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SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations ASSESSMENT

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1. Demonstrating the 12-service period

Interpretation of the recipes

Interpreting recipes can include the assessment of the recipe names on the food checklist that delivers a preliminary idea of the way foods are served in 12 services. After that, a detailed nutritional analysis needs to be done based on the time taken and the key ingredients of the recipe (Mokhnenko et al. 2020). After that, the serving suggestions need to be incorporated based on the directions and the key offerings of the food in the 12 service period.

Determination of the production requirements

The production requirement checklist is prepared based on the set recipe for the 12 service period. Having this skill can be an effective competitive advantage for an individual who is operating in the commercial cooking space. Additionally, the production plans are mostly directed to preparing the menu based on the food service setting. The requirement and dealing of the service can be based on the understanding of food preparation.

Selection of the food production process

The food production process is the backbone of the 12 service period as it involves preparing customized food based on the requirement of the client. The selection of the food production process involves curing food and the emulsification of foods successfully. Additionally, the food production process involves pasteurization of the food after the fermentation of the food in real-time (Pascari et al, 2019). Selecting a proper food production process among all the available options is also a major skill for individuals who want to pursue successful commercial cooking.

Ensuring the ready-to-usability of food preparation equipment

The selection of proper food preparation equipment allows commercial cookery to become more seamless and proper with time. The first factor that needs to be checked is the issue of the energy efficiency of the equipment and the quality of the commercial kitchen equipment. Further, the size and maintenance of the kitchen equipment need to be checked properly in order to serve proper food with agile services during busy hours (Sharma et al. 2021). The final and the most important factor behind the maintenance of the kitchen equipment is the cost of maintenance for each and every kitchen equipment in commercial cooking.

The development of the kitchen workflow schedule

The development of a kitchen workflow schedule follows a series of steps that involves storing items and the very starting and ending of them within a proper deadline. Further, the certainty of the stores involves an effective way of maintaining the flow of the kitchen schedule successfully. One has to possess this set of skills in order to become more proficient with their services and way of delivering services successfully (Aboelazayem, Gadalla & Saha, 2018). This skill also ensures that the food items are looking easy-to use while using in commercial cookery.

The development of the mise en place list

Developing a mise en place list can include the starting of the ovens in the initial stage. After that, the workstations are set for the preparation of food and services through the processes of commercial cookery. Additionally, this skill can have a major impact on the service of the food and the quality of service for both the service providers and the customers in commercial kitchens.

Development of a food preparation list

A food preparation list is a must-have item in commercial cookery that ensures the quality and quantity of food that are getting prepared within the kitchen. With the help of a proper food preparation list, one can set fresh meals every day, especially while serving the 12 service period. Having this skill helps a commercial cook to set up a successful restaurant in commercial space successfully.

Calculating required food supplies

In different circumstances, estimation of the amount of supplied food is required for appropriate food management. As the food supplies are related directly to the cost of the organisation. Managers from different organisations in the tour and travel division need to ensure that the calculation of the food supply remains stable. Staff that are working in the kitchen needs to ensure that the food supply chain manages the sustainable working procedure. Food cost is tied to the adequate internship of the associated crew members. Different costs that are related to the food supply need to be maintained with a formula that aims to collect all the required data and convert them into sustainable team management (Richardson, 2020). There are different applied methods to estimate the food supply: theoretical cost per plate and overall cost in the percentage format. The determination of the food supply makes the organisation impact the established Edible Portion (EP) method.

Checking stock levels and managing food supplies order

Estimating the stocks that are related to the food supply can make the organisation beneficial as the calculation refers to the saving costs. Estimating the cost of each menu makes managers acquire the right amount of wastage. The different applied formulas can ensure that beginning inventory and purchases make more earnings (Ralston & Blackhurst, 2020). A normal human being intakes the fixed or average amount of calories for understanding the amount of supply to run the kitchen.

