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Introduction: Leadership Assignment

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“Seven Strong Claims about Successful School Leadership” article published in 2008. This article is mainly based on some of the significant literature reviews of school leadership and management published by the National College for School Leadership in England. Further, this article reviews explicitly each of the seven claims, which are critically analysed based on the agreed and disagreed arguments. Additionally, based on each of the seven claims of the article, some of the claims of the author’s argument do not provide proper justification for the practical situation. In this article it is mainly reviewed that the school leadership management process mainly impacts the effective education leadership which makes a different paper for developing the learning procedure in the school. Further It is given advantages for maintaining the different perspectives of leadership in the effect on education. Additionally, some of the claims are also given appropriate reasons through the perspective of the other author's arguments. Besides that, this essay will highlight, to critically analyse the central seven claims about successful school leadership, which are agreed or disagreed.

Body of the essay

Authors claim

“The seven strong claims about successful school leadership”, this article mainly provides the central seven strong claims about successful school leadership, primarily based on a varied amount of quite robust empirical evidence. Apart from that, in this article, each of the claims offers new insights and ethical perspectives and is also based on some recent literature review which gives the researcher validity to identify its proper justification critically. Besides that, this section mainly reveals that each of the claims about successful school leadership, taken as right or wrong, is based on critical analysis.

Justification of right or wrong of each claim based on the article

“Claim 1. School leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on people learning”

According to the author, the first claim about the school leadership article mainly reveals that leadership is second only in the classroom which mainly includes the people lelaing.Apart from that, these claims especially support the current extensive interest, which has improved leadership skills as a successful implementation of the larger scale of reform. To provide practical education, leadership makes a different paper for developing the learning procedure in the school. Apart from that, in the first claim of the school leadership article, the researcher mainly argues that it is second-only teaching among the school-related factors in the classroom, and it is impacted by the leadership tenders in the schools where the learning needs of students are most accurate.

Besides that, (Grissom, Egalite, & Lindsay, 2021) also suggested that qualitative case studies of successful leaders are mainly given the large scale of qualitative evidence against the author's arguments. Further, this author also contradicted that successful school leadership is not only a second classroom teaching that mainly influences people's learning; it is a significant contribution to student engagement in their school. Apart from that, from the controversy of the first arguments of the authors, it has been examined that the factor outside of the school does not give this claim paper justification also accounted with a significant variance of the people learning progress which is many impacts to the classroom teaching as an influence of the people learning(Learmonth & Morrell 2021). Additallay, from the above discussion, the first claims of the author are wrong, respectively, the other author's arguments.

“Claim 2 Almost all successful leaders mainly draw on the same repertory of basic leadership practice”

 In this article, the second claims of the author's arguments mainly reveal the implication of leadership development, which has given considerable priority to leadership practices .beside that, the primary assumption of this argument is to develop a central task of leadership which mainly improves the performance of the employee and also developed a successful school leadership practices for observing the dimension performance which is primarily related with the teachers is respective of the leadership practices. On the other hand, according to the author, the large scale of the multi-year studies reported data mainly on the student's achievement of the respiratory basics of leadership practices. According to the author, most of the relevant evidence regarding these arguments is based on the five comprehensive leadership frameworks through the series of meta-analytic reviews of this article.

On the other hand, according to (Learmonth & Morrell, 2021) opinion, school leaders mainly improve the teaching and learning procedure to the most powerful by the influence of staff environment and the working condition. On the other hand, the author says that the relevant data from the school and school context also provide significant evidence regarding the leadership practices from the different t contexts, which is mainly agreed with the second claim of the author.

Besides that, (Jambo & Hongdae, 2020) also contradicted that some of the extensive evidence about successful leadership practices is building a a Monroe vision for developing the schooling leldersupstyle in the organisation.these four categories of successful leaders adequately justify the researcher's argument.

“Claim 3 The process in which leaders apply these basic leadership practices, not the practices themselves. Illustrate responsiveness to, rather than dictation by, their work contexts”

In this article, the third claim of the researcher has given evidence regarding how influential school leaders understand that and the contextual performance mainly impacted to the effective leadership style which is not given proper data..according to the author, this claim is mainly based on the contextual evidence of the school leadership practices, which is based on the evidence on this present critical evidence. Apart from that, according to the author, the research on leadership practices gives information about the core leadership practices that build a shared vision based on leadership practices.

Besides that, (Hoogsteen, 2020) contradicted that the leadership practices are mainly helpful in most contexts, where the shared vision is increased primarily for the communication and management challenges of the school leadership practices; on the other hand, from the analysis of the arguments of the authors, it has examined that, the leadership practises the cultural, economic and contextual factor of leadership practices directly agreed on the third author argument (Leith wood Harris & Hopkins, 2020).

“Claim 4: School leaders develop teaching and learning indirectly and most powerfully through their effect on staff motivation, ability and working conditions in the organisation”

In this article, the author mainly reveals that most school leadership practices significantly impact the student’s learning procedure by the inference of the motor power of the staff, ability and their working condition or the organisation; on the other hand, the scroll leaders also build a staff capacity by the perspective of the school leadership practices which is directly increasing the better working condition and environment of the organisation.

The author (Leith Wood Harris & Hopkins, 2020) also contraindicated that transformational leadership directly impacts the teaching and learning procedure for developing school leadership practices. Further, from the controversy of both authors, it has examined not only that the school leader improved the learning and teaching indirectly from the prospect of the staff mutation ability and working condition, but the transformational leadership also played an essential role in developing teaching and learning indirectly. So, the arguments of the authors are not to give pepper justification.

“Claim 5 School leadership has a more significant impact on schools and students when it is conventionally distributed.”

