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Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Service Assignment Sample

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Comparing Personal Values to Principles in Health and Social Care Services

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1.1 Comparisons between the personal values and principles and the supporting principles acting on the social and health care services

The profession of health and social care provides a platform in which all the aspects of a person depend on numerouscore values. Almost any health professional could recognize the fundamental principles of working environment and itsassistance. Each individual's personal rights are important to service provision of health. The personal values and principles regarding the social and health care service are dependent on some factors. Such as:

  • Equality:- As an essential part of health and social care, the concept of equality has grown. As a participant, I agree that fair access is a basic right of a society or a member of the community. The field goal of equality with specific reference to health and social operating obligations may demonstrate fair and equal treatment and formulations for the person affected (Watson and Roberts, 2019). The screening of rights for men and women has shown that everyone who is considered subjects in the selected field adheres strictly. A fair extrapolation of the operable philosophies within appointees may be guaranteed in the process of dealing with subjects. In order to achieve a good social standard with reasonable health care expectations, I have stated that identical separation of advantages must affect a positive relationship in the team.
  • Innovation:- The idea of innovation tries to create an appropriate relationship among work modalities and the consequences for working procedures of inventive expectations. Throughout the area of health and social care, creative mentalities are essential, which can be used to establish certain methods for the provision of health care facilities (Akbari et al., 2019). The appliances and devices used to guarantee optimal health expectations have an acute striking similarity to advanced science's variability assumption.
  • Honesty:- According to my thoughts,an honest mentality is very important for the development of a perceptive workforce portfolio in a certain field of work. In order to recognize the virtual key elements that could be referred to the ethical components of health and social care, the establishment of the right base for working components may be linked (Akbari et al., 2019). I assume that the essential aspects of human health in terms oflife,career and a part of a Society must be emphasized on the core values of fairness as health and social care.
  • Kindness:- The human life cycle keeps evolving through different phases, in which a person is supposed to encounter numerous events. The love forthe underprivileged and the deprived expresses a generous attitude. Throughout the multiple levels ofsociety, communication is inspired mainly by the basic principles of childhood, which makes communication possible regardless of the diverse separation between certain portions and entity who reflectsa society that providescomplex inadequacy and supremacy (Watson and Roberts, 2019).

The very first and most important thingis to communicate effectively in an organized way across the team so that the aspirations and the targets can be reliably demonstrated to others. Almost all team members take the appropriate responsibility for their work to avoid incoherence and to improve the quality of their work

1.2 Assessing the influence of personal experience and culture on the supporting user services as well as the social and health care services

Severe shortcomings on the aspect of ordinary health care facilities have been revealed in the defined workplaces. The Community's macroeconomic standards and its unavailability of aspects can be forecasted to account for the present situation by the relevant governing bodies. From childhood to adulthood, I have gained insight into the starved character of a person's health facility. I recognize that discrimination in the workplace is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving equity in a community's health and safety standards (Arnold and Boggs, 2019). In order to accomplish a distinctive benchmark on health care predictions, it is necessary to take into consideration andunderstanding of people as segmented parts of the population. Experience of the changes in cultural attitudes of the defined community members was deployedas an important component in a rapid understanding of the internal needs of the community.

1.3 Discussing the impact of the different changes and new developments to the personal values in the field of social and health care service

The psychological component of those functioning as representatives of health and social care has demonstrated that they have the virtues to promote standardized health and social requirements by improving an appropriate paradigm for conforming to the essential needs of the members of that community. I had also discovered a desire to participate as an active participant in different priorities, namely acceptance, equity, confidentiality and personality-reliance (Israel et al., 2019). The significance of sensitivity was acquired through numerous immersive meetings with various professional representatives and a clear assessment of their respective restrictions on the dimension of availability to health and social care. Acceptance is necessary for patience levels to make sure that the challenges or the problems that have to be settled are critically intercepted as the task goal indicates. The appointment of the likely method is strongly affected by autonomy values. It encourages a strategy that supports the decision-making process. Health and Social Care focuses on a vital aspect of human survival that requires a prompt and reliable decision-making mindset.

In several scenarios it has been determined that individuals are significantly impacted by profound psychological inflammations and prefer confidentiality. They create a feeling of vulnerability that can insulate them from their society or community by public exposure of their problems. The capacity to ensure the confidentiality of the issue between me and the object is supposed to broaden the extent of my research (Vivas, Jaramillo and Cobos, 2019). As a communal perception of confidentiality, tolerance and diversity for health and social care, the value of actuality may be forecasted. Identifying the differences in the promotion of frictional ensures of health status or medical treatments may be linked to efficient interception of these values.

LO2. Ability of monitoring, revising and evaluating different plans for the individual progress and developing different abilities required for the social and health care practitioners

2.1 Assessing the recent learning styles, ability and skills

  • Honey and Mumford Reflection

The list of questions in Honey and Mumford's style assisted me toget a reasonable illustration of my attributes in the health and social sector. With an approach that reflects my conceptions of a specific work protocol, I answered to the inquiries. An optimal recognition of the working protocols can demonstrate the influential hostility of the procedure concerned (Greig and Darbyshire, 2019). It depicted me both as an activistand perhaps a reflector by a sizable margin. As an individual, the positively and negatively declarations suggested throughout the response scripts represent my interceptions. A chronic justification of working mindsets may represent the appointment of the diverse credentials of an active learning. The questionnaire collection represents judgments that can be made concerning a scenario or circumstance predicted. Being an activist it was proposed that I choose an empirical approach to the issue of decision-making instead of a judgment based on common sense (Zon, Pavlova and Groot, 2019). The analysis of thissituation was motivated by the past experience gained during the study. A proactive strategy and an evaluation of a particular work process are required to support defining the questionnaire.

  •  SWOT Analysis



I can go through the instructions that have been provided me in the work station.

At the time of working in the workplace I had a chance to create a significant relation to the patients as well as the other employees of the workplace.

I have the proper plans which are very essential for being clam in all situations and help to provide effective services (Jensen, 2019).

I can make over the challenges that are faced in the workplaces and I have the ability to fulfill the requirements of it.

I'm particularly attracted to the people who come to health and social care centers because of my emotional mind.

I am not familiar with the new health and social services laws at work.



Strong communication capabilities help to understand various facets more effectively.

Stay ready to embrace the modifications on the job and learn something new.

I am challenged by regular changes in policy and regulationsbecause any failure can impact my entire career.

The job analysis can be affected by traditions and diverse cultures.

2.2 producing different holistic development plans for the short, medium and, long term goals

For the existence of every person, planning is the most important factor. A person should come up with a plan that includes short-term expectations, mid-term goals,and long-term targets. It is therefore important that the person acts onto the plan and attempts to accomplish all the objectives in the predetermined timesince these are to make his life easier and help to achieve success in life (Gomes and Ramos, 2019). My strategic development plan contains SMARTframeworks that ensure the success in an individual's life.


Basis of the Success

Obligatory actions

Strategies that must be implemented to accomplish goals.

Resources, that are obligatory to conquer goals

Scale of time

Skills required for entrepreneur

(Long term goal)

When I can understand how different people and work are managed. Where I can gain experience in logical thinking and introduce creative ideas.

Take part in creative ways and create new stuff.

working overtime and engage in all schemes of growth

Professors, trainers, coworkers, specialists, consultants.


Skills required for leadership

(Mid-term goal)

effectively manage people and influence them with the information I share with them

giving significant speaking, learning something new or other

I can interact the new peoples through different seminars and conferences

Tutors, guiders,

Different motivators,

1 yr.

Skills needed for the proper management of time and communication

(short-term goal)

Learn the proper way of multitasking and management of different things in an effective way

Learning the methods of doing different tasks in a single time.

Working in regards to the priority sets.

Teachers, guidance, experts and friends

5 months

2.3 Monitoring the plans to determine the requirements of the social and health care services

One of the most important aspects of an individual is to monitor the progress of their work. This kind of practice can helps the individuals to remove different loops and numerous breaches that may be occurred at the time of formulating the plan of the real life (Hood, Nilsson and Habibi, 2019). The surveillance of the scheme entails various aspectsso that an individual can learn about the chords and move on along the journey to fulfilling the plan's requirements in real life. The aspects are:

  • Conduct an assessment of skills

Competency analysis will help to gather information about the competencies that an individual has and multiple competencies that need to meet the plan requirements.

  • Revise through the plan

The plan that has been produced must be revised after the evaluation of skills is carried out. The revision of the plan will start gathering details on current requirements (Hood, Nilsson and Habibi, 2019). The information collected plan can also be used to revise and incorporate itsuccessfully.

