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Ethical Analysis of Asylum Seekers' Welfare Using Utilitarianism Theories
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1. Introduction
The report is based on the case study by supporting the workers with the help of two theories. It is based on the asylum seekers that are often seen to be financially improvised for early access. The support of the community assistance program can be evaluated in this aspect. The theories that will be applied in this context are “act utilitarianism” and “rule utilitarianism”. The first section of the case study will provide detailed dilemmas that are present. The context and the facts include the academic material by adding all the legal action, readings, government policy, NGO reports, and so on. The second part will analyse all the two theories that are applied in the case study. It applies all the components and considers all the results of the stakeholders that have been affected by the case study. The final section will attempt all the feasible, ethical solutions and work for the dilemma of the main arguments of synthesizing. It draws all the strengths of the case study mentioned in this report. All this analysis will be done on the basis of these two theories.
2. Dilemmas of the Case study
The two theories that are taken in the analysis of the case study are “act utilitarianism” and “rule utilitarianism”. This act helps in taking all the refugees, it requires all the problems that are trying to be good utilitarian. The most important reason is to produce all happiness in a particular form (Harris, 2019). This means that the “amount of money” that has been saved on some people is towards the developing countries. Such as camps for refugees that are stuck on it. This theory helps in providing help and food to the asylum people (Onlinelibrary, 2020). It even causes some disutility, but it also helps in receiving all the help that would be overjoyed the “happiness drastically outweighs”.
Rule utilitarian’s also help in generating all the types of cases that claim all the knowledge related to the behaviour of humans. It shows the case in general rules that is more likely for promoting all the effects of the goods. According to Mulgan et al. (2019), this simply means that people want to think about the best for the individual case. It is a form of utilitarianism, which says about the action that had the right. To conform to all the rules that would lead to the “greatest good”. It allows the department to the rules, which will leave lots of choices to the individual (Kent, 2019). The action of discretion is permitted because of the rules that do not help in maximizing all the actions until some constraints are permitted for the discretion. It approves all the actions that are clearly wrong. It also undermines trust among all the people. Asylum seekers refer to those people who have left the country to seek protection. The violation of the right to be a serious human in other countries has not been “legally recognized” as a refugee waiting for the receiving of all the rights and decisions on claims of asylum (Diva, 2019). These theories help in telling who to put companies on the asylum people and the benefit given to them by adopting this type of theory.
The act utilitarianism is morality that affects the good action, which benefits all the people of the asylum. According to Leiler et al. (2019), the rule utilitarianism shows the morality of following a certain rule that helps in benefiting only specific people.
3. Application of theories on the case study
Application of Act utilitarianism helps in deciding “what to do” as per the action that is created with the help of the greatest utility. This principle is applied to the utility. It provides overall results (Znu, 2022). That is applied in this case; this situation is on the yields that have more utility. It helps in adopting all the two views that are important for the stresses of moral rules. It justifies all the morals of the action, and also the inclusion that provides the moral code. It helps to create more possible rules according to the case study. It also judges all the morality 9od the action of individuals (Springe, 2019). Who has lost its “income sources”. It also accepts all the codes of morals that help in producing well-being with more outcomes on possible rules. The direct principle is to evaluate all the rules that evaluate the individualist action. For seeking all this disobey and obey all those three rules that are accepted in this case study will provide a positive outcome. According to Bauer et al. 2020, the theory of judgment is very confidential in giving all the medication to those people who are suffering from extreme pain (Bhopal et al. 2022). It shows the objectives that are truly answerable according to the questions that are morally wrong or right. People also depend on this as it provides all the necessary services that they need as money is not enough for them. According to Schäffner et al. (2020), so it provides all facilities that are needed for daily life as per the case study.

4. Ethical solution and feasibility of theories on case study
The ethical solutions help in contributing to the legal ethics, workable. It seeks to develop morality by providing services so that it can carry out its lifestyle (elsevie, 2022). It also helps in protecting all the people who were in the asylum. It also suggested that refugee ethics should be conceived and not virtue ethics. Furthermore, the matter of the obligation that has lowered the asylum people, extended all the rights of morals to correspond to all the people relating to the duty that is given to them. According to Blackmore et al. 2020, each and every individual is considered to be the most appropriate in the context of the report. This approach is divided into two parts that is “true” and “false”, it depends on the situation of the conflicts that would legally affect the people as well the theories. It claims all the warranty and contracts of the liability to those who have interest in not harming morality. According to FitzGeraldet al. 2019, action helps in maximising all the ultimate goods that act as the opposite of the morally evil. The subjective is to approve all the represented form of justification of the utilitarianism that is required for the strong arguments. This analysis of the ethical solution helps in assuming the states that are morally wrong. It purely analysis all the grounds of the case study.It generates making the foreigners entity for the subjects of territory for the “formal licenses”. It determines the formal criteria and material according to the licenses that are denied or granted. According to Kien et al. (2019), this main point is to focus on the ethics and work that is given to homeless people.
The subjects that are preferment in the context of the theories have effects in this case study. It includes all the people's preferences for hosting the society, but in the course of the people who were in the list of preferences. According to Heslehurst et al. (2018), this will host all the “food vouchers and a small amount of cash” each week and also referral too many agencies.
The case study tells about the “asylum people '', in which two theories are taken for defining this case study. Rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism. This tells about the improvement, and opportunity is given to asylum people. Asylum people are those who seek protection from the countries. They are not refugees but asylum seekers. The case study is based on a homeless family where there are a “father and two children”. My Father works in a restaurant. Due to the Covid 19, he has lost his job and lost all his income sources. It has said the supplementary fund would be less to the families who have lost income sources during Covid period. Utilitarianism is seen to be hard and impossible to measure. Therefore the scope of the work and progress is down. It is very easy to find a good utilitarian. It convinced all the utilitarianism that will affect the moral theories. It is seen in such a way that utilitarianism is always on the procedure and provides the best result to the asylum people and to those who have lost their jobs in the pandemic. It also tells about an ethical solution that helps in providing all the benefits to those people. All the applications of these theories and the outcomes, tell that rule utilitarianism has a good effect on people. But the other theories also have food effects but not as the other theory that is taken while in preparation. The ethics of the case study is on the morality of living. It includes all the “people's preferences” for “hosting the society”, but in the “course of the people” who are listed in the preference list. It is the most preferred theory. It shows all the objectives that are “truly answerable” to the “questions” that are “morally wrong or right”.
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