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HR Development for High-Performance at Marriott Assignment Sample

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Developing Human Resources for High-Performance Working: An Analysis of Marriott International Assignment Sample

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Developing the individuals as well as the team members is one of the crucial roles of the managers whether those individuals are newly hired or already experienced. This is very necessary because the managers have the duty to manage as well as carry out the tasks of the organization to achieve the objectives of the organization. This report is prepared to provide a deep understanding of the skills and roles required for the HR professionals. A skill audit will also be presented in the reportgiving the overview on the skills as well as characteristics of the individual. This report will further consist of the concept of training and development as well as the concept of high-performance working. The HPW concept contributes towards the employee engagement as well as the competitive advantage. The organization taken for the analysis such concepts is “Marriott International”.

LO1 - Analyzeemployee knowledge, skills and behaviors required by HR Professionals

P1 - Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviors that are required by HR professionals

It has been analyzed that in the business world, the role of HR is a very important role and it is required for the individuals handling such position to possess such characteristics as well as the skills that are required to be an HRprofessional. The major roles of HR includefunctions such as hiring, training, recruiting, selecting as well as retaining. Following are the required behavior as well as the skills for the job role of HR professional:

  • Communication skills: It is very necessary for HRto have good communication skills as they are the very first person with whom the employees directly coordinate. The HR is responsible for the hiring as well as recruiting the employees for which there must be good communication skills present in the HR. If there is any conflict faced by the employee or any other person during the process of hiring, then HR is responsible to effectively make communication and resolving such conflict. The HR is required to have great negotiation skills with the staff as they are also responsible for fixing the salaries of employees (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2015).
  • Problem-solving behavior: It is necessary for HR to have a problem-solving behavior so that the organization and the employees can operate smoothly their functions. It is the duty of HR professional to ensure that there is no conflict between the people having different personalities or the people came from different backgrounds to work together.
  • Multi-tasking: It is required from an HRprofessional that he should be able to do multiple tasks within the organization. The HR is responsible to manage the professional issues as well as the personal issues of the employees. They are also required to continuously review the salary of the staff in the organization. Apart from this, the main work of the HR is to recruit, select as well hire people and make arrangements for their development and training.
  • Organizing: It is also one of the important skills required for an HRas he is the person who has the knowledge regarding how to manage the time as well as all the files within an organization. Organizing the whole company is the responsibility of HR.
  • Planning: The Human Resource management is responsible to make plans and strategies for the workforce requirements in the future. The HRM is responsible to pay attention towards each and every need of the employees.

P2 - Analyze a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills,and behaviors and develop a professional development plan for a given job role. (M1, D1)

  • Skills and attributes analysis required by HR professionals, based on a range of different roles within an organization :Managers within an organization are required to possess several skills. For the job role of a manager these are some skills that should be there in anHRprofessional in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization:
  • Communication skills: In any organization, an HR professional is required to deal with the people coming from the different background and from the other culture so it is required for the HR professional that he must possess great communication skills to interact with them.
  • Leadership Skills: These are also very important skills as the professionals are required to direct, manage, operate as well as review all the tasks within an organization done by the employees. There should be the abilityin HR to lead the group of the employees (Martin and Manley, 2018).
  • Management skills: These skills are required to manage the tasks within an organization and to provide the orders as well as directions to the employees working as their subordinates.
  • Technical skills: These skills are related to the awareness and knowledge regarding the software as well as Microsoft Office to work properly.
  • Problem-solving skills: These skills are used to cope- up with the situations of the conflicts within the organization. There are several employees in an organization so it’s necessary that there should be any person to resolve the conflicts among them if arise (Falola, et. al., 2014).

Personal SWOT Analysis

Following is the SWOT analysis made on the personal skills:


Great communication skills

Very Patient

Great leadership skills


Week IT skills

No time management

Not able to meet deadlines in pressure

Lack of confidence

Lack of analytical thinking


The abilityto deal and coping up with bad situations

There will be a greatproblem-solving technique to resolve disputes.


The changing technical environment can cause a problem.

Weaknesses : I have analyzed that I have week IT skills as I am not so good in information & communication technologies. I have analyzed that there is lack of time management skills in me as at the time of workload I feel pressurize and sometimes miss the deadlines.Sometimes I feel that I have lack of confidence as at the time of handling new tasks I feel quite nervous. My analytical thinking is not so good and I need to improve them.

