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AMN401 Customer Experience Management Plan Assignment Sample

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AMN401 Customer Experience Management Plan Assignments

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Preliminary Analysis of QPAC

Among numerous performing art and culture venues, Queensland Performing Art Centre (QPAC) is the most famous one. Founded in 1970s with a vision of providing some lifetime unforgettable live events and performances to people of Australia, especially Queenslanders. Also, the objective is to enrich lives and assists government in creating connected communities. It was planned while considering future expansion as per the need. Initially, it was built with three theatres only, namely Cremorne theatre, Lyric theatre, and Concert hall. In later years, the State Cabinet constructed a new hall ‘Playhouse.’ In 2018, the Cabinet approved the construction of the fifth and the last hall that would be completed by the end of 2022 as a part of extension plan. The seating capacity of each theatre is different. For instance, the Concert hall can have 1800 people at a time, the Lyric theatre has the seating capacity of 2000 people, the Playhouse can accommodate up to 850 people at once, and the Cremorne can have only 300 people.

Talking about some achievements and highlights of the year 2018, the total annual visitors were 1,503,529. Out of this, 1,028, 668 were ticketed attendees and the rest came in unpaid events. The amazing fact about the QPAC is that out of total visitors, 32% people came from outside Brisbane. The total number of performances organised in QPAC was 1,215 (Annual Report, 2018).

The competition in very high among the different venues but QPAC has gained an edge over the rivals by its advertising and marketing approach.In order to reach at a larger section of the target customer segment, QPAC has hired dedicated team of marketing professional that make use of signage, integrated communication strategy, publicity, social media campaign, reporting, and graphics & publications. With the help of integrated marketing team and ticketing provider, QPAC has gained access to active database of over 200,000targeted customers and patrons with different preferences and genres of live art performances (Annual Report, 2018). This is the major advantage QPAC has gained over its rivals.

QPAC provides an unforgettable experience of best live performances and vibes of inclusion, acceptance, and relationship, thereby making the events successful (IBISWorld, 2017). As per Google Reviews, majority of guests and visitors have appreciated the environment of the place, its sound system, seating arrangement, and hospitality skills of the front desk staff. People from all age group can visit QPAC as it organises events for people of all segment. This makes it a multi-purpose and multifaceted place. The events are sponsored by some highly reputed corporations like Hyundai as a part of CSR initiatives of the companies. This partnership helps in encouraging a connection between community and culture (IBISWorld, 2017).

For this study, the preliminary information was collected by making use of online sources and visit to QPAC on weekend in the evening time. For this purpose, qualitative research was done in context of the hosting venue. The information gained from this preliminary research would be useful in preparing the persona and customer journey mapping. First, Google Reviews and ratings given by the visitors and patrons were noted down. This helped in identifying the issues they faced during their visit at QPAC. The positive reviews are large in number and customers were very much happy with the connectivity of the venue with major transportation routes. The other observations were recorded during the visit. It was noted that number of adults and teenagers are higher than the old age people. They were indulged in purchasing merchandises and eating during their visits. All such information helped in developing the customer journey map (Cowart& Goldsmith, 2017).


Persona Name

Job Title/Functional Role

Customer/User segment

Dr. M. Jackson

Associate Professor


Personal Attributes

Demographic Details

Reasons for me to engage with Product

Bread Winner

Career Driven


Hard worker



Age:35 years

Gender: Male



Location: Australia

Income: $85,000

Employment:3 years in current role.

Offer wide range of services and events for people of all age group.

Best place for recreation and stress busting on weekends.

Job, Skills, and Interests

Pain Points

Why would I not Engage in product

· Good communication skills

· Good orating skills Problem-solver

· Stress management skills

· Career Guidance

Slow process of query solving

High cost of services

Issues in online bookings during rush hours

Uninformed customer care executives

 The services are very costly for a common man

Customer care executives are unable to provide enough information due to high rush

There might be some safety issues for my family

Social Environment

Needs and Goals



Enjoys spending time with my family on Sundays for stress management

Like outdoor activities

Seeking a place for recreation during weekends for my children and wife which is safe

Place should have proper food and sanitation facility with credit facility.

Is there any discount for children below 3 years of age?

Are there any food available for infants?

Is there any discount on online ticketing?

Customer Journey Map QPAC





Product engagement

Post purchase behaviours



Dr. M. Jackson, 35 years old, married, Ph.D , 4 years of Experience, Native Australian, and earn $85 000 per year


Celebrity Promotion

Social Media promotion

Feedback and use of Technology


Staff contact



Radio advertisement and newspaper ad and hoardings

Google Reviews and Tripadvisor ratings

Mobile phone Text and email messages

Feedback from both online and offline methods. Google Ratings and paid websites


Paid Website

Email marketing and online promotion

Service Offering

Thoughts, Emotions,


Saw a pamphlet in university premises and also in newspaper ad.

