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Introduction : Responsible And Ethical Issues Case Study
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In this study an analysis has been composed on the fashion industry is affected by modern slavery and how modern slavery affected the fashion industry in Australia. Slavery takes a big place in every industry. For some communication gaps, there are many misunderstandings between the organization and its employee. Based on scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 4 it is very clear to say that mid-term allocation of resources is very common. It is also very effective to maintain resources like anti-slavery organizational support and child sponsorship. In the long-term allocation of resources, there are many problems to take the long-term allocation. In this term, the slaves are reflected as their own, they do not clear about the company’s ethics and conditions.
In slavery problems, many organizations follow some unique concepts that are discussed in the following study. Child education is so important because children are the future of the country. So, child slavery is a crime in those days, in these study readers is known that child education is a slavery issue in the company. A company always wants an anti-slavery organization that helps a company control slavery issues and the entire employee’s problem. Without the employee, the company will not grow its reputation. Even, gaining extra knowledge, child education and child sponsorship are the resources to control the slavery issues that are followed by any organization. Every organization is also responsible for its work and anti-slavery issues. It is to be known that anti-slavery is most important in the country and company growth and sustainability.
Lee Marker is a branded fashion design company in Australia. This company operates not only in Australia but also all over the World. It is one of the most reputed fashion companies in Australia at current times. This company works both in online and offline modes. Stores of this company are situated all over the world and are famous for unique retailing collections and boutiques. This company possesses the facility to use Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal for the benefit of the customers. All the garments are available in almost all sizes. Customers bring any garment online, always customers choose their garments. This company offers free exchanges and a return money-back guarantee within 14 days to buy garments. Even, all the Final sale items are not permitted to back the garment. Also, this company provides E-gift card options so that customers are more interested to buy products online or offline. This company always helps and has more facilities for all the customers. All the company garments have more care to keep all the garments in precious condition. Installment facilities have another option in this company so that customers are always flexible to buy products in this company. This company faces a slavery problem so; it is affected by this company.
Scenario analysis
Scenario 1:
Slavery is a role in this day and persists in many forms. This company faces slavery problems and it is increasing day by day at a high level. As a result, it is huge poverty on such days for every worker in this company. It is a crime those days so many companies try to work with the help of an anti-slavery organization (Dickson & Warren,2020). The anti-slavery organization is not a governmental organization, but it works basically as child labor. This organization always focuses child's education and gives knowledge and child sponsorship etc. This company supported anti-slavery organizations but this company has no anti-slavery organizations. As a result, this company faces many slavery problems, such as this company faced debt bondage and labor force.
Slavery becomes a bad effect on this company so its reputation is lost day by day. All the group of this company did not accept slavery but the lack of anti-slavery organizations should be increased day by day. It is a violation of any human, so this company left this slavery act. Slavery means the loss of the worker's freedom, this company forced labor then employees are not interested in their work, and day by day the entire employee left their work. It is known that the company did not continue work without employees, and workers. Therefore, it is a huge gap between employees and managers group so the company did not continue their work at a high level. Child labor is the main slavery act that is violent in human rights. As a result, children's education and children freedom is lost their life. So, this company wants to stop immediately this act. This company follows a supply chain process so many workers are connected to this process. In this process, the slavery issues are increasing day by day. Workers feel forced to do their work so, they are not interested in their work. This company faces the risk of losing consumer confidence.
Scenario 2:
Every Anti-slavery organization follows a unique strategy to control many problems so this organization is reputed day by day. But nowadays it is a great problem to get anti-slavery organizations. The most important part of slavery is not to grow any business if a company has slavery issues. It is known that slavery issues are the most problem in every country and that blocks the country's reputation and also company growth. Every company has one or two more anti-slavery organizations, but most of the company faces slavery issues. As a result, companies are big problems in those days. This company also faced slavery issues. Just one anti-slavery company has worked in this company so it becomes more problems. Day by day this company faced employee issues; all employees are unfaithful in their work. Employees are the main part of the company, so the company does not continue its reputation without employees' abilities. The lack of an anti-slavery organization this company’s lost its reputation. Employees are not unfaithful if organizations are committed to the company.
