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Human Resource Case Study On Kings College Hospital
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Introduction to report
Human resource management is one of the most crucialaspects of any organization as this helps in provision of effective services to the consumers. Theconcept is all the more essential in health and social care organization as efficient managing of human resources leads to better patient handling which somewhere leads to creation of a healthy population (Mosadeghrad, 2014). The present report has thus given emphasis on managing the human resources who are a part of King's College Hospital. This is a requirement as the company is facing issues in employee turnover and lack of proper working practices Hence a new Hr. manager has been appointed for the hospital so as to assist in recruitment and selection planning, complying with legislations, employee engagement, training and development followed by monitoring there overall performance.
Task 1 – poster
Task 2Essay format
There can be a usage of Tuckman model so as to aid in group interactions within the teams formed in King's College Hospital. For example, as per a scenario there may be a need to carry out very complex open heart surgery on a patient. This type of operationdeserves team working which is as follows. Forming stage is the one where doctors, nurses, surgeons etc. gather together so as to learn about the challenges as well as opportunities that are present in front of them while operating on the patient (Ginter, Duncan and Swayne, 2018). This will involve for high dependence on chief surgeon for guidance followed by team work, sharing of information among others. Then comes the storming stage where different suggestions are given by doctors as to how the surgery is to be conducted. This stage has the maximum chance of creating a conflict hence effective management is required from chief surgeon so that all team members come on a final conclusion (Dekker, 2016).Norming stage is the one where heart surgery starts taking place and all members adjust with the differences in order to avoid conflict. Performing stage is the one where team understands the need to make the open heart surgery a successful one and hence they start working as a single unit rather than individuals.
Various approaches can be used to develop effective team working in Kings Hospital. As per the case study given it is quite clear that kings hospital lacks and effective team working which is required to be resolved by the new Hr. manager so that overall care quality can be improved within the firm. Hence the approach to develop effective team work within King's College Hospital is as follows. It should always be madecertain by the organization that core objective with respect to team work which is of quality care to patients and reducing human errors should be clear to all the employees so as to ensure towards transparency and aiding towards understanding the overall responsibility of every team member (Yuehongand,2016). This strategy is also likely to bring a reduction in long working hours due to sharing of responsibilityby everyone. Trust factor is required to be developed amongst team members whichcan be made possible if the employees share quality time with each other. This will ensure that open communication take places between doctors and health/social workers which is the most essential ingredient of effective team working (Schoorman, Mayer and Davis, 2016).This is most likely to aid in developing good working relations which is lacking in the hospital since a long time. The manager at King's College Hospital is further required to make sure that the doctors, care workers etc. are involved in decision making process so as to make them feel valued (Fallon and McConnell, 2014). This strategy is reflective of a good leadership style which is not there in the hospital as per the case study. Hence inputs should be taken from all the members while dealing with any patient so as to ensure towards quality care and boosting of team morale. The leader is further required to show appreciation toward the good team work done by the members. This can be in form of praise, reward or pat on back by chief surgeon to resident doctors or nurses (Lopes, Almeida and Almada-Lobo, 2015). This can boost up the overall motivation of employees and play a huge role in reducing the employee turnover.
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Task 3 – Report
There is a need to carry out overall performance monitoring in King's College Hospital due to several issues in form of disjointed working practices; absence of effective team working; poor working relationships as well, poor leadership style. There is further an absence of staff appraisal scheme and poor monitoring of job performances. Hence,there can be a usage of 360 degree feedback wherein concerned personsincluding the employeehimself are involved in the provision of feedback. Hence all the doctors, managers, health care associates who are working with the employee can give feedback (The Top 8 Methods for Accurately Measuring Employee Productivity, 2018). Other than this, there is further a need to carry out periodicreview of the performance given by staff members of King's College Hospital on a quarterly basis so as to assist in identifying andworking upon the areas where improvement is needed. Observation of employee working as to how they are dealing with the patients is also a best mechanism to monitor the overall performance.

