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NURBN3032 Task 2: Managing A Transition To Practise Issue: Work-Life Balance: Discussion Assignment Sample

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a) Why do new graduate nurses experience this transitional issue

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A well- planned transition of care helps to ensure the continuity of the overall care approach alongside avoidance and prevention of poor health outcomes while dealing with at- risk patients (Labrague & De los Santos, 2020). The role of transition shock in the working environment for newly graduated nursing staff is impactful and has been considering the issue of misbalancing their lives and impact on job performance (, 2023). The primary impact of the transition is based on job satisfaction, job stress along with burnout and intended to leave the organisation which have a crucial impact on patient care outcome. These outcomes consist of missed patient care along with adverse medical events and altered quality of care approaches in the healthcare setting (Murray et al. 2019). Transition shock is considered a common issue among healthcare employees that are relevant to the management of nursing administration and consists of a crucial factor that impacts on the overall patient and performance outcome for the employees. In the case of Australia, more than 1 out of 10 employees are working more than 50 hours per week which is considered "a very long time to continue work by the organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD)" (, 2023).

Most of the time, healthcare professionals are capable of commonly subjugating personal needs in terms of managing and balancing their work and life and this sacrifice is done by them to manage the overall balance. The transitional shock is common among newly graduated nurses and they have reported greatest challenges against these issues while altering their expectations of the actual work environment as well as balancing their professional and personal lives (Baldwin et al. 2021). A good transitional balance is capable of enabling employees to feel more control on their newly joined working schedule and leading to increased productivity alongside low instances of sickness and absenteeism and leaving a happier and less stressed working environment (Farber et al. 2020). This also indicates handling the overall transitional aspects in the healthcare environment that is considered rich, meaningful and consists of stimulation and personal satisfaction for the employees. However, the constant presence of time demand in job environments along with misalignment of incentives for employees can lead to issues in an employee's personal life, creating psychosocial issues alongside burnout and dissatisfaction which indicates the improper management of the transitional steps (Gribben & Semple, 2021).

b) The ramifications of this transitional issue on the individual and the nursing profession

The consequence of transitional issues for nursing staff while managing their work and light balance impact on the staff shortage in healthcare full stop changes in nurses’ official positions is considered a significant state that is usually associated with different degrees of transition and that impacts the overall process for the employees (Wildermuth et al. 2020). The consequences of these transactional factors impact on nursing coping mechanisms and affect shortage of workforce in healthcare factors or staff facing burnout and dissatisfaction in the working environment. The latter impact on the staff leaving their jobs and eventually leading to nursing shortages in the healthcare sector (Mckinsey, 2022). The survey on future of work in nursing conducting by the Mckinsey 2021 have revealed the statistics of one fifth of Australian registered nurses have their intention to leave their current role in the next 12 month and 41% of the staff nurse said they have intention to move countries as well as leaving their direct care role entirely by 2025 (Mckinsey, 2022). It also addresses a formation plan of those nursing staff to leave their current position of direct nursing role in hospital due to excessive working pressure, high demand and misalignment of incentives for them while accessing limited support from the organisation (, 2023a). This impact on increasing the risk of severe nursing work for shortage and increasing transition related stress and anxiety that impact them on managing their individual life and professional environment.

Statistics of nurses to leave their jobs during failed transitions

Figure 1: Statistics of nurses to leave their jobs during failed transitions

(Source: Mckinsey, 2022)

Inattention to the specific factors that impact on nursing staff scope in mechanism while transitioning in the care sector impact them negatively by affecting their “overall performance as well as undermining their effectiveness and resulting in isolation and over-dependency in the working environment” (, 2023a). This is followed by “fear of losing job, denial alongside projection as well as job dissatisfaction, losing motivation and inability to fulfil their professional responsibility” in healthcare. On the other hand, it can also create issues to maintain personal life such as balancing this to live due to lack of time and scheduling conflicts (Singh et al. 2020). External factors such as inadequate preparation due to ineffectiveness of university education, unavailability of qualified mentors, the inability to manage in-service theoretical and practical training alongside improper communication with experienced nurses while copying with transition in the healthcare sector have significant consequences while impacting their overall career (Lee & Sim, 2020).

c) The impact this issue has on the ability to adhere to the nursing codes/Standards and delivery of safe, high quality patient care

