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Analysis of animal assisted therapy Assignment Sample

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Introduction : Analysis of animal assisted therapy

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The article is completely based on the analysis of canine play interventions which are popular for the reduction of stress among college students. The application of "animal-assisted therapy" and its impact on the psychological and physiological factors of college students are properly discussed within this particular research study (Jones et al. 2019). One of the most increasing concerns which have been observed among college students is the main focus of the chosen topic. On the other hand, the analysis of the article is also focusing on the physical factors of the students which are also affected due to the excessive stress on the company. The ultimate aim of the selected article is to analyze the impact of animal therapy and also discuss the effectiveness of this animal therapy on college students. The background of the study is also focusing on the "anecdotal evidence" for the use of dog therapy within the university housing process which will help to mitigate distress from the university students. Thus, it can be stated that this article is trying to focus on the analysis of animal therapy and its importance in student life. The study is completely based on primary data collection and the data analysis of the collected data. Thus, it can be stated that there are various hypotheses associated with the selected topic and the hypothesis which is associated with this particular research study are as follows:

Animal therapy does not have any impact on the university students

Thus, it can be stated that the whole article is also providing a general idea about animal therapy and other interventions which are capable to reduce the stress level of university students which is of high concern nowadays. This is showing the nature as well as the main purpose of the selected article and its importance within this particular environment.                     

There are various methods have been used in this particular article which is identified as the main methods for the proper conduction of the whole research (Chandler et al. 2022). The idea of one on one interaction sessions indicates "an approach to creating an environment that supports interactive and active learning". In this particular research, it has been observed that the collection of the data has been done through the process of “1-on-1, with a therapy/support dog during a universally recognized stressful time". This helped a lot to understand the impact of animal therapy on the university students who are identified as the respondents of this selected research. The physiologic measures have been done with the help of the "e well-established Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) 20". This perceived stress scale is identified as the "classic stress assessment instrument". This is also used to identify any type of issues which are associated with the physical condition of the students.  Using of "4 visual analogue scales (VASs) rating mood" is also used with the help of the students. The rating was done after taking the information from them with the help of the survey. The application of the "5-point Likert scale" indicates the psychometric responses that have been provided by a certain amount of people. For the checking of the bp and the diabolic pressure, the salivary samples were also collected for this research p[purpose.  Thus, it can be said that the application of this particular scale is used for the identification of the psychological condition of the students who have been suffering from stress or any other mental health issues for a long period of time. Overall, it can be stated that the research has been done with the help of primary data collection and the statistical data analysis method which is showing the authenticity of the article.

There are various findings which are showing the importance of animal therapy and this research on university students. The first and major finding after the analysis of the data is providing the general idea that having a pet, especially a dog can moderate the stress level of a university student. The result is also providing the data that animal therapy helps in increasing mental health, on the other hand, the application of the physiological rating is also showing in which way this therapy is helpful to maintain a good physiological as well as the psychological condition of a particular student within this particular society. On the other hand, the visual rating mode also provided some ideas which are showing the fact that "animal-assisted therapy is an effective stress management strategy for college students” (Wood et al. 2018). This is justifying the aim of the whole research of the selected article. The second major finding which can be observed from the result and the discussion is that the article is providing general ideas about the interventions which are much more effective in decreasing the mental health issues like stress and anxiety of people. On the other hand, the comparison between the human-dog interaction with the stress management strategies and the connection between these two factors are showing the importance of animal therapy and its impact on university students. In the end, the last major finding after the analysis of the data can be said that “interactions with the dogs also invariably included petting or another physical contact between the dog and the student, tactile stimulation may be a consideration” and this physical contact between a human and a dog is the main intervention which is able to produce some relaxing hormone within the body which helps in stress reduction among people (Fine, 2019). Overall, it can be stated that the major findings of the article are not only focusing on the relationship between the connection of a human and a dog, but it is also representing animal therapy as one of the best interventions which can be used to mitigate the stress of university students. 

