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Tourism industry is one of the largest industries which is having an major role to play for the world economy. In general terms tourism is referred as the process of spending the time away from home for the purpose of pleasure or any of the reason. Tourists industry adds great value to the economy and helps in the infrastructural development of the nations. A lot of people every year travel to the different places for their pleasure (Kyrylov et. al. 2020). The new approach of understanding tourism is contemporary tourism. It is being defined as the international approach to study tourism in reference to the challenging or the issues which are faced by tourism industry (Inácio, 2018). This report is an essay which focused on exploring about the impact of the contemporary tourism on economy, environment and social cultural factors. The development of the contemporary tourism will be discussed in detail. Moreover the study will also discuss about both the positive and negative impact of tourism on the different factors.
Contemporary tourism is one of the most important and misunderstood topic in the tourism studies (Yang and Khoo-Lattimore, 2018). The study of tourism is changing rapidly and new concepts and theories are adding to it. With the on-going development, globalisation and technological advancement tourism had increased to a greater extent. In response to this now in the contemporary world both the developed and developing nations consider tourism as an important factor for economic development of the nation. Cooper and Hall, (2007) had written an book on the contemporary tourism. The book has stated that the concept of contemporary tourism focuses on explaining the increase issues related to the tourism due to the on-going threats from the terrorism and several factors. Moreover it can be stated that the tourism had changed a lot in the recent decades. Now, the tourism focuses on the issues such as changing world order, tourism ethics, poor tourism and destination marketing and many more for development of tourism.
The major reason behind the development of the contemporary tourism is the cultural heritage and the increased cross border connection between the nations. This has made it quite easy for the economies to generate higher revenue by making use of the natural beauty of their nations and cultural heritage (Nilsson, 2018). The tourism is growing at a fast pace. In the recent decades the contemporary tourism has developed to a great extent. The contemporary tourism focuses on creating an relationship between consumption, production and the experience which is generate through an tourist place (Janta and Christou, 2019). It can be said that contemporary tourism has changes a lot of things and especially the tourism system. In the upcoming years this will be changing a lot more things. But it is very important to understand the difference issues which are being developed due to the contemporary tourism and is affecting the tourism negatively.
Both the developed and developing nations are investing better capital for the tourist destination development but it is important to understand the economic impact of tourism. It is necessary to explore about both the positive and negative influence of the tourism on economy (Shaheen et. al. 2019). One of the most important positive impacts of tourism on economy is that it generates a lot of jobs and this is adding value to the economy (Puah et. al. 2018). Apart from this one of another important benefit of increasing tourism it that it attracts the investment in the country and this is having major positive impact on the economy. When the country is having higher number of tourists visiting the nation then it attracts the major investors from across the world to invest in the tourist industry of such nations for generating higher profits and revenue (Parviznejad and Akhavan, 2021). The multiplier effect is having a significant role to play in this. There are number of times the money which is spent by the tourist is being circulated in the country's economy and this add value to the economy (Rusu, 2011).
Now it we focus on the adverse effects of the tourism on economy is also higher (Nurov et. al. 2021). The important disadvantage of tourism on the economy is the declining traditional employees. For an example if the individual is working in any of the industry such as farming, fishing or any other but if better opportunities are available in tourism industry then the individual would shift. Apart from this another important aspect of negative impact of tourism on economy is that it increases the dependence of the nation's economy on tourism which is not good for the economic development of the nations (Khan et. al. 2020). Also as per the leakage effect also there are different method through which the revenue generated by the tourism industry is being lost to another countries economy. This is having a major adverse effect on the nation’s economy (Suryawardani et. al. 2014).

The tourists visit any of the places for its natural beauty but in return they are having an lasting impact on the environmental factors of the nations. The increasing level of tourism is adding value to air, notice, water and land pollution. Also for the development of the infrastructure the deforestation is being taken place which is affecting the flora and fauna to a greater extent by destruction of both the flora and fauna. The construction of the hotels, resorts and other hospitality service offering firms are having adverse effects on the environment (Eusébio et. al. 2020). These hotels are having large waste and having an major role to play in carbon emissions. So it can be said that the factor of sustainability is completely avoided in the tourism development. For generating revenue the nature and the natural resources cannot be neglected at any cost. The firms operating in the hospitality and tourism industry need to understand that sustainable development is very crucial for them for reducing or minimising the adverse effects of tourism on environment (Lansing and Vries, 2007).
The revenue generated by the tourism activities can be used for increasing environmental concern and working over different projects which can help in protecting the environment in an appropriate manner. Along with this one another positive impact of tourism on environment is that due to higher number of tourists visiting the places the government focused more on the natural beauty and keeping an regular check on it. This is protecting the environment and is very beneficial as well (Latip et. al. 2020). Thus it can be said that there are both the pros and cons of tourism for the environmental factors and the environment protection as well.
Every place is having their own culture and believes. It is important for every nation to focus on taking care of their cultural values and ensuring that it should not be neglected by any of the individual (Zhuang et. al. 2019). Tourists from different nations are widely affected by the culture and heritage of different places and then they visit those places. It is essential to understand that how the cultural of any of the nation is affected due to the tourism. One of the significant positive impact of tourism on culture of the nations is that it helps in enhancing cultural values of the nation by generating higher income from it. This also supports the cultural production, creativity and heritage of the nation (Latip et. al. 2020). Along with this when the people from different nations praise your culture and heritage then it allow in keeping the local traditions and the customs alive which is essential for preserving the culture and heritage even after such modernization and advancement of the world.
If we look onto the dark side of tourism for the culture then it can be said that tourism can be considered as the reason behind the socio-cultural tensions. When the tourists visit to the new place then they often fails to respect the local culture and values. This affects the local people to a greater extent. When the tourist does not pay attention on the local culture and customs it affects the people and especially the children which is having an negative impact on the society (Pratama and Mandaasari, 2020). Due to this reason it is very important to understand that culture and the social factors are very important for the tourist to be followed while visiting any of the place. It can be said that with the greater exposure to the new culture the local cultural values are somewhere neglected and this is not good for any of the nation.
From the above mentioned discussion it can be concluded that tourism is affecting the environment, economy and the cultural values of all the nations. In response to this it is important to understand the future implications of the tourism development on these factors. The tourism industry will expand more in the upcoming decades as the infrastructural development is making it more easier to explore the world in the more convenient manner. But the government should focus on green economy which will add value to the revenue and will support the tourism industry as well (Ren et. al. 2019). Apart from this for the environmental impact of tourism it can be suggested that the development needs to be sustainable so that it can help the nation in protecting their environment, resources and the nature. Due to this reason it is very important to understand that culture and the social factors are very important for the tourist to be followed while visiting any of the place.
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