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Exploring teaching and learning
The research title of this report is "The Strengths and Weaknesses of Cooperative Learning and Problem based Learning in EFL Writing Class: Teachers and Students’ Perspectives" This study was carried out by the two professors of Indonesia in 2018. M. Ali Ghufron and Siti Eranawati have carried out this study to know about the CL and PBL in EFL writing classes. Both the authors have identified the perspectives of teachers and students on this topic. This journal was published in the International Journal of Instruction. The author's background is in the English education department of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia. The authors of this research paper are from the English education department. It has been identified that there were 120 students & 11 EFL teachers who took this course in the English education section in that abstract year. This study aimed to identify the Pros & Cons of cooperative & PBLs in EFL writing classes. The purpose behind this research project was to explore the learning and teaching techniques with the help of the suggested theories and to analyze the roles and responsibilities of the teacher to implement the strategies in this EFL writing course.
It has been analyzed from the research paper that was 2 EFL writing teachers & 60 students who were in the sample. This research has been done in the country Indonesia. The respondents of this research paper were chosen based on the purposive sampling technique. Three methods were used by the researcher to find out the solution of a given problem which includes questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and observation. With the help of the interview method, the researcher has gained a real insight into the research topic which enables him to analyze the teachers and students perspectives on cooperative learning. While using the questionnaire to get the perception of the students, it has been identified that this method has been given real insights to the researcher. The qualitative research design has been used by the researcher to know about the Pros & Cons of EFL writing classes based on the perception of learners and teachers.
The observation was done in the ongoing process of learning teaching writing class while evaluating the strategies which has been applied in the writing class. It has been identified that with the help of the observation method, all the documents related to the learning will be analyzed by the researcher. While doing the observation of the learning [process of the students, the researcher also took the records linked to the activities of participants. This will help them to fill the observation checklist and add some comments. The interview has been conducted with the teachers to ask about their problems while teaching the EFL writing course. The coding process has been used by the researcher in the interview method. It has been analyzed that the role and responsibility of the teacher for teaching the EFL course are important as they give the direction to learn the concepts and apply the theoretical into the practical aspects to gain the experience and knowledge.

While using the above three methods, it has been identified that these methods are helpful for the researcher to get real insights into a problem. These methods are very easy and effective to use and analyze things properly. According to the author, it has been analyzed that cooperative leanings are of three types such as formal cooperative learning, informal cooperative learning, and cooperative learning base group. It has been identified that cooperative learning is difficult to manage since, its implementation. It has been identified that it is the requirement for EFL course learners to transcribe in English for academic & occupational drives. It has been identified with the help of learning models which are joyful and attractive to teach the EFL writings, such as CL & PBL.
From the analysis of this research paper, it has been found out that motivation, self-confidence, responsibility in learning's, reducing student's nervousness are the strengths of cooperative learning. Some weaknesses have also found out that the teachers and students need active participation in the cooperative learning, they need more preparation for the EFL course, and it has been found out that this course is difficult to manage by them. It has been identified that with the help of this research project, the researcher has analyzed the impact of learning and teaching based on the teachers and students perspectives. According to the research study, it has been identified that teaching EFL writings is a very challenging task that needs to be implemented with innovative and learning techniques. Two innovative techniques have been suggested in this research project such as CL and PBL.
It has been identified that through the results obtained from the observation, the researcher has found some significant things that deal with the execution of CL & PBL. The activities and notes have been analyzed as per the observation of teachers and students. It has been analyzed that while implementing cooperative learning, it was exposed that the students are aggressively contributed to the process of learning and inspired to learn in the group. The researcher has found that while applying this technique helps the students to reduce nervousness. As per the understanding of the problem-based learning techniques, the teachers can explain the problems of the students effectively while giving the questions to students to deal with the problems to plaid their thoughtful.
With the help of the interview process asked by the researcher, it has been analyzed that they are self-motivated and have the confidence to learn the EFL writing skills. From the above findings, it has been identified that the students take time for the preparation before implementation.
In the form of conclusion, it has been found out that while using the cooperative learning technique in EFL writing classes, helps the students to progress their English linguistic abilities, including writing abilities. On the other hand, problem-based learning techniques help the students to learn through their experience of solving open-ended problems. This research paper has identified that cooperative learning and problem-based learning techniques are the best techniques for the EFL writing course based on the perception of teachers and students. It has been analyzed that in this section the teachers have been applied many practices which fit cooperative learning such as dyadic essays, jigsaw, magic sentence, and so on.
The same conclusion will not be found in a different setting because this setting is based on the EFL writing course which is difficult to manage and implement by the students and teachers. According to this research paper, CL & PBL has been used to know about the teacher's and student's perspectives. The wider impact on this research study is that the research will survey this course in the other countries also to get more actual insights and to find out the solution of a given problem. With the help of this study, the in-depth understanding of the perception of students and teachers related to the EFL writing class. Some practices of this research project are that the researcher has been poorly designed the questions. A better questionnaire can be prepared by them to get more understanding about the topic.
According to the overall survey it has been identified with the teacher's experience that Cooperative learning and problem-based learning techniques have their strengths and weaknesses while implementing it in the EFL writing course. It has been analyzed that cooperative learning is good in creating the learners easily express & share ideas. On the other hand, problem-based learning is good in reducing students nervousness. According to the perception of teachers and students, it is the responsibility of both them to analyze the difficult part of this course and finding out the solution with these types of techniques to make them easy. It has been identified that to have a better understanding of this course, EFL teachers have been playing an important role because they are guiding the students to manage things and solve the problems accordingly. The wider impact of this research is that this can be done in various universities to know about the perception of students and teachers.
The overall research project has been given me an in-depth understanding and knowledge about the perception of teachers and students on the cooperative and problem-based leanings. It has been analyzed that there can be improvements in the questionnaire asked from the teachers on the EFL writing course. The overall research project has been very interesting and attractive because the reader will learn new things after go through this research project. Cooperative learning and problem-based leanings are the best strategies to deal with the problems in the EFL writing course by the teachers as well as by teachers.
Ghufron, M.A. and Ermawati, S., 2018. The strengths and weaknesses of cooperative learning and problem-based learning in EFL writing class: Teachers' and students' perspectives.International Journal of Instruction,11(4), pp.657-672.