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The History Of Multiculturalism In Australia And Consider Key Issues And Challenges For Multicultural, Multilingual Assignment Sample

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Introduction - Analyzing Key Issues of Multiculturalism Through Rural Refugee Settlement

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Multiculturism shows a state of society which has distinct cultural groups or ethnic groups that are politically relevant to society. Multiculturism is one type of practice that provides equal respect or attention for those groups that have different cultural backgrounds. Multiculturalism has different geographical interpretations that describe the condition of spatial diversity. In this particular manner, multiculturalism refers to different existence and uneven relations among distinctions in religious, geographical, ethnic, resist and cultural that mainly deviates from any kind of domination. Multiculturalism always refers incorporation of different policies which are acknowledged by minority authorities or minority rights. Australia also reflected the concept of multiculturalism and reduce discrimination and promote equal laws for different cultural backgrounds. Australia formulates diversity to maintain broadcasting service of multiculturalism by removing “White Australian Policy” by recognising required respect for minorities in Australia. By following its initial moves, the Australian government provides fair importance to “national multicultural policies” for expanding the cultural diversity of the “Australian multicultural community”.

This study finds out key challenges and possible issues that come with developing a multicultural society in Australia and shows how to marginate participation of people in these multicultural societies by managing the ratio of overall population in this country. This study also demonstrates average result of economic participation of minority societies with annual earnings. The main plan of this study is to find out success criteria for expanding the multiculturism community in Australia by providing effective and applicable strategies that support every minority group in Australia with help of the Australian government and also cover support of Australian citizens for educational environment of these multicultural groups to enhance acceptance of these groups for every context of globalisation. In this way, this study helps to undermine the boundaries and manage social justice for different cultural and ethnic people in Australia.

Key challenges and issues of multiculturism

In Australia, many organisations or Australian government and multiculturalism teams face some issues in acceptance of multiculturalism society in various programmes. These challenges or issues put difficulties in the way of managing multiculturism and become obstacles to understanding the culture of these minorities community. These obstacles or challenges may include language barriers, technical challenges, cultural differences, decision-making processes, motivating challenges and style of communication. Language barrier is an obstacle that bring misunderstanding in relationship between western culture and other cultures in a society (Wilding & Nunn, 2018). People use language to express their inner feelings and emotions so that other people can understand them. Every people tied to their language thus it is very difficult for those people that are not able to speak a foreign language or may not know any other language except their language.

Most of the residents in Australia may not able to speak different languages that's why it becomes very difficult for multiculturalism teams to manage multicultured in Australia to understand procedures and policies of multiculturalism teams have to know about the languages of minority people of a multicultural society. This type of barrier break communication method with these people. Australia has 22 million people that are born overseas whereas only 20% of people use English language for their daily purpose and other citizens prefer their language (Walton, Harris &Iwabuchi, 2020). For tackling this barrier Australian Government have to maintain the relationship between eastern culture and western culture. In this way, these both cultures have equal value in cultural diversity of multiculturalism society in Australia. This process also encourages every member of these societies to increase their participation level by improving multilingual skills for the development of their people in various ways.

Cultural difference is also a significant barrier in multiculturalism process because a multiculturalism society has a different culture that varied different norms and policies. Many Australian residents may not understand the culture of these societies so they are not able to accept this type of culture of a multicultural society. Cultural differences make confusion among Australian people that have an effect on the scenario of Australian residents. This type of difference also harms informal and casual relationships among people. In Australia, 46% of people have a different culture and the norm of this culture makes it different from other cultures of the society (Secombe, 2021). Thus, to develop relationships among different cultural people every Australian resident have to gather information about this culture so that they can enhance their participation in this culture and increase their bonding with these people.

