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Introduction: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy
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The HSIE subject that is taken to create introductory lessons plans is the stage 5 Geography syllabus and that topic contains the “Introduction to People, Places, Environment and the Future”.
Lesson plan
Lesson Design |
Unit Topic |
Stage 5: Geography |
Lesson Topic |
“People, Places, Environment and the Future” |
Class |
K-10 |
Duration |
10 weeks- 30 hours |
Key Outcomes |
Pupils will acquire knowledge about the characteristics of the functioning of environments and the intensity scale of human-induced change in an environment that is challenging the sustainability of the environment. Students will examine the views of the world's humankind on affecting techniques to use of the environment and its management. Students will undertake a study of investigation about the reason and impact of change in ecology and environment in all countries around the world along with Australia. They will learn to analogise and assess the response of management in other countries around the world versus Australia and suggest pathways for the contribution of individuals to maintain the sustainability of the environment. Key outcomes: (GE5-2) describes different factors influences and techniques that create and convert ecosystems, environments and places. (GE5-3) studies the impact of exchanges and associations between place, environment and people. (GE5-4) investigate theviewpoints of individuals and associations on a degree of geographical problems. (GE5-5) evaluates different potential strategies of management for the environment and places to contain their sustainability. (GE5-7) obtains and asses the information that is regarding geography, by picking and utilising suitable and appropriate geographical instruments for investigation and exploration. (GE5-8) expresses the information regarding the geography of man, environment and places, to a spectrum of audiences and authorities employing a combination of techniques. |
Key Terms &Concepts |
1. How is the functioning of the environment? 2. How do the viewpoints and ideas of mankind influence their attitudes towards the environment and the process of using the environment? 3. What are the reasons and effects of the transition of environments and how this transition can be controlled? 4. Why the awareness of processes of the function of the environment and its interconnections with mankind is necessary for obtaining a sustainable management process of the environment? |
Differentiation |
The geographical concepts of place, space, environment, interconnections, scales, sustainability and change will be integrated throughout the whole curriculum. Different skills of geographical inquiry will be integrated into the course following the use of various geographical tools like Maps (M), Fieldwork (F), Spatial technologies (ST), Graphs and Statistics (GS) and Visual representations (VR). |
Pre-Preparation |
For constructing a study curriculum in “Stage 5: People, Places, Environment and the Future”, the pre-preparations needed, are constructing an outline of the learning outcomes (LOs) from the curriculum and then meeting the outcomes, and different timelines for completing each LO are established. According to that, the whole lesson design is being constructed. |
Lesson Phase |
Description (Activities& Resources) |
Rationale Codes |
1. Settling Routine |
Sequence 1: The process of the function of the environment (satisfies the key term 1) and involves the ideas about the necessity of the environment to modify and support human lives Sequence 2: The change in environment (satisfies the key term 2 and part of key term 3). Sequence 3: Management of the environment (Satisfy last part of key term 3) Sequence 4: Investigative learning and Case study (Satisfy the key term 4) |
2. Orientation |
Get an idea about different spheres e.g. atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and their interconnection and association with human lives. Different functions of the environment, help human activity, economy and life. Identify and explore the changes in the environment that are human-induced. Explore the various processes of management and different views and techniques for increasing the sustainability of the environment by using a case study of “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People”. Explore the environment's biophysical process and its necessity and the impact it faces on change in the environment. Also, investigate the process to handle these changes and maintain sustainability considering the “Riverine Environment”. |
3. Elaboration |
Assessment of the capability of the environment for influencing human life in future; Analysis of the projection of population to anticipate the demand for environmental sustainability in the future world; sustainable practice examination that can be used for achieving the security of the environment and the discussion of the possibility of the contribution of Australia for securing the global ecosystem of nature. |
4. Exploration |
Use of maps, and spatial technology to analyze different geographical locations and the environmental impact of human alterations, Visual representation of the potentiality of different environments and human alterations on the environment, the technology used to develop yields of agriculture, the impact of scarcity of water, and sustainable policies to achieve security on food, field work on finding the impact of environmental factors like water availibity, temperature, soil and topography and use of statistics and graphs for analyzing the impact of various environmental factors on the sustainability of the environment, different economic factors, countries capacity of food production in lieu of climate change in future and the prediction of the population in future to assume the demand of food, will be conducted during the curriculum. |