SMART objectives

  • Setting a meeting with mentor to develop the IT skills.
  • Dividing the certaintasks as per their time schedule.
  • Analyzing the data as well as the reports related to work frequently o improve analytical skills.
  • Developing the confidence by watching motivational videos.
  1. The professionaldevelopment plan for HR manager role:


Type of training required

Requirement of Training

Time to start

Required time


Completion date




Use of Database


Thereis a requirement of ongoing services for use of knowledge.








Providing training


The training manager support is required (Van De Voorde and Beijer, 2015).





Training and development


Manager approval

Employment contract formulation


Appropriate procedure and guideline required.







Letter of approval

HR special Software


A person specialized





IT department


Manager approval



efficient leaders





Training and development department


Letter of approval

LO2 - Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance

P3 Analyze the differences between organizational and individual learning; training and development

Training : It is the process of developing, teaching in oneself or others. It can be asserted that training has specific objectives and goals to improve the capacity and capability and performance. If training is provided to employees, then there will be an increase in the productivity of employees. It can be termed as the learning experience that seeks a change in individuals that helps to improve the capability to perform the job. The training is a short term process which usually ends after 6 months or one year and it is for some specific purpose.

Development : It can be termed as the improvement in managing the area and resources for Marriott International. It is the method of helping organizations that can be improved through the change in power, policies, control. The main objective is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency within the organizations (Sommer, et. al., 2016).

Training is recognized as the method through which the knowledge and skills of an employee can be boosted ion organizations. On the other side, development can be recognized as the knowledge that leads to an increase in the workforce. Apart from this, the training can be applied at the operational level. At the managerial level, the function of development can be applied. It can be asserted that Marriott international requires both training and development to increase their shares and attain the goals. It is the responsibility of Marriott international to use the effective use of resources and accomplish the activities according to that manner (Pollock, et. al., 2015). Development is a long term process and it continues for the future development and development to ensure more career opportunities.

Individual learning and organizational learning

Individual learning

Organizational learning

· This type of learning relates to the skills of individuals and leads to improvements in performance.

· It applies to the individuals in a particular manner.

· It improves the performance of individuals.

· Role of an employee in the processes of Marriott International is a key source for learning.

· It helps to develop the individuals and contributed towards the success.

· It is the method of retaining, creating and transferring the skills and knowledge within the Marriott International.

· It relates to the staff members in the Marriott International.

· It fulfills the needs and interests of the organization.

· In this role of employee results in healthy outcome to the problem of business.

· It provides the opportunities not for groups but to employees also.

M2 Apply learning cycle theories to analyze the importance of implementing continuous professional development

Continuous learning expands the capability to learn in regular periods and that helps to upgradethe knowledge and skills. It can be performed to adapt the changes in the Marriott International. The theory of learning cycle can be explained through the model of Kolb that can be determined to analyze the significance of continuous professional development. It can be asserted that there are four modes that help in the learning cycle.These are reflective observation, concrete experience, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This theory is concerned with the process of learner internal cognitive. During these stages, the concept of learning can be initiated to develop the experience and development according to the past experience. According to the Kolb,the impetus for the development of new theories and concepts are developed reflecting on experiences (Andersen, 2018).

P4 Analyse the need for continuouslearning and professionaldevelopment to drive sustainablebusiness performance

The continuous professional and learning development help in progressing the career of the employees and competitiveness in the industry. The Marriott international has formed many learning and development programs to improve the productivity of the resources of the organization. The professional development can help the employee and organization to achieve the goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. The need for learning and professional development is:

  • To increase the employee’s loyalty: the employees will develop loyalty when the employer cares about the career and success of them and creates a certain program to improve the skills and knowledge of the employees. The Marriott international have regular programs which have increased the loyalty of their employees towards the organization. The new employees can be a great resource for the organization with proper development and training programs.
  • Reducing employee turnover: the employees in professional development programs tend to perform better and increase the understanding of the goals and functioning of the organization, which reduces the turnover of the employees. The Marriott international have low employee turnover which has increased their workforce’s commitments. The reducing turnover of employees improves the image and value of the company.
  • To improve the organization productivity: the learning and development programs help in increasing the productivity of the employees and the organization. The productivity of the organization is improved by reducing the cost of the organization. The productivity of the Marriott international can be seen as it is the most successful hotelier in the market.
  • To retain talent for the long-term: the training and learning development programs help in identifying the best talent of the workforce which is to be retained by the organization. The great talent in the form of employees works for the long-term profits to provide success to the organization. The Marriott international try to retain the best pool of talent of employees in the organisation through the development programs.
  • To improve the employees: the development of the existing employees is better than hiring new employees for the organization. The recruitment and selection process will increase the cost of the organization which is not favorable by the company. The development of the existing employees helps in the growth of their company as well as their career.
  • Better coordination: the employees of the organization develop better coordination among the co-employees. They develop better communication and responsibility handling among the workforce of the organization. They increase the skill of teamwork and cooperation.
  • To increase innovation: the employees help in taking better steps in improving the existing products and services of the company. The employees increase the skills and knowledge to provide better innovation in the functioning of the organization. The training programs encourage the creativity in the employees. New ideas are formed through training and development.For example: Extrinsic rewards: money and Intrinsic rewards: job satisfaction.
  • To enhance the company goodwill: the training and development programs helps in retaining the employees in the organization which enhances the goodwill and reputation of the company in the market. The organization image is also improved through the feedbacks of the employees and the workforce (Sikora, et. al., 2015).

LO3 - Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

P5 - Demonstrate understanding ofhow HPW contributes to employeeengagement and competitiveadvantage within a specificorganisational situation.

Marriott international company has rapidly changing environment which requires the work-forces to develop and innovate according to the requirements. High-performance working helps in increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the employees and the management. The programs and techniques used to improve the performance of the employees are called high-performance work practices. These systems help in decreasing the cost of the organization and increasing the value of the employees. High-performance work systems are required to eliminate unresponsiveness of employees to change, remove barriers coming in the creativity and improvement, employee behavior and participation.

The Marriott experiences a different situation in the internal and external business environment. The Marriott International has experienced high competition in the market as there are numerous other companies establishing in the same market which is increasing the competition. This type of situation has an effect on the employee working and the market. The increasing competition affects the profits and revenue of the company. The new company can offer better products and services to the customers affecting the customers of the Marriott. The high-performance work can help in coping with this situation (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017).

The high-performance working contributes to the employee engagement and competitive advantage in the following way:

  • Positive employee attitude: The high-performance work practices and the system can help the employees to develop a better attitude towards experiencing the new competition in the market. The employees take more responsibility to improve the existing organization’s products and services. The employees will communicate better to increase their performance and working (Otte, et. al.,2017).
  • Effective coordination: the employees will have better coordination and cooperation in the external and internal environment of the business. The employees will have better communication with co-workers inside the organization and with the customers.Betterperformance of the organization: the high performance working can improve the strategy and plan of the Marriott International. The organizationtried to raise the attractiveness of the products and services to new and existing customers. This will also increase the reputation of the organization in the business community and market. The better-skilled employees are assets for the company.
  • Improved financial benefits: the high-performance working will also have financial benefits to the Marriott International. The productivity of the work force and the organization will increase. It will also help in increasing productivity by lowering the cost and increasing the profits. The projects cost and budget will be applied efficiently and effectively.
  • Competitive advantage: the high-performance working will help in taking better actions for the threats and opportunities in the market. The decision making is decentralized and focused on better performance and participation. The organization will improve the existing objectives and goals of the organization in the market.
  • Good decision making: the high-performance working helps in taking better decisions of the management to improve productivity and costmanagement. The employees are more developed to take the steps that will benefit the organization.
  • Customer satisfaction: the high-performance working enables the employees to work for the satisfaction of the customers. The quality control and management of the products and services are focused by the employees in the competitive market.
  • Effective problem-solving: Fixing a faulty machine without waiting time or money.

LO4 - Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working,and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment

P6 - Evaluate different approaches to performance management (e.g.collaborative working) and demonstrate with specific examples of how they can support high-performance culture and commitment.

The approaches that can be used for the performance management of the workforce are:

  • Comparative approach: It involves ranking the employees in the organization according to their performance from the lowest to the highest. The comparative approach has different techniques which can be used in the organisation like paired comparison or forced distribution technique. These systems will benefit the high performers with better pay and benefits. This type of approach is taken when the number of employees is low with same job profiles.
  • Result approach: the concept of this approach is straight and simple, where the employees are rated on the basis of results obtained from the employee performance. The example of the resulting approach is the balanced scorecard technique. This type of technique focuses on four perspectives i.e., customer, financial, learning & growth and internal & operations. The main advantage of the resulting approach is that it converts the strategies into operations. It also takes the external environment of the organization like the growth & learning and customers into consideration during the evaluation. Another type of result approach is productivity measurement and evaluation system effective in motivating employees to improve productivity.
  • Quality approach: in this approach, system factors and personal factors are taken into consideration. It focuses on reducing errors and service improvisation to increase customer The employee’s professional andpersonal traits are evaluated on the basis of the feedback taken from the peers, clients,and managers. These feedbacks are used to resolve the issues and drawbacks of the employee performance. The approach focuses on the assessment of the system as well as the employees. The problems are solved through teamwork. The performance is evaluated with the use of multiple sources and internal & external factors.
  • Attribute approach: in this approach, the employees are rated on the parameters like teamwork, judgment, innovation, problem-solving skill, creativity etc. There is two type of rating scale: Graphics and Mixed rating scale. This type of approach is simple but not subjective rather it can be based on the nature of the evaluator. It only identifies the best and worst performer in the organization.

They can support high-performance culture and commitment:

  • Performance management helps in motivating and encouraging the employees to perform better and increase productivity.
  • The strengths and weakness of the employees to improve the skills and performance.
  • The employees are motivated to increase their performance towards achieving the organizational
  • The communication is also improved in the structure of the organization. The better flow of information and task emphasizes on the better accomplishment of targets.
  • The superior finds it easy to assign the duties and responsibilities.
  • The organizational and employee performance is improved overall.
  • All the employees develop healthy work environment.

M3 Analyse the benefits of applying HPW with justifications to a specific organizational situation

The benefits of the high-performance working are:

  1. The high-performance working allows the employee to develop the feeling of loyalty in the organization. The employees have a better connection with the organization.
  2. The employees are found to be more dedicated and developed. The new employees which have high-performance systems should not require training programs.
  3. The organizationgets fresh and innovative ideas to increase productivity. The employees show their interest in the projects and give their suggestions for improvement.
  4. It also helps in empowering the employee's goals and objectives. The high-performance working helps in combining the employee and organization goals collectively.
  5. The organization also have better decision making through decentralized decision making. All the employees play their role and support the decisions of the superiors
  6. The organization have better competitive skills an The employee’s performance is improved and workforce has overall development.
  7. Working as an effective team that must meet a tight deadline.

M4 Critically evaluate the different approaches and make judgments on how effective they can be to support high-performance culture and commitment

Quality approach

Comparative approach

l This approach focuses on customer satisfaction through error reduction and service improvement.

l This focuses on the top performers and worst performers.But it ignores the rest who are in the middle and doesn’t motivate them.

l The system and person factors are considered.

l The person factors are analyzed to provide the training and guidance programs.

l The problems are solved through teamwork (Miner, 2015).

l The employees are rewarded in terms of better pay and benefits.

l There are multiple sources to evaluate the employee's performance.

l The employees are evaluated only on the performance basis.

l The internal and external factors of the business environment are involved.

l The performance of the employees is rated within a group.

D2 Provide valid synthesis of knowledge and information resulting in appropriate judgments on how HPW and mechanisms used to support HPW lead to improved employee engagement, commitment,and competitive advantage

Thehigh-performance working helps in the following:

  • Employee engagement: the high-performance working helps in the employee engagement in the decisions and process of the organization. The employees increase the productivity and profitability of the organization. The HPW helps in decreasing the cost for the organization and achieving the organizational objectives and goals.
  • Employee commitment: the employees are more dedicated and motivated towards the objectives of the organization. They perform in the decision making of the organization management functions and operations. The employee develops a connection towards the organization and build strong relationship and loyalty towards the organization.
  • Competitive advantage: the high-performance working helps in increasing the value of the company as well as the employees of the organization. It also helps in better productivity of the organization. The companies in the market develop better products and services to attract new customers and existing.


It has been concluded from the above presented report that individuals are the most important human resources within an organization and for their recruitment, there is a requirement of an HRprofessional. HR professionals possess several skills to be anHRmanager and make recruitment within the organization. The concepts of HPW have been explained in this report along with its importance. This report has also provided acomparison between the individual learning as well as organizational learning.


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  • Sikora, D.M., Ferris, G.R. and Van Iddekinge, C.H., 2015. Line manager implementation perceptions as a mediator of relations between high-performance work practices and employee outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(6), p.1908.
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  • Van De Voorde, K. and Beijer, S., 2015. The role of employee HR attributions in the relationship between high‐performance work systems and employee outcomes. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(1), pp.62-78.
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