Technical challenges are also an obstacle to adopting multiculturism for various purposes because some refugees family and migrant families do not have any permanent residents to stay these families do not have any provincial location so these people are not able to work in any organisation, they always face discrimination in every place. These people are not able to live peacefully in contemporary Australia (Reid, 2019). Thus multiculturalism teams may not gather information about their location by using any kind of digital software. For handling these types of challenges multiculturalism teams have to provide a residential certificate for these refugees and prove them equal opportunities as other residents in Australia. These kinds of opportunities enhance their inner strength and respect for multiculturalism teams. On the other hand, multiculturalism teams have to increase their technological power to track information about these migrant families all over Australia. In this way, multiculturalism teams provide a fair opportunity for these people and remove all types of discrimination from every place.

Multiculture has a different style and different decision-making strategy to manage culture by gathering information from various geographical backgrounds. More information may affect on decision-making process of multiculturism(Pietsch, 2019). This information also brings conflicts in every decision-making process. For avoiding these kinds of situations multicultural team has to develop a new decision-making strategy for developing their cultural programme or cultural diversity (Monani, 2018). In this way, this team can enhance their individual determination in decision-making process and increase their comfort with it. Different styles of communication processes are also a barrier in multiculturism because different communicative styles increase aggressiveness and tone of every member of a multicultural society and harm their relationship (Majavu, 2018). Thus multicultural team has to take decisions about changing the nature of communication skill so that they can maintain their relationships in society.

Various perceptions of motivation in multiculturalism can damage the motivation level of other members that have different cultural backgrounds. This process can easily de-motivate every member of this community and destroy their management system by backfiring cultural norms (Lim, 2018). Thus multicultural team has to accept this different culture to understand the motives of every member in these communities. In these ways, this team manage multicultural by providing required learning, diplomacy and diligence. They are also able to deal with these types of challenges for managing diverse cultural people by considering their function in sourcing that prefer equal service for multilingual people in these communities (Leviston, et al, 2020). By following these processes, they are also able to understand the norms of these various cultures and reconcile cultural differences among people to operate on one goal despite the opposite view from various cultural backgrounds.

By handling these challenges and issues multiculturalism manage positive developments for migrant families as well as refugees. They are also able to increase local contact or network process to gather information about them so that they can help them for various purposes. They are also able to experience every type of language difficulty to manage every situation for developing these communities (Levey, 2019). They also develop working experience among those that belong to minority communities and help to reduce residential and regional, resist discrimination from various organisations so that they can access equal opportunity in various perspectives of the development process.

Effective strategies for supporting multicultural groups in Australia

Native languages and various cultural customs are a part of a multicultural society in Australia. Cultural differences make some difficulties in adopting multiculturalism so the multiculturalism team has to develop some effective strategies to support multicultural for various purposes. First of all these teams have to develop strategies that overcome language and cultural barriers to encourage their team in accepting each other language and culture very respectively. These strategies help to nominalise same culture and languages so that team members never feel embarrassed in using these languages for daily purposes and also when they involve with working in a remote process (Levey, 2018). These strategies also help to identify the comfort zone for each member so they can feel free to speak in their own languages and also able to choose their speaking language for formal events like business meetings, and decision-making processes. This strategy also helps to encourage their team members with speaking in foreign languages so that those are not spoken other specific languages fluently and always avoid using these languages in the workplace.

This theme also prefers a developed strategy to organise a specific informal gathering for every team member. These ideas help to encourage them to learn about other cultures in society and also manage these cultures in vacation rules, working schedules and holiday lists. In this way, they help them to understand the role of these cultures in society (Hlavac, et al, 2018). This team also develop different communicative strategies by using a cultural pattern of communication style. These communication strategies increase their communication style, gesture, personality, body language, facial expression, efficiency, confidence level, and understanding skill so that they can easily communicate with other members that have different cultural perspectives (He, 2018). This strategy helps to manage signals between different cultural people in Australia and resolve immediately their conflicts and issues with each other to maintain verbal, direct and open communication processes that help to understand nonverbal approaches to communication.

They also use a planning project strategy to manage virtual multiculturalism in various time zones and places. This strategy helps to gather locational information about minority peoples and refugees to organise project planning according to various time zone. In this way, these strategy helps to remove any type of time and place-related confusion and conflicts among the members of these communities and progress their tracking project to generate information about those people that belong to various educational and cultural environment in society (Forbes-Mewett, Hegarty& Wickes, 2022). These strategies also increase the current activity of every member in a multicultural community and also manage their productivity regarding their timer zone. In this way, they increased 75% of migrated peoples' participation in a multicultural society and manage their project planning without any type of locational matter (Edensor &Sumartojo, 2018).