2.4 evaluating the effectiveness of that improvement plans for the individual development of the social and health care practitioners

I analyzed that the feasibility study I developed,is beneficial and will assist me to acquire as a medical and social care practitioner in thecoming years by providing a better understanding of several facets observed on the economy and the necessity of health and social care. It is essential for a healthcare practitioner to have appropriate understandingin information sharing of the job he is doing, to be able to manipulate folks to take care of their health (Al-Azzam and Alazzam, 2019). A healthcare provider should be capable of making decisions critically and making appropriate decisions so that he can make adequate decisions and provide impactful workable solutions in the case of emergencies. In examining all key elements, therefore, it can be said that my strategic plan is efficient and advantageous for my future expansion, which leads me to a prosperous future, and which will help me serve people who need it more effectively.

LO3. Understanding the application of different principles of the engagement between the users and the professionals of the social and health care services

3.1. Inter relation between 'social and health care'

The sphere of social care is a huge area to talk or discuss about, it has a severe impact on the overall balance of our society. Keeping in mind the concrete structure of our society it can be said that sudden changes are not so viable in any manner. The relation between the health care professionals and the service takers is neglected on many levels. The individual efforts to build a successful relation between both the parties are very much necessary (Bryndin and Bryndina, 2017). To maximize the efficiency of the professionals some major principles should be taken. It is important to allocate the factors involved in a basic relationship between the professionals. To examine the dynamics of the relationship we must evaluate the voids between the relational structures. Health care is a very important part of our society but social care is a very important part that we often forget to address properly (Fenengaet al., 2015). The intermingling of both the aspects is largely skipped. The balance between the two parts should be maintained thoroughly to put up a greater picture of service reliability.

An association would have to maintain a good relationship with its staff while at the same time developing better employee activity. In order to strengthen the feasibility of the workforce and social connections, numerous professionals are employed in the corporation

3.2. Personage effectiveness to support and promote individual rights

In our social background the parameter of individual rights vary from one to one. In order to maintain the balance in both the sectors of 'health and social care' a staple way to promote the valuable sides of both the fields is to determine the point of well sorted public services which are provided by the authority of the state (Dear, 2015). A nation has its social care and health care management system running individually to deal with the inner contradictions. In that case the system mostly depends on the manpower of that particular system. The individual effort to boost the positive aspect of that sector leads to a larger ground to build individual rights much stronger. Every sector of public services involves different individuals with different fields of expertise which practically ensures a better understanding of the service and also increases the public acceptance of the same. Individual efforts not only build better service experience but also prompts human right as well. As these systems work, the pressure of working with and in diverse people and situation respectively is a huge task to do(Fotaki, 2015). That is why the needs and experiences differ from one person to another which actually helps to provide equal service to everybody while being aware of the individual rights of each person. These facts predominantly become important while discussing about the individual rights and how it can be improved. Especially within a dedicated work environment whether its health or social care sector it is important to balance the relations within the system. Ensuring that no discrimination happens within the work sphere is very much needed (Junglas et al., 2019). That is how not only the people get desired but also the people working to provide them a great experience also get to experience equal individual rights. Personal efficiency is obtained by a solid understanding of the obligations and responsibilities of every other executive for the moment seeming to be.

3.3 Discussing the different paths for resolving the issues acting on the professional relationships

The subject of professional relations throughout the organisation seems to be the operative phrase to reflect the culture and conduct of employees well into the working mechanism. It is evident that long-term staff members, as well as their highly qualified viability,play a significant role throughout the working system to improve the sustainable development of the company (McKenzie, 2015). There can be, in certain instances, several problems well into the workers' working relationships, includingethical problems, working differences, sense of self-importance, the rivals in the workable system, the recompense as well as economic advantages, racial separatism, different operating styles, reduced teamwork efficiency and perhaps more. Therefore the different paths for resolving the issues are given below:

  1. Developing a decent working system but also presenting a sufficient number of employees with the best possible means of problem addressing solutions.
  2. Aiding staff get rid of moral dilemmas as well as facilities, simultaneously reducing labour disputes.
  3. Implementation of various functioning channels for the resolution of complaints from stakeholders.
  4. Establishing a special whistleblowerprocess, thatwould act as the best translucent support in the working system for the employees (Wilkin, 2017).
  5. Executingrelevant discussions, including timetable throughout the process structure to better connect with staff as well as theirpotential concerns related to the workplace environment.
  6. Supplying a consistent critical path for initial draft workers so that employees are not frustrated well into the process structure with intended action.
  7. Collaborative efforts among members of the team as well as members of the group working in almost the same cycle by sharing their views, achieving their professional strategic goals can actually be helpful for professional productivity in the organisational corporate network (Wilkin, 2017).
  8. Reasonable configuration of the work structure including anoperational framework in several organisational mechanisms would create a healthy atmosphere and productive operating environment for the employees.
  9. In every organisation, consistent team compositions, as well as awareness of necessary processes followed by the interpersonal pragmatic functioning pattern,are also very critical.

