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Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace Assignment Answer

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Introduction : Health and Safety Practices in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions

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Health and social care refers to the domain which works to fulfil the medical and social needs of service users (Carayon, 2016). This term encompasses infrastructure and services offered by public and private sector in this domain. The professionals working in this domain provides interactive and support services so that their aggregate needs of clients are met. The work is carried out in distinct environment such as hospitals, community centres and independent surroundings. This assignment aims to understand impact of health and care legislation on the service offered to clients. Understanding ways in which practitioners carry out their operations in health and social care. The monitoring of reviewing of the health ans safety practices will be studied at the end of this report.

Analysis on role of risk assessment in care planning for individuals

It can be ascertained from the provided case study that United Kingdom is struggling with obesity in the country. It was revealed that around 40-70% of the population was categorised as obese. To minimize the risk in this domain it is essential for a business to conducts an assessment so that major shortcoming of handling obese patients could be identified. The infrastructure and policy of the healthcare institution did not have a supportive environment for people who are prone with obesity. Risk assessment is crucial in planning strategies and decisions for the future as it helps management in gaining familiarity with the areas that carries a scope for improvement (Glasby, 2017). The management of Staffordshire (NHS division) should conduct a risk assessment so that major factors which can cause accidents in the future could be identified.

Upon conducting an assessment it has been identified that the policy and infrastructure of this healthcare institution is not able to cater the medical and emotional needs of obese patients. The staff does not possess ideal training and skills to deal with the service users in the best possible manner. This can be termed as the big risk as they will be unable to cope with critical circumstance which may arise with the user. There is an absence in the Bariatrics policy with this institution. It is referred to an surgical procedure which assists an obese person to lose weight if he is able to achieve the same from other measures. This is done so that stature of health could be improved for obese persons and are able to lead a healthy and comfortable life. The institution is not ready to take up obese persons. These institution does not carry ideal mobility carriers which hinder their movement from one place to another. The risk assessment have identified various areas which are to be focused so that medical needs of obese patient are met properly (Hymel and et. al 2011). It helps in building a care plan which ensures that right policies and practices are introduced to the business so risk arising factors are mitigated. The institution have invested in building an infrastructure which helps in resolving queries of people along with serving their needs in an improved manner.

 Analysis of impact of health and safety policy on lifting and handling in health and social care practice

There has been problems identified in lifting and handling of obese patient in this particular healthcare institution. The obese patients are not handled in the best manner possible due to the lack of training and suitable equipment. The lack of bariatrics patient handling pathways have impacted patient handling to a great extent. There is a essential need for Bariatrics surgery in this institution as it can improve health outcomes to an individual suffering from obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol. This policy can assure that better functioning and quality of life is provided to patients. The another aspect of this policy is that it defines the manner in which patients suffering from obesity are operated. The adoption of this framework will assure that patient handling and lifting aspects are improved to a significant level. The institution also need to derive their efforts in procuring suitable equipment and knowledge so that medical procedures are carried out in ideal manner (Jeffreys, 2015). Along with introduction of bariatrics policy, healthcare professional needs to assure that risk assessment is to be carried out so that chances of occurrence of accidents, trips and falls are mitigated.

This recently introduced framework assures that patients are handled and cared for in an improved manner than before. The Staffordshire division of NHS should inculcate the views and expectation into consideration so that they are dealt with in an ideal manner. Therefore it can be ascertained that adopted policy in an institution is bound to bring positive outcomes in terms of health of obese clients.

Discussion on dilemma encountered by service providers in carrying out health and safety policies and procedures

Healthcare policies and procedure constitutes as crucial part of the business. They assist in providing a standardisation to services offered by an institution. They provide clarity and confidence to a service user while dealing with a difficult situation within organisation. It lays down a plan which is to be followed by service provider to achieve desired outcome. It is a known fact that service provider are caught in confusion while implementing policies and procedures related to health and safety of clients (Littlejohn, 2012). These dilemmas are bound to hinder the quality of services which are expected out of them by the concerned.

Referring to the case study, obese patients are generally heavy to carry and due to lack of support equipment they are tend to be a victim of slips and trips while using the john. The mobility of a person is carried out through use of slings and hoists. But it has been identified that most of service users are not comfortable with these tactics and often experience a fear of falling. The major dilemma which is encountered by service provider is that they either address the issues of the patient or work in accordance to policies and practices of an institution. The another situation of dilemma is experienced when a patients asks for results of its diagnostics. The service user can either preserve the data as per policies or communicate the well-being to the patient itself.

Analysis of effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care setting

Non-compliance is referred to a situation when an healthcare institution fails to comply with the laws and practices established by the government of the country (Lundgren and McMakin, 2013). The exposure to risk of patients can be termed as non-compliance with the health and safety practices mentioned by the government through policies and guidelines. The Staffordshire division of national healthcare services is found guilty under the section 3 (1) of the Health and safety at work act 1974. the patients suffering from obesity are not provided with ideal medical and social treatment due to inexperienced staff and lack of infrastructure. This absence of basic service make the patients more vulnerable to risks.

