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Social Enterprise Strategy Analysis with Porter's Five Forces Assignment Sample

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Strategy Analysis of Social Enterprises Using Porter's Five Forces Model Assignment Sample

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In the organisational internal framework exquisite decision with proper strategy has a vital role. In that case, the evaluation of the proper strategy is essential. In the globally competitive business market, the implementation of a proper strategy is crucial. Evaluate a strategy has understood an organisation the progressive rate of their vision and its effectiveness on the business expansion. Strategy evaluation helps to recognise the level of relevancy of business strategy with the present global market (Jen?o and Lysá, 2018). It has seen that with a prompt strategic execution provide a successful platform to the organisations. There are several strategic evaluation tools which are helping the organisations to analysis its internal and external factors.

Company Background

In Dubai - United Arab Emirates, West Zone Fresh Supermarket is a fresh food retailing organisations. In the competitive business market of Dubai, This organisation has a lead and exquisite role. In 2005, this organisation has started its journey. Now, this organisation has opened several shops in the centre area of Dubai (Marques et al., 2018). The organisation offers quality range products to the customers. This organisation always tries to maintain a discipline in their operational context in the internal and external factors. This organisation creates well-designed stores which give a good experience of shopping.

Effective strategies and evaluation

There are several beneficial strategies which are defenestrating all the possible obstacles and reflect good ramifications. In the dimension of the business market, the organisations have faced several threats which are resolved by the proper evaluations of the market strategy. The exact presentation of a successful strategy is a solving factor for marketing barrios. With the proper strategic tools, effective decisions to implement the business are not possible.

SWOT Analysis



West Zone Fresh Supermarket has great potentially on its business. This organisation has expanded its services in quality level. This retailer company has launched several retailing stores over the central area of Dubai. The Well designed Stores are captivating for the customers. The customers are happy to shop from the stores. The best quality of Packaging of the products has attracted the customers to buy the food products from the supermarket (Pesic, Milic and Stankovic, 2013). The presentation of their offline and online services has the build a potential structure of their business.

In the background of the business expansion, this organisation has to reduce its product cost. The economical growth is not the same in all areas of Dubai. The per capita income of the countries is low in several places. Several middle-class peoples are belonging from there. They are not accustoming the services of this supermarket. The cost of the product is more than the smaller food shops (Tomar, 2020). That is why the middle-class standards have chosen the smaller food shops for buying the products. This organisation needs to customise the cost of the products which is reliable for all segments.



The captivating looks of the retailing shops is an opportunity for the organisation to impress its buyers. The quality food products increase the selling rates of the organisation. The organisation will achieve more opportunities if it will maintain privacy standards at a better level. The organisation has to maintain product diversity following the demand of the customers. Delivering food products based on customer demand will help this supermarket to give more consent from the customers (Vlados, 2019).

In the supermarket supply systems, there are some disputes in the packaging system. In the supplying system sometimes deliver products are misplaced. In that case in the delivery bundle, the organisation have to more concerns about the classifications of the products. The unacceptability of products from the middle-class peoples is a threat for the organisation (Zhang, Leng and Zhou, 2020). In that case, the small food selling shops in the retail market has taken the place of rivalry.

Porter's Five Analyses

Competitions in the industry

In the retailing industry, several organisations have faced different types of rivals. The several supermarkets have grown their personal retailing services at a quality level. In the retailing industry of Dubai West Zone Fresh Supermarket has a competition with existing other food retail stores. The small level food service provider in Dubai has taken the advantages from their low level of the products price. The same products are high in price in this supermarket organisation. It has decreased the preferences of the services from the middle-class peoples.

Bargaining power of the suppliers

In retail marketing, chains supplier has great bargaining power. The suppliers are easily changing their preferences towards the retailing sectors. They only prefer the high incentives payable organisations. The retailing supermarket of Dubai has given great concern to the food suppliers (Jen?o and Lysá, 2018). They allocate the extra incentives for the suppliers. All the food product suppliers are delivering the quality food product to the retailing supermarket food service. It has reflected a quality product image to the customers.