In scenario 2, the company resource is short-term and it follows. The company did not accept the slavery theory so this company wants to leave this. The supply chain is very important in controlling the slavery problem. This company follows many resources to solve the slavery problem. These resources gain much knowledge, child's education, and child sponsorship. This company wants the short-term process so that organizations are supported to solve slavery issues. More organizations are supported by the workers and also have responsibilities to solve employees' problems. This company has responsibilities to sure that slavery is not used in making goods. All the employees who care, to keep the company's reputation are needed two or more organizations are needed to solve slavery issues. Based on this scenario it can be said that the overall management of this company can be more successful by integrating the slavery related management.

Scenario 3:
Every company or organization has its strategy to make it a popular face, but also in the 21st century; there are some back ropes, which take them back. The main thing which does not help to grow their business is called slavery. In every country slavery is a very common problem but it never goes from any organization. In scenario 3, the company’s resources are mid- term procedure. Control of the slavery problem for a company in the supply chain is very important to grow a company. The slavery problem also should be solved by the company through many resources like any slavery organization support, child sponsorship, and many others. Companies that do not believe in slavery have followed some resources to create a proper organization in which the organization not only think about its employee but also think about the labour of their supply chain.
The chosen company did not accept the slavery theory to create its face. That's why if the company has the mid-term resource to solve the slavery problems they take it. If the company is great and big then there is no problem with slavery but for some reason, they need it for a while then they have to choose the mid-term resources. Being an organization there are some responsibilities to solve their labour and employees' problems. From clothing, making, and distribution every single thing is made by the company's employees. If there is a problem in the labour class that affects the organization because if the company does not care about its employee that means it never respect the organization.
Scenario 4:
Creating an untangled company the organization should be proper in any division of the organization, like its PR, management, terms and conditions, social awareness, child sponsorship, anti-slavery organizational support, and many more. For a company, there should be a proper way to take long-term resources for slavery consequences. In any term, if a company is a newborn baby then the organization has the headache to give full support to their labour and employees. In the fashion industry, there are many things in fashion, like make-up, clothing, accessories, shoes, and many other things. The clothing industry takes a huge place all over the world, and in this industry, many people are directly or indirectly connected with it.
The chosen company follows the comfort of every employee and labourer, but the company is not able to take the long-time allocation for solving only the slavery problem. Handling the slavery problem is hard in the clothing industry cause in the clothing industry there are three steps to creating cloth, first is making, second is delivery, and third is distribution. In these three steps, there many slaves to do that job but a company could not able to give all the opportunities and comfort to the slaves. On the other hand, if a company is formed there are no sleeves, they are employees. If a company forced its employees to do the job or behave like a commander then it's called slavery. In slavery, there is also intimidation by the organization. In this system, the organization does not follow the company rule or ethics.
Anti-slavery organizations were based on solving the slavery problem and were also responsible for their work. A perfect recommendation is clear for scenario 1. It is to be known in scenario 1 that the organization takes an allocation of resources to overcome all the slavery problems (Batista, Junior & Oliveira 2021). Child education is an allocation to solve the slavery problem. Childhood age is a time to grow and learn age and also play their happiness, they face slavery problems. Children are forced to beg, drug selling, also social discrimination. More organizations take some responsibility for the children so their slavery issues are lost and their life is so happy and to get children a good life.
Children are the future of next-generation so child care is most important. In every organization, the person in that organization is always ready to solve any slavery problems. A perfect recommendation is very clear from scenario 2. In scenario 2, the organization follows short-term resources to solve slavery problems. Every company has engaged two or more organizations but this company engaged one organization to solve slavery problems. Much organization has responsibilities to take supply chains; it is a huge slavery issue (Voss, 2020). Day by day supply chain slavery is increasing. Supply chain managers are to force other employees. As a manager, the company’s strategy will be changed, and also be responsible for the slavery issues no more.
