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Project Management BSS060-6 Assignment Sample

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Project management is a systematic procedure through utilising specific information, abilities, and several tactics in order to improvise the business process. The report will demonstrate diverse aspects of waterfall methodology and its significant impact on measuring the accomplishment of a project. Therefore, the identification of specific features and procedures of the waterfall methodology will be accommodating to enable the successful outcome of this project (Mulbah and Gebreslassie Kahsay, 2021). By creating a comparison between utilise methodology with other will be beneficial to evaluate why this methodology is appropriate for this project. Consequently, analysis and justification of some literature study will identify the constraints and benefits of utilising this methodology. Thus, by the implementation of risk mitigation strategies or approaches the project will be fulfilled. 

Consideration of the Methodology or Approach to Support the Project

During the conduction of the entire project management process within the university in order to construct an energy efficient and sustainably designed library for the student of the university that would facilitate services to the students by 24/7, the executive team of the university has decided to hire a proficient and efficient project manager. Through this, the budget for this project £46Million has been considered and planned to successfully accomplish the entire project. In this aspect, by analysing the different effective project management methodology or approaches like prince2, PMBOK, waterfall, agile, etc. the project manager has decided to implement and utilise the waterfall methodology (Silvius et al., 2017). Through utilising this, the project manager will be able to sufficiently construct the library within the university. However, there are some other methodologies of the project management process are available like agile, prince2, PMBOK, etc. By utilising these project management approaches, the project manager also will be able to potentially and successfully accomplish their entire project in the market.

Generally, the prince2 methodology helps to provide the flexibility to the individuals, who are fundamentally related and associated with the project. On the other hand, the PMBOK project management approach also provides the significant resiliency to the project management team and the project manager for successfully accomplishing the entire project. However, by utilising the waterfall methodology, the project manager will be able to straightforwardly design and plan the project and appropriately predict the requirement of the budget for successful accomplishing of the project management system (Van Der Wouden et al., 2020). The waterfall life cycles often take place in a number of different stages, from developing the original idea through implementing a final result, output or benefit. This is a very organised, predictable and reliable method.

Justification of the Utilisation of Waterfall Approach for managing the Specified Project

Generally, by utilising the waterfall approach for managing the project regarding the construction of library for the students of the university within the 3 years, the project manager will be able to successfully accomplish this project. Moreover, the phases of waterfall project management approach proficiently direct the organisations and the project manager to the objectives that was set for fetch appropriate and resilient innovation within the university culture (Bushuiev and Kozyr, 2020). Generally, the waterfall project management strategy proficiently helps to straightforwardly plan and design project in order to develop sufficient scope and deliverables at the phase of initiation of the project.

Moreover, the implementation of the waterfall methodology helps to the straightforwardly design the costs of the project; through which, the measurement of the project progress can be easy for the project manager. On the other hand, the waterfall project management approach also helps to reduce the spend of a vast time period during the project life cycle (Patrício et al., 2021). In this aspect, by evaluating, analysing and predicting these outcomes of the utilisation of waterfall methodology, the project manager of this university has decided to utilise and implement this approach within the construction of the library for students of the university within a short time period and low cost.

Identification of Specific Features and Procedures of the Methodology for Enabling the Successful Outcome of the Project

  1. Research and Requirement Gathering: Within this phase, the project manager significantly prefers to conduct a research for gathering sufficient and relevant data and information (Cavka, Staub-French and Poirier, 2017). Through this, the project manager will be able proficiently understand the required resources like financial, human, physical, etc. to successfully accomplish the project.

  2. Design: In the phase of design, the project manager is responsible to logically design its project management team and physically design the structure of the project including tasks, communications between the team, etc. (Loth et al., 2017). Through this, the project manager will be able to prominently meet with the fundamental need of the university executives.

  3. Development or Execution: Thus, by effectively designing the project structure, within the phase of development or execution, the project manager can initiate the activity of the project (Riggs et al., 2020). During this, the project manager should efficiently monitor the entire process and the progress of different activities within the project in order to proficiently construct the building for university’s library.

  4. Testing or Verification: Within the testing or verification phase, the project manager is able to effectively verify the outcomes that have been got from the accomplishment of the project (Loth et al., 2017). In the case of the project, the project manager needs to verify and test the revealed outcome of the project by utilising the library and the implemented the technological features.

