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Expanding Tourism Businesses Through Strategic Marketing Assignment Sample

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The Role of Managers in Expanding Tourism Businesses Through Strategic Marketing: A Case Study of Visit London

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There is important role of manager in expanding business. It is essential to make policies which are competent to achieve targets in better and effective way. As per change in policies in better and effective way. Sue to change in marketing factors, there is alternation in business policies as well. As per change in better and effective way. As per requirement it is essential to make policies which are competent to change business ethics. Business operates in society, so it is necessary to make changes in plans and policies (Ashworth and Goodall, 2012). Due to alteration in factors, it is essential to make change plans and polices of company. This report is based on Visit London which is one of the best leading company in market in case of travel and tourism business. In this report there is discussion about marketing concept and principles, management tools to promote market, role of marketing mix.


1.1 Core concepts of marketing

Marketing is one of the biggest field which help top analyse market and then this can be helped to achieved targets inn better and effective way. As per requirement company work and tries to give better and effective change. There are many policies which can be done in way as per market requirement. Some of the concepts are as follows-

Needs, demand and wants- These terms are sounds to be same but actually these are different. It is essential to analyse demand of customer which help to serve society and through this there is alteration in factors. There are different types of which marketing manager of Visit London will analyse.

Marketing offers- Marketing offers means to know what can be done through which company can analyse market and then there will not change factors which help to achieve targets in better and effective way. There are different policies which help company to achieve targets and then there will attractive offers to achieve targets (Buhalis and Foerste, 2015).

Consumer value and satisfaction- There are various ethics of consumer which has to considered through which they can help to satisfy workers. It is essential through which they can change image of company in effective way.

Exchange, transaction and relationships- There are some exchanges and transactions taken place in market. It is essential to alter market policies through which they can achieve targets. These relations must be good so targets can be achieved in better way.

Market- Market is the place where business operates. This is the most important element of marketing, which is effective for making changes in actions and activities.

Marketer and Prospects- Marketer and prospects are one of the important component which help to achieve targets in better way. They are the person which help to analyse market and then it is essential to effective change in market.

1.2 Impact of the marketing environment on individual travel and tourism businesses and tourist destinations

Marketing is the targets which help to achieve targets in effective way. There are many factors which has to be considered while dealing with marketing concept. It is essential to alter policies which aims to analyse market and then there will requirement of policies which are effective to perform business operations. In tourist business there are many changes which are individually depends on performing activities (Dasgupta, 2011). Due to change in market, there is difference in choice of individual. There are many tourist destination in London, having different significance, so it is responsibility of manager to guide them and atake actions which are effective for analysing market and then taking appropriate actions.

PEST Analysis

Political: Political factor is the macro factor of external environment that affect business through many forms such as changes in demographic changes, interest rates, population and many other changes according to government. This might get affect to business activities specially in tourism sector. This process might also change the demand and supply of services as well.

Economic Factors: Economic is the another significant factor under which many factors includes such as changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, monetary policy etc. due to these changes clients also cancel their trip or may be planned something new.

Social Factors : Social factors are directly influenced by customers or society. Company should always aware about the new changes and demand of the consumers according to which they make plan. Such as good effective services or best company behaviour will always affect customers otherwise not.

Technological Factor: It is the most beneficial and innovative factor through country easily get attract new tourism in the country and get opportunity to earn more foreign income. Government can adopt new technology and infrastructure facilities in order to meet the needs of tourists.

1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand for London

In travel and tourism sector different type of factors are arises that affect customer's demand and motivation. These factors can be positive and negative but they have direct impact on desires as -

Income of consumers: For an individual it is require that they manage their income sources effectively. These kind of activities influence of visitor's demand and their requirement need. For this tourism organisations require to provide attractive offers to visitors on the bases of their capacity to afford them easily. Main reason behind low income of consumer are their ineffective purchasing approaches and low saving power that directly impact on their motivation for travelling.