Multicultural teams also produce prep timing strategies to identify the required needs of their team members. This strategy smoothly expresses need of using native languages in the workplace so that they can motivate their members towards using these languages. Some team members feel uneasy speaking normative languages in the workplace and avoid using them. This strategy helps to understand the exact situation and encourages them to speak in different languages so that the language barrier may not interrupt their speaking process and encourage them to maintain effective communication skill in the workplace (Dagistanli, et al, 2018). By following this strategy they can emerge their speaking skill in using foreign languages, especially English language to develop their self-confidence level in fluent speaking in foreign languages. These strategies also help to develop their respect for other languages and help them to understand the specific norms of these foreign languages.

This team also produce a different cultural strategy to appreciate equal respect for the traditional value of these cultures. These teams always avoid promoting only original culture, office culture or workplace culture. This strategy also decorates cultural programmes during their holiday planning and provides respect to these cultural programmes and encourages every member to celebrate these programmes during their holiday (Chandra-Hioe, Lee &Arcot, 2019). . This strategy additionally gathers information about various cultural programmes and teaches every member about particular characteristics of these cultures. They explore these programmes to celebrate these cultural programmes in an accurate manner so that they may not hart any culture in these societies. This strategy also helps to teach information about mare cause behind these cultures with their historical value so that every member generates fair respect in performing these type of cultural programmes and enjoy them.

This team also generate a "cross-cultural training strategy" to improve morale, happiness and enjoyment in the workplace. By following these strategies this team can minimise cultural barriers in various workplaces and avoid all types of prejudice and stereotypes. These strategies appreciate developing skills among different cultural people and improving social skills among every member of these societies. This strategy makes them better listeners so that they can understand the feelings and emotions of other members by improving their attention level in a common principle and access development process for their children to encourage more participation in various environments of multicultural communities (Brahm Levey, 2019). This strategy also removes stereotypes of various culture and maintain their working process in multiculturalism by supporting individual cultural preference and managing the “cultural shape behaviour” of every member of society in Australia. These strategies help to reduce all types of obstacles in the multiculturalism process in Australia and provide honest and constructive feedback for each member of society so that they can be positively motivated to participate in different cultural programs that came under the umbrella of multiculturalism. 


From the above study, this may be concluded that the historical value of multiculturalism in Australia helps to remove discrimination and resist cultural from cultural diversity and help to gather knowledge about multicultural authorities so that this authority can m manage geographical interpretation to increase the value of cultural diversity. Australian government remove the “white people policy” for increasing the participation of Australian residents in a multicultural society. It also may be concluded that challenges and obstacles of a multicultural society are gaining barriers to using the native language, performing different cultural programmes, and understanding communication styles among people. Multiculturalism teams control all these challenges and barriers by improving their developing strategies like linguistic strategy, different cultural strategies, project practice strategy, training strategy for cross-cultural connection, requirement strategy, and project planning strategy and so on. All these strategies help to generate motivation into participating in various cultural programmes and provide equal respect for these cultural, and historical values of the culture.

It also may be concluded from the above study that multiculturalism society in Australia helps to generate perfect cultural behaviours among every member of society and encourages every employee to participate in various cultural programmes regarding their acceptance of these cultural programmes during their holiday programmes. Multiculturalism teams in Australia manage interest in multiculturalism among Australian residents by teaching them specific information about these cultures and maintaining their participation in a multicultural environment. In this way, multiculturalism teams increase multicultural employees' efficiency and activeness toward using foreign languages so that they can understand other people's emotions and feelings. It can be concluded that cultural strategy and time zone strategy support resources for minority families in Australia and support every multicultural employee by providing quality work and fair benefits. In this way, these effective strategies help to adapt the necessary skill for the development of minority people and different cultural people in Australia by guiding them in their struggling.



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