The main thing to recognise seems to be that social and health care is critical for the proper and sustainableeconomic management of workers (McKenzie, 2015). I have learned throughout the report, that joint group activity and anemployee'sown commitments are the main aspectsin addressing major problem processes in the work system of a company.

LO4. Analyzing the ability of demonstrating the increment of the individual skills and understandings while working with different persons

4.1 Evaluation of the effectiveness of individual contributions to working with different persons in health and social care practice

"Health and social care” are all about the welfare of those who need it (Glasby, 2017). When working in a "health and social care” unit, performance and effort of every worker is very much important and crucial. At the place of work, the main focus of mine should be on the needs of the clients. I will be responsible of talking with the patients, observing and recording the changes in the behaviour of them and recording the data in the log book accurately so that my co workers can provide service to the patients. The family of the patients should be kept updated about the patients while maintaining the confidentiality and the norms of the office. I suggest my own perspectives about the work to the team considering the budget which can be helpful for the growth. This will be helpful to conquer the utmost effective results. The hierarchical level of the workplace is very important to follow. In my work I continue to follow and respect that level of authority. By ensuring the open lines of communication and recognizing and reporting team points of view and opinion, I maintain a good working relationship with my colleagues. I also support food shopping of patients to make sure they are independent and complying with the wishes and choices of patients (Forrester, Westlake and Glynn, 2012).

4.2 Explanation of how the limits of own work role impacts on work with others

While following the rules and regulations of the organizations, employees face some limitations which impact their work. Working in a "health and social care” unit, I sometimes face some limitations like I cannot collect direct customer information so that I can offer them the necessary services because my role in my job is not related to offering customers direct care (Furnham, 2012). Thus, the absence of direct coordination with the customers could be caused by the lack of truth and faith with others who come from different team projects. Working as social worker, I must consider the cultural and social backgrounds of the clients in order to work efficiently, but while working in a group, I may not be able to focus at each and every aspect of the clients and it may affect the results. In my workplace I keep concentrating on keeping the records and customer information secret. This is the limits of my work and this affects while working with others so that I may not fulfill the confidentiality requirement in my work (Anderson et al., 2017). If I will be into the management body, this can also be a limitation as it may bind me in decision making and controlling only.

4.3 Analyzing the individual role for decreasing the barriers of the significant team work

In the genre of "health and social care”, a constructive teamwork immediately and emphatically affects the overall work quality in general. A robust team enhances communication among workers, increases cooperation and increases the sense of responsibility in the workplace. When barriers prevent workers from partnering successfully, management needs to identify and remove problems to help the company (Rämgård, Blomqvist, Petersson, 2015). It is not possible for the management alone to overcome the barriers; every individual should have to play their role effectively.

The motivation of team members should be supported in order to achieve objectives and overcome challenges, by practicable strategies and skills. This helps build and develop an efficient team that offers outstanding care. While working in "health or social care”, the common barriers one can face are educational, psychological and organizational barriers. In order to overcome, concerted effort form the workers is highly needed. Every individual should analyze and overcome their personal barriers to give the proper care to the individuals. Besides that, training the team members together simultaneously can improve the bonding between them. The team leaders can join their hands to improve the overall harmony in between the workers. It will be fruitful for the entire sector because it will break all the barriers coming in the way. One who is working in "health and social sector” should never forget that they are working for the peoples who need immense care (Henkin et al., 2016). Thus, effective effort should be taken by individuals to decrease the barriers.

4.4 Discussing the improvement of personal contributions for the effectiveness of a team

Each participant is equally valuable to contribute to the efficiency of performance at work while planning to work with deceiving people. All members of the team individually work effectively with each other's individual performances and contributions. There are techniques through which a person can contribute to the efficiency of the squad. This included different sharing thoughts and opinions with others in the team and with colleagues. This helps to increasecreative thinking and to expand the principle and ideas that are shared by incorporating recommendations from the colleagues and thus creating an impactful idea (Zon, Pavlova and Groot, 2019).

Some other way is to help anyone else when they want it. This makes the division of jobs easier and thus reduces the workload on individuals. When it is found that almost any member's experience includes some scope for progression, in that case he or she should be asked instantaneously to improve the performance and obtain efficiency (Israel et al., 2019). The first and most critical thing is to interact efficiently throughout the team in an organized way to reliably illustrate the ambitions and shots on goal to others. Almost every participant in a team takes legal liability for his or her work to prevent inconsistency and to increase the quality of his or her work.


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