Taste of consumers: This is a most important factor that directly affect customer's motivation toward travelling in several places. Taste of visitors is very diversified who want to visit several places on the bases of their desire. Sometimes environmental factors impact directly on tourist's behaviour and their taste for travelling in several places.

Political Environment: These can be the negative factors that directly affect on visitors demand to visit specific location. This factor includes governmental rules and regulations that requires to follow while going to a specific location. Some of the legal issues can be strict that can reduce customer's demand to visit these locations (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2012).

Weather: It has direct impact on customer's requirement and their need to visit specific destination.

1.4 Principles of marketing segment and their use in marketing planning

Market segmentation is a helps to analyse several factors and issues that are arises in target location. Visit London require to analyse each and every factors properly while planning for prepare a process for visitors. Market segmentation represent customers demand and their requirement from several organisations. Through this organisation can easily manage their targeting and positioning to examine several factors easily. Through this organisation make appropriate plan to provide their quality services to different customers. Visit London split their activities effectively to provide their quality services in different location on the bases of tourist's demand and their requirement. Main objectives of this process is to provide quality services to customers and build their own image and goodwill. For this firm require to provide their effective and quality services on attractive cost. Through this they can easily attract higher range of visitor's. In this process they can also provide different offers and services on the bases of customer's capacity to afford them easily (Hahm and Wang, 2011). These activities maximise customer's requirement by capturing their eyes toward organisational services and new offers. After this firm need to analyse customer's satisfaction level by getting their final feedback. Thee can be the beneficial approaches of firm to provide effective services easily. Through this they can easily distribute their effective services to several users and tourists.


2.1 Significance of strategic marketing planning for Thomson

Strategic marketing planning is a business activity and approach in which they require analysing several marketing segmentations. In this procedure organisation analyse that what kind of activities are needed to build their own marketing image easily. For this firm can use different promotional tools as advertising, internet marketing, newspaper promotions and others. Through this they can easily represent their new business and marketing approaches to build direct connection with target visitors. These are the most important factor of firm in which marketing manager can easily analyse visitor's demand and requirement need to provide different services properly. Marketing planning is a most important factor that helps to build direct connection with target customers to getting long term benefits. In this procedure they collect data of different segmentation to provide quality services easily. In travel and tourism industry it is required to analyse several factors that are related to visitors need to provide them quality and charismatic experience. Through this they can easily build their own image in target market or in front of several tourists and visitors (Hudson and Thal, 2013). Main reason behind this process is to build performance based activity in organisation and create their own values in market. In this process employees of firm provide their own contribution to serve quality services to tourist after understanding their requirement and need properly. Through this they can create a attractive tourist destination image of their own country in front of another competitive nations. These business and marketing approaches helps to provide their own contribution in economy growth and development.

In order to make strategic planning for the company on the basis of their customers and making good things and opportunity to grab customer attraction towards the profit revenue. Such as company or country should adopt Green Tourism that is totally based on nature or greenery. Overall, this concept based on sustainable tourism that helps to keep the data and environment safe and secure. On the basis of current scenario most of the travellers wanting to go on places where environment is healthy and based on greenery. It will be presenting high generating form of income that helps to keep the nature always protecting. Tourism might have on the environment and have, therefore, become more responsible with regard to sustainability.

This will also presenting and promoting this idea into new form such as social media platform and travel with a great mission.

2.2 Relevancy of marketing research and information to manager

For a manager, it is required to analyse different factors in appropriate manner to implement them effectively in their business process.

Identifying opportunities: In this consider that market research play vital role in finding opportunities regarding expanding business so that company can make favourable decisions and grab such opportunities for increasing growth and achieve particular goods or services.

Risk minimization: It defines various kinds of risks or uncertainties that can affects on the business so it is required to identify such factors and make appropriate plan by considering relevant data, take measures and other aspects so that risks can be minimised. In this included various things like natural disasters, health related issues etc. 

