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Introduction: Support children to connect with the natural environment

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This is an assessment activity linked to an individual unit of competency and contributes to the overall assessor judgement of competence.

CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment


  • Support children to develop an understanding and respect for the natural environment
  • Develop children’s appreciation of the natural environment
  • Enhance children’s engagement with the natural environment

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The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory. If you are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ the assessor will provide you with feedback regarding what needs to be re-attempted, and the resubmission process.

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Learning materials and required readings

Students will require access to the following textbooks, readings and websites to provide responses to the questions in this assessment.

Textbook reference

Kearns, K. (2020)The Big Picture, 5th ed., Cengage Learning Australia, Melbourne.



Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2018). National Quality Standard (A4 Poster)

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.

Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University College of Design. Benefits of connecting children with nature.

Nature Play SA.Natural Playspaces Principles.

NSW Government. Education and Care Services National Regulations.

NSW Government. (2010). What is Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge?, Fact Sheet 1, Environment, Climate change and Water.

SNAICC. (2021). Bush Tucker.

Whittle, I. (2016) Nature Play in early years education.,%2C%20initiative%2C%20creativity%20and%20more.

Requirements of the NQS, Regulations and National Law

This question requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the NQS, Regulations and National Law as it relates to this unit.

Question 1

Textbook reference

The Big Picture(5th edition) by Karen Kearns

Chapter 10 (page 361)


Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2018). National Quality Standard (A4 Poster)

Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. Page 32

[Or visit the ACECQA website >National Quality Framework> Approved learning frameworks, then download ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming]

NSW Government. Education and Care Services National Regulations.

Match each learning outcome sub element,element or regulation to its requirement.


  • NQS Element 3.2.1 Outdoor and indoor spaces are organised and adapted to support every child’s participation and to engage every child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments.
  • NQS Element 3.2.3 The service cares for the environment and supports children to become environmentally responsible
  • Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcome 2 Sub element- Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment
  • Regulation 113 Outdoor space—natural environment


Element/ Regulation

Educators promote this learning when they:

provide children with access to a rangeof natural materials in their environment

The valuation of “NQS Element 3.2.1” has employed and created a reflection on the way to have proper access to natural materials by children (, 2023). The "Inclusive environment" is mainly developed to engage children with a practical quality experience and both have been adequately built toward the educational environment. 

Assessors may observe children:

being encouraged to use their senses to explore natural and built environments

Use of "Environmentally responsible" is the adequate range that has defined access to children's responsibility to have care. The “NQS Element 3.2.3” has included proper regulations and effective care related to the sense of each and every range (, 2023). 

The approved provider of a centre-based service must ensure that the outdoor spaces provided at the education and care service premises allow children to explore and experience the natural environment

The use of regulation under “NQS Element 1.1.2” as Child-centred has implicated conducting valuation at the range of "centre-based service" and making proper development related to the "education and care service" to the child (, 2023). The development of required "knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests" is the practical aspect which has been implicated to develop and explore knowledge related to the natural environment. 

Assessors may observe children:

interacting with vegetation and natural materials in the environment

The development of the "Learning Framework Learning Outcome 2 Sub-element" has the appropriate relation for children to show the required respect for nature and the environment.

Nature Play

These questions require you to demonstrate your knowledge of benefits of nature play in relation to

The benefits of nature play in relation to the different ranges have been adequately anlaysed and discussed:

  • child development

Child development has the required benefit of nature play as it can help in exploring knowledge and understanding about the care of nature.

  • physical and mental health

The physical and mental health of the child has increased based on nature play and creates an impact on their growth at the adequate range (Su et al. 2020). 

  • social and emotional learning

Social and emotional learning for children is explored with a deep valuation of nature plan where it has mainly discussed environmental care.

  • implications of non-exposure to nature environments

The implications of non-exposure to natural environments are connected with nature play for the child who can help in exploring different ranges of work in an adequate way (Drane et al. 2020). 