Following administrative policies and practices

Following the policies of an organisation ensures that the workers are doing their best to provide the best possible service to the consumers. The quality of the server products makes the service more adequate to enhance the reputation of the organisation. Hence, the managers make sure that the crew associated with the kitchen obey the rules to ensure the assigned roles are best fitted for the development of productivity. Engagement of different appropriate policies ensures the code of conduct in the workplace. Moreover, different procedures that need to be followed in the kitchen can make the organisational value more appropriate for safety.

Briefing team about service

The associated teams can make different organised services for the development of the benefits to the productivity. The associated leaders in the different divisions can perform the leadership skills and theories with respect and roles. The workplace environment can affect skilled employees based on the roles of leaders and line managers. Different teams are related to the different operations to ensure that productivity in the workplace remains sustainable. For the estimation of the supply chain, ensuring the safety and the protocols being followed by all the associates are allocated as the vital task to an observation team.

Controlling food threats and risks at critical command points

The management system that is associated with the food safety and analysis of different relatable activities is being ensured that the estimation of the theories is meeting chemical, biological, and nutritious elements. Different calculations can perform the activities related to the development of the recommended levels regarding waste management. The calories that are measured for all the different menus and the serving plates are more relatable for an adequate dish in the making of the cooked items (Auad et al. 2018). Performing a visual investigation in the different grades from the supplied raw materials to the cooked items can control any hazardous event happening in the kitchen. Using clean clothes and different types of equipment that are used in the kitchen to prepare foods can make a difference significantly.

Overseeing the team’s production operations to ensure that:

  • Food safety needs are ensured at the time of cooking and hygienically measurement of the foods needs the sustainable utilisation of the clean surfaces, equipment, and hand.
  • The workflow of the kitchen is accommodated to maximise collaboration and guarantee the efficiency of the workers.
  • The exhibition sequence of meals is regulated to promote an enriched workflow and there is no delay in serving the plates.
  • All phases of cooking are concluded in a way which guarantees:

Quality of cooked food commodities

Consistency maintains in the items

Organisational grade benchmarks need to make

Food corresponds to the recipes and the descriptions written on the menu

  • Conducting a final check on food commodities before use to serve, reserved from the kitchen; this needs to include:

Customers’ feedback

Team members’ feedback

Auditing the organisational standards to ensure the guidelines are being followed

Testing how the items taste

  • Visual inspection of presentation

The adjustment level for the foods is required in the kitchen before garnishing

Managing the place where the foods are getting stored.

Adjustments to make food as required

Following the guidelines for the food, the presentation can make the entire kitchen more sustainable for the development of the provided services. Moreover, the visual representation can ensure the safety guide and more conclusively, it can be attractive as a look. Garnishing is one of the stable parts of the visual presentation for the development of the served plate. Managing the items on the menu needs the appropriate justification based on the time for breakfast to dinner. The number of calories and fats that are being intaken by a human can make the plates more suitable for anyone’s dining (Taufik et al. 2020) Calculating the calories through the ingredients and measuring safety rules is enough to adjust the food to be made as appropriate for anyone to have.

Overseeing the place to store the food

Following the guidelines for storing foods that are needed to refrigerate or freeze can make the items to keep safe for a longer time. Different items are labelled to be refrigerated for a longer time and kept under controlled temperature. Cooked food needs to maintain a different temperature, it cannot be frozen and moreover need to be put in a covered container. Observing the date of food manufactured or the use by date can make the food items to be safe in the kitchen (We, 2021). Adding preservatives can make the food last for a longer time although it can damage the quality of food.