Setting up of right promotional campaign: In this, market researcher always focus on defining targets customers for effective promotion. It included the promotional campaign for providing accurate information and consider the #Scotspirit is a very famous aspects that related with social media platform.

Better Understanding: This is an important element which helps in providing effective informations regarding market situations or conditions. It will support to understand the environmental factors so that company can formulate better strategies.

Communication: There is requires better communication procedure for providing adequate information to the people who are directly or indirectly linked with the company. Manager make better decisions and create actions plans for adoption of media channel that can be suitable for creating awareness among targeted audiences. Customers can make visiting plans by getting such information.

2.3 Impact of marketing on society

There are various types of impacts of tourism marketing on the society such as positive and negatives which are as following:

  • It has positive impacts on the country because tourism sector contributes more in increasing economy development (Moutinho, 2011). It directly linked with financial stability by attracting number of visitors.
  • It also provide financial supports with preserving of locals heritages as well as culture of the country.
  • The other beneficial aspect is beautification of particular place or its attracting looks that capture eye of visitors. Society also can advantages by keepings clean or green environment that will support in attracting number of visitors in an effective manner.

Negative aspects of tourism marketing:

  • Some of the political and legal aspects of an country impacts negatively on tourism sector and visitors as well.
  • Firm require to manage their business activities properly by getting different benefits through marketing promotional tools as advertising, e-marketing and further things as well.

3.1 Elements of marketing mix and major issues encountered

Marketing mix is the plan which developed by the organisation for accomplishment of objectives. This will includes about making their strategies regarding different important aspects such as product, price, promotion,place, people, process and physical evidence. is tour operator organisation which provides various offers to tourists to grab their attention towards their services.

Product: The different type of services are provided by in all over the world includes integrated tour packages having the facility of hotels, flights, transportation etc. To provide better services need to do research of market for determination popular destinations as per demands (Park and Oh, 2012).

Price: It helps to influence the behaviour of tourists and garb the customers of competitors also. The pricing policy which is adopted by for their different services is according to middle class families to attain competitive advantage in market. Through this large number of benefits are gathered like high market share, brand image, more customers etc.

Place: It is analysed that at present has 21 offices in different cities from where they provide functions. They also use online plat from to deliver their offerings such as website. The huge role is played by the online mode in the growth operation of

Promotion: It is important aspect which includes selection of best suited promotional activity through which they can advertise their services to aware the consumers about their current offers. In this regard, social media platform is used as it saves the time and also have wide range in market.

3.2 Importance of service sector mix elements

The service sector mix elements are different which is used by manufacturing organisation. The different 3P's which are established for service industry includes People, process and Physical evidence. This will provides the opportunity is to build ore profound strategy which improves internal strength through which services are provided effectively to consumers.

Importance of marketing mix

Clean marketing mix: The major importance of this marketing mix is that different aspects are interlinked to each other. It helps to build supply chain of organisation more effective.

Helps in business development: 7P's of marketing helps is to make their business operations more profound as strategies are made regarding different aspects which satisfy the needs of tourists (Sigala, Christou and Gretzel, 2012).

Differentiation: Formulation of service marketing plans helps to understand about the factor that differentiation in their services helps to grab more market share. It contributes in improvement of the internal strength of It helps to drive their competitors out of the market to make their position ore effective in market. For achievement of this target huge contribution is provided by promotional activities.

Enhances dynamism: To ascertain dynamism need to having the detailed knowledge about different elements.

3.3 Concept of 'Total Tourism Product

Tourism industry has wide in scope which includes the business activities of many other sectors such as hotels, transportation, tour operators etc. It is important to combine all the factors for providing better services to customers. The total tourism product includes provides combines tour packages to the tourists which includes the providence of all facilities simultaneously in one package like accommodation, transportation etc. This will reduce the burden of the tourists regarding searching of such different facilities new country which is time consuming process. It provides the opportunity to the tour operators like that make alliance with the other industries and provide combined offer as it helps to influence the buying behaviour of tourists. The attraction power of such integrated offerings is increased more with the help of discount offers which further contributes to attain competitive advantage. Such concept of total tourism is developed for the leisure and comfort of tourists to provide good life time experience of travelling.