In an organization, the member of that organization should be prepared for any situation. A recommendation for scenario 3 is very clear. If the organization wanted to take a medium-term allocation of resources for slavery theory then they have to put effort into child sponsorship, social activities, an anti-slavery organization, and many more. Child sponsorship is based on those kids who are under 14 but still working like a labourer (child labour). Anti-slavery means those who strictly oppose the slavery culture in any industry. In this support, the organization has to clear every labour doubts, and problem (Bedstead, Hendry & Stevenson, 2021). But for the fashion industry, it is very tough to do that. For example, for some reason, the making labour is having a problem with the higher key and he did not give the raw material.
Therefore, a medium-term recommendation can be the most suitable one for the organization to handle the slavery situation with effectiveness. A long-term recommendation means a particular part of the organization that is solving the problem and considering them and taking feedback, but every company cannot have that part only to access the resource ability. Much good and branded company has that zone to take care there, employee, but the maximum company does not have it. Logically a newborn company should have a long-term allocation of resources, to address the causes and consequences of slavery. Much organization does not know the availability resource of slavery (Voss et al. 2019). For example, resources are like giving full support to the slaves and allowing them to talk about their problems through this modern slavery bench. On the other side of the story, basically for this reason company will not allocate the resources.
In Scenario 1, after the recommendation, a huge reflection is got from that scenario. After scenario 1, it is known that some resources are followed to control the slavery issues. Employees are the main part of the company so employee care is most important. Company growth is not huge without the employee's effort. Employees are self-interested in their work if no slavery is coming when they are working on any work (Bergsma & Nolan, 2022). Every organization should have to control slavery issues connected to the managers and the employees also. A company becomes reputed all over the world when its employees, managers, and all the members of the company make good relationships in their work (Richards, 2022). It is to be noted that with a good relationship with employees and authority, this company would be a reputed company after years (Zhang, Zhang & Zhou, 2021). Therefore it is recommended that every organization must possess the capability to handle the issue regarding slavery.
In Scenario 2, after the recommendations, it is always a reflection of that topic. For all the scenario 2 analysis, some resources find out to solve the slavery problems that are followed in this company. After the recommendation of scenario 2, all stages of the supply chain have more than slavery problems. Supply chains depend on so many workers, so if workers are de-focused then the company is not continuing its work (Bridges, Retinal, & Hanlon, 2020). So, as a member of the organization, its strategy would change then that company runs at a high level in their work and also as a reputed company after years and years. So, always follow employees' care and build a good relationship to control slavery.
After the recommendation, there is always a reflection of that. After scenario analysis and recommendation, there is a reflection of this scenario. After having an opportunity to allocate the resources to slavery it is good to take the decision that every organization should have the anti-slavery part which connects the admin and the labour. However, this is a decision of the company which is the best to take, mid-term allocation or long-term allocation (Voss, 2020). Mid-term allocation is preferable to a well-named company because its labour already knows who are the admits, and admits also know what is the perspective of their labour. It is very important to; at minimum have the mid-term allocation.
In scenario 4 the organization has complete responsibility towards their labour. It is suitable for a start-up company. In which the admin has to know the labor and employees and employees also know who are the admits are, and what their ethics was. As a reflection scenario, 4 are very time-consuming and also very effective for the organization (Meshram, Bhakoo & Bove, 2021). On the other hand, this long-term allocation headache to the admin, because there is a communication gap to know about the organization’s ethics rules and conditions. This is the reason why a start-up organization needs this long-term allocation to know each other.
The fashion industry is a very big industry over the world. The base of this industry depends on making, delivering, and selling. In this industry, there is no other way to sell this cloth. The slavery consequences are also faced in this industry. Throughout this study knowing about the situational conviction, every organization has its way to recover it. After the study about this topic concluded part is every company makes its ethics and terms in that slavery is not the proper word to say, the proper word is the employee.
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