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Financial Performance, Position And Reporting Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Financial Analysis of Tesco's Retail Performance and Competitive Position Assignment Sample

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Tesco is one of the leading player in the UK retail industry. Fierce competiton and lack of proper management are two of the factors due to which firm failed to perform well in its businesss. In the current report ratio analysis is done and comments are made on firm performance. In order to measure company performance in better manner its comparison is made with peer firms and by doing areas where is in better condition then rivals is identified. At end of the report, share price analysis is done and comments are made on it. Apart from this, trend in which dividend paid is also analyzed. At end of the report, conclusion section is prepared.

Ratio analysis

  1. Net profit ratio: Net profit ratio is the one of the most important ratio because it assist managers in identifying capability of company to control direct and indirect expenses in the business. Extent to which firm have control on its expesnes lead to earning of profit in the business. It can be seen from table given in appendix that net profit ratio of Tesco in year 2017 was -0.07% and same become 0.26% in year 2016 (Drivelos. and Georgiou, 2012). This clearly reflect that company is not earning profit in its business. In previous years also firm earn very low level of profit in its business. On other hand, in case of Sainsbury net profit ratio is 1.44% and same for John Lewiss which recently become parent organization of Waitrose is 3.10%. On this basis it can be said that John Lewiss perform better then Sainsbury and Tesco. Overall it can be said that Tesco is far behind its competitors and its performnace is declining consistently. Increase in expenses on consistent basis is one of the main reason due to which Tesco is struggling to earn sufficient profit in its business. In this regard, firm can conduct review time to time and by doing so can identify expenses where it is lossing control on its expenses. By taking action on time situation can be controlled on time by Tesco.
  2. Current ratio: Current ratio reflect the proportion of current assets to current liability. It help managers in measuring liquidity condition of the company. It can be observed that current ratio of Tesco is year 2017 was 0.79 and in year 2016 value of same ratio was 0.82. This clearly reflect that liquidity position of company decline sharply and firm is not able to pay all its current liability of time. Ideal current ratio value is 2:1 and this means that current ratio must be just double of current liability. In case ratio value is less then 1 then this means that firm does not have sufficient amount to pay current asset (Pettke and, 2012). Current ratio value for Sainsbury is 0.73 and same for John Lewiss is 3.24. This means that John Lewiss is able to pay all its liabilities on time by makinguse of current assets. Currently, current assets are three times more then current liability. On this basis it can be said that firm is in good condition. However, this always does not mean that everything is okay in the firm. This is because higher current ratio can be obtained in because cash sufficiently is not used in the business. Tesco need to improve its performance and it must try to increase ratio value to at least 1. In this regard it will need to earn more profit in its business.
  3. Total asset turnover ratio: Total assets turnover ratio reflect limit upto which assets are effeciently used in the business to generate sales. It can be seen that total assets turnover ratio of Tesco is 1.24 in year 2017 and its value was 1.22 in year 2016. On this basis it can be said that firm at same rate is using assets in its business. In case of Sainsbury value of ratio is 1.42 and same for John Lewis is 1.82. This means that again John Lewis is performing better then other firms. However, there is no big difference in the asset turnover ratio of these firms and on this basis it can be said that all of them need to improve their performance (Cui and Ryan, 2011). Total asset turnover ratio is commonly used by most of meaures only to use their effeciency level in respect to effeciency with which they are using assets in their business. It can be said that total asset turnover ratio have due importance for the business firms and due to this reason it must be computed time to time on quarterly basis to make business decisions and identifying areas where there is need to take steps to improve performance in the business.
  4. Debt equity ratio: Debt equity ratio indicate capital structure that is in business of the firm. Debt equity ratio of Tesco in year 2017 was 1.46 and same in case of 2016 was 1.24. This means that relative to previous year debt proportion in capital structure increased but still it is in balanced conditiion. Ideally, debt equity ratio value is 2:1 and Tesco debt equity ratio is less then standard value. On other hand, in case of Sainsbury ratio value is 0.09 which is indicating that there is very low proportion of debt in the capital structure which make it imbalanced and this is not good for the firm (Debt to equity ratio, 2017). In case of John Lewiss ratio value is 0.47 which is indicating that debt have very less portion in capital structure. Hence, it can be said that firm is in good condition in its business. Overall, it can be said that Tesco and specially Sainsbury need to restructure their capital structure and by doing so they can ensure that capital strcuture will remain balanced and finance cost will remain in control in the business. It can be said that there is huge importance of the debt equity ratio for the business firms.
  5. Earning per share: Earning per share reflect portion of earning that is received on each unit of shares that are hold by the shareholders. It can be observd that earning per share for Tesco was -0.006 in year 2017 and same was 0.015 in year 2016. On this basis it can be said that firm is facing lots of problems in its business and due to this reason earning per share is negative in the business. In case of Sainsbury ratio value is only 0.05 which means that firm performance is not so good (Peavler, 2017). On other hand, in cae of John Lewis value is 0.17 and this again reflect that firm need to improve its performance. However, on basis of comparison of values it can be said that John Lewis is in better condition then Tesco and Sainsbury but performance improvement is required in case of all these firms.

Market perception of company

It can be seen from chart given above that Tesco share price is declining consisently from 2008. However, some sign of recovery were observed in the chart but it declined on consistent basis. Thus, it can be said thatn firm stocks are not performing well and investors are lossing money on invested amount. Analysts have common opinion that due to poor financial performance it become hard for the firm to give good return to its investors and due to this reason it is not possible for its shareholders to consistently maintain positiion on company shares. Tesco last declare dividend in year 2013 and 2014 when divided rate was 14.76 for both years. Dividend was not issued further in years 2015, 2016 and 2017 (TSCO TESCO PLC ORD 5P., 2017). All these things further create company negative image in the market that its condition is critical. This is because Tesco is UK leading retail firm commanding number position but its condition even though is not good which is matter of concern for the investors. Due to this reason there are number of people that sold stocks of company in the market. Hence, it can be said that company need to improve its performance to certain level so that profit can be maximized.


On the basis of above discussion it is concluded that there is significent importance of ratio analysis method because it help firm to measure its performance. By using ratios firm performance can be measured from different angels and work can be done on weak areas. All these things lead to improvement in performance of the firm. It is also concluded that firm must time to time measure its performance and accordingly must make business decisions. By doing so it can bring itself in good condition.


Books and Journals

Cui, X. and Ryan, C., 2011. Perceptions of place, modernity and the impacts of tourismâ€"Differences among rural and urban residents of Ankang, China: A likelihood ratio analysis. Tourism Management. 32(3). pp.604-615.

Drivelos, S.A. and Georgiou, C.A., 2012. Multi-element and multi-isotope-ratio analysis to determine the geographical origin of foods in the European Union. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 40. pp.38-51.

Pettke, T. and, 2012. Recent developments in element concentration and isotope ratio analysis of individual fluid inclusions by laser ablation single and multiple collector ICP-MS. Ore Geology Reviews. 44. pp.10-38.


Debt to equity ratio, 2017. [Online]. Available through:<>.

Peavler, 2017. [Online]. What is net profit margin ratio. Available through:<>.

TSCO TESCO PLC ORD 5P., 2017. [Online]. Available through:<>.

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