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Introduction: Lucrative Cocaine, its Comparison with Other Illicit Drugs and the Main Groups behind Cocaine Mail Form of Trafficking, Manufacturing
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This study focuses on cocaine trafficking and manufacturing by comparing it to other illicit drugs. It is reported that these days cocaine trafficking is increasing rapidly such easily traded to customers. Drug traffickers do this business as it is one of the easiest trade-based processes that is to transform funds into a commodity. This business is getting common like electronics or clothes from a legitimate enterprise in the United States. after that those products are sold on the other side of the border for pesos. This study has been analyzed some factors that important to the specific topic.
Illegal trafficking Cocaine and other illicit drugs
Cocaine refers to a highly addictive drug that operates as a stimulant of the short-lived central nervous system as well as a local anaesthetic. This drug is mainly extracted from the coca plants' leaves and is normally grunted. On the other hand, the most commonly utilized illicit drug is Marijuana in the US (Laposchan et al. 2022). The Drug cartel leaders might be illiterate in the traditional sense, however, the agents are pursuing them know well. The drug traffickers have the essential benefits over the .enforcement of law that they are not bound by particular policies, regulations, rules, constitution, or borders. Therefore, they have freedom from the social limitations that allow them to do whatever they do in their individual situations need (, 2018).
It is reported that Colombia manufactures approximately 90% of the cocaine powder arriving in the United States. On the other, most of the cocaine entering the US comes from Mexico. According to the report of the "National Drug Control Policy" of the US, the previous year Columbia delivered almost 972 tons of cocaine exported to the concerned country (, 2022). On the other hand, approximately 234,000 hectares were produced coca to make cocaine. Marijuana is another illicit drug that is used in most commonly in the US and almost 45% of adults in America are using this illegal drug in their lifetime (Boekhout van Solinge, 2022).
It is considered that the market of cocaine is highly lucrative with an estimation of $ 10.5 billion EUR in the year 2020; however, this presents the risks and problems of laundering income (Robinson, McLean, & Densley, 2019). Financial analyses into cash laundering instructed in parallel with cocaine distribution, manufacturing, and trafficking investigations deliver possibilities to effectively disrupt the networks of criminal. Therefore, continued struggles are required to implement in full the modified European regulatory framework to aim illicit financial flows. It is reported that the illicit drug has been increasing in the United States as in the year 2013, approximately 24.6 million people in America aged 12 or above this used illicit drugs that refer 9.4% population.

Reason people get attracted to illicit drugs
On the other hand, it is found that the use of cocaine has reached down in the previous few years. Most people got to know and use illicit drugs in their teenage. It is reported that approximately 2.8 million new users of illicit drugs have grown in the last few years. Burma, Thailand, Laos, and China are known as the Golden Triangle for the trafficking of drugs due to the excellent situations for optimum cultivation. Drug trafficking is highly profitable as drug dealers drive a lot of future as well as wealth in a very short period (Tyler, 2021). Crystal meth is considered it discharges more dopamine into the human brain corresponded to other illicit drugs.
Drugs including cocaine, marijuana, and others can act directly on the cellular electrophysiology of humans. People started to take drugs for different types reasons release from depression, addictions, and many others. on the other hand, people are engaged in drug trafficking pushing for different types of reasons including greed for money, unemployment, ignorance of society, poverty, lucrative, and some other reasons (Atzendorf et al. 2019). It is found that cocaine has euphoric impacts that generally depend on the speed of the drug that reaches the brain and also it depends on the process or method of taking the drug. Therefore, cocaine and other illicit drugs all have a negative impact on the body that can kill a person.
It is concluded that this study analyzed the facts that cocaine and other illicit drugs are included in the current society. Most young people are engaged in the drug trafficking business and also taking drugs in high amounts. It is discussed that approximately 45% of adults in America are using this illegal drug in their lifetime. Colombia is known as one of the highest drug manufacturing and trafficking countries. It has been determined that nearly 972 tons of cocaine were exported to the concerned country as per the research report of "National Drug Control Policy". Greed for money, unemployment, ignorance of society, poverty, and lucrative are the main reasons that people start to engage in the drug trafficking sector.
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Boekhout van Solinge, T. (2022). Global Cocaine Flows, Geographical Displacement, and Crime Convergence. In The Evolution of Illicit Flows (pp. 57-81). Springer, Cham. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: 16.12.22. (2022). EU Drug Market: Cocaine. Retrieved from:,the%20challenge%20of%20laundering%20revenue.. Retrieved on: 16.12.22.
Laposchan, S., Kranenburg, R. F., & van Asten, A. C. (2022). Impurities, adulterants and cutting agents in cocaine as potential candidates for retrospective mining of GC-MS data. Science & Justice, 62(1), 60-75. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: 16.12.22. (2018). Drugs Facts. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: 16.12.22.
Robinson, G., McLean, R., & Densley, J. (2019). Working county lines: Child criminal exploitation and illicit drug dealing in Glasgow and Merseyside. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(5), 694-711. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: 16.12.22.
Tyler, T. R. (2021). Why people obey the law. In Why People Obey the Law. Princeton university press. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: 16.12.22.