Question 2

Textbook reference

The Big Picture(5th edition) by Karen Kearns

Chapter 10 (pp. 350-359)

Select True or False for each statement below.




There is no single, universal definition of sustainability

An environmental sustainability policy provides the organisation with a framework for the development of sustainable practices across the organisation

Learning about sustainability during the early years will help to shape children’s environmental attitudes, knowledge and actions of interdependence between people, plants, animals and land

‘The ecological self’ (Naess 1988) describe a person’s connections with and attitudes towards the natural environment

Sustainability concepts are too complex for young children to understand



Benefits of connecting children with nature. Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University College of Design.

Research shows that there are positive impacts on children’s physical, social, psychological health and academics when children have daily contact with nature. Match the followingpositive impacts to thedefinitions.

Positive impacts

  • Supports multiple development domains
  • Supports social/emotional development
  • Increases physical activity
  • Reduces stress


Positive Impact

Green plants and vistas reduce stress among highly stressed children (Wells and Evans, 2003)

Reduces stress

Children who experience school grounds with diverse natural settings are more physically active, more aware of nutrition, more civil to one another and more creative (Bell and Dyment, 2006)

Increases physical activity

Children will be smarter, better able to get along with others, healthier and happier when they have regular opportunities for free and unstructured play in the out-of-doors (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005)

Supports multiple development domains

Nature is important to children’s development in every major way—intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically (Kellert, 2005)

Supports social/emotional development



Nature Play in early years education. (2016) Whittle, I.,%2C%20initiative%2C%20creativity%20and%20more.

 Select True or False for each statement below.




Nature play significantly improves all aspects of child development – physical, cognitive, social and emotional

Playing outdoors does not grow resilience, self-confidence, initiative, creativity and more.

Benefits of outdoor play continue into adulthood such as innovation, creativity, positive relationship development

Children who regularly participate in outdoor play lead sedentary lifestyles

Symptoms of nature deficit disorder (as outlined by Louv, 2005) include depression, hyperactivity, boredom and loneliness. It may also manifest in reduced motor development and diminished mental and psychological health, including lack of attention, learning ability and creativity

Learning about nature and sustainability

These questions require you to demonstrate your knowledge of strategies to support children to develop an understanding and respect for the naturalenvironment

Question 5

Textbook reference

The Big Picture(5th edition) by Karen Kearns

Chapter 10 (pp. 358-364)

Select True or False for each statement below.




Children must be exposed to information about environmental sustainability but also information and knowledge about the environment and the role of humans in protecting, and the interdependency of humans and other living things

Children should not investigate how their actions can help sustain the environment

Learning about sustainability during the early years will help shape children’s environmental attitudes, knowledge and actions

When presented in an age-appropriate manner, children can explore a range of sustainability concepts

Learning to understand, respect and care for the natural environment cannot be achieved through incidental learning and intentional teaching

Consideration needs to be given when sourcing natural materials to ensure they are sourced sustainably (e.g. collect branches, leaves etc. when they fall to the ground)

Children can be introduced to ways of caring for and conserving the natural environment through routine practices, hands-on activities and collaborative projects with families and the community



Natural Playspaces Principles. Nature Play SA.

Children experience the diversity and beauty of the world through their senses.

Match the sense that is engaged when the examples below are used to create spaces for children.


  • Touch
  • Sight
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Listen



Provide different textures in pathway materials, vegetation, rocks, structures – rough, smooth, prickly, furry, uneven, sharp, wet, dry


Include vegetable gardens, fruit trees, edible plants


Use varieties of natural colours, intensity of light, shapes, heights and forms through vegetation, sculpture, art, birds, butterflies and insects. Make it beautiful and inspiring to look at


Create a soundscape using running water, rustling leaves/grasses, insect hotels, bird gardens.


Plant herbs, bushes/trees with scented leaves and flowers




Natural Playspaces Principles. Nature Play SA.

