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Deconstructing the Problematic of International Development Aid Assignment Sample

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It can be stated that research methodology is one of the crucial section that helps in involving different tools and techniques to carry out the study. It also aids in collecting proper facts and figures so that development funding agencies are engaging with GRO's in order to design, plan and implement development strategies in South Punjab region of Pakistan. Thus, here proper analysis needs to be done in regard to assess the role of GRO's in planning and managing projects and challenges faced by them during different phases of the project. It also helps in determining different challenges faced regarding the study and concerning the politics of development and assess the role of NGO in this sector (Stanley, 2013). Additionally, such chapter will also consist of collecting suitable methods in regard to analyse the data appropriately.We at New Assignment Help provide you the best assignment sample.

Research Philosophy

It is considered as the way through which it helps in dealing with the sources in regard to develop and improve the nature of the study. It also assesses that research philosophy helps in investigating regarding the final results obtained from the study. It involves two different types of research philosophy i.e. interpretivism and positivism. Thus, such paradigm assesses that focusing upon such aspect helps in obtaining desired objectives of the study. In the current study, interpretivism philosophy has been implemented that focuses upon the subjective aspect in regard to assess the study effectively (Christiansen, 2014). There are different elements which are taken into consideration and thus helps in interpreting the information obtained through the study. Such approach helps people to not separate them from their knowledge. Thus, in regard to attain desired aim and objective it is significant for researcher to attain interpretivism philosophy and thus identify the development funding agencies which are engaged with GRO's so that they can attain required investment and thus enhance their operations in the region.

Research Design

It can be stated that the overall strategy would help scholar to involve different elements of the study and thus carry out significant results. Further, it also assesses that scholar identifies the research issue and thus overcome the problem in regard to attain the best solution. Also, it is stated as the blueprint made for collection of data and thus assess the results in regard to achieve success. There are different types of research design i.e. descriptive, exploratory and experimental research design. In general descriptive research design is generally selected by scholars for carrying out the study and thus identify appropriate features of population involved within the study. While, exploratory research design helps in exploring the research questions and does not help in concluding the final results of the study (Kovach, 2015). In the current study, exploratory case study method has been adopted because it helps research to explore different parts of the study and thus assess that from where funding has been obtained by GRO's and thus design, plan and implement development strategies.

Research Approach

Research approach can be stated as the way through which research can be conducted either in general or specific way. There are two types of research approach o.e inductive and deductive approach. However, it can be assessed that in the current investigation researcher adopts inductive approach to carry out the study (Wahyuni, 2012). It is essential for scholar to test the existing theory and develop research approaches so that investigation can be carried out significantly. Here, no hypothesis is being developed and thus carry out the study appropriately to assess the investment aids from different agencies in regard to support GRO's to grow and develop in the region.

Research Strategy

It is essential for each and every researcher to undertake appropriate methods in regard to accomplish the study effectively and efficiently. In regard to analyse the arrangement of funding which helps GRO's to set effective policies and attain development. It involves two different techniques that could help researcher in getting solution regarding research problem i.e. qualitative and quantitative strategy (Hantrais and Mangen, 2013). In the present study, qualitative research strategy has been implemented which assists upon focusing on different theories and models and thus provide help in regard to assess the different research matters and thus analyse the outcomes. It also helps in analysing the subjective concept of the topic. While, quantitative research strategy helps in conducting and assessing the survey in regard to obtain desired results. It also significant for researcher to assess that tool and thus examine the collected information in order to obtain the best outcomes. Here, qualitative research strategy has been selected that helps in obtaining more detailed regarding the study (Baldwin, 2016).

Data Collection Methods

Data collection is considered as one of the effective stage in which researcher requires understanding and overcome the problems being faced by scholar. Therefore, it is essential for scholar to undertake number of method that are available in relation to obtain various data and information so that best results can be attained (Snyder, 2012). It involves primary and secondary data collection methods. By adopting primary data collection technique it helps scholar to undertake interview method so that directors and managers of GRO's could be contacted and obtain responses regarding from where funding could be obtained. However, primary data collection method states that the gathering of information for the first time by the researcher. While, secondary data collection states that the data collection is not done for the first time while it is been used earlier in the past also for carrying out study.

Both these methods have been used by scholar that assesses that collecting data and information helps in identifying that how development funding agencies are engaged with GRO's in regard to provide then funding help and overcoming from problems. Thus, in regard to collect primary data, researcher adopts an in-depth interview method so that opinions of respondents could be assessed. Further, in regard to obtain secondary data collection it helps researcher to collect past information regarding the subject matter and thus discover that scholar carries out the data through different sources i.e. journals, internet articles, books and websites etc. so that researcher aims to identify the different funding aids that could be obtained by GRO's in order to plan and design its development and attain desired results (Soni and Kodali, 2012).


Through carrying out the above analysis, it can be stated that researcher aims to select appropriate sample from the whole universe and thus it is essential for them to undertake appropriate method for selecting suitable sample size. Here, the study focusing upon overcoming the investment problems and thus develop GRO's in regard to grow and develop the sector. There are different sampling techniques for collecting sample population but in the current study, researcher has selected random sampling and snowball sampling in regard to obtain reviews and opinions from managers and directors (Pfefferbaum and et. al., 2014). Here 10 directors/managers from GRO's has been selected in order to identify the international development aid and thus overcome the issues faced by GRO's . Random sampling method is crucial that helps in minimizing sampling error and thus enhances the reliability and validity of the study. 

