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Ecological And Carbon Footprint Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Ecological And Carbon Footprint

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The ecological footprint measures the supply and demand of nature. The ecological footprint traces the utilization of fertile surface areas. Those fertile surface areas mainly include fishing grounds, cropland, built-up land, and grazing land. The carbon footprint shows the total quantity of greenhouse gases (involving methane and carbon dioxide) that are produced by the actions of an individual. Footprint works as a metaphor to measure the total effect of something that has.

Chosen theme based on the result

Based on the result the chosen theme is ecological and carbon footprint. My ecological footprint is 11.8 global hectares which indicates that this specific area can fulfill my all biological needs. In other words, 11.8 hectares are required to provide everything I consume (A Banerjee, 2019). My carbon footprint is 20.4 tonnes per year which indicate that this quantity of greenhouse gases is produced by my action.

Implementation of themes in real life

Measuring one 's carbon footprint helps to understand the opportunities for carbon reduction which is linked with transportation and energy. From my carbon footprint, I can understand that my actions are not productive for nature. For the betterment of nature, I have to change my actions which is necessary to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. As per the result of my ecological footprint, I think it is necessary to make a reduction of my consumption that also reduces the area of a global hectare that is used by me. It helps other individuals to make room for themselves on the earth.

Process of reduction of carbon footprint

Figure 1: Process of reduction of carbon footprint

(Source: Self-created)

Linking with literature

According to Haider and Akram, 2019, the ecological footprint traces the utilization of fertile surface areas which is required by a person to compete in a population. It also gives an indication of the assets of the environment that a population needed to create natural resources like space products, livestock, plant-based food, and forest products. This measurement helps governments, individuals, and organizations while framing policies, tracking progress, and setting targets toward sustainability. For example, the development of a “national ecological footprint” in 2005 sponsored by “The European Environmental Agency” gives a details report of biocapacity and footprint on a national level. In 2005, the “global ecological footprint” was 2.5 gha per person which exceeded the biocapacity of Earth by 25 percent (Haider and Akram, 2019). This indicates that the economy of humans is in the condition of ecological overshoot. This shows that there is a risk of the collapse of the environment.

Framework of carbon footprint

Figure 2: Framework of carbon footprint

(Source: Self-created)

According to Solarin, et al. 2019, the carbon footprint shows the total quantity of greenhouse gases that are produced by the actions of an individual. It also shows the amount of CO2 emitted per year. In the US, the average “carbon footprint” is 17 tons. This is the highest rating globally. To avoid 2? increase in the global temperature it is necessary to drop this measurement under 3 tones by 2045. It is not at all possible overnight by take small steps like less consumption of meat, line drying of clothes, and taking fewer flights will help to achieve the goal. For reaching the target of the Paris Agreement of 2? change in climate, the global carbon footprint must be 0 by 2050 (Solarin, et al. 2019). In 1962, the carbon footprint for the region of Ecuador was 15 percent. But now it increases the ten-fold per-person basis. This indicates the rate of destruction of the forest which results in the degradation of the environment.

According to Han, et al. 2019, the main advantage of the analysis of ecological footprint is that it is applicable to the development of sustainable scenarios with the evaluation of future policies. This approach mainly focuses on 2 parameters. These are the effective use of resources and resource consumption. The fiscal instrument is the notable method to enforce protection for the environment and mainly focuses on central issues. For instance, the landfill tax of Australia is a tax on the utilization of resources. The more the organization uses resources, the more waste it produced, and the tax on the landfill will be more (Han, et al. 2019). All organizations have issues with the environment like waste, transportation, and material used. As the calculation becomes prominent, an organization can use this as a sustainability (Sarkodie, 2019). In the last, it can be said that this approach is a flexible tool that gives opportunities to every company to understand the impact of ecology on nature.

Planning for ecological footprint

Result observation

Ecological footprint- 11.8 gha

Carbon footprint- 20.4 tonnes

Identified Issues

Need of consumption, risk of double counting, utilization of natural resources

Risk level

Increase in global temperature, degradation of the environment

Planning and procurement

Adding all the demands or quantity of consumed material of people. Then it is divided by the yield of the given area. Then the number is converted into terms of global hectares.

Innovate and creative thinking

Plan of action which is appropriate for nature such as less consumption of meat, line drying of clothes, and taking fewer flights.