The calculation and ordering of four food supplies in 12 service periods

  1. À la carte - In the a la carte menu, one has the chance and choice of selecting customized food courses based on the individual prices of the foods in each course. Here, the food services are based on the choice of the customers and their eating habits (Milano et al. 2018). For a 12 service period, selecting a la carte for food serving can be beneficial as it involves delivering foods based on the choices of the individuals. 
  2. Buffet - A buffet is a process of serving foods based on the process of self-service for individuals who are inclined toward serving foods, based on the customer’s choice. In the 12 service period, selecting options for buffet can be an effective option for the commercial cooking stations in order to serve based on the needs of the customers. This style of delivering food can be extremely beneficial for the customers.
  3. Table d’hôte - Table d’hôte offers a multi-course meal to the customers who need multiple options during their 12 service period. It allows the customers to become more inclined toward each of the courses within the meal. Despite the success of the multi-course meal, there is a major disadvantage of a fixed rate which might appear as a major issue for customers for a long period of time. 
  4. Bulk cooking operations - The process of bulk cooking covers the food operations where the foods are delivered to a large number of people. Hare, the system of food production can be used based on the circumstances of a la carte as people might ask for customized meals (Thymellis, 2020). In most cases, the bulk cooking operations involve setting a particular meal for a particular time when people are served with a la carte food style based on the situation of the bulk food customers.

Coordinate cooking operations for commercial food production

  1. Cook freeze - The process of cook freeze includes specialized food production for the preparation of rapid food at a very low temperature. It further includes regenerating the time of services whenever necessary. The coordination of cooking operations can be used for food production, especially in terms of serving foods with proper flavour and freshness.
  2. Fresh cook - Fresh cook is the process where foods are not held warm or cold before serving them to the customers. Here, customers are mostly directed to serve foods that are freshly made and reheated whenever necessary. Further, it can also include making foods from leftovers and serving them whenever necessary for the customers (Sun, Qin & Zhuang, 2020). Additionally, fresh cooking are the best option for serving bulk customers at the same time, especially while serving them freshly produced foods.
  3. Reflective Journal - The coordination and successful process of cooking has left a longstanding impression on me, especially in terms of understanding the process of commercial cookery. Hare, the preparation of crab sticks and chicken and corn soups can be made with the help of proper stocks and the maintenance of proper processes that is going to be maintained throughout the process of the commercial kitchen. Here, I am mostly going to need meats for both the recipes that I am going to prepare. In my case, I am going to use a la carte and fresh cooking as two of my key skills in my process of commercial cookery.
  4. Logbook summary - In this study, the Australian commercial cooking organisation is working on the development of provided cooking services and managing all the different safety protocols in use. The implication of the different items is making more suggestive for the development of the cooking service. The entire industry is modified with the provided guideline by the authorised organisation. For developing different items, there are associated responsible persons that have been assigned different roles. Preparation of the different items is making different associated tasks for completing the project. Managing all the safety guidelines and storing foods under the right can ensure the safety of the food does not convert into wastage (Martin et al. 2018). Moreover, managing hygiene is one of the greatest tasks in the kitchen.

2. Determine production requirements

Requirements for production

The selected items are Crab sticks, and chicken and corn soup for this study. Both of the recipes are Australian items for 12 service periods in commercial restaurants.

  • Foodservice style

Crab Sticks are a highly processed food that contains egg whites, sugar, salt, and other items like crab meats. Different combinations of the chicken cube, creamed corn eggs, chopped onions, oil, and corn flour are needed to cook the chicken corn soup.

  • Customer requirements

The requirement of the consumers who have the desire of eating chicken corn soup and crab sticks are enriched with high protein and different items. Diabetics patients are identical in having the crab sticks with a high amount of different minerals that help the secretion of insulin. The available amount of protein in the crabs is easy to digest. Moreover, the recipe for this item included low fat and a low-calorie which is more adequate for someone’s diet planning. Serving crabs included 95g calories and 15g of carbohydrates. Omega 3 fatty acids are also included in crab meat.

Chicken corn soup generally included a high amount of protein. 13.8% fat included in the chicken can make a high amount of calories also.

  • Required meals

Per serving crab stick 250gm crab meats need to be allocated for a proper plate and in chicken corn soup, 150gm chicken will be there. For commercial restaurants, 20 dishes need to be prepared.