5. Exchange |
A class discussion can be conducted on the practical approach of worldviews in our day-to-day lives taking reference from the calculator of footprint. |
6. Evaluation |
Construct different groups and each group will prepare a presentation on each human-induced change in the environment e.g. acid rain, land or soil degradation, use of insecticides, ocean acidification etc. containing the different human actions causing that change, the intensity of damage to the environment, threat index and strategy to control the damage. Prepare a PMI chart to assess the positive and negative changes that have been adopted by Australia for the last ten years and compare that chart with another country that has a higher “environmental performance Index (EPI)” and another with a lower environmental performance Index (EPI). Present the observations and describes the causes for these differences. Construct an outline of visible thinking about the importance and hazards created by the extraction of coal seam gas by the method of “fracking” in Australia. Explain the concept of “belonging to Country” by Aboriginal people and delineate the differences between this with the view of human-centred. Compare the “Riverine environment of the Clarence River catchment in Northern NSW, Australia” and the “Ganges River in India”. |
7. Homework |
Prepare a table of different spheres along with their definitions and interaction with human lives. Demonstrate the function of rain forest environment as a source, service and spiritual sink in the life of inhabitants. Differentiate between the human-centred and nature-centred views of the world. |
- For preparing a concept map of the benefit of nature and the environment to mankind use these resources, “;;”;
- Use “”for preparing the definition of different spheres and “” for demonstrating the different functions of the environment.
- For completing the task of different functions of the rainforest environment, “;;” these resources need to be followed.
- For understanding and completing the task of human-induced change of environment students can use, “ Yj7Hc;;”;
- Use this resource to prepare the EPI and PMI chart of Australia and other countries,;
- For taking points on different world views, the resources are,;
- Use, “;;;;;”, these resources to complete the routine of visible thinking on Coal seam gas extraction and importance.
- Use these resources to compare human-centred and Aboriginal concepts on consumption escalation, “;;;”
There are different learning and teaching principles that are important to take care of during the establishment of any teaching curriculum. An abridgement of recent, reasonably-supported investigation about learning, these regulations are appropriate across all domains and contexts of learning and are planned to illustrate specific techniques to teach and support the learning of students. Students’ earlier understanding can support or inhibit learning and the process of organisation of knowledge decides the method of learning and its application. The motivation of Students defines, controls, and maintains the desire of learning among students. For developing mastery in a subject, students must obtain associate talents, rehearse combining them, and learn about the right time to application of that knowledge (, 2022). Goal-directed training associated with the enhancement of targeted feedback increase the quality of learning among students. Acquiring impact learning involves the development of the current level of students' interaction with the emotional, intellectual and social requirements of the course.
An effective teaching practice involves, achieving an appropriate understanding of learners and utilising that understanding to report the classroom teaching and design of the course in the curriculum. Aligning three primary elements of education: learning goals, reviews, and instructional exercises and communicating clear anticipations concerning understanding purposes and procedures. The knowledge and skill prioritization of focused goals and overcoming the expert neglecting areas are key requirements of effective teaching (, 2022). Effective teaching concerns embracing the proper role of teaching to sustain the goal of learning and progressively purifying the systems of learning based on feedback and review.

The above-mentioned lesson design is made to fulfil the curriculum of Stage 5: Geography based on the topic “People, Places, Environment and the Future” is constructed in order to fulfil the effective learning and teaching principles and embraced the idea of adequate learning based on practical methods, among the students. This standard links to the grade of hardship needed to receive help and resource material for use in classroom teaching. Investigation indicates that in the beginning, educators care to undervalue the time needed to find and familiarise themselves with the resources useful for that lesson that are effective (Maijo, 2018) and the status of essential literacy required to fast access web-based resources that are ever-expanding (Jubas Taber & Brown, 2015). Understanding the available resources and the talents to acquire those resources are both necessary for teachers. Critical literacy is vastly dependent on the accessibility of resources. In this curriculum, students are provided with necessary resources for each and every topic that has weight on evaluation b of this curriculum. Each of these resources is easily accessible and comprehensible for the students.
- Jubas, K., Taber, N., & Brown, T. (Eds.). (2015). Popular culture as pedagogy: Research in the field of adult education (Vol. 95). Springer.
- Maijo, S. N. (2018). Impact of school feeding programme on learners’ academic performance in mlunduzi ward, Tanzania. International journal of educational studies, 5(3), 125-130. Doi:
-, 2022 Available at: [Accessed on: 06/12/2022]