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Enterprise Architecture Assignment Sample

Enterprise Architecture

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Introduction - Enterprise Architecture

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In addition to providing essential social services to the consumers, EaglesPath is an international corporation. From a technological standpoint, the business is a late user of new technologies as well as defined by a relative lack of investment in the information technology sector, which has ramifications in both the environment of information technology as well as management methods of the company (Grainger-Brown et al, 2019). The CIO of EaglesPath oversees a dispersed IT division, which is in charge of creating and maintaining systems for all of the company's divisions

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Risks linked with EaglesPath's EA deployment

  1. Training of the information technology designers
  2. Existing technologies, as well as innovative archives, are expensive
  3. Stakeholders are skeptical of the idea of EA as well as the apparent value it provides
  4. Relationships with workers have been damaged as a result of the deployment
  5. Techniques related to documentation is among the risk of deployment
  6. EaglePath will address the most critical EA concerns, including a provision of the essential capabilities of resources, an excessively complicated as well as a big project, and a poor execution basis

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As a result of EaglePath, the most pressing issues in enterprise architecture will be addressed, including the supply of required resource capabilities, a too complex and large project, and a weak execution base (Rentes et al, 2018).

Aligning the company with their values may be done in five ways

  1. It is required to develop trust for fruitful connection
  2. It is required to become a motivator to achieve the alignment of the business
  3. It is required to develop a close set-up between the business as well as the information technology to achieve the alignment of the business
  4. It is required to measure the metrics
  5. It is required to take lessons from the data survey

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In tight companies, those who have a deep understanding of the businesses of the coworkers, it is required to take enormous responsibility for, as well as feeling helpless are often found. Most IT companies define metrics as well as key indicators of performance for activities that can easily monitor as well as managed (Sjödin et al, 2020). Surveys should be designed to provide deep insights into the overall vision of the following company, such as the structure, the essential requirements, as well as necessary skills. In the past, the evaluations of information technology have been based on developing as well as client administration in certain geographic locations.

Main advantages to incorporate EA in the EaglesPath

  1. The cycles related to the information technology as well as the frameworks are standardized via the practice of EA
  2. More success can be achieved by incorporation of the superior framework related to information technology
  3. Increased robustness is achieved by putting applications as well as cycles into balance with the EaglesPath architecture
  4. By following a set of normal practices, businesses may ramp up production and decrease the risk of injury
  5. EA was developed as a response to the complexity of structures in organizations
  6. Reduce the complexity of structures is perhaps the most important expectation for an EA-based organization

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As part of their financial planning, EaglesPath Architecture creates cutting-edge information technology that saves clients’ money while still delivering the highest level of performance (Haseeb et al, 2019).

Main advantages to incorporate EA in the EaglesPath

  1. Time can be saved for the workers of information technology because EaglesPath Architecture will enable their development cycles as well as gadgets
  2. This minimizes the interruption between the labor forces as well as the time deficiency
  3. EaglesPath Architecture develop a financial plan for information technology which provide a solid cost-saving foundation to the advanced information technology
  4. EA shows how the current digital security breaches are being addressed in an orderly manner
  5. As the web world expands, so do the vulnerabilities in the safety of the network, making it necessary for organizations to beef up their online defenses to keep their data secure from unauthorized access

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EA demonstrates a methodical approach to resolving the present state of digital security vulnerabilities (Tai et al, 2019).

Reasons to implement replication

  1. Local adaptation is necessary for implementing the replication
  2. Instead of arranging exact replicas of the initial model, replication is a process of adapting the most important business components to the local situation of the adopter
  3. Beginning concrete proposals should include a central concept as well as criteria that are consistent with each other. The model has to be re-evaluated in light of new market as well as environmental conditions and also crucial information of the market
  4. It is required to involve partners who are trusted to implement replication
  5. EaglePath Enterprise has to develop a link between the user as well as the inventor to successfully repeat a strategy beginning with one nation as well as moving to another country

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Copying the original business model isn't a duplication process, but rather an adaptation process that takes into account local circumstances (Tsalis et al, 2020).

Reasons to implement replication

  1. Maintainability effects are vital to the EaglesPath's eco-friendly DNA
  2. In certain cases, the quickest approach to do this may be via the use of duplication as well as paths
  3. In contrast to the original, EaglePath Enterprise does not require creating the same encounters that it did. They are required to visualize the importance of the adapter as well as the originator
  4. It is required to determine the proper channel to propagate the concepts of business that can be easily replicated
  5. As a result, among the most important aspects of successful replication is identifying the appropriate distribution networks as well as collaborators

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In certain circumstances, duplication and pathways may be the most efficient means of accomplishing this goal (Riwanto et al, 2019).

