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Projects are chosen for pitching/presentation
Managing the promotion and positioning of Fairfield school of Business (FSB) in the market and Increase the higher education course choices for the students. b·Conducting the competitive analysis of the London school of science and technology depending on the market positioning.
Project A: Promote and position FSB
Promote and position FSB in the field of higher education as one of the most credible ployers. b·Analyze ways which can be used to attract and recruit highly qualified account and managent educators.
FSB business probl
Increase in number of new entrants in the market. b·New organizations are providing better organizational facilities to the educators (Lozano et al. 2017). b·Low number of offered course choices in FSB. bTarget Audience for FSB b b·Undergraduate and graduate students for higher education courses. b·Special accounting and financial managent educators. b·Present high-quality ployees working for the organization.
Competition for FSB
There are 30 more higher education and business schools in Croydon and more than 250 higher education institutions are there in the market (, 2017). b·Croydon School of accountancy and managent (CSAM) is the biggest competition for FSB. b·Higher number of student seats and cheaper course offerings makes other organizations more favorable. b·CSAM provides the educators with higher pay and accommodation facilities.
Market condition for higher education and FSB
There has been a huge increase in the higher education students leading to 2.3 million students (, 2017). b·Exactly 19% of the total students belong to the higher education among the UK students. b·Total income of the higher education sector is £ 550 million which is considered to be the highest among all other sectors of education (, 2017). b·There has been a gradual increase in the supply-dand side of the higher education and is an important characteristic for competitive market. b·High-quality teachers and professors supporting the students.

Attracting talented educators
The organizations are using different techniques to attract the talented educators. b·Proper job description in the advertisent with the benefits mentioned clearly. b·CSAM provides its accountancy and managent educators with high quality benefits like accommodation, food and huge pay based on the experience they have. b·Posting job vacancies on specialized teaching-based job search platforms (???????, 2020). b·Referrals from the currently working educators. b·Approach senior and famous teachers with attractive packages and benefits for a better future with the institute.
Retaining the existing ployees
Recognition: Make th feel valued and don’t overlook the current teachers. b·Rewards: Provide suitable rewards to the teachers who are performing well and make th feel that their experience is being valued (See et al. 2019). b·Career investment: Provide the educators with the required amount of development support with the help of a well-structured continuing professional development (CPD).
Project B: Competitive analysis of LSST
Competitive analysis on phasis with market positioning. b·To grow the market awareness about the organization and increase the number of student applicants. b·Propose addition to the course portfolio. bLSST’s business probl b b·The market is in danger because of the threat of being proliferated by competition. b·Less course offerings in specialized areas for the students in comparison to the competitors.
Target audience
b b·The students over the age of 21 years. b·The students searching for post-graduate courses. b·Undergraduates seeking for higher education support. b·Working students searching for degree enhancents. bCompetition b b·LSST is one of the leading organizations in the field of Higher education. b·LSST has developed organizational partnerships with 3 big universities of London which helps the organization to increase their reach among the other students (, 2017). b·The increase in the number of organizations in the market is affecting the business approach and student attraction rate for LSST.
Market condition
b b·The number of universities providing higher education support to the students has increased to 163 (, 2017). b·Various organizations are combining with the loan providing companies which are supporting the higher education of international students increasing threat for LSST.
b b•Allen, B. and McInerney, L., 2019. The recruitment gap: attracting teachers to schools serving disadvantaged communities. July 2019. b•Alsubaie, M.M., Stain, H.J., Webster, L.A. and Wadman, R., 2019.
The role of sources of social support on depression and quality of life for university students.International Journal of Adolescence and Youth,24(4), pp.484-496. b•Leiber, T., Stensaker, B. and Harvey, L.C., 2018.
Bridging theory and practice of impact evaluation of quality managent in higher education institutions: a SWOT analysis.European Journal of Higher Education,8(3), pp.351-365. b•Lozano, R., Merrill, M.Y.,
Sammalisto, K., Ceulans, K. and Lozano, F.J., 2017. Connecting competences and pedagogical approaches for sustainable development in higher education: A literature review and framework
proposal.Sustainability,9(10), p.1889. b•Macaro, E., Curle, S., Pun, J., An, J. and Dearden, J., 2018. A systatic review of English medium instruction in higher education.Language Teaching,51(1), pp.36-76. b•See,
B.H., Gorard, S., Morris, R. and El Soufi, N., 2019. Attracting and retaining teachers in hard to staff areas: What does the evidence say?.Durham University Evidence Centre for Education. b•, 2017. Higher education sector report. Retrieved from [Accessed on 26th April, 2021] b•???????, ?., 2020. REFORMING THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE CONDITIONS OF A NEW STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.????? ??????? ????????????, (19).