4.1 Nature and role of the promotional mix is tour operator organisation where huge role is played promotional activities in the attraction of large number of visitors and spread awareness about the different features of destinations. In this regard, use of promotional mix helps to adopt different advertisement approaches through which effectively information is disbursed among the tourists. It helps to create the demand of their services in market which has direct positive impact upon the sales and profit.

Role of promotional mix

Promotion: It is important activity which includes advertisement of existing offering of organisation for generation of demand.

Objectives: There is huge role is played by the promotional techniques in attainment of the sales and communication objectives. This will provides is to garb their predetermined sales figure which they set at the beginning of year (Wang and Pizam, 2011).

Sales promotion: The main aim behind the concept of sales promotion is to improve the number of sales temporarily through providence of offerings regarding discounting, voucher, integrated offers etc. It contributes to enhance revenue of organisation which helps to adopt innovations through which performance of different departments are developed.

Brand Awareness: Promotional activities not only helps in improvement of the sales but also contributes in building of the brand image which improves their popularity inmarket.

4.2 Plan and justify an integrated promotional campaign

Integrated promotional campaign includes use of multiple choice of advertisement mediums for promotion of their current products and services. The different kind of mediums which can be integrated with each other includes social media, internet, television adds etc. As it helps to reach towards the different individuals of society. Though use of these medium they can provide information about their holiday packages which are formulated as per different segment of society. It is effective medium to communicate with customers to grab their pReferences.

In integrated promotional campaign, uses social media to provide information to youth and also used newspaper to bring awareness among the local individuals of society. The social media platform is most suitable because it saves the time and cost of management. There are different benefits which are associated with the use of such method includes large number of market share, high amount of profits, more number of tourists, good brand image etc. The main importance is that it helps to grab the trust of tourists upon their services which helps to retain them for longer period of time.


Tour is the sector through which there is economic development of country. These days there is requirement of change in plans and policies which are effective due to change in market strategies. It is essential to alter policies which is effective for making sales growing. There are many factors which promote sales and hence it is essential to take acre of actions performed by lower level of workers. Marketing mix is the technique which help to achieve targets in better and effective way. These days changes are taking place very rapidly so it is essential to analyse market in better and effective way. Promotional event of travel and tourism is essential to make changes in plans and policies so tourism business can be grown.


Books and Journals

  • Ashworth, G. and Goodall, B. eds., 2012. Marketing tourism places (Vol. 2). Routledge.
  • Buhalis, D. and Foerste, M., 2015. SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value. Journal of destination marketing & management. 4(3), pp.151-161.
  • Dasgupta, D., 2011. Tourism marketing. Pearson.
  • Goeldner, C. R. and Ritchie, J. B., 2012. Tourism: principles, practices, philosophies (No. Ed. 12). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Hahm, J. and Wang, Y., 2011. Film-induced tourism as a vehicle for destination marketing: Is it worth the efforts?. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 28(2), pp.165-179.
  • Hudson, S. and Thal, K., 2013. The impact of social media on the consumer decision process: Implications for tourism marketing. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 30(1-2), pp.156-160.\
  • Moutinho, L. ed., 2011. Strategic management in tourism. Cabi.
  • Park, J. and Oh, I.K., 2012. A case study of social media marketing by travel agency: The salience of social media marketing in the tourism industry. International Journal of Tourism Sciences. 12(1), pp.93-106.
  • Sigala, M., Christou, E. and Gretzel, U. eds., 2012. Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality: Theory, practice and cases. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
  • Wang, Y. and Pizam, A. eds., 2011. Destination marketing and management: Theories and applications. Cabi.


  • The Definition of Tourism Marketing. 2017. [Online]. Available through: <>.
  • When Is The Best Time To Visit Scotland?. 2017 [online]. Available through: <>.
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