One of the best ways to prompt creative and imaginative play is to incorporate natural elements. Using nature also provides a calming effect and will help facilitate authentic interactions with nature.

Match each natural element to the example of how it can be used in the service in the table below.

Natural elements

  • Water
  • Sand/mud
  • Plants/trees
  • Changing topography
  • Wood/stone/boulders


Natural Element

Use these elements to construct pathways, bridges, borders, fences, climbing structures, seating and to provide items for loose parts play, construction, gathering and collection.


Create mood, provide beauty, shade, screens, niches, aroma, texture, food, habitat for insects/birds/butterflies, seeds, spaces to hide, an apparatus to climb. Consider colour, forms, seasons, native and non-native,

Plants /Trees

Gives opportunity to touch, play, listen, experiment, discover. Create ponds, dry or shallow, rocky streams, water pumps for mixing with dirt/sand


Allows children to dig, explore, create; integrated with water offers a textural and creative experience.


Use what is naturally occurring on your site or create new to provide diversity, interest and opportunities by including an open space, hills, mounds, creeks, swales and rock faces to meet, climb, run, roll, slide, balance and jump.

Changing topography



Natural Playspaces Principles. Nature Play SA.

How could you model sustainable practices to children that build connections to nature and community through supporting local economies?

The use of "Model Sustainable practice" is one of the effective ranges which helps in effectively supporting the local and environmental aspects and creating the work. As per the view of Nguyen et al. (2021), the valuation of the required outcome with a good environment has been needed to imply effective sustainability development. The use of this model can help in making a proper connection and create an impact on "a life-long connection" of nature with the community (, 2023).


Textbook reference

The Big Picture(5th edition) by Karen Kearns

Chapter 10 (pp. 358-364)

Referring to Chapter 10 of your textbook and the readings you have explored so far, identify one resourceor experience you could add to each of the following areas/routines to extend children’s understanding of the need to respect the natural environment or support sustainable practices. Two examples have been provided to assist you with this task.




· Buying paper towel that is recycled and discussing with preschool children, showing them the symbol identifying this on products.

· Talking to children about only turning on taps when using water and counting how long.


· Recycled pots and pans bought from second-hand shop/donated to service

· Fundraising for water tank and set specific amounts of water to be used each day.

Dramatic Play

· Development of nature-related programs to explore children's knowledge 

Art/Craft Area

· Taking a child to the Arts and craft program to develop information related to the social and environmental awareness

Morning Tea/Lunch time

· Taking children for the morning walk and providing brief valuation about the morning walk 


· Recycle the used material in terms of sand, broken bricks and other elements for other work development 

Mud Pit

· Recycling of the waste mud and use for plantation or preparation of other defined product 

Book/Literacy area

· Taking children to the library and other educational programs or seminars related to child

Question 10

Children’s Interests

Educator Jenny had a particular interest in the natural environment and sustainability. Some of the children have an interest in learning about bees, while othersare interested in different types of garbage trucks. Jenny decided to use these interests to create projects. She is mindful that she will need to create spaces where children can share ideas or work independently.


Jenny created an interest table with photographs of different types of bees, books, magnifying glasses, honey and honeycombs in containers and flowers. She encouraged children to look for bees in the gardens, discussed safety around bees, their role in the environment and how they are in danger of extinction. Jenny was also able to ask the local beekeeper to visit andshare withthe children bee-keeping clothing, the smoker, howhoneycombs are made,how we get honey to eat, and how to help care for bees/the sorts of flowers that are good in your garden.

Garbage trucks/recycling

Jenny planned activities around the children’s interest including identifying different garbage trucks, and what happens to rubbish when it gets to the dump,what can be recycled, and what happens to the environment when people litter. This led to the creation of a compost/worm farm where children could add their leftover food from mealtimes. An excursion to the local dump/recycling plant was also organised.

  1. List one example for how these experiences supported children to care for the environment.

The development of information related to the bees and Garbage trucks/recycling and preparation of space to explore children's experiences is an effective idea. For example, one of the children has written about the specific experience and another has provided a view of that experience so it can be defined to develop and associate information related to the environmental range as well. 

  1. Listone example of how these experiences showed children how the natural environment and people can depend on each other.

The dependency is analyzed by the life cycle graph and make deep valuation of the work. For example, the natural environment such as planted trees and other natural aspects produces things that we need for living. The air is produced by the plant which can help in to breathe and live a healthy life. 

  1. Research and suggest one idea for a follow up experience that Jenny could implement in relation to the children’s interest in bees.

Preparation of the diagram chart related to the bee's life and their importance is an effective way which can increase the interest of children in learning about bees. 

  1. Research and suggest one idea for a follow up experience that Jenny could implement for the children’s interest in garbage trucks/recycling.

Organizing several activities related to garbage cleaning outdoors and making a reflection on the associated issue is an effective plan to increase children's needs. 

  1. How did Jenny involve the local community in her plans?

Jenny can organize parent-teacher meetings and provide brief information related to the activity can be the individual way to involve the local community in the prepared plan.

  1. Explain how the experiences demonstrate Element 5.2.1 Children are supported to collaborate, learn from, and help each other?

The required experience has effectively aligned to do the work in the associated and effective way and make a reflection in the way to conduct work as well. 

Question 11


What is Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge?, Fact Sheet 1, Environment, Climate change and Water.

Bush Tucker: SNAICC

  1. Aboriginal people have a rich culture involving a custom, lore and value system. What are these based on?

The development of the aboriginal people with the required rich culture is adequately based on the "sustainability of their spiritual connection, belonging, obligation and responsibility". On the other hand, they can also take care of the respective land and heritage at the adverse range. 

  1. How does Andrews define Aboriginal cultural knowledge?

Andrew has defined the required abnormal people that is implicated and encompasses the effective spiritual knowledge related to the other associated aspects as well. Andrew has defined the required knowledge and other associated aspects based on the "language, narratives, social organization, values, beliefs, and cultural laws and customs" (Andrews, 2006).

  1. Bush tucker refers to thenative foodstraditionally collected and eaten by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Research and list two bush tucker foods local to your region that could be introduced to the children.

The required list of two bush tucker foods in Australia has been adequately identified as "quandong, kutjera, muntries, riberry, Davidson's plum, and finger lime". These are the required fruits which are mainly found in Australia and also known as bush tucker foods

  1. Suggest one way bush tucker food could be prepared for the children.

 The list of two bush tucker food eaten by children are "jams, jellies, muffins, biscuits, and cakes"


  • (2023), Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2018). National Quality Standard (A4 Poster) Retrieved from:
  • Andrews G, Daylight C, Hunt J. et al 2006, Aboriginal cultural heritage landscape mapping of coastal NSW, prepared for the Comprehensive Coastal Assessment by the NSW Department of Natural Resources, Sydney, NSW.
  • Drane, C., Vernon, L., & O’Shea, S. (2020). The impact of ‘learning at home’on the educational outcomes of vulnerable children in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Literature Review Prepared by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education. Curtin University, Australia. Retrieved from:
  • (2023), Benefits of connecting children with nature. Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University College of Design. Retrieved from:
  • (2023), Nature Play in early years education. (2016) Whittle, I. Retrieved from:,%2C%20initiative%2C%20creativity%20and%20more.
  • (2023), Natural Playspaces Principles. Nature Play SA. Retrieved from:
  • Nguyen, H. T., Le, D. M. D., Ho, T. T. M., & Nguyen, P. M. (2021). Enhancing sustainability in the contemporary model of CSR: A case of fast fashion industry in developing countries. Social responsibility journal17(4), 578-591. Retrieved from:
  • Su, J. Y., Guthridge, S., He, V. Y., Howard, D., & Leach, A. J. (2020). Impact of hearing impairment on early childhood development in Australian Aboriginal children: a data linkage study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health56(10), 1597-1606. Retrieved from:
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