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Healthcare Research Project Assignment Answer

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Introduction: Healthcare Research Project Assignment Sample


1.1 Project outline

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Title of research: To evaluate the state of child obesity in United Kingdom. A case study on healthcare services.

Introduction: The state of being obese is very common in children. This research aims to identify factors which are major cause of obesity in children. It refers to a condition in which child have excess of body fat (Marshall and Raynor, 2014). In terms of body mass index it is 30 or higher. It has been identified that United kingdom is second most obesity ridden country in the Europe. The future prediction states that over 36% of the aggregate population in the country will be obese.

Aims and objectives: "To evaluate the state of child obesity in United Kingdom. A case study on healthcare services

  • To identify the causes of increase rate of obesity in children.
  • To ascertain various health effects of obesity.
  • Determination of ways through which obesity can be countered.
  • Identification of various approaches which lead to countering obesity.

Research questions:

  1. Q1 what are the main features which increase rate of obesity in children?
  2. Q2 Main health effects of obesity?
  3. Q3 Ways to prevent obesity in children?
  4. Q4 Measures of tackling with obesity?

1.2 Factors contribute to the selection of the research project

Significance of the research : The significance of the research defines the manner in which study will contribute to the concerned. The state of obesity is very common amongst children and needs to highlighted so that people are more aware about the reasons which lead to state of being obese. The children are prone to obesity due to unhealthy diet and are to be communicated so that they are prevented from the dreadful situation.

Rationale of the study : The reasons for which this study is undertaken is to ascertain the major causes which leads to obesity and providing them with the ways through which this situation is countered. It is essential for people to possess ideal knowledge on the subject matter so that they are able to lead a healthy lifestyle.

1.3 Literature review

Causes of obesity in children : It is essential to identify major causes of obesity so that they are dealt with in an ideal manner. The major factors through which child is prone to obesity are as follows:

  • Food consumption behaviour
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Community environment (Exposure to environment with unhealthy eating habits)

The case of childhood obesity is complex and is caused through genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habit or a combination of all the factors. According to Graham and Reynolds (2013) If a member of family is obese it increases the risk for others for this problem as well. The diet a child is taking and amount of physical activity determines the level and stage of obesity in children. The unhealthy eating habits assures accumulation of excess fat in the body and without any physical workout it turns deadly.

Health effects of obesity : The consequences of the obesity in children results in present and future health problems in children.

  • The children who are obese tend to have higher blood pressure and are prone to cardiovascular diseases.
  • The another major challenge which can be countered is of high cholesterol consumed with unhealthy eating habits.
  • Asthma and sleep apnoea are another common health issues which are encountered by children.
  • The additional effects are psychological and liver diseases which can exclude a child socially from its group.

Ways to prevent obesity : The definition of the cause of obesity leads to identifying approach through which it can be countered. The crucial ways are as follows:

  • Parents are patrons are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle. The diet which is prepared at home should carry the nutritional value so that daily requirement are fulfilled (Croker and et. al., 2012).
  • The increase in the physical activity of children reduces the risk of obesity to a major level.
  • A diet pattern should be undertaken and followed so that healthy lifestyle is followed.
  • The children must be aware about the existence of certain health problems in case they are not paying attention to the eating habits.

Measures for tackling obesity : According to Hurley, Cross and Hughes, (2011) it is essential to maintain a balance in the diet so that a child is able to lead a comfortable and healthy lifestyle. The various approaches which assists in tackling obesity are as follows:

  • Encouraging a balanced and a regular diet to a child is supreme method through which healthy lifestyle is attained.
  • The favourite dishes of a child are to be made healthier by inculcating healthy supplements.
  • The calorie oriented dishes are to be ignored as the constitute as major segment of obesity.
  • Assisting kids in remaining socially and physically active will help in uplifting the stature of health of a child (Freeman and et. al., 2012).

1.4 Research project specification

It consist of various aims and objectives which are to be fulfilled while carrying out their research. It is a known fact that gathering information about this health issue will assist many people in getting out of this complex situation and will be able to lead a healthy lifestyle.

