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Introduction : The Topic Analysis Of Cross-Cultural Communication And Co-Design
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Q.1.Briefly describe your chosen case study and this will provide context the aim of the case study
While aboriginal and Torres strait Islanders (TSI) referred to different indigenous groups of people in Australia the farmer group addresses the original people of mainland Australia and the later one refers to the original people of the 274 Island that is situated in the North side of the country (Equityhealthj.biomedcentral, 2023). The following context is intended to address the cross-cultural communication and codesign of these groups while understanding cultural and social economic factors that affect their health outcomes. In addition, the verbal and nonverbal communication and the reason for miscommunication regarding health outcomes for these indigenous groups are also included in the discussion while using a DIEP process of reflection.
The overall situation of cultural determinants of health (CDH) for indigenous communities are linked with health and well-being outcomes and the significance of CDH impact on the contributions of aboriginal people towards the global sector while highlighting their overall relationship and interconnections between CDHs (Ingram et al. 2022). In my opinion, the social DH approach of aboriginal people's identities is deficient in comparison with non-indigenous population while accessing equal health status and it impacts on the inability of TSI people to meet their social economic standards. Besides, the CDH of aboriginal and TSI describes physical, social, emotional, spiritual and environmental wellbeing and impact on the people's way of living and learning (Patterson et al. 2022). The distinctly lower stage of indigenous community describes the strong continuity of cultural practices in comparison with non-indigenous population and this revolves around their well-being outcome based on health aspects. This is followed by determining relative factors in the form of language, country and collective identity of TSI people (Franklin, 2023). Besides, the generation and experience in racism are also results of colonisation, which is faced by the TSI people and associating them with reclaiming spirituality in the form of their identity (Equityhealthj.biomedcentral, 2023).
Q.2.Identify key terms and definition in the context of delivery culturally safe healthcare to aboriginal and Torres strait islander clients
From the overall context, it can be interpreted that the concept of cultural safety for the TSI and aboriginal population in Australia refers to safety of indigenous families and reducing unsafe cultural practices that helps with strengthening their cultural identity and well-being (Top et al. 2022). I feel the overall cultural awareness and the delivery of culturally safe healthcare is based on the sensitivity and competency to secure the safety and required for practitioners to be aware of their own cultural values as well as belief and attitude to consciously improve their behaviour in healthcare. Besides, I have learnt that the creation of an environment to maintain the safety for the aboriginal and TSI population also refers to reducing incidents of assaults as well as challenges and denial of their identity. It also interprets the unequal access to primary healthcare by the TSI population and access to proper nutrients and stable living conditions while accessing cultural respectful health services (Wallace et al. 2022).
Q.3.Describe the impact of effective verbal and nonverbal communication as well as miscommunications and how this links with health outcomes for aboriginal and Torres strait Islanders
While verbal and nonverbal communications alongside empathy are considered significant factors that are important in terms of continuing patient and position encounters in healthcare, it also positively impacts the patient’s satisfaction and improves the overall health outcome (Bernardes et al. 2022). I feel it also helps in evaluating the reduction of TSI patients' anxiety and facilitates their openness while getting treatment. In terms of identified communities, it can be evaluated that the health outcome is improving by acknowledging their identity and respecting cultural values while treating them which helps with strain training patient and physicians’ communication and implying patient-centred approach (Lethborg et al. 2022). The elevations of recognising improving cultural safety for the aboriginal and TSI healthcare users refers to the improvement of quality of healthcare and acknowledging cultural values, strength and difference while respecting their individuality and reducing racism for bringing equality in healthcare (Hansen & Charles, 2022).

Q.4.Describe the concept of strength-based knowledge and communication and how this is used to balance problem-based perspective of aboriginal and Torres strait Islander health and people. What learning can be drawn from this example to inform your future practice
The aboriginal and TSI people's strength-based approach consist of community control sectors while conducting research processes by the Victorian Aboriginal health services since the year 2000 (, 2023). I feel this factor is effective to address the strong influence of culture in the form of family base and extended family, links along with friends, connection to community roots, sense of identity which impact on the population's health outcome. Besides, factors such as aspirations along with responsibility, sports and creative activities of the TSI people affirm their activities with CHD outcomes (Equityhealthj.biomedcentral, 2023). The fundamental tools that happen used for developing the CHD of this community and measuring its impact on the health outcome refers to the aboriginal resilience as well as recovery questionnaire by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (, 2023). I have also gathered information on the involvement of National Aboriginal and TSI society surveys in this to determine the relation to language, country and identity (Purcell-Khodr et al. 2022). In addition, psychological factors were also identified which were related to the community, culture and relation alongside individuality of these community populations. While I have managed to understand their associations with the resilience and recovery from the generation and trauma, it also improves the involvement of the government while planning the improvement of overall health outcome. Apart from that, the longitudinal study plan in the form of Mayi Kuwayu is being conducted as the part of the improvement plan for the TSI people with the aim of determining their connection towards country, culture as well as their practice of spirituality and use of language in terms of understanding their requirements of healthcare and influencing health outcome (Zengin et al. 2022).
From the overall finding, it was also identified that the culture and language play a crucial role in terms of identifying culturally influenced determinants that help with transfer of knowledge to the younger generations by the elders. While the elders are known as custodians of traditional knowledge, they are accountable to secure the social and emotional being of younger generations from TSI by transferring knowledge in the form of protective factors for health and well-being for the next generation (Damarell et al. 2023).
The strength-based knowledge is also used for this community for collecting high grade evidence while understanding determinants of culture related to health and improving the overall health outcome (Nyholm, 2022). I also feel this knowledge context is associated with the plan of cultural competency and safety of healthcare activities for TSI people in Australia and mostly depends on cultural identity self-determination as well as connection to the family and community. I believe it has a strong impact on the health and well-being outcome for the TSI people.
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- Bernardes, C. M., Ekberg, S., Birch, S., Meuter, R. F., Claus, A., Bryant, M., ... & Pratt, G. (2022). Clinician perspectives of communication with aboriginal and torres strait islanders managing pain: needs and preferences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1572.
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- Lethborg, C., Halatanu, F., Mason, T., Posenelli, S., Cleak, H., & Braddy, L. (2022). Culturally informed, codesigned, supportive care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer and their families. Australian Social Work, 75(2), 165-179.
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- Purcell-Khodr, G., Webster, E., Harrison, K., Dawson, A., Lee, K. S. K., & Conigrave, K. (2022). The Importance of Culture in Alcohol Care: Listening to First Nations staff in Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 13(3), 1-29.
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- Zengin, A., Shore-Lorenti, C., Sim, M., Maple-Brown, L., Brennan-Olsen, S. L., Lewis, J. R., ... & Ebeling, P. (2022). Protocol: Why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians fall and fracture: the codesigned Study of Indigenous Muscle and Bone Ageing (SIMBA) protocol. BMJ Open, 12(4).