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Examine the efficiency of AAT Assignment Sample

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Examine the efficiency of AAT

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Evidence Summary

The summary related to the impact of assistance activities of animals to improve the quality of life of patients with dementia by intervening in “animal assistance activities”. The influence or impact of working with patients with dementia to improve the quality of life by using effective therapy has been chosen scenario. Dementia has caused confusion, memory loss and poor judgments of the patient. “Animal assistance activities” this theory has been used to enhance or improve the quality of life or motivate a patient with disturbed mental ability. This activity has created recreation and generated creativity among individuals. This therapy has been used to provide effective direction and create collaboration among patients during a treatment session.

It has been identified that “Animal-assisted interventions (AAIs)” have created a positive impact on the mental health of the people or patients affected by dementia patient. AAI has played an effective role in the reduction or decrease in the level of depression in the mind of a dementia patient after a particular meta-analysis. Collaboration among healthcare workers has been created after the implication of AAI therapy. As per the reference of Yakimicki et al. (2019), there has been a direct relationship between animal assistance and the mental fitness of patients affected by dementia. The analysis has conducted by collecting data available on the CINAHL websites of every country. The implication of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and activities are used differently in the variable healthcare arena. AAT has created informal recreation of the mental strength of patients affected by dementia. Dementia has normally caused mental disability among people over 65 years. it has been analysed that 90% of dementia patient has been affected by “psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)”.

It has been identified that dementia has been cured by using “animal assistance therapy”, reminiscence therapy and exercise therapy. As these therapy has decreased the negative impact of “psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)” (Chen et al. 2022). The implication of “animal assistance therapy” has created social behaviour and reduced depressive symptoms among dementia patients. The implementation of animal assistance has reduced the impairment activities in the daily life of the patient. The mental stress of dementia patients has reduced after collaboration and interaction with the animals on daily basis. The mental quality of dementia patients has improved after the adoption of “animal assistance therapy”. Agitation among the dementia patient has increased and emotional distress has reduced after interrogating the animals for more than 10 minutes regularly. The “behavioural symptoms” like aggression and agitation among dementia patients have been investigated at the early stages of “animal assistance therapy”.

It has been identified that aggression and agitation among the patient has decreased with the inclusion and adoption of animal assistance therapy on regular basis. The engagement and social behaviour among patients with dementia have been created after the effective implementation of AAT for more than 10 weeks. As per the adoption of anecdotal observations, it has been identified that dog has a major influence on creating or generating social interaction among patients with dementia.

It has been concluded that there has been a positive impact of animal-assisted therapy and activities on the mental health of patients with dementia. Most probably Domestic animals are used to implement animal assistance activities. It has been concluded that dogs have a major impact on developing social behaviour among patients with dementia. The level of aggression and agitation has reduced among patients with dementia after the implication of AAT in treatment. The depression level of the patient has reduced and social behaviour has increased after the inclusion of AAT treatment for dementia patients. The recovery rate of the dementia patient has reduced after an interrogation with social animals.


I have identified aggression and agitation have influenced the decision-making and thinking ability of a patient after the AAT treatment. I have noted that patient affected with dementia has lost their memorising power and lost their mental strength. The social behaviour among dementia patients has been created after the implementation of animal activity therapy for their treatment.

I have identified that biased behaviour in the selection and implication of “animal-assisted therapy” has reduced the learning and experimental skills of doctors. It has identified that this therapy required more than 10 weeks reducing the depression level of the patient. The presence of bias has restricted learning ability due to the partial behaviour of the doctors. The interaction and understanding of the feelings of animals have been generated the dementia patient after the adoption of “animal assistance activities”. People over 65 years have major probