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Childhood Obesity And Society Assignment Sample

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Introduction - Childhood Obesity And Society

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Childhood Obesity is one of the deadliest diseases which is crippling the health of human beings. 

Childhood Obesity can cause a series of problems regarding the normal function of the kidneys, heart and other vital organs required for sustaining life.

This is causing a series of problems for the people as it is seen that many children who are the potential future of the nation are far beyond the line of Childhood Obesity. 

The things are so alarming that the national health agency of the United Kingdom is considering this disease as one of the health emergencies. 

It has been seen that when a person is affected by Childhood Obesity the general cardiac function of that individual gets disturb. The increase in the level of triglycerides and liquid in the blood causes the blockage of the heart which eventually causes the cardiac arrest and in some cases death of the individual.

Definition Of Childhood Obesity

The body mass index or BMI is used to calculate the proper physical condition of the person by analysing the weight and height of him. 

In the case of children when the BMI of an individual exceeds over 30 it can be defined as Childhood Obesity as per the guidelines provided by the NHS (Stanistreet et al., 2021).

The condition Childhood Obesity or more specifically can be defined as an alarming rise of body fat level. Or in more technical terms when the normal metabolic stability of the body gets hampered and the body is susceptible to fail to convert the lipid molecules into the fatty acids. 

Facts And Figures Regarding Childhood Obesity

According to research done by the NHS it was found that nearly 0.6 million people living in the United Kingdom, have been diagnosed with the presence of Childhood Obesity each day. 

Recent report published by the health ministry of the United Kingdom suggests that the number of people who are affected by Childhood Obesity has doubled in 15 years. 

According to the estimation done by the popular science magazine Lancet, by the year 2025 there will be more than 1 million children living in the United Kingdom who will be affected by Childhood Obesity (Bridle et al., 2018). 

The children are also affected by Childhood Obesity. The recent study done by the NHS suggests that there is a peak age for the diagnosis of Childhood Obesity which is between the ages of 9 to 14 years (Brandreth et al., 2019). 

According to a report provided by the "national child measurement programme" nearly 10% of the children face obesity during their age of 4 to 5 years. 

The further analysis shows that there are more than 200 kids suffering from obesity in every thousand individuals in the age group of 10 years. 

The prevalence of obesity in the kids of the age 6 years has increased drastically from 17.5% in the year 2006 to 21% in the year 2020 (Mireku and Rodriguez, 2020).

This study related to this field has been linking the lifestyle and the genetic history of an individual directly with their chances to get affected by Childhood Obesity. The detailed study suggests that the person who has a member in their family affected by Childhood Obesity has a greater tendency to get affected by this disease (Charles et al., 2017).

Pathophysiology Of Childhood Obesity

The pathophysiology of Childhood Obesity starts from the decreasing amount of secretion of a hormone known as insulin which has a direct role in regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates. The chief cause of this is the increase in the beta cell apoptosis and mass destruction of the cell which receives the hyperglucagonemia. 

The activity of the liver also plays a great role in it during the process of initiation of Childhood Obesity . There is a sudden period where the liver becomes extremely resistant towards the activity of the insulin. Due to this reason the carbohydrate which is not completely metabolised transforms into the fat molecule. 

Then the principal role in child obesity plays a role in the lifestyle of the children. It is known that the instability in the energy consumption and the burning of the energy can cause the water combination of the fat in the tissues. It is seen that nowadays children tend to spend most of the day inside the home playing video games which decrease the energy burning rate. Eventually the carbohydrates which are not burnt in this purchase transform into fat and accumulate in the body (Johnson et al., 2021).

Figure : Pathophysiology Of Childhood Obesity

Health Inequalities In Terms Of Childhood Obesity

The area of residence of the kids also plays a great role in the epidemiology. It is seen that at the same time living in deprived areas or areas which are not developed properly have a greater tendency to develop childhood obesity. 

It is seen that during the age of 4 years the children living in deprived areas have 13% more chances to get affected by childhood obesity then the children living in the normal society.

During the age of 10 years to 11 years It is seen that the rate of childhood obesity for the children living in the areas which are slightly developed is nearly 14% while the children living in the underdeveloped regions have a rate of 27% incomes to get affected by childhood obesity.

Despite of the fact that every individual must receive the equal amount of healthcare priorities regardless of their age sex and financial condition but there is still some in equality is when in terms of providing proper health Care intervention for the childhood obesity (Hilton et al., 2019).

Heath And Health Promotion

According to the definition provided by the World health organisation, health can be described as the state at which the individual has a complete well being of social, mental and physical attributes.

The health promotion can be described as a food provided by the governmental and non-governmental agency in order to spread awareness to the general public regarding the harmful effects of the disease as well as educating them to deduce some prevention techniques for the disease (Jebb et al., 2019).

Existing Health Promotion Of Childhood Obesity

As per the guideline instituted by the NHS the existing health promotion is primarily focused to create the Awareness is among the family suffering from childhood obesity.

The Government of the United Kingdom has instituted a series a program which includes the regular checking of the diabetes and triglycerides level for children who have slight a tendency towards obesity for free of cost. 

This program has a huge effect on reducing the frequency of childhood obesity cases in the United Kingdom.

Nursing Associate Responsibility For Health Promotion Intervention

The nursing associate can be considered to be the first line of workers for the health promotion regarding childhood obesity. 

They work actively in both urban and rural regions to spread awareness regarding childhood obesity.

The nurses provide an active role in order to help the families who have children affected by childhood obesity to get proper treatment on time. 

Other than this it is sometimes that the losses visit the local educational facility specialist school in order to educate the children regarding the proper dietary routine that must be followed to reduce the chances of getting affected by childhood obesity.

Figure: Domains of Healthcare Interventions

Role of Nursing Associate

The principal role of nursing associates like health workers is to provide appropriate analysis of the situation and design the proper campaign to make the general public aware of the ill effects of childhood obesity. 

The health workers also conduct the series of surveys in the locality to get an idea regarding the statistics of the cases of childhood obesity in the children of the United Kingdom.


The resources which are found to be highly important for interviewing the process of childhood obesity is proper awareness among the families. 

Medicine that the health ministry of the Government of the United Kingdom of allocator specialised budget of more than 600000 pounds each year in order to provide the primary awareness in his among the children and their families.

The government is arranging for specialised personas who were in charge of providing the proper awareness in the educational facility to encourage the children to play outside and engage in other physical activity. 

Reports from the ministry of education suggest that the primary schools are encouraged to increase the power of games for the children. This will be helpful for them to engage in physical activities and burn out the excess calories.


To conclude the presentation it must be said that the cases of childhood obesity can be quite straightening for the future prospects of the country.

The Government of the United Kingdom by the help of their extremely robust health Care structure plays a great role to provide necessary intervention and promotion for the people. 

The prime minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson also promised to improve the primary health care system of the region which are slightly underdeveloped till this date.


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