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Budget Report Of Travel-Space Trailers

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Introduction - Budget Report Of Travel-Space Trailers

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This report has been arranged to give an exhaustive outline of the issues that might exist in Movement Space Trailers' quotes, supporting plans and financial plan readiness methodology. This report centres around the creation financial plan, buys spending plan, and money spending plan for the half-year time frame from January 2021 to June 2021. In order to assist Paul, the proprietor, in comprehending the repercussions of the budget, this report will also make suggestions for enhancing the budgeting procedure and offer a visualization of the budget. This re[ory also aimed to deliver proper information towards the owner of the company, so the firm can take the required steps to continue their further operations.

Analysis & Discussion

Production Budget

Production Budget

Figure 1: Production Budget

(Source: Self-calculated in MS Excel)

The above figure shows the budget table for the production of the firm. Travel-Space Trailers produced a production budget table showing the estimated budgeted sales and intended ending inventory for the six-month period from January to June 2021 (Boczkowska, 2023). The above figure explains that the projected sales of the firm for the months of January, February, and March are $2,550.00, $4,080.00, and $5,100.00, respectively. The targeted ending inventory for the same time frame is $1,224.00, $1,468.80, and $1,762.56, respectively. It is also clear that the overall monthly requirements are $3,774.00, $5,548.80, and $6,862.56.

Production Budget Graph

Figure 2: Production Budget Graph

(Source: Self-calculated in MS Excel)

Notwithstanding, there might be a few issues while looking at the creation spending plan table. Most importantly, the arranged deals for the following half year are conflicting. However, $2,550.00, $4,080.00, and $5,100.00 are the anticipated sales for January, February, and March, respectively (Craig, et al. 2021). However, the anticipated sales for April, May, and June are $3,060.00, $2,040.00, and $1,020.00, respectively. It may be challenging to plan production and other resources due to the inconsistent sales forecast, rendering the operation inefficient.

Furthermore, the anticipated transactions fall short of the ideal monthly closing inventory. For instance, the scheduled transactions for April, May, and June are $3,060.00, $2,040.00, and $1,020.00, respectively, while the ideal finished inventory for comparable time periods is $2,115.07, $2,538.09, and $3,045.70. Along these lines, stock overproduction can raise the expense of keeping stock in April, May, and June.

Thirdly, the trailer creation for every month isn't in accordance with the planned deals. For instance, the trailer production for the same time period is $3,412.51, $2,463.01, and $1,527.62, while the budgeted sales for April, May, and June are $3,060.00, $2,040.00, and $1,020.00, respectively. This proposes that there might be an undersupply of items on the lookout, bringing about botched deals and amazing open doors.

All in all, a few issues might exist in Movement Space Trailers' creation financial plan table. As a result, Paul, the proprietor, ought to pay attention to these issues and take the necessary measures to guarantee that the production budget table matches the planned sales.

Purchases Budget

Purchases Budget

Figure 3: Purchases Budget

(Source: Self-calculated in MS Excel)

This figure reflects the purchase budget of the company. The standard costs of the materials needed to build a trailer over the six-month period are outlined in the purchasing budget of the company (Miccio, 2021). This incorporates trailer building costs, sheet metal necessities per trailer, the last materials required, and all out material prerequisites.

Purchases Budget Graph

Figure 4: Purchases Budget Graph

(Source: Self-calculated in MS Excel)

Cost per square foot, complete expense, and beginning stock are totally remembered for the spending plan. The company receives an overview of typical start-up costs and receives assistance in proper planning and financing from this financial plan. In addition, you can alter your purchasing and production strategies to achieve your financial objectives.

Cash Budget

Cash Budget

Figure 5: Cash Budget

(Source: Self-created in MS Excel)

The aforementioned cash budget is a useful planning and management tool for a company's cash flow. It gives a diagram of cash inflows and floods throughout a given time period, which for this present circumstance is a half year (Ochia, and Ochia, 2022). The aggregate sum of money accessible to the organization throughout the following half year, as well as the expected money distributions for that period, should be visible to look at the money financial plan. The company expects to receive $2,162,400 in real money assortments over the course of the next half year, according to the available funds.

Cash Budget Graph

Figure 6: Cash Budget Graph

(Source: Self-created in MS Excel)

The majority of these collections come from the month of sale and the second month after the sale, though a small number also come from the month after the sale. Over the course of the next six months, the company is expected to spend $3,965,760 on aluminium, $869,000 on other materials, $4,161,600 on wages, $918,000 on heat, light, and power, $2,233,800 on equipment rental, $1,836,000 on equipment purchases, and $24,480,000 on selling and administrative costs with this cash.

Also, the cash budget indicates that the company will need to borrow additional funds to cover these cash outlays (Vinod, 2022). In addition to the $612,000 in their initial balance, they intend to borrow $1,632,000. They will likewise have to make reimbursements of $1,020,000 and pay interest of $97,920. Generally speaking, this money spending plan gives a valuable depiction of the business' money position over the half-year time span, assisting them with arranging and dealing with their income as needs be.


To ensure that Paul's business continues to be profitable, It also suggested that he take the following actions in light of the budget for production and purchases. He should first look for ways to cut production costs, like negotiating lower prices for materials or switching suppliers. Second, he should look for ways to boost sales by expanding his market or offering promotional discounts (Boczkowska, 2023). Thirdly, he should make it a point to keep his inventory levels in line with sales because having too much inventory can hold up cash and make it less profitable. At last, he ought to consider applying for a line of credit to cover any shortages in income, as this can assist with guaranteeing that his firm has an adequate number of assets to meet its commitments.


The overall budget of the firm shows that for the upcoming 6 months, the firm's exact requirements of cash, materials, and other necessary items, will aid the firm during the production of the trailers. The owner Mr Paul require to follow the recommended steps as per the findings of the analysis. In this way, The firm can make a profit and also grow its business operations successfully.



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