Data Analysis

Further, collecting the required information requires assessing all such information and thus use crucial tools and techniques so that best results can be attained. Thus, such method is known as data analysis tool in regard to interpret the data and thus attain the best outcomes. Here, researcher undertakes qualitative technique for collecting information and thus carry out thematic analysis so that best results can be obtained (Guthrie, 2015). Here, proper themes will be prepared that would helps in examining the subjective information and statistical analysis so that different theories and models could be applied. Thematic analysis is undertaken by the scholar and thus examine the subjective information and statistical analysis is being applied so that best outcome can be attained. Thematic analysis assists in accomplishing the qualitative research technique and thus consists of different themes so that proper graphs, charts and diagrams so that best outcomes can be attained.

However, such analysis would result in overcoming the issue and thus assess the factors so that different methods can be identified in relation to assess the investment help and thus grow and develop GRO's so that they can enlarge their business activities and thus overcome the problems. All the developed themes will be on the basis of interview undertaken with directors/managers so that appropriate information could be collected from them. Moreover, data analysis process aids in obtaining results for every research question and overcome the issue in an effective way (de Brún and et. al., 2016).

Ethical Considerations

It is essential for scholar to maintain proper research ethics while carrying out the study and thus identify differences within right and wrong. However, it is essential for scholar to select best topic for investigation and does not involve any unethical behaviour that affects the results of the study. Here, researcher selects contemporary research subject upon which they completed the research topic. Additionally, it identifies that generally ethical issues are considered to both primary and secondary methods (af Wåhlberg, 2012). Therefore, while collecting primary data collection, researcher required to carry out proper safety and security so that personal information could not be leaked of respondents. As it is one of the main ethical issue while carrying out the research. However, in regard to manage the issue, it is essential foe scholar to carry out proper survey data and thus determine various methods through which funds can be provided to grow GRO's.

Hence, ethical considerations regarding primary data collection methods helps in improving the value of current research. While, secondary data collection method is also connected with the different issues i.e. plagiarism. Therefore, it is essential for researcher to play crucial importance in regard to identify the reason and overcome the issue and does not copy and paste the information from the research already done in the past. Therefore, research ethics needs to be maintained and does not affect the results of the study. It is essential for researcher to complete the research in their own words (Vamsi Krishna Jasti and Kodali, 2014). Also, proper References and citations needs to be done in the secondary data sources and thus maintain research ethics effectively.

Validity and Reliability

Reliability is considered as the way through which information needs to be collected which needs to be reliable. Therefore, it can be assessed that here, scholar aims to perform the research in reliable manner and thus best results can be attained. While, validity means that the experimental concept helps in meeting the expected outcome of the study in regard to carry out the best outcomes. Here, researcher aims to make sure that validity and reliability of the data sources. In regard to collect primary data, researcher aims to prepare interview and collect data from respondents and thus it is essential for them to five reliable information which needs to be free from any biasness (Novikov and Novikov, 2013). While, researcher aims to undertake appropriate sources in relation to obtain information from reliable secondary sources. All such techniques are reliable and thus helps researcher to obtain the best information.

Research Limitations

Here, scholar aims to deal with various limitations and thus affects the collection of information. Thus, it decreases the scope of the study and thus impacts upon the end results of study. Therefore, in the present study, there are certain limitations which are addressed below-

  • Formulating research aim and objectives- Scholar faces issues while formulating the aims and objectives. However, they are not able to maintain the focus upon the study as well as identification of research problem. Hence, it minimizes the effectiveness of the study (Stanley, 2013).
  • Selecting data collection methods- Further, analysing the aims and objectives, scholar faces different issues regarding selection of data collection methods and thus it affects the results of the study.
  • Implementing data collection methods- Here, researcher is not able to select and implement appropriate data collection methods and thus faces issues regarding implementing the data collection methods to obtain best results (Christiansen, 2014).


Books and Journals

af Wåhlberg, A., 2012. Driver behaviour and accident research methodology: unresolved problems. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

Baldwin, M., 2016. Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization. Routledge.

Christiansen, O.B., 2014. Research methodology in recurrent pregnancy loss. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America. 41(1). pp.19-39.

de Brún, T. and et. al., 2016. Learning from doing: the case for combining normalisation process theory and participatory learning and action research methodology for primary healthcare implementation research. BMC health services research. 16(1). pp.346.

Guthrie, G., 2015. Culturally grounded pedagogy and research methodology.Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 45(1). pp.163-168.

Hantrais, L. and Mangen, S. eds., 2013. Cross-national research methodology and practice. Routledge.

Kovach, M., 2015. Emerging from the margins: Indigenous methodologies.Research as Resistance, 2e: Revisiting Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches. pp.43.

Novikov, A.M. and Novikov, D.A., 2013. Research methodology: From philosophy of science to research design (Vol. 2). CRC Press.

Pfefferbaum, B. and et. al., 2014. Research methodology used in studies of child disaster mental health interventions for posttraumatic stress. Comprehensive psychiatry. 55(1). pp.11-24.

Snyder, C., 2012. A case study of a case study: Analysis of a robust qualitative research methodology. The Qualitative Report. 17(13). pp.1.

Soni, G. and Kodali, R., 2012. A critical review of empirical research methodology in supply chain management. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 23(6). pp.753-779.

Stanley, L. ed., 2013. Feminist praxis (RLE feminist theory): Research, theory and epistemology in feminist sociology. Routledge.

Vamsi Krishna Jasti, N. and Kodali, R., 2014. A literature review of empirical research methodology in lean manufacturing. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 34(8). pp.1080-1122.

Wahyuni, D., 2012. The research design maze: Understanding paradigms, cases, methods and methodologies. Journal of applied management accounting research. 10(1). pp.69-80.

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