2.1 Matching resources with research questions

The researches which are undertaken in this study is primary and secondary sources of data for the purpose of gaining an in-depth understanding relating to the cause of disease and its measures to outcome the same. The tool of questionnaire is employed to gain the viewpoint of respondents on this health complexity.

2.2 Proposed changes

The approach of random sampling have been deployed so that respondents can be identified for this particular questionnaire. It consists of 5 questions which are to be answered by the concerned.

2.3 Recording of data





Contact details:

Q1 State the age group of people living in your house.

a) 0-2

b) 3-7

c) 8-12

d) 13-18

Q2 How chronic is obesity in children?

a) Acute

b) less acute

Q3 State the amount of involvement of child in the physical activity?

a) High Involvement

b) Less involvement

Q4 what do you think is crucial in well being of a child?

a) Nutrition

b) Physical activity

c) Combination of the above

Q5 what are the ways to promote a healthier lifestyle among children?

a) Informing

b) following dietary guidelines

c) being strict with them

LO 3

3.1 Research evaluation techniques

Type of investigation : It defines that investigator will utilize either qualitative or quantitative method to gather data and information in an appropriate manner. In this report, quantitative technique used by superior.

Research design : This will be classified into many parts, such as exploratory, experimental as well as descriptive. It assists to collect data in an effective manner.

Research philosophy : It will be divide into two segments, one is positivism and another is interpretivism. With aid of interpretivism, quality info will be collected and company will acquire positive outcome.

Research approach : In this project report, inductive methodology utilized by manager to gather information as well as data.

Data sampling : Almost 20 individuals are get selected as a sample size and they chosen on random basis.

Data collection method : To gather data in an effective way, questionnaire is prepared by manager. With aid this, they will acquire accurate and recent information and in addition take an effective judgement.

Ethical consideration : It is required for investigator to secure data from other individual, this will take high cost as well as consume lots of time.

3.2 Interpretation and analysis

Interpretation: it can be seen in the above graph that people who are in the age group of 8-12 years of age are most prone to obesity in the United Kingdom. The second position in this graph is attained by the people from 3-7 years of age

Interpretation: it can be identified through the above chart that 12 out of 20 respondents believe that obesity is chronic compared to 8 answers who believe that it is a natural state.

Interpretation: it can be seen that parents have realised that their children are not involved to the extent they should in the physical activities. Only 7 out of 20 respodents believe that their children carry high involvement in the physical activities.

Interpretation: Respondents believe that combination of nutrition and physical activities leading to a healthier lifestyle of a child. Whereas fewer people believe that nutrition and physical activity are exclusively sufficient for healthier lifestyle.

Interpretation: it can be identified in the communication about the healthier lifestyle to young children and following dietary guidelines are amongst the best ways through which healthier lifestyle could be adopted.

3.3 Recommendations

It can be concluded from the research conducted that obesity have emerged as a one of major health issue in children. Therefore it is very important to pay special consideration to this diseases so that it can be dealt with in an ideal manner. It has been identified that people in the age group 13-18 are more prone to obesity. The parents are caretakers are need to alter their dietary and other habits so that major difference could be created in terms of health of a child.

The younger children are volatile and have been suffering from complexity of obese. It has been identified that over 36% of the children will be obese in the coming years. Therefore it is essential to promote a healthier lifestyle among kids so that they are able to lead a disease free lifestyle. This requires extra efforts from the parents and care takers so that the young children are promoted and encouraged to stay physically active so that the chances of being obese are mitigated. Assignment Help provided by New Assignment Help.

Books and Journal

Marshall, J. E. and Raynor, M. D., 2014. Myles' Textbook for Midwives E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Graham, P. and Reynolds, S. eds., 2013. Cognitive behaviour therapy for children and families. Cambridge University Press.

Croker, H. and et. al., 2012. Family-based behavioural treatment of childhood obesity in a UK National Health Service setting: randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Obesity. 36(1). p.16.

Hurley, K. M., Cross, M. B. and Hughes, S. O., 2011. A Systematic Review of Responsive Feeding and Child Obesity in High-Income Countries–3. The Journal of nutrition. 141(3). pp.495-501.

Freeman, E. and et. al., 2012. Preventing and treating childhood obesity: time to target fathers. International Journal of Obesity. 36(1). p.12.

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