According to the author, relevant evidence is given accurate information regarding these claims. Additionally, the authors mainly claim that school leadership directly impacts the teachers’ initiatives and teacher professional collaboration, primarily influencing students' learning capacity at the school. Apart from that, from the critical examination of these arguments, the significant limitation regarding the school leadership practices is the impact of distributed leadership when it is widely spread in the organisation.

On the other hand, (Liu Bellina’s, &Gümü? 2021) suggested that huge spreading school leadership is not only influenced the schools and students, as well as it, has also negatively affected the birth of the leadership theory which is impact to the staff performance.So, this argument is not given enough proper justification regarding the author's views.

“Claim 6: Some patterns of distribution are more effective than others”

In this research article, some relevant evidence about these claims mainly provided further justification from the author's perspective. On the other hand, some of the productive patterns about the distribution primarily impact the teachers' organisational commitment to developing informal leadership responsibilities and expertise.

Apart from that, (Allen Rowan & Singh, 2020) contradicted the argument that some leadership distribution patterns are more helpful than others; the main impact on the bases on the effective arguments is given a large range of the effectiveness. So, from the controversy of the various authors, it has shown that the authors' claims have relatively agreed with the other author's arguments (Liu Bellina’s, &Gümü?, 2021).

“Claim 7: A small handful of personal traits which increased a high proportion of the variation in leadership effectiveness”

 In the last claim of this article, the authors mainly examine how this claim significantly efectos on the leadership theory by the increase of the research community. On the other hand, the trait leadership theory has challenged the huge amount of perception of variation in leadership, which mainly supports the motor skills and the behaviour in social heparin between the people. Additionally, various armful innovation l traits also developed the people's emotional intelligence and ability to develop leadership effectiveness.

Moreover, (Martinez et al., 2020) contradicted that, from the five-factor model, the personality traits have significant impacts on the emergence and effect of the veruslelaseship theory. which is imitation sustainability and opponents.conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness. In addition, these four traits give a high proportion of the improvement of effective leadership. Theory, the controversy of this claim between the a has examined that these claims do not provide the proper evidence regarding this article.

Critical evaluation of the seven claims

The above discussion of the seven claims in this article has critically evaluated the first claims of the authors, which provide false evidence throughout the other author's perspective. On the other hand, (hand Khalifa et al. 2019) suggested that the second claim of the author has given pepper justification to the other arguments. Moreover, the critical evaluation of all the 7 claims have been done properly with respect to the statement of the other authors which have provided a realistic and appropriate arguments regarding the claims have been given.

 Besides that, the analysis of the third argument has adequately justified the research article. Additionally, the fourth and fifth arguments need to be given the proper justification from the perspective of the other author's arguments. The sixth claim of the author is comparatively given the appropriate evidence through the view of other statements of the authors, and the last and final arguments also do not grant proper proof for the justification of this article. Apart from that, (Dash & Vohra, 2019) opine that, from the critical evaluation of the seven claims of the article, it has been analysed that successful school leadership developed by the relevant evidence of the leadership style basically impacts the whole teaching and learning process of the organisation.


From the critical evaluation of the above seven arguments of the article, it has concluded that some of the author's opinions give proper evidence based on another author's controversy, and some of the ideas provide wrong proof. According to the Gilbert leadership style, each of the authors' arguments will be better able to contribute their vast resources for making a broad perspective evidence for critically analysing the authors' views. On the other hand, the use of the Gilbert leadership practices also gave considerable opportunities to the researcher to develop leadership skills among the school students and also expanded the knowledge and leadership traits for expanding the teaching-learning process of the organisation. The critical evaluation of the leadership style enhances the successful school leadership practices which mainly developed the learning process of the people. Besides that, a small handful of personal traits also increased the ability of emotional intelligence and ability of the people for developing leadership effectiveness.


  • Allen, J., Rowan, L., & Singh, P. (2020). Teaching and teacher education in the time of COVID-19. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 48(3), 233-236.
  • Dash, S. S., & Vohra, N. (2019). The leadership of the school principal: Impact on teachers’ job crafting, alienation and commitment. Management Research Review, 42(3), 352-369.
  • Grissom, J. A., Egalite, A. J., & Lindsay, C. A. (2021). How principals affect students and schools. Wallace Foundation.
  • Hogsten, T. J. (2020). Personal leadership resources as a mediator of context and leadership practice: a review and conceptual analysis. Advance. Soc. Sci. Res. J, 7(4), 24-34. 10.14738/assrj.74.8049.
  • Jambo, D., & Hongdae, L. (2020). The Effect of Principal's Distributed Leadership Practice on Students' Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review of Literature. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(1), 189-198.
  • Khalifa, M. A., Khalil, D., Marsh, T. E., & Halloran, C. (2019). Toward an indigenous, decolonizing school leadership: A literature review. Educational Administration Quarterly, 55(4), 571-614.
  • Learmonth, M., & Morrell, K. (2021). Leadership’s a Project: Neoliberalism and the Proliferation of ‘Leaders. Organization Theory, 2(4), 26317877211036708.
  • Leith Wood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2020). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership revisited. School leadership & management, 40(1), 5-22.
  • Liu, Y., Bellina’s, M. ?., & Gums, S. (2021). The effect of instructional and distributed leadership on teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction: Mediating roles of supportive school culture and teacher collaboration. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(3), 430-453.
  • Martinez, N., Swick, M. J., & Bunch, J. C. (2020). The impact of leadership education and cocurricular involvement on developing socially responsible leadership outcomes in undergraduate students: An exploratory study. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3), 32-43. 0.7358/ecps-2015-012-duga
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