  5. Maintenance or Deployment: In this way, by effectively testing and verifying the results of the project management process, the project manager will be able to declare the success of the construction of the library for the students of the university (Cavka, Staub-French and Poirier, 2017).

Identification and Anticipation of the Issues with Utilising Methodology for the Project

In the conventional way, individuals give more emphasis to the way everything will occur at the appropriate time without being aware that things actually happen. Planning is essential, but designers and quality auditors also need to comprehend how activities must be done, in particular with the customer or the ultimate consumer. Everyone participating in the project should also be able to explain instantly how a certain project step may be completed without waiting for a trial phase (Blume et al., 2020). This method does not enable stated needs to be changed as the project advances. Therefore, the programme does not completely fulfil the consumer's requirements, is ineffective and has inadequate performance.

It is insufficient because producers in an initiation section cannot simply reverse anything, as the requirements of customers modify, however the producer must come back to the point where the demand has to transform and begin the whole process. The project manager cannot go to the next step until this phase is accomplished. Most of the time a consumer mind changes and the majority of people have a hazy understanding of their software needs and build their requirements in the programme (Böck et al., 2019). The changes they desire are simple for customers and end users over time. There is still no way for the Waterfall method to address this without revising planning and reworking of the whole project.

Compare and Contrast between the Utilised Methodology and Other Methodology

Agile is not only a technique but a set of ideas. Its ideas are used in other more special methods. It is a technique related to simultaneous programming and assessment iterations where these operations may be carried out simultaneously. Agile initiatives are distinguished not just with a pre-planned procedure but by a succession of activities that are created, carried out and modified to the circumstances. Waterfall, on the other hand, is considerably more formal, focused on early preparation with clearly specified needs until a project begins. As its name implies, working cascades across various stages of the project, similar to a waterfall. Until the following step may begin, each stage should be finished (Akhmetshin et al., 2019). PRINCE2 is a technique for project management and accreditation programme while Waterfall & Agile are methods to growth with various topics, guidelines and procedures. It offers a well-tested structure and guidelines for the project manager, as well as standardised forms.

The aim is to use proven techniques to manage a project effectively. The mechanisms of each methodology vary; however, the ultimate aim stays the same. The project is completed within the limitation of scope, cost and time and all the project objectives are fulfilled. A waterfall developmental program, on the other hand, maintains a conventional linear method. The first step involves the collection of needs, which is typically a large-scale procedure since the developers will not create consumers' work software to experiment throughout the project (Vresk, Pihir and Furjan, 2020). The team must first identify precisely how consumers want to see the programme and what the features they desire. Then the developers create the programme and provide a comprehensive framework from which to work. The real improvement procedure will become smoother and will meet fewer difficulties when it works in line with the plan.

Analysis and Justification of some Literature Study 

The waterfall methodology is a systematic procedure long within each stage encompassing a list of comprehensive responsibilities by associated credentials and departure criteria. As a matter of fact, larger companies mostly prefer utilising this significant SDLC methodology product, particularly in the case of IT application projects (Mulbah and Gebreslassie Kahsay, 2021). The effective utilisation of this model will be helpful for obtaining appropriate success for conducting a particular project. Therefore, the project has been considered as a sequential approach for extraordinary software development. There are diverse aspects of models for conducting projects but the ultimate purpose of selecting this particular model has been illustrated below.

Pros of Waterfall Methodology: Implementation of this waterfall model has an immense impact on conducting this project. These contexts will demonstrate multiple advantages of utilising this model long within a brief manner.

  • It has been proved to be accommodating to progress resources utilisation as responsibilities can become apart to be worked incomparable in order to influence resource abilities (Aroral, 2018).

  • In this particular methodology, the Developer will become capable to make a focal point on writing code along within writing experiment cases.

  • In terms of requirements, the projects will be terminated early comparing to other cases. It will enable the team in order to describe the whole project scope along with generating an inclusive program and invent the entire application (Fagarasan et al., 2021).

  • It has been considered a scientific process that has been utilised in various business verticals. This methodology is exceptional, uncomplicated and its prospects are a bit comprehensible. 

