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Effective Teamwork And Communication Assignment Sample

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Effective team is a term of work cooperatively to achieve goals. employees and team members must be able to communicate efficiently across any location, any businesses and across increasingly fluid job hierarchies. There are some factors needed to maintain effective team work such as communication, the most critical aspect of collaboration is effective coordination, which entails keeping everyone up to date and never pretending everybody has the same knowledge. Being an effective communicator also entails being an effective listener. Listening to the co-workers demonstrates appreciation, which is an important factor in establishing faith. The current study aims to identify the problems of healthcare and what are the impacts of the problems. The study also briefs the decision-making procedure and the alternative solution of the problem.

1. An overview of the problems in healthcare 

Operators that are registered as regular medical and specialised hospitals offer surgical, minimally invasive diagnostic and medical services to inpatients with medical problems make-up the hospital and healthcare sector. In addition, medical hospitals have inpatient beds as well as other facilities including outpatient care, operating room care and pharmacy care. In the United Kingdom, as well as most other regions of the country there is a sizable demand for healthcare providers. According to the WHO, there are 9.3 million doctors, 19.3 million nurses, 1.9 million dentistry staff and dentists and 2.5 million pharmacist and US pharmacy personnel are present in the healthcare sector (Parush et al. 2017). There are big problems created in the healthcare sector such as

The Federal Payment Model Is Unstable

An inconsistent federal payment model in an unpredictable regulatory climate is one of the main challenges in the healthcare sector currently in the United Kingdom and perhaps other countries around the world. This issue is a significant concern, and it will undoubtedly pose a danger to companies in the healthcare sector (Schiff et al. 2018). Often, governments in various countries develop programs to enable people to qualify to receive care by health benefits, and the government then covers whatever is required of them, either periodically or as specified in the contract.

Lacking in assigning hospital

Another significant issue in the healthcare sector, which affects numerous countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, is the lack of fairness in the assignment of hospitals to consumers covered by health insurance policies.


Technological advances, a physician shortage, and a substantial rise in the number of people receiving treatment under the Affordable Care Act have driven an increasing number of healthcare providers to extend their use through telemedicine to provide access to patients in hospitals and remote areas. If health care providers lack the necessary qualifications, experience for competence telemedicine can result in claims of negligence. There is presently no federal requirement for telemedicine clinical guidance (Schiff el al., 2018).

2. Discussion of one of the problems with its scope

The main motive of healthcare organisations is creating a proper management to achieve the goals of the organisation and maintain a healthy environment in the workplace. The main problem in a healthcare organisation is not creating a proper management such as the employees for the managers of the management are not cooperative with each other and cannot respect each other in the workplace. In a healthcare organisation there is an incident where the human resource management is not supporting the staff of the organisation. During an operation there is a shortage in oxygen cylinders (Rosen et al. 2018). The doctor instructed the helpers that there should be two oxygen cylinders needed during the operation but the staff only arranged one oxygen cylinder mistakenly. The doctor behaved with the staff rudely and complained to the management and instructed the management to fire the staff. This is a major problem created in the organisation where miscommunication and misunderstanding is the main problem. This problem is mainly considered as the communication gap in the management.


In terms of scope, the identified issue refers to the fact that the staff are not properly trained in the organisation and the behaviour of the seniors are very rude towards the staff and employees (Rosen et al. 2018). If the management fixes the issue properly and makes a suitable decision for the staff and the doctor the management done the effective teamwork in the employ is also able to work effectively.

3. Impacts of the problem on the stakeholders

The major impact of the communication gap problem negatively affected the healthcare organisation and the company's image reputation and brand value. there are some impacts of the problem arises in the organisation towards the members of the organisation such as

Stakeholders: The internal stakeholders such as the general manager, any kind of project manager take the incident seriously and instruct the human resource management to develop a program where all the staff should be present in the program (Hassan, 2018). For this particular problem the image of the general manager gets down. The external stakeholders such as patients and employees are afraid of the incident.

Professionals: The doctors of the healthcare organisation are ashamed of the incident and the particular doctor who instructed the staff to arrange oxygen cylinders is angry towards the staff. The doctor thinks the staff is responsible if the patient is insured by his responsibility towards his duty. There is a life risk for the patient if the doctor is not able to handle the situation properly. The doctor thinks this is a major issue in the organisation and should be solved in a proper manner.

Regulators: The regulators of the healthcare organisation think that they are responsible for not regulating the incident properly when the incident happened. They are not maintaining proper regulatory tasks and needs to be more concerned about each and every incident happened in the organisation.

Service Users: In the healthcare organisation service users means the patients, for this major incident the patient should be put in dangerous circumstances. This incident impacted the service users negatively. 

4. Analysing the decision-making process

The role is essential to all of the previously listed management roles and it entails making effective decisions focused on the advantages and disadvantages of various options. The manager must process many business objectives in order to successfully carry out these tasks. Conceptual, technological, and organizational skills are among the core competencies of a successful management. The word competency refers to a condition in which a person possesses the necessary abilities or qualities to perform specific tasks. These are as follows:

Conceptual skills are represented as the capability to critically analyse the problem and resolve the problem. For instance, in this incident the problem identified as the communication gap between the staff and the professionals and the manager should talk with the professionals and talk with the staff in the organisation and clear out everything which is needed.