The impact of improper balance on the nursing environment creates consequences by adversely affecting their health and causing them to resign from their jobs and the profession. As this profession is an indispensable provision of maintaining and improving people's health, the overall delivery of high-quality patient care and maintenance of nursing health and reduction of overall turnover rates are important here (Duffy, 2022). Work-life balance impacts on the nursing work practices that in effect lowering their work efficiency alongside decreasing the ability to learn volunteer activities and managing proper quality of life care. It is important for nursing staff to adhere to the code of conduct as these codes present the professional standard while associating them to uphold in terms of being registered to the practice in the country (Hodge & Varndell, 2020). The code of conduct also helps with structuring around “prioritising people alongside practice effectively and preserving safety to promote high quality patient care, professionalism and trust” (Adams, 2018). The improper management of work life balance leads towards reducing their working ability impacting nursing motivation to manage patient care as well as increasing burnout and job dissatisfaction among nursing staff (Duffy, 2022). These factors are capable of impacting the employees by increasing issues on their mental and physical health alongside decreasing their capability to perform code of conducts in their professional areas.

On the other hand, nursing practice is considered to consist of compassion and respect for inherent dignity alongside worth and unique attribution towards every person (, 2023c). Due to excessive burnout and imbalanced working efficiency, it creates issues with the working environment for employees while understanding their professional guidelines and communicating with seniors in terms of managing and maintaining their working capabilities. Besides, nursing staff's commitment towards patients is also part of the conduct and due to exhausting working hours and low time for own time it creates conflict of interest while working with other people and managing their performance to faster best patient care while understanding their professional boundaries (, 2023c). Apart from that, a nurse is accountable to promote and protect the right as well as health and safety of patients and imbalance in their personal and professional life impacts their judgement capacities alongside following institutional standard seeds while managing their performance. This also impacts them by meeting their performance standard and affecting their oral care aspects in the form of misconducting potential safety concerns (, 2023b).


  • Adams, C. (2018). Development of a professional practice competency for undergraduate nursing students at a private catholic university in Western Australia: A mixed-method study.
  • Baldwin, K. M., Sleutel, M., Urban, R. W., Wells, J. N., Behan, D., Walsh, J., & Newcomb, P. (2021). An exploration of new graduate nurses’ transition to specialty practice. Journal for nurses in professional development, 37(2), 93-100.
  • Duffy, J. R. (2022). Quality caring in nursing and health systems: Implications for clinicians, educators, and leaders. Springer Publishing Company.,+high+quality+patient+care&ots=eI2xdg4xG5&sig=xTMDpbM3gfuew33GqFviw03aQwg
  • Farber, J. E., Payton, C., & Dorney, P. (2020). Life balance and professional quality of life among baccalaureate nurse faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 587-594.
  • Gribben, L., & Semple, C. J. (2021). Prevalence and predictors of burnout and work-life balance within the haematology cancer nursing workforce. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 52, 101973.
  • Hawkins, N., Jeong, S., & Smith, T. (2019). Coming ready or not! An integrative review examining new graduate nurses' transition in acute care. International journal of nursing practice, 25(3), e12714.
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  • Hodge, A., & Varndell, W. (2020). Professional transitions in nursing: a guide to practice in the Australian healthcare system. Routledge.,+high+quality+patient+care&ots=b4bdJpWDfV&sig=5PKBxLd9yJYEklJ_g-tGM1lmetU
  • Labrague, L. J., & De los Santos, J. A. A. (2020). Transition shock and newly graduated nurses' job outcomes and select patient outcomes: A cross?sectional study. Journal of nursing management, 28(5), 1070-1079.
  • Lee, J. E., & Sim, I. O. (2020). Gap between college education and clinical practice: Experience of newly graduated nurses. Nursing open, 7(1), 449-456.
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  • Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2019). New graduate nurses’ understanding and attitudes about patient safety upon transition to practice. Journal of clinical nursing, 28(13-14), 2543-2552.
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  • (2023a)., “Transition shock and newly graduated nurses' job outcomes and select patient outcomes: A cross-sectional study”
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  • Singh, C., Cross, W., Munro, I., & Jackson, D. (2020). Occupational stress facing nurse academics—A mixed?methods systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing, 29(5-6), 720-735.
  • Wildermuth, M. M., Weltin, A., & Simmons, A. (2020). Transition experiences of nurses as students and new graduate nurses in a collaborative nurse residency program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(1), 69-75.
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