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Introduction - Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care: Examining the Obesity Problem
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Social and health care plays an important role in the society to give medical services to sick people. Contemporary health and social issue is a occurring as well as current situation in the health. Under this consist problems like for an instance elderly care, hospital care standards, government cuts and also the funding between the others. This present report is based on the problem of adult obesity. Under this given business report mentions about the various kinds of techniques for disseminating information related to social care (Arnold and Boggs, 2015). There are many different ways which media used to impact behaviour as well as attitudes of the people in context to the social and health care issues. The factors which have impact in the development in the various kind of perspectives be give time period will be discussed under this given report. Validity of public behaviour and also attitudes in addition to particular problems will also discussed as well.
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Media is helpful in aware people regarding the obesity problem. This task is based on the problem of the public concern which is concerned to social and health care are presented in media.
2.1 Ways in which media may be used to influence the attitudes and behaviour of people
There are many different sources as well as methods of media which help in spread the knowledge as well as information to eh people (Burrell, 2016). From this people will more focus on problem of obesity. Media plays an effective role in order to inform the people regarding most happenings which are around them. Sin the sector of health and social care, media is helpful in informing the people regarding existing affairs in health care. It involves covering like for an instance new drugs, disease, treatments and also an advancement in medical between the others. With the help of media, health care organisation can aware the people about Obesity problem and under this the weight of people increases and it impacts on the health of people more. If in case the health care firms do not present the data and information about the obesity problem then in this case it will not be influence on the behaviour, attitude and also thoughts of people. There are different methods to present the information concerned with the obesity problem to people:
- Broadcasting news
- Providing an advertisement by television
- Google adds
- Article in newspapers
- Arranging the seminar about problem of obesity on the health of public.
2.2 Public can assess the reliability and validity of media information about health care
It is necessary for the public to examine the validity and also reliability of media information and knowledge before an accepting the fact of obesity problem. Validity and reliability, these are the two most significant factors which are helpful in present the information concerned with adult obesity (DiClemente, Hansen and Ponton, 2013). Reliability means a consistency and also accuracy of displayed knowledge and also information. On the other hand validity is a process through which dependable information can be found. In order to transfer information as well as information related with the obesity from people to the makers of policies and heath care executives, media plays an effective backing role. In addition to this, there are some of the different sources of the information such as religious and also political agendas, pressure groups, government sources between the others. It is necessary that government should determine an agenda behind present the information and also lay down all the facts. In addition to thus, an information or also from ministry of health on particular policy is reliable as comparison to the information which is acquired from pressure groups against specific policy.
For an example, In United Kingdom conducts a campaign for the better health care with government to integrate the social and health care (Faist, 2013). In addition to this, media is able to accomplish reliability of people and also reach widely. There is high level of creditability of media as well as audience accept and listen the information which media carries and provides.

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This task is based on the influence of the contemporary perspectives on problems related to social and health care on growth of services.
4.1 Extent to which local attitudes reflect found at national level
Local problems are responsible of several national as well as international problems. An attitude of the national problem is impacted through the local attitudes towards various perspectives and also problems of social care. In addition to thus, there is a positive relation among local and national attitude. Social and health care is very sensitive sector and it is concerned with life of people (Gabe and Monaghan, 2013). There are many issues which are faced through people related to their health, in addition to this, there are many different strategies which are developed through local government of UK tackle obesity and also overweight. The main causes behind obesity are diabetes, cancer and many others. In UK country, obesity is more serious problem and in this to reduce this problem, people should do the exercise on the regular basis. In context to determine the level of obesity in various regions, it is necessary to conducts the different surveys. UK government conducts many health related campaigns and also programs about reducing negative impacts of obesity. For overcome from issue of obesity, it is necessary for society people to work to work together and find out an effective solution.
4.2 Validity of public attitudes and behaviours
Sometime, public overreacts regarding the problems of health acre. The attitude as well as behaviour of public should be determine validity of their behaviour will be measures in particular issues like for an instance obesity (Maurer and Smith, 2013). In United Kingdom, there are many health acre organisation which provide effective and beneficial services to person and also pay proper attention towards their problem. There are many different health related problems but this obesity issue is regarded as a epidemic issue, this problem is more rise between adults and children (Mc Kee and Eraut, 2012). In United Kingdom, there are many different groups consisting, health care professionals, and government and these both are worked together to develop an awareness between people and also conducts many different health care related programmes as well as campaigns to motivate people towards their healthy eating. Health issues like obesity has been enhancing rapidly in society, in urban areas, obesity suffered people are found. In addition to this for tackle of the obesity persons should provide a significance to do the exercise and also take a balanced diet. It develops a positive impact on their health. It is necessary for the obesity people to make some changes in their life style and also engage in some of the physical activities in an effective manner.
4.3 Possible consequences of contemporary thinking for provision for health and social care services
In United Kingdom country, there are many people which are suffering from problem of obesity. So, it is necessary to control this through doing some exercises and make changes in their eating habits in a proper and systematic manner. Health care is that area which educate the people regarding health. It encompasses wide are concerned to health care like for an instance physical, emotional, environmental and also spiritual health. Education related to health care is important to get over from the health related issues (Parton, 2014). From this, there are different consequences have developed if in case the person does not change their view as well as things to problems of heath care.
Like for an example- a standard of social and health acre services of the adult individuals is not better and also poor services are received through senior people which will be regarded as a contemporary problem in health care.
It has been concluded from the above given report that obesity is a serious problems and health care firms provide effective information to people which about this issue. Here are many different media which helps the people in overcoming from the obesity problem and live their life in a better manner. Under this given report mentions about the different ways under which an information related with the health and social care is displayed scan impact on the thoughts, attitudes and also behaviour of people. There are different factors which impact on development of the various perspectives discussed in given report. Assignment Help provided in New Assignment Help
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Social health care Limited. 2017. [Online]. Available through <>.