Technical skills are defined as the skills which are reflected expertise are capability to perform a particular work task. For instance, in this incident the manager develops a proper training program for the staff where the training program includes new initiative towards the employees and improves their skills.

Interpersonal skills are considered as the skills which can influence a manager to communicate with others and work properly with other individuals, whether they are supervisor or subordinates. For instance, in this incident the manager should counsel the staff who are responsible for the major problem and for the incident or communicate with the staff why he is not more concerned about his duty (Parush et al., 2018).


Decision making theory is considered as how anyone can behave under pressure and risk. One of the meanings of decision making is a mechanism or series of activities which involves stages of issues detection, search for facts (Tripathy, 2018). There are some decision-making theories such as descriptive theory which is considered as examining how irrationally managers can make a decision. Prescriptive theory which is considered as tries to give guidelines to representatives to build the best possible decisions which occur in an uncertain decision-making frame.

Relative Legislations

For this particular incident the legislations which should be applied in the organisation such as work relationships where the employers are employees should build professional relationships between each other and treat and respect each other properly (Hassan, 2019).

5. The alternative solutions of the problem

The alternative solution of this problem includes communication sessions for the employees and for the professionals. The importance of open contact in the workplace cannot be overstated. Work colleagues should keep each other informed on all office activities, policies, and procedures (Tripathy, 2018). Confidence and politeness can be used in all forms of communication, whether in public, on the internet, or on the device. When it comes to a situation with another workmate, employees can never complain to their coworkers. There are some models of communication which are considered as the alternative solution of the problem such as

Aristotle’s Model

The model is considered as the oldest model of communication. The model was mainly created to look at how to become a more effective and persuasive communicator. According to Aristotle, it is important to examine how best to communicate by looking at 5 major elements of contact event search as speaker, voice location target audience and impact.


Figure 1: Aristotle’s Model

(Source: Balint, 2019)


Osgood-Schramm Model

The Osgood-Schramm model investigates equitable and mutual correspondence. It makes no distinction between the sender and the recipient, treating them as message codecs and transceivers on an equal footing. This model works well for describing and analysing intimate synchronous communication with direct feedback (Balint, 2019).


Figure 2: Osgood-Schramm Model

(Source: Suwandana, 2018)


The Shannon-weaver Model

Contact is divided into five sections in the Shannon-Weaver model: sender, encoder, channel, decoder, and receiver. It stresses the value of message encryption and decryption in order to send them (for example, turning them into written words, morse code). Noise happens during the encoding, receiving, and decoding processes, which may interrupt or cloud a text (Suwandana, 2018).


Figure 3: The Shannon-weaver Model

(Source: Schiff et al., 2018)

6. The decision-making technique for determining the actual option to solving the problem

There are some decision-making techniques for determining the actual option such as information visualisation where all kinds of information related to the incident to be visualised properly (Tripathy, 2018). Statistical analysis is another technique of decision-making search as I analyse the whole situation logically and determine the solution. The information visualisation is one of the proper techniques to determine the actual option to solving the problem. By information visualising the incident properly judged and the decision can take properly. It will help the management to take the exact decision (Schiff et al., 2018). After visualising the incident Aristotle model of communication is the relevant model as the solution. The particular model influences people how to become an effective communicator and the model also influences what is the reaction of others or what is the effect after the communicator finishes his communication.

7. Discussion of how a solution should be implemented

A solution should be implemented by using some steps such as creating and effective plan for the problem such as in this incident the problem regarding communication so that at first it should need a communication program planning where the program plan should include some activities such as giving the task to the employees after a session, daily attending instruction should be given to the employees (Suwandana, 2019). As a result, the strategy should divide the project into tasks, performance benchmarks for completing those tasks. Tasks are characterized by the end goal which should be achieved as well as the method which is appropriate to achieve.

Scheduling is one of the procedures to implement a solution. Such tasks must be performed in a particular order, while others can be performed at any point in the past. When the execution of one task is contingent on the execution of another, the first activity must be finished on time; otherwise, the combined effect of delays will drive the project behind time and cost overruns. Risk assessment is another part of implementing a solution (Ryan, 2019).

8. Assessing appropriate monitoring and review methods to assure improvement of the solution

There are some review and monitoring techniques such as surveys, collecting feedback from the employee’s quantitative research. As a monitoring method, collecting feedback from the staff who are attending the program and completing the training is the best process to improve the solution and test if the solution is compatible for the problem or not. The feedback session needs to include questionnaire sessions where the staff should answer the questions properly (Rosen et al., 2018). As a review method, a screening program is a monitoring technique that could be considered where the staff are performed as a communicator and professionals are performed as an audience. It is expected that this will help in determining whether there are any changes happening in the staff or not.


It is to be concluded that the study has suggested the models of communication are appropriate for the healthcare organisation's problem. As identified in the study, there are a lot of problems created in the health care sector. The communication gap is the main problem created in this report and the suggested solutions are appropriate for the problem, the study has proved that. The code of conduct in the workplace is also briefed in this report and the ethics are relevant to the mentioned problem. In addition to offsets, the study concludes that the solution implemented procedure towards communicating with stakeholders is also an appropriate plan for the incident. The above-mentioned information is truly appreciated and justified.


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