  • Timeframe

Both of the recipes require 40 minutes to cook

  • Other recipes

Chicken parmigiana, Barbecued snags, Meat pies, and Barramundi are the needed dishes to include in the recipe.

  • Organisational standards

Different organisational standards are required to meet the guidelines for every commercial restaurant. The standards can declare the hygienic food, cleanliness, and serving quality of food items and service as the industry's reputation.

Food production processes

Crabsticks can be declared as processed food that includes different items. This is the reason why crab sticks are more reasonable but less nutritious. The processing of the food requires adding more butter instead of oil. Although the plates of seafood are healthier for everyone, still the quantity of oil and butter can make the nutrients of the item significant.

Egg whites are the most essential as well as healthier and the combination of the different ingredients can make the item tastier. Removing the skin of the chickens will make it healthier for everyone to have (Newton, 2018). Making the chicken stocks referred to the most nutrients items. Adding the sweetcorn with the chicken soup makes a significant tasty item.


The following equipment is the following

  • Different utensils
  • Microwave oven
  • Pot and cover to cook the food items
  • Chop boards
  • Refrigerator to store the items

Food safety control

Identify the foods that are fresh, and not being stored in the freezer for a longer time to serve the best quality with taste. Not adding too many preservative items make the nutrients value of the food remain higher. Moreover, cleaning the entire kitchen including the utensils makes the food more prioritise the values and safety (Tambo et al. 2018). Managing hygiene can include safety protocol more evenly. Reducing the germs can make the kitchen more significant based on the safety protocol.

3. Organised plan for food servicing

Kitchen workflow schedule

SL no






11:30 am


Utensils, ingredients, electronic suppliances

Managing hygiene in the kitchen, washing hands, checking the freshness and used by dates mentioned on the ingredients.

All the ingredients need to be washed properly.


11:40 am

Chicken corn soup

Utensils, ingredients and stock Campbell

Washing the floor, utensils, and avoid using the preservative materials.

Chopping the ingredients is one of the most required responsibilities to make the soup

Table 1: Kitchen Workflow Strategy

Mise en place for Crabstick

Activity and description

Qty required


The preparation of the crabsticks is required to have different food ingredients.

Crab meats


Make the crabs clean and wash them properly with water.


1 tbsp

Needs to ensure that the food will be less oily and full of more nutrient elements

Butte, salt, black peppercorns

Based on taste

All the ingredients need to follow a basic measurement to cook the item more nutritious.

Need to bake the item that is followed with measured temperature in the microwave oven

Based on the requirement

All the measurement needs to be ensured properly.

Table 2: Mise en place template for crabstick

Mise en place for Chicken corn soup

Activity and description

Qty required


Arrangement of chicken


Clean the chicken and cut into pieces by removing skin

Oil, sugar, salt, corn, butter

Based on the taste and requirement

Cleaning hands, maintaining the guideline of basic measurement



Make sure the used by date is available

Ginger, spinach


Chops the items

Table 3: Mise en place template for chicken corn soup

Food preparation




Need to bake crabsticks for around 4 to 5 minutes

Need to set a particular temperature and clean the microwave oven before use.

Need to bake the item that is followed with measured the temperature in the microwave oven

Needs to cook the chicken corn soup by building the ingredients for 20 minutes.

Need to ensure that before cooking the ingredients need to be cleaned to manage hygiene.

Before utilisation of utensils, those need to be cleaned.

Before starting cooking, all the materials need to clean and hands need to be washed for adequate time

Utilisation of different materials to clean the kitchen will be adequate.

Following protocols is vital for storing foods that are required to freeze can make the items safe for a longer duration. Required items that are labelled to be refrigerated need to be identified and stored under a controlled temperature is much essential.