Bargaining power of the buyers

In food retailing services of West Zone, Fresh Supermarket have to need more concern about its services towards the buyers. The buyer is the most important factors which lead to the performance of an organisation. The high price level of the food product sometimes builds the questions on the preferences on the product. The fewer capita people of Dubai are not interested to buy food products from the big retailing shops. In this retailing service, the firm has fixed the tax on the food products which increase the product price.

Threats from new entrances

In the foodservice retailing industry there are several upcoming entrances which are threats for the existing organisations. Recently, it has seen that the French retailing food industry has entranced as a newcomer in UAE (Marques et al., 2018). In the central market of Dubai, the retailing services of France are aggressively progressing its food and non-food products.

Threats for substitutes

The entry of the new food retailing organisation has implemented the same food products in the low-cost range. For this reason, the consumers have changed their preferences towards the retailing services. The small food selling shops also provide the services of food products at a low price. French food retailing services has executed the more captivating shops in the United Arab Emirates. The substitutes have to build challenged for the West Zone Fresh Supermarket. However, the services have not more threats for the substitute's products.

VRIO Analysis

This particular framework has reflected the competitive advantages of the services of the firm. This framework depends on four elements:


The food retailing services of West Zone Fresh Supermarket has always tried to value the customers. But this firm has to more concern on the middle-class levels. A few middle-class people are not afforded the high modern service systems and the product cost (Pesic, Milic and Stankovic, 2013). That is why food services have to give more value to customers.


The food retailing service of West Zone in Dubai has not enough controlled on its resources. The new entrance firms have collected the rare product resources which are challenging for the West Zone food retailing group. The rarity of the product can help to increase the market spreading capabilities of this particular organisation. The consumers always find rare products which attract them most.


The retailing business services of West Zone have nothing much uniqueness that is not copied by others. The retailing service of this firm is common for all. That is why the other competitors have lots of opportunities to capture the food retailing market of Dubai. This group of services have to build some more rare business strategy for business expansion.


However, the West Zone Fresh Supermarket in Dubai has considerably expanded its retailing business in the central market of Dubai. It has many food retailing branches. The whole operational systems of this retailing service have adequate to execute its business expansion (Tomar, 2020). But it some cases: product price, product uniqueness this retailing firm have to customise.


In the retailing industry, West Zone Fresh Supermarket has performed splendid roles which build a captivating view among the customers. But in some cases, these services have to need more concerned. The several strategic tools have to implement in the functional way of the business. It can evaluate the internal and external factors of the business and helps to build an exact decision. This retailing firm has to more concern about its product price and thinks about all classes of people. The service has to pay more attention to its rarity of food products and packaging systems. The organisation has faced several obstacles in their business expansion which are easily erased if they will follow the above-mentioned business strategy tools.


In the competitive business, market executes a proper business strategy has a crucial role. The strategic business tools help to make proper decisions in the path of business expansion. In this report SWOT, Porter's Five, VRIO Analysis are described which are helpful for the organisations to make a proper strategy. The internal and external factors are easily regulated by these innovative strategic tools. In Dubai, West Zone Fresh Supermarket will achieve more advantages in several factors by using these strategic tools.


  • Jen?o, M. and Lysá, ?., 2018. Evaluation of a work team strategy by using the SWOT analysis.Calitatea,19(165), pp.39-42.
  • Marques, C., Lopes, N., Santos, G., Delgado, I. and Delgado, P., 2018. Improving operator evaluation skills for defect classification using training strategy supported by attribute agreement analysis.Measurement,119, pp.129-141.
  • Tomar, D., 2020. Porter's Competitive Forces Model and SWOT Analysis to Payments.International Journal of Information,10(2), pp.45-49.
  • Vlados, C., 2019. On a correlative and evolutionary SWOT analysis.Journal of Strategy and Management.
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