This approach is used to track the GDP of an economy. A comprehensive understanding of this approach helps to understand statistics of unemployment, measurement of ecological assets, and figure of longevity.

Expected outcome

Improving the status of the ecological footprint helps the process of the betterment of nature and is beneficial to biodiversity.


It can be concluded that ecological and carbon footprint helps governments, individuals, and organizations while framing policies, tracking progress, and setting targets toward sustainability. It can be said that this approach is a flexible tool that gives opportunities to every company to understand the impact of ecology on nature. It also gives an indication of the assets of the environment that a population needed to create natural resources like space products, livestock, plant-based food, and forest products. Studies suggest that the application and development of ecological footprints is a tool for understanding, monitoring, and communicating regional sustainability.


The ecological footprint measures the supply and demand of nature. The ecological footprint traces the utilization of fertile surface areas. Those fertile surface areas mainly include fishing grounds, cropland, built-up land, and grazing land. The carbon footprint shows the total quantity of greenhouse gases (involving methane and carbon dioxide) that are produced by the actions of an individual. Footprint works as a metaphor to measure the total effect of something that has. The carbon footprint and the ecological footprint are 2 important notions that are utilized to evaluate the impact that the activities of humans have on the environment. The total area of land and water needed to sustain a particular consumption pattern of a population is defined as its ecological footprint. It considers the money spent on things like transportation, shelter, food, and other activities. The biological impression is much of the time measured as far as sections of land that are required to deliver the things used by a populace. A carbon footprint, on the other hand, is an evaluation of the total quantity of greenhouse gases created by human activity, mainly because of the use of fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas. Climate change and global warming are the conditions that are caused by these emissions. The amount of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) used to evaluate an individual 's carbon footprint is common. Carbon footprints and ecological footprints are valuable measures of environmental sustainability. For a sustainable future, understanding of these ideas can guide individuals and organizations in making decisions and taking necessary action to minimize their ecological and carbon footprints.

Chosen theme based on the result

Based on the result the chosen theme is ecological and carbon footprint. My ecological footprint is 8.4 global hectares which indicates that this specific area can fulfill my all biological needs. In other words, 8.4 hectares are required to provide everything I consume (A Banerjee, 2019). My carbon footprint is 14.9 tonnes per year which indicate that this quantity of greenhouse gases is produced by my action. From my carbon footprint, I can understand that my actions are not productive for nature. For the betterment of nature, I have to change my actions which is necessary to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. As per the result of my ecological footprint, I think it is necessary to make a reduction of my consumption that also reduces the area of a global hectare that is used by me. It helps other individuals to make room for themselves on the earth. Utilizing energy-efficient electronic appliances, switching off electronics when it is not used, and using renewable energy resources can be helpful to decrease my output. Other than that there are many ways such as the conservation of natural resources, use of renewable energy, and process of recycling to manage waste that is helpful to reach the goal.



Figure 1: Result

Source: Self-created from the given link

Process of reduction of carbon footprint

Figure 2: Process of reduction of carbon footprint

(Source: Self-created)

Implementation of themes in real life

Measuring one 's carbon footprint helps to understand the opportunities for carbon reduction which is linked with transportation and energy. Natural and carbon impressions are valuable devices for estimating the effect that our day-to-day exercises have on the climate (Baran, et al. 2019). Here are some different paths that these ideas can be performed, all things considered:

Lessen utilization of energy: Utilization of a low amount of energy is the most effective way to minimize carbon footprint. Utilizing energy-efficient electronic appliances, switching off electronics when it is not used, and using renewable energy resources are all ways to accomplish this.

Diminish water utilization: Another way to reduce ecological footprint is to conserve water (Yang, and Meng, 2019). Fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and installing low-flow toilets and showerheads are all ways to accomplish this.

Lessen squander: Diminishing how much waste is produced is one more compelling method for decreasing biological impressions. Recycling, composting, and using fewer disposable products and packaging are all ways to accomplish this.

Eat a diet based on plants: The development of meat and other creature items is a significant supporter of ozone-harming substance discharges. Carbon footprint can be significantly reduced by opting for a plant-based diet.

Utilize carpooling or public transportation: Transportation is one more significant supporter of ozone-harming substance emanations (Sharma, et al. 2019). Deciding to utilize public transportation or carpooling can altogether diminish the carbon impression.