Table 4: Food preparation template

4. Order stock 

Interpretation of the recipes and specifications

Crab sticks are one of the common items in the commercial cooking space with multiple cooks hoping into including this dish in their food services. Including this dish in the daily menu involves assessing different materials that are effective for the preparation of this dish. Apart from that, there is a dish called chicken and corn soup that most commercial cooking spaces include on their menu. In order to maintain the preparation of these foods one has to maintain stability in the food supplies for the betterment of the delivered food (Kazibudzki & K?upka, 2019). The ingredients, quantity and services required for these dishes are mentioned below.

Crab stick




Qty x services required

Gadre Crab sticks

250 grams

1 kilogram

500 grams for 2 plates


1 tablespoon

4 tablespoons

8 tablespoons for 2 plates


3 tablespoon

4 tablespoons

8 tablespoons for 2 plates

Chilli Flakes

1 pinch

2 pinches

4 pinches for 2 plates

Crushed black peppercorns

½ tablespoon

1 tablespoon

2 tablespoons for 2 plates


1 tablespoon

3 tablespoons

6 tablespoons


To taste

4 tablespoons

To taste

Table 5: Food supplies for Crab sticks

Chicken and Corn soup




Qty x services required

Chicken breast



10pcs for 5 bowls

Liquid chicken stock



5L for 5bowls

Ground ginger

½ tsp


3tsp for 5 bowls

Sesame Oil

1 splash

2 splash

5 splashes for 5 bowls

Chicken stock

1 cube

5 cubes

5 cubes for 5 bowls

Creamed and canned corn



1kg for 5 bowls


2 pcs


10pcs for 5 bowls

Chopped spring onions (optional)

2 pcs


10pcs for 5 bowls


2 tbsp


10tbs for 5 bowls

Table 6: Food supplies for Chicken and Corn soup

Reflective journal

The above-mentioned items are currently out of supply in our commercial kitchen due to their excessive demand among customers. In order to maintain the stock levels for both dishes, I have to make adjustments to the stock supplies. Here, the kitchen needs to outsource mostly key items like oil, onions, butter, spring onions and cornflour. For both, items, sourcing ample almost of oil and butter is extremely necessary. So, I have to first check the availability of oil and butter in the commercial kitchen. After that, I need to source meats for both the items as meats are the primary ingredient for both the dishes mentioned above. Here, for crabs, I need to source crab meats whereas, for the chicken dish, I have to source chicken meat in a greater quantity. Based on the demand of the customers, I need to source both the meats.

5. Briefing the team

Commercial cooking is a collaborative process that involves the cooperation and coordination of a full-fledged team within a commercial space. Here, in the case of my recipes, I need to maintain a proper briefing within my team for better coordination during the preparation of the food. First, I need to provide every member of our team with a basic guideline of the way I want to pursue my recipe in the commercial space. The process of the briefing is going to follow a series of steps for me and my team. In the process of briefing our team, I am going to set some ground rules in the earnest for the team. Especially, the present briefing can involve a short and simple discussion on the process of food preparation over time. Immediately after that, I need to ask my teammates for their performance pledges. It can allow us to become more compact and boost our success rate based on that.

After all the initial processes are started, I need to push my team toward identifying the issues within my commercial kitchen. The commercial kitchen can also face a few internal issues that can damage the processes of quality services for our kitchen. In this sense, I need to work out all the issues that can be regarded as a problem in my commercial kitchen. In the case of my recipes, I need to keep a shortlist of all the recipes that I am pursuing in my commercial kitchen. First, I need to brief my team about storing both crab meat and chicken meat. The process of both the recipes involves heavy usage of oil and butter which can eventually allow me to successfully pull off the recipes. Both the recipes are going to be added to the day-to-day services which eventually are going to attract customers in purchasing our ready-to-eat foods.