 Animal therapy has a great potential to reduce the stress level of the university students

There are some limitations associated with the chosen article and it is showing the limitations of the whole research which is identified as one of the most important drawbacks of the research.  The first limitation which was observed during the conduction of the research is the "homogeneous convenience sample"(Charry-Sánchez et al. 2018). The concept of the homogeneous convenience sample indicates "a population that is homogeneous with respect to one or more sociodemographic factors" (Delgado et al. 2018). Due to this limitation, a huge variation among the data set is not properly analyzed in this particular research study. On the other hand, using homogeneous data also shows the fact that the result section is indicating a particular conclusion of the research. This is also showing the fact that diverse data is always beneficial to find a proper conclusion after the data analysis which is not observed properly in this particular study”(Fulmer et al. 2018). Self-selection" is identified as another limitation which has been observed in this particular research study. The concept of self-selection indicates "a type of bias that can arise when study participants choose their treatment conditions, rather than being randomly assigned"(Brown et al. 2018). This is showing the fact that the selection of the respondents has been done with the help of self-decision and this is the reason all the data becomes homogenous in this particular research study which will help in the proper analysis of the animal therapy in this particular study. These two limitations are showing the major drawback which is decreasing the authenticity of the data which have been used in this particular research study.

Thus, it can be concluded that the research topic is completely based on stress reduction interventions where the significance of animal therapy is properly justified with the help of the evidence. Not only analyses the impact of animal therapy but also helps in finding of proper connection with the lives of students. The result and the discussion is showing the fact that a friendly dog is capable to mitigate the psychological as well as the physiological stress of college students which will ultimately help them to live a healthy social life. Generally, it can b e3 said that the application of the Animal-therapy helps an individual to feel emotionally good which is inversely associated with the stress level of human beings. The role of animal therapy is only associated with those people who don't have any kind of allergies to animals. Overall, it can be stated that the data analysis is showing the positive side of animal therapy in this particular research study. On the other hand, the limitations are representing the drawbacks which are associated with this particular research study which can be mitigated with the proper strategies. The collection of diversified data from different college students will help to make proper data where the values will show different conclusions. This will make the data authentic which has been used in this research. Overall, it can be stated that the analysis is showing the importance of animal therapy and its importance within the life of a college student and in which way animal therapy can be used as an intervention to decrease the stress from the students.


Brown, J. S. (2018). Student mental health: some answers and more questions. Journal of Mental Health, 27(3), 193-196.Retrieved on: 9 December 2022, from: 

Chandler, C. K. (2022). Animal-Assisted Therapy. In Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (pp. 453-459). Cham: Springer International Publishing.Retrieved on: 11 December 2022, from: 

Charry-Sánchez, J. D., Pradilla, I., & Talero-Gutiérrez, C. (2018). Animal-assisted therapy in adults: A systematic review. Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 32, 169-180.Retrieved on: 14 December 2022, from: 

Delgado, C., Toukonen, M., & Wheeler, C. (2018). Effect of canine play interventions as a stress reduction strategy in college students. Nurse educator, 43(3), 149-153. Retrieved on: 6 December 2022, from: https// 

Fine, A. H. (Ed.). (2019). Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Foundations and guidelines for animal-assisted interventions. Academic Press. Retrieved on: 6 December 2022, from: 

Fulmer, R., Joerin, A., Gentile, B., Lakerink, L., & Rauws, M. (2018). Using psychological artificial intelligence (Tess) to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety: a randomized controlled trial. JMIR mental health, 5(4), e9782. Retrieved on: 12 December 2022, from: 

Jones, M. G., Rice, S. M., & Cotton, S. M. (2019). Incorporating animal-assisted therapy in mental health treatments for adolescents: A systematic review of canine-assisted psychotherapy. PloS one, 14(1), e0210761. Retrieved op: 5 December 2022, from: 

Wood, E., Ohlsen, S., Thompson, J., Hulin, J., & Knowles, L. (2018). The feasibility of brief dog-assisted therapy on university students stress levels: the PAwS study. Journal of Mental Health, 27(3), 263-268.Retrieved on: 9 December 2022, from:  

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