Buy sustainably and locally: Carbon emissions from manufacturing and transportation can be reduced by purchasing local and sustainably produced goods (Cao, et al. 2019).

Support sustainable power: Our dependence on fossil fuels can be lowered by using renewable energy initiatives like solar projects or wind farms.

In general, incorporating necessary strategies for minimizing ecological footprint and carbon footprint can not only help nature but also save money for the future.

Linking with literature

According to Haider and Akram, 2019, the ecological footprint traces the utilization of fertile surface areas which is required by a person to compete in a population. It also gives an indication of the assets of the environment that a population needed to create natural resources like space products, livestock, plant-based food, and forest products. This measurement helps governments, individuals, and organizations while framing policies, tracking progress, and setting targets toward sustainability. For example, the development of a “national ecological footprint” in 2005 sponsored by “The European Environmental Agency” gives a details report of biocapacity and footprint on a national level. In 2005, the “global ecological footprint” was 2.5 gha per person which exceeded the biocapacity of Earth by 25 percent (Haider and Akram, 2019). This indicates that the economy of humans is in the condition of ecological overshoot. This shows that there is a risk of the collapse of the environment.

Framework of carbon footprint

Figure 3: Framework of carbon footprint

(Source: Self-created)

According to Solarin, et al. 2019, the carbon footprint shows the total quantity of greenhouse gases that are produced by the actions of an individual. It also shows the amount of CO2 emitted per year. In the US, the average “carbon footprint” is 17 tons. This is the highest rating globally. To avoid 2? increase in the global temperature it is necessary to drop this measurement under 3 tones by 2045. It is not at all possible overnight by take small steps like less consumption of meat, line drying of clothes, and taking fewer flights will help to achieve the goal. For reaching the target of the Paris Agreement of 2? change in climate, the global carbon footprint must be 0 by 2050 (Solarin, et al. 2019). In 1962, the carbon footprint for the region of Ecuador was 15 percent. But now it increases the ten-fold per-person basis. This indicates the rate of destruction of the forest which results in the degradation of the environment.

According to Han, et al. 2019, the main advantage of the analysis of ecological footprint is that it is applicable to the development of sustainable scenarios with the evaluation of future policies. This approach mainly focuses on 2 parameters. These are the effective use of resources and resource consumption. The fiscal instrument is the notable method to enforce protection for the environment and mainly focuses on central issues. For instance, the landfill tax of Australia is a tax on the utilization of resources. The more the organization uses resources, the more waste it produced, and the tax on the landfill will be more (Han, et al. 2019). All organizations have issues with the environment like waste, transportation, and material used. As the calculation becomes prominent, an organization can use this as a sustainability (Sarkodie, 2019). In the last, it can be said that this approach is a flexible tool that gives opportunities to every company to understand the impact of ecology on nature.

According to Usman, et al. 2019, it is found that partner pressure, like strain from financial backers, clients, and administrative bodies can essentially control the natural exhibition of organizations. According to the researchers, organizations can reduce their ecological and carbon footprint by considering pressure from stakeholders and implementing practices that are environmentally friendly. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the role of an organization on the environment. It is found in the study that CSR can play a role in the environmental performance of an organization, Organizational culture, and environmental impact. The study found that the culture of the organization can have a great impact on the environmental performance of a company. The authors give suggestions that organizations can minimize their ecological and carbon footprint by involving CSR in their business style and strategy (Usman, et al. 2019). It is clear from the study that by creating a culture that supports environmental sustainability and motivates employees to adopt sustainable practices, businesses can reduce their ecological and carbon footprint.

According to Korol, et al. 2019, the effect of companies on the climate has become a main issue at present. The evaluation of ecological and carbon footprint is the method with the help this impact can be examined. An ecological footprint of an organization is the number of natural resources it utilizes daily, while its carbon footprint is the number of greenhouse gases it produces as a result of these actions. The primary purpose of this literature review is to understand the effect of the ecological and carbon footprints of an organization. According to the study, businesses that invest in environmental performance, like lowering their carbon footprint, eventually can perform better in the financial aspect. It is clear from this study, this could be because environmentally sustainable practices can result in cost savings and better operational efficiency (Korol, et al. 2019). It is found that purchaser performance can fundamentally control the natural exhibition of associations. The authors give suggestions that organizations can minimize their ecological and carbon footprint by involving CSR in their business style and strategy. The authors give suggestions, that by promoting environmentally friendly goods and services to customers, businesses can lower their environmental and carbon footprint.