  • No kinds of financial surprises or unpredictable situations will appear after utilising this project as coasts can be approximated through a moderately elevated degree of accuracy if the needs have been discovered (Fagarasan et al., 2021)

Analysis: The utilisation of waterfall methodology should be applicable in the case of projects which are suffering from several restraints such as cost, time and the general needs and scale are well implicit (Aroral, 2018). The waterfall methodology offers a set of significant processes and it also has the ability to provide superior opportunities to provide an outstanding attribute set along within a constrained financial plan or timeline. However, the implementation of this model might cause difficulties during conducting projects. As a matter of fact, the waterfall methodology requires a comprehensive breakdown of the responsibilities and deliverables for the overall BI application and that can be beyond the project team’s ability or might be problematical in order to begin the project (Fagarasan et al., 2021). The waterfall development is indeed beneficial and also recommended for the projects which are not expected to modify or require new improvement during the time of conducting the project.    

Implementation of the Project Management Process 

Managing a project is indeed difficult and it contains several complicated processes. Therefore, the project management process consists of 5 dissimilar phases such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure in order to convert the project idea into reality.

  • Project Initiation: The purpose of this stage is to convert an abstract idea into a consequential aspiration. In this case, the project manager requires to develop a business case and to conclude the necessities of the project (Popa et al 2021)

  • Project Planning: The project planning stage demands absolute meticulousness in order to demonstrate the roadmap of the project.

  •  Project Execution: During this phase, the project manager requires ascertaining an effective workflow and keeps a closer look at the monitoring process of the team as this is the ultimate stage of doing actual work (Grecu, Belu and Rachieru, 2017)

  • Project Monitoring: During the progression of monitoring of project management, the manager is also to blame for quantitatively following the attempts and expenditure during the process (Popa et al 2021)

  • Project Closing: The final stage of project management concludes the fulfilment of necessary paperwork as a matter of responsibility. 

Registration of the Risk during the Project Management Process 

This effective evaluation will be accommodating measure the risks during the time of conducting the project. 


Date Raised

Risk Description



Risk Rating (PXI)

Managed Response (Actions to Be Taken)


Review Date




The Rate of Poor Communication Abilities Among Team Members  




  • The Implementation of Appropriate Communication Is Indeed Necessary

  • Requirements Of Regular Feedbacks

  •  Needed To Be Maintain a Vigorous Relationship with The Employee

Communication Manager 





Enhancement Of the Project Resources




  • Predicting Expenditures for Each Project Actions

  • The Employment of Budgetary Managing Methods

  •  Efficient Planning 

Stock Manger 





Modification Of the Technology 




  • Qualified And Professional IT Organisations Must Be Appointed

  • Regarding In Mind of Latest Trends in Technological Sector, Updated Information Requires to Be Infatuated 

Technical Manager 





Limitation Of Resource Accessibility 




  • Appropriate Resource Allowance Between Various Departments Must Be Certified

  • Tough Relations Must Be Improved and Reserved with Dependable Suppliers

It Department Manager



Implementation of Risk Mitigation Strategies or Approaches

Identification of accurate constraints will be extremely accommodating for reducing the chances of project breakdown (Grecu, Belu and Rachieru, 2017). As a matter of fact, this context will illustrate some essential methods in order to encounter several risks interrelated with the project. There are four diverse strategies or approaches to decrease the percentage of project failure and those are

  • Avoiding the Risks: Usually, it is indeed necessary for a project manager to stay away from the risks as the project might engage an elevated prospects impact in case of economical failure and damage (Zhao and Wolt, 2017)

  • Transferring The Risk: Constraints that have the capability to affect the economic condition of the project require to be mitigated through being transferred. Creating a partnership or outsourcing. 

  • Accepting the Risk:  It might be observed in some cases that the expense of encountering the risk is way more costly than tolerating the risk. As a matter of fact, the risk should be received and that needs to monitor in an effective manner.  

  • Limitation of the Risk:  The risk limitation strategy has been considered as the most common mitigation strategy as it has the ability to focus on the actual project rather than creating risk mitigation strategies that take enormous time (Zhao and Wolt, 2017). Therefore, businesses take some type of initials in order to concentrate on an apparent risk and control their revelation. Risk limitation frequently occupies some risk approvals and some risk escaping. 


This context will illustrate various aspects of utilising waterfall methodology to develop a project along with exploring the risk factors. As a matter of fact, the implementation of this particular methodology has been proved to be accommodating as the ultimate purpose of waterfall methodology is to encounter the difficulties related to financial breakdown. 


  • The project manager has to be superior qualified as to deal with financial difficulties 

  • During the time of utilising this procedure, the team members require to be experienced as the process needs a comprehensive breakdown structure.

  • It will be accommodating for the project if the project manager requires having the capability to think about plan B for further problems.



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