There is a need to identify the training and development needs of the employees because as per the case study it is clear that several employees have left the job in King's College Hospital as they are notsatisfied with the training and development techniques used in the firm. There is further a presence of many issues in care quality followed by staff errors which makes training a mandatory one. The best technique in this regard is to monitor the overall performance of employees and finding out the weak areas in terms of quality issues that is leading to lack of proper care for the patients(Sutcliffe, Paine and Pronovost, 2017). Training need may also arise if health care professionals are required to be promoted to higher levels which can act as an identification technique. For example if a nurse is doing good work then she may be required to be promoted to the position of head nurse in physiotherapy department which will demand for training in the area of dealing with team members, communicating with doctor and other works that has been bestowed on her after the promotion. The introduction of new equipment, professional standards or legislation may further demand for training. This is likely to happen in King's College Hospital as new equipment for patients are usually introduced from time to time.The need for ensuring towards continued professional development of employees is a means by which training session can be ensured which can be done by practice workshops for health and social care workers, resident doctors to deal with tough patients and making them attend conferences to maintain the skill set as well as gain new knowledge about ongoing and future medical techniques.
Continuing development of employees in King's College Hospital is a huge necessity so as to causereduction in employee turnover which is also on account of no training and development which is required to generate competence and meet the future requirements of staff and hospital. In this regard the best way by which continua development can be promoted is through providing tem feedbacks as this helps the staff members of hospital in assessing their exact working. Weak areas can also bediscussed through the feedback which canmotivate the employee to work on its improvement. In the same way provision of regular incentive, rewards, bonuses etc motivates the employees and he or she may take steps for improving the performance and thus enter into the concept of continual de elopement. External courses can also be suggested to employees who wish to focus on continues development. These can be in form of getting higher degree in nursing or attaining a doctorate degree.
Task 4 - Report
Good leadership is a very important requirement for an effective team working within King's College Hospital. This is as the organization is facing issues with respect to lack of team working as well as improper motoring of the employees. Hence Fielders contingency leadership is the best possible approach in itsregard which states that management of King's College Hospital must not depend on a single leading style but apply different approaches as per situation. For example, autocratic leadership can be applied when the hospital has a high inflow of patients so as to manage the work load while participative style can be applied on new recruits so as to make them feel comfortable in the work culture (Ward, Marsolo and Froehle, 2014). Laisse faire leadership is best suitable on senior most members of organization like chief surgeons, head of departments among others who can work without any supervision. Seeing the present rate of turnover in the organization, the leaders must apply the concept of engagement and motivation so as to make the employees be a part of firm (Linton, 2018). This can be done by involving them in decision making, appraising the efforts and providing them with rewards, promotion among others. The Hr.manager id further required to utilize the concept of emotional intelligence so as assess the reasons behind employee turnover and workload on them. This will help the manager to deal with the employees in a better manner and any issues being faced by them can then be resolved effectively.
Various techniques can be utilized by Hr. manager to manage the poor work relations that are present amongst the employees of King's College Hospital. The best strategy in this regard is to engage in effective communication with the staff members especially the ones who are dissatisfied with the work environment. This can led to generation of constructive feedback about the hospital and steps can then be taken (Ward, Marsolo and Froehle, 2014). Team building activities must also be carried out in form of various games by the end of which the importance of team work can be explained to staff members. In case some employees are not working effectively or decreasing the morale of others then disciplinary action can be taken against them such as suspension. Grievanceprocedure of the hospital should also be made sound so that employee feels free to resolve the issues rather than discussingwith other employees and thus negatively impacting the work culture.
My own development as an Hr manager has been impacted a wide variety of management as well as leadership aporaches. First of all, by making use of perfromanceappraisal system I have been abletoassess my strengths and weakness and thus improved my working style to a great extent. I have also concentrated on continues development through the use of techniques like self-directedlearning, use of online courses on HR etc. my ability to work in team has also been improved after I attended a few tram building workshops and sessions. I also got a chance to work under poor manager that then helped me to develop the skills of effective leader. As an hr manager I also got an opportunity to act as a mentor, guide and leader for new employees and that part was played quiet effectively by me. However I consider thattask allocation and team target setting has been one of the most effective techniquesthathas been utilized by me. But I am required to work on motivating my employees so as to get things done from them during hard times. In the same way, I am further required to communicate with them so that issues faced can be resolved in minimal possible time.
Form the above report it can be concluded that creation of a proper human resource team is very essential for the hospital in order to reduce employeeturnover and thus ensuretowards long run future sustainability. This can only be made possible when proper planning is done with respect to training, development, leadership as well as monitoring the overall performance. This will not only aid in maintaining effective employee relations but assist in increasing the overall profit and sales figure firm due to increase in patient satisfaction. Assignment help provided by New Assignment Help.
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