Main points of discussion

  1. An operational framework with limited organizational processes as well as poor data linkage is defined by the diversification model
  2. Considerations on standard as well as integration have a significant impact on the whole company, both in terms of the perspective of business as well as technology
  3. With data integration, companies may show customers just one phase of a transaction, while also enabling end-to-end exchange phonemic awareness and greater openness about who is doing what in a country

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The diversification model defines an operational framework with minimal organizational procedures and weak data connection (He et al, 2018).

Main point of discussion

  1. The model of operation is based on the standard of the business as well as the exchange of the information
  2. Several capacities of the business are needed to be updated
  3. It is required to meet the demands of the organization
  4. The operations of the business change to provide the solution to the information technology
  5. It is required to develop an infrastructure of the information technology

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Operational models are built on the industry norms and information sharing (Ünal et al, 2019).

Three main benefits of the framework of COBIT

  1. It will increase the p[roductivity as well as efficiency in a business
  2. It will assist in developing trust as well as value in the system of information technology
  3. To choose the appropriate COBIT components for implementation, professionals use the confirmation of COBIT to find out how to assess the current condition of the information technology of EaglesPath

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It will aid in the development of confidence and value in the information technology infrastructure.

Two main benefits of the framework of COBIT

  1. Organizations may benefit from this by gaining insight as well as guidance from IT and also other business leaders
  2. It will help to enhance the credibility as well as accessibility

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IT and other business experts may provide insight and assistance to organizations in this way.

Three probable risks in the business achievement as well as the alignment of the information technology of the EaglesPath

  1. Poor communication is a probable risk in the business alignment
  2. Improper alignment of the key performance indicators
  3. Perceives of the information technology is a separate item on the spending plan

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There is a possibility of poor communication in the company alignment. Failure to properly align important performance indicators.

Two probable risks in the business achievement as well as the alignment of the information technology of the EaglesPath

  1. Risk related to technology
  2. EaglePath Business consistently underestimates the importance of a topic for which it has just a passing knowledge

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When it comes to a subject with which EaglePath Business has just a cursory familiarity, the company continuously undervalues its significance.

Three actions related to the information technology to incorporate the EA project of EaglesPath

  1. Upgrading technology infrastructure is an excellent opportunity for EaglesPath
  2. The EaglePath organization must deal with every IT system internally as well as from the outside suppliers
  3. It is required to implement service management by the following company

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The EaglePath organization must deal with all IT systems internally and externally. The following firm mandates that service management be implemented.

Two actions related to the information technology to incorporate the EA project of EaglesPath

  1. EaglesPath architects must be able to identify areas where the up-gradation of the IT might considerably enhance matters by reviewing the tools of the company
  2. New opportunities for EaglesPath to analyze its foundation and see how the technology of the other company's stacks integrate with their own are provided by mergers as well as restructuring

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Mergers and reorganizations provide new possibilities for EaglesPath to examine its foundation and how other firms' technology matches up with their own.

Reference list

Grainger-Brown, J. and Malekpour, S., 2019. Implementing the sustainable development goals: A review of strategic tools and frameworks available to organisations. Sustainability, 11(5), p.1381.

Haseeb, M., Hussain, H.I., ?lusarczyk, B. and Jermsittiparsert, K., 2019. Industry 4.0: A solution towards technology challenges of sustainable business performance. Social Sciences, 8(5), p.154.

He, B.J., Zhao, D.X., Zhu, J., Darko, A. and Gou, Z.H., 2018. Promoting and implementing urban sustainability in China: An integration of sustainable initiatives at different urban scales. Habitat International, 82, pp.83-93.

Rentes, V.C., de Pádua, S.I.D., Coelho, E.B., Cintra, M.A.D.C.T., Ilana, G.G.F. and Rozenfeld, H., 2018. Implementation of a strategic planning process oriented towards promoting business process management (BPM) at a clinical research centre (CRC). Business Process Management Journal.

Riwanto, R.E. and Andry, J.F., 2019. Enterprise Architectures Enable of Business Strategy and IS/IT Alignment in Manufacturing using TOGAF ADM Framework. International Journal of Information Technology and Business, 1(2), pp.7-7.

Sjödin, D., Parida, V., Jovanovic, M. and Visnjic, I., 2020. Value creation and value capture alignment in business model innovation: A process view on outcome?based business models. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37(2), pp.158-183.

Tai, J.C., Wang, E.T. and Yeh, H.Y., 2019. A study of IS assets, IS ambidexterity and IS alignment: the dynamic managerial capability perspective. Information & Management, 56(1), pp.55-69.

Tsalis, T.A., Malamateniou, K.E., Koulouriotis, D. and Nikolaou, I.E., 2020. New challenges for corporate sustainability reporting: United Nations' 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the sustainable development goals. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(4), pp.1617-1629.

Ünal, E., Urbinati, A. and Chiaroni, D., 2019. Managerial practices for designing circular economy business models: The case of an Italian SME in the office supply industry. Journal of manufacturing technology management.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.

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