward areas had access to the same educational opportunities as their peers. As a result, the primary goal is to determine how impoverished the backward community is in order to create the center in accordance with the needs of the community. The questionnaire has been approved by the project supervisor, and it contains a clear declaration that participants have the right to withdraw at any time. The information gathered will be reviewed and analyzed with the help of Microsoft Desirability (toolkit). The research participants' identities have been kept strictly secret. The information gathered will be kept on my laptop in a safe manner, assuring that it is neither accessible nor retrievable by the general public.

Delegated activities for each team member



Project Manager

Responsible for the program's overall success. The PM is accountable for authorizing the use of specified acceptance criteria and work activities. The PM is able to report upon the progress of the project in compliance with the communication management strategy (Nguyen and Mohamed, 2018). The project manager evaluates and conveys the progress of the project to functional managers and also the rest of the team. The manager organizes and supervises the activities of the whole project team.

Government or local authorities

A government will interfere in economic operations only when absolutely required. Local governments, ensure the project's success and approve its continuation to the next level. The Government will help grant funds for collecting the books and raw materials that in turn helps in the successful implementation of the project. 


Additionally, investors may have given significant financial support to the institution during the project's administration (Davis, 2017). Investors will provide financial assistance to guarantee the project's success and will also aid in cost containment.

Team Members

The team members who are mainly the volunteers are responsible for conducting the survey as well as for the accomplishment of the tasks as per the deadlines.

key milestones for the project


1st–2nd week

3rd–4th week

4th–5th week

5th–6th week

7th–8th week

9th–10th week

11th – 12thweek

Market Research

Contact external stakeholders

Resource Generation

Set up Budget

Set up the Centre

Collect study materials 

Monitoring and Control

Analysis of the resources needed to complete the project 

Resources have a significant role in project management. Resources for a project are the currents and things that are required for obtaining a specific task for a project. Project resources include human resources, people, place, time, machines, budget, and equipment. The main resources required for completion of this project include internet connection, mobile device, desktop, machines and equipment, project plan, resource management tools and software, and team members. As per Dociu, (2018), human resources are the most important resource for the project. the team members and human resource managers have been included in this project management. Basic materials required for project management include desktop, mobile, book, pen, and paper. A certain amount of the capital has been used for the project.

Risk assessment 

The main risk was found in this project is a shortage of time and capital as the project is based on providing free education to those children who are socially and economically lagged behind. Providing free education and study materials from Government and NGOs and establishing the study-free study center for the children is an extremely capital and budget funding process. Therefore, a crucial risk found in this project is related to the capital resource. Another risk identified in this project management is to get enough and sufficient time for collecting all the study materials and funding from Government and private organizations. Establishing a free study center was also another risk found in this project because the construction of the study center is time-consuming and also needs numerous manpower, capital, and efficient labor. Engaging all the team members and creating a project plan can be helpful options for avoiding the risks. Running the entire project systematically and dividing all the project tasks among the team members can also avoid a long duration in the project completion. Risk identification can help in making effective decisions for bringing positive results to the project (Ou-Yang and Chen, 2017).

Task 3 

Tracking and logging progress

Is the project realistic?

Yes, the project is as realistic as it has a pragmatic goal of providing education to needy children.

Is the goal clear?

Yes, the goal is clear to the project members.

Is the project goal attainable?

With the help of team members and enough capital and sufficient time, the project can be attainable.

Risk management log

Risk of time

Proper planning of the project is required to avoid the risk. Proper schedule and distributing the tasks to all the members can help resolve the issue.

Budget issue

The project is funding-based. Government funding, private funding, and the financial assistance of NGOs can resolve this problem.

Issue of management

Lack of information was another issue for the entire project. Though the study of a similar project can be a good option for resolving the risk.

Task 4

Feedback analysis of the Project

Feedback plays a very effective role in project management. With the help of the feedback, the project managers can improve the quality of the project and can also implement necessary and basic changes that are required for successful and desirable project outcomes (Gonzalez-Hernandez, and Freiheit, 2017). It also helps in bringing project growth. The team members of this project provided their valuable feedback by analyzing the risk factors included in the project. With the help of their feedback, the project managers successfully extended the project deadline and also collected more capital from NGOs for providing study materials to the children. The team members have also provided their problems about getting sufficient space to locate a proper study center for the children. It helps the manager lookout for other sources and areas for constructing the study center with the help of adroit laborers. Positive feedback of the project members helped the project managers get sufficient motivation and support for resolving the issues and conflicts.

Performance evaluation of the project

Performance evaluation is required to identify whether the project has attained its desired outcomes or not. The project of establishing free location and study centers and providing free study materials to the socially and economically backward children with the help of the Government and NGOs has attained its outcome. Though time and capital were the main issues found in this project, with the help of different team managers and also with the help of the NGOs and governments, the project managers have successfully acquired its required capital and also have contributed their time to develop the study center for the children. The project members have faced some challenges due to lack of time and a shortage of capital as the entire project is expensive. Continuous monitoring and checking daily progress reports have helped identify the performance evaluation report of the project.

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