To Examine it further, there are numerous affects to a which an institution if they fail to adhere to the norms and legislation while dealing with a patient. The prime fact is that workers are informed about a standard protocol which are to be followed. However this particular scenario they should be aware of the size of slings which are necessary in dealing with a patient suffering from obesity. The obese person should be catered with best possible care while moving from one place to another with suitable tools. Any misconduct with the patient causing physical and mental damage will lead to penalisation and fines upon the organisation. The authorities will critically evaluate the health and safety precautions which are practised in organisation (Magnavita and Heponiemi, 2011). The institution is warned but after several warning their license is to terminated. The non-compliance with the legislation carries secondary affects as well such as decline in customer satisfaction, employee turnover and higher number of accidents within institution.

Reviewing and monitoring of health care services

It is essential to review and monitor healthcare services so that shortcomings are addressed. The audit conducted by the advisory board concluded with the various challenges which are to be addressed by an institution. There exists variety of measures which help in identifying problems in a healthcare setting. Here listing some of the ways which help in reviewing and monitoring healthcare services i.e.

  • Auditing of risks: this is referred to one of the most common approach to review the quality and state of services offered to people. It is very important to examine the risks so that occurrence of major accidents can be avoided. The examination conducted by the Back care advisor identified with major areas which carries a scope for improvement (Phillips, 2016). The examination carried out on various domains such as Bed-cases, infection control, mattresses and other equipment with the institution. The results depicted that beds are not as per requirements of consumers and suitability of equipment with the people stands lowest. The speed at which equipment is replaced is remarkable. The segregation of risks is carried out so that they are countered with risk minimizing factors. This will help an institution in offering quality services to people by emphasized on their acceptability and suitability.
  • Reviewing of practices: this is an another approach through which health systems and practices can be monitored. The evaluation of practices will help a management to be familiar with loopholes in service rendering so that effectiveness of workplace could be enhanced.
  • Learning from experience: It is referred to most practised approach in a healthcare system. The efforts and errors committed by employees are management are reviewed and learned. The tool of experience is a major approach through which better services could be offered to people (Reeves and et. al., 2011). It has been identified that slippery floor led to injury and death so the organisation have opted for Micro fibre which led to reduction in injury by a massive 85% in Staffordshire NHS.

Analysis effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in workplace

It can be ascertained that health and safety policies and practices leads to positive outcomes upon institution. The Sussex healthcare trust is an organisation which is responsible for catering the clinical and non-clinical needs of patients in the area. The policies and practices which relates to risk assessment and management ensures that consumers are treated in their desired state. Provision of ideal set of services helps in formation of right bonding between service user and provider which leads to serving them in better manner. The use of hoists and slings can promoted due to state of relationship amongst the two. This organisation is a subsidiary for National healthcare institution which is known to follow practices and policies which are best suitable for patients. The patients are engaged and communicated so that they result in positive outcomes for a business. Their effect on an healthcare institution can be analysed very quickly as it lead a corporation into attaining positive outcomes.

Evaluation of own contribution in placing health and safety needs of individual

As a senior member in the healthcare organisation I have always emphasized on providing services which are best for the patient. I always make sure that all the practices and policies are complied so that medical needs of patient are met. Along with medical assistance, I always inform my subordinates to emphasize on fulfilling emotional and social needs of patient as they are equal contributors to making a person healthy.

I have always directed my efforts in training the employee by providing them with the knowledge and capabilities so that they are able to deal with the risks which may arise during their tenure. I have never compromised with health and safety standards in the institution as they are very important in dealing with accidents which may happen. The services are reviewed and monitored so that improvement measures could be carried out. The another aspect which I always believed assists in service provision is inclusive communication. The service user are also consulted when a institution is about to formulate new decisions so that it lead to positive outcomes. For further evaluation of my contribution, I have interacted with senior, patients and staffs so that their opinions can be taken into consideration.


It can be concluded from the above report that, safety and health are the two main aspects in a healthcare organisation. It is the duty of management to take necessary actions so that industry benchmarks are to be followed. The efforts of the senior management results in better service provision and less accidents in an institution. It is necessary to conduct risk assessment so that elements which lead to potential harm are reduced. This can be carried out with various tools and techniques of reviewing and monitoring in workplace. Assignment Help provided by New Assignment Help.

Books and Journal

Carayon, P. ed., 2016. Handbook of human factors and ergonomics in health care and patient safety. CRC Press.

Glasby, J., 2017. Understanding health and social care. Policy Press.

Hymel, P. A. And et. al 2011. Workplace health protection and promotion: a new pathway for a healthier—and safer—workforce. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 53(6), pp.695-702.

Jeffreys, M. R., 2015. Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care: Inquiry, action, and innovation. Springer Publishing Company.

Littlejohn, P., 2012. The missing link: using emotional intelligence to reduce workplace stress and workplace violence in our nursing and other health care professions. Journal of Professional Nursing. 28(6), pp.360-368.

Lundgren, R. E. and McMakin, A. H., 2013. Risk communication: A handbook for communicating environmental, safety, and health risks. John Wiley & Sons.

Magnavita, N. and Heponiemi, T., 2011. Workplace violence against nursing students and nurses: an Italian experience. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 43(2), pp.203-210.

Phillips, J. P., 2016. Workplace violence against health care workers in the United States. New England journal of medicine. 374(17), pp.1661-1669.

Reeves, S. and et. al., 2011. Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care (Vol. 8). John Wiley & Sons.

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