Radio announcement also informed me but it did not provide much information about the services.

Negative reviews on Tripadvisor.comaffected the decision for sometime

Google Reviews and ratings are very helping in decision-making

Social media platforms gave neutral reviews about the place.

Brother did not recommend the venue.

Website is user friendly and user can even make use of credit cards for booking

Text message sent on mobile regarding confirmation of booking did not contain much information.

The reception people are making their best efforts in helping us but rush was very high.

Due to high rush, family faced some troubles.

The services such as souvenir and food are very costly for average earning person

It is highly recommended place for family persons to hang out with family and relieve stress.

The perception of people may vary with their age, lifestyle, and income.


Providing training to staff for handling customer queries during rush for improving customer rating on social media.

Making efforts and using technology to reduce booking time and customer queries

Providing tickets from multiple sources for diverting the traffic during rush hours.

For better guest services, latest technology should be brought into use. This comprise ticket vending machines, FAQs videos and audio systems and developing an elaborated user guides.

The management should hire employees and volunteer for proper management of employees. Also, they should ask them for feedback about the services and facilities in the premises.

Final comment from Mark it is the best place where one can go with the family on weekends for relieving stress. One thing which is good about the place is that it is well connected with other parts of the city. It organises event for people from all age group. I recommend this place for weekend fun”

Take home notes for QPAC:

The customer journey mapping is very critical and essential for organisations that deals in hospitality sector. It is a well-known fact that customers want high quality services available at affordable prices. QPAC is aiming at providing services but customers are not very happy with the prices. Also, lack of information available with the customer care executive is another reason for poor satisfaction of the customers. These can be seen on the comments posted on social media pages of QPAC and Google Reviews. However, the staff of QPAC is well-trained to provide top-class hospitality to them and happy customers have shared their experiences on online platforms. Both positive and negative comments have significant impact on the final decision-making of the customers looking to visit QPAC. However, the management can improve its customer rating by working on the issues highlighted by guests.


From the in-depth evaluation of the targeted segment of audience, pain points in the persona, and customer map, a few issues have been determined in the current functioning and procedures of QPAC. The first one is poor management of guests during last few hours of the upcoming event. In addition to this, Google reviews outlined the issue of expensive services in the QPAC premises, especially food. Many customers complaint about the costly food items. Moreover, the third issue was related to the online booking and ticket cancellation issues & refund policies. Many customers complaint that they haven’t issue their refund even after 45 days of ticket cancellations.

#1 Recommendation: Use Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Support and Data Processing

QPAC should make use of AI based systems that would act as a helping hand during peak hours in handling customers’ queries. With the help of AI-powered chatbots, QPAC can revolutionise its customer service procedure and online ticketing process (Yumatov, et, al, 2017). This would be helpful in understanding what the customer prefer and customise the services as per their preferences. AI can help in storing personal data of customers related to payment and improvise the refund process by automatizing it. QPAC would be able to provide real-time support to its customers and guest during the peak hour rush without compromising on the manpower and time (Delic& Riley, 2013). In addition to this, QPAC would be able to provide its customer support round the clock. Also, to avoid system overloading during online ticketing, QPAC is advised to offer tickets from multi-channels (Ahn& Back, 2018). Providing customer an option to switch the platform for better services can tremendously improve the customer service. This would be beneficial in enhancing the customer rating and QPAC’s reputation in the market. Booking should be allowed to be done from social media platform, mobile, and window ticketing (Ashman,, 2015).

#2 Recommendation: Use self-service programs and Offer Real-time Customer Service

For reducing the service charges from food and other products, it is advised to QPAC that it should initiate a self-service program in the premises. Such programs are characterised as guidance system that are designed fully to assist customers to get their issue resolved. There are many software applications developed that can be brought into use (Yu,, 2015). These would guide the customers automatically without any need of human interference. These are easy to handle and can reduce the cost of customer service, thereby providing budget-friendly services to the guests. This won’t hamper the quality of service. In addition to this, QPAC can also prepare some FAQs for providing certain help to new guests who do not know how to use those self-service application. The bottom line is that self-service options are fast, effective, budget friendly and has the capability to improve to customer satisfaction. All these would be beneficial in both long and short run (Delic&iley, 2013).

#3 Recommendation: Invest in Agent Training and Customer Service Specialist

In order to improve customer service during the peak hours, QPAC is advised to hire customer service specialist who are experienced in customer servicing. In addition to this, they are required to be trained regularly for changing customer preferences and market trends. This way QPAC can be able to improve customer service quality and ultimately, customer satisfaction would get improved (Rogers& Davidson, 2015). It is required from the management to pay attention to Google Reviews and customer ratings and consider guest’s suggestions, invest in team building through regular training and seminars. Also, the customer care executive should be provided with the best systems and software that is capable of handling load and peak time pressure. This would ultimately pay back in the long run.


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