Planning for ecological footprint

Result observation

Ecological footprint- 11.8 gha

Carbon footprint- 20.4 tonnes

Identified Issues

Need of consumption, risk of double counting, utilization of natural resources

Risk level

Increase in global temperature, degradation of the environment

Planning and procurement

Adding all the demands or quantity of consumed material of people. Then it is divided by the yield of the given area. Then the number is converted into terms of global hectares.

Innovate and creative thinking

Plan of action which is appropriate for nature such as less consumption of meat, line drying of clothes, and taking fewer flights.


This approach is used to track the GDP of an economy. A comprehensive understanding of this approach helps to understand statistics of unemployment, measurement of ecological assets, and figure of longevity.

Expected outcome

Improving the status of the ecological footprint helps the process of the betterment of nature and is beneficial to biodiversity.


It can be concluded that ecological and carbon footprint helps governments, individuals, and organizations while framing policies, tracking progress, and setting targets toward sustainability. It can be said that this approach is a flexible tool that gives opportunities to every company to understand the impact of ecology on nature. It also gives an indication of the assets of the environment that a population needed to create natural resources like space products, livestock, plant-based food, and forest products. Studies suggest that the application and development of ecological footprints is a tool for understanding, monitoring, and communicating regional sustainability. Businesses that invest in environmental performance, like lowering their carbon footprint, eventually can perform better in the financial aspect. It is clear from this study, this could be because environmentally sustainable practices can result in cost savings and better operational efficiency. It is found that purchaser performance can fundamentally control the natural exhibition of associations. All organizations have issues with the environment like waste, transportation, and material used. As the calculation becomes prominent, an organization can use this as sustainability. It is clear from the study that by creating a culture that supports environmental sustainability and motivates employees to adopt sustainable practices, businesses can reduce their ecological and carbon footprint.



  • A Banerjee, RS Meena, MK Jhariya, DK Yadav, 2021 Agroecological footprints management for sustainable food system Accessed from [Accessed on 03.04.2023 ]


  • Baran, M.F., GÖKDOGAN, O., Ömer, E.R.E.N. and Bayhan, Y., 2019. Determination of ecological and carbon footprints of Ad?yaman Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry staffs. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (15), pp.280-288.
  • Cao, Y., Chai, L., Yan, X. and Liang, Y., 2020. Drivers of the growing water, carbon and ecological footprints of the Chinese diet from 1961 to 2017. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(5), p.1803.
  • Haider, S. and Akram, V., 2019. Club convergence analysis of ecological and carbon footprint: evidence from a cross-country analysis. Carbon Management, 10(5), pp.451-463.
  • Han, J., Tan, Z., Chen, M., Zhao, L., Yang, L. and Chen, S., 2022. Carbon Footprint Research Based on Input–Output Model—A Global Scientometric Visualization Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), p.11343.
  • Korol, J., Hejna, A., Burchart-Korol, D. and Wachowicz, J., 2020. Comparative analysis of carbon, ecological, and water footprints of polypropylene-based composites filled with cotton, jute and kenaf fibers. Materials, 13(16), p.3541.
  • Sharma, R., Sinha, A. and Kautish, P., 2021. Does financial development reinforce environmental footprints? Evidence from emerging Asian countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, pp.9067-9083.
  • Solarin, S.A., Gil-Alana, L.A. and Lafuente, C., 2019. Persistence in carbon footprint emissions: an overview of 92 countries. Carbon Management, 10(4), pp.405-415.
  • Usman, A., Ozturk, I., Naqvi, S.M.M.A., Ullah, S. and Javed, M.I., 2022. Revealing the nexus between nuclear energy and ecological footprint in STIRPAT model of advanced economies: Fresh evidence from novel CS-ARDL model. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 148, p.104220.
  • Yang, Y. and Meng, G., 2020. The evolution and research framework of carbon footprint: based on the perspective of knowledge mapping. Ecological Indicators, 112, p.106125.


  • Sarkodie, S.A., 2021. Environmental performance, biocapacity, carbon & ecological footprint of nations: Drivers, trends and mitigation options. Science of the Total Environment, 751, p.141912.


  • Ecological Footprint, 2019 Accessed from [Accessed on 03.04.2023]
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