6. Overseeing production processes

Managing production is the cornerstone of a successful business, especially in the case of the restaurant business. Here, in the case of my recipes, I need to invest more in upgrading the businesses without any miscounts. In the case of my business, overseeing the product appears as the most crucial task for us to set up the business successfully. First, all the foods need to be prepared hygienically and safely in their earnest. After that, the kitchen workflow is made clear, the whole team need to go through the template and make their comments based on the current circumstances. With the proper adjustment of kitchen workflow, one can maximize the teamwork along with an assured efficiency from the team’s end. After the kitchen workflow is maintained clearly, the production sequence of all the food is controlled within the kitchen. It can further minimize the delay in service which eventually can higher up the quality of production within the restaurant. Immediately after that, the maintenance of the smooth workflow needs to be seamless and proper for the betterment of the services within the production process.

Food item quality

The maintenance of the food item quality involves impactful ways that can ensure the quality of food within the food businesses. First, one has to prioritize freshness in its earnest for the development of the quality of food items successfully. Immediately after that, all the artificial elements mixed in the food need to be eliminated for the betterment of the food quality (Monschein et al. 2021). Further, the team needs to work on quality control for better control over food item quality. The usage of seasonal and local foods can be used to minimize the chances of food items getting spoiled within a short span of time. Later, a detailed up scaling of the ingredients needs to be done by the authorities in order to maintain maximum authenticity in controlling food quality.

Consistency of the quality

The consistency of the food quality is a prior concern for commercial kitchen owners and the teams who are in charge of the quality control within the food supply department. Here, the first step is going to be sticking to the key requirements of the projects successfully. Here, the restaurant owners need to maintain quality by performing quality assurance in their earnest (Nagesha, 2018). Further, they have to control the quality of the foods by focusing on the key requirements and following the key processes of projects successfully.

Meeting organizational standards

Meeting organizational standards in the food business follows a series of steps that includes defining the real requirements and discovering the quality management compliance. Immediately after the preliminary requirements are met, one has to keep the process simple and consistent for a better understanding of the process.

Apart from that, the food items can involve matching the recipes successfully based on the men's descriptions. After the final check is done for the foods and their quality control, the food items need to be stored and controlled successfully. Immediately after that, an organized adjustment needs to be done based on the key requirements for quality control in the commercial kitchen. Finally, the process of overseeing can allow the commercial kitchen spaces to maintain the start to end service impression successfully. Hence, the process of meeting organizational standards can allow commercial kitchen owners to maintain the workflow successfully.

Oversee the safe storage of food

Storing different foods can be referred to as storing the foods to save them and avoid foods from being converted into waste. Following the guidelines can make the refrigerated storage preserve the storage by saving the quality and nutritional elements of the food item.

The appropriate repository of food is a compulsory part of supporting high catering averages, particularly in surroundings such as care residences, where healthy meals are a critical characteristic of nutritious consideration (Lam, 2020). The preparations need to include the right amount of all the valuable ingredients that can ensure the safety of the foods and make the items more reliable for everyone. Catering attendants in such backgrounds should celebrate a strict administration of stock authority that comprises the expatriation of out-of-date nutrition (, 2022). Different guidelines are applied to store the foods and make prevention from getting wastage.

I have managed the staff to make distribution of their job roles that can prevent duplicate jobs and make effective placement for managing safety. Based on my acquired knowledge, storing foods can be referred to as one of the critical jobs that can make hazards in the workplace. All food needs to be cooked appropriately and exhibited or served hygienically at a reasonable temperature. I have ensured that the staffs are managing the manufacturing date of different ingredients before using them in the preparation.

Debriefing team at the end of service

Based on the associated members to make the tasks more significant, the following points are useful to debrief:

  • The kitchen needs to be cleaned before cooking and also at the end of the day
  • Making the hands cleaned before and after touching anything
  • Determining about the usable items are appropriate for the dish
  • The team needs to ensure that the items that are being used are not expired by date
  • Food hygiene can not be compromised at any cost
  • The serving method of food needs to be mentioned as fresh and temperature adequate
  • The employed clothes are using in the kitchen is clean
  • There should not be any type of risk regarding contamination of any contamination of food or food

All the above-mentioned guidelines need to be followed to ensure that the cooked items are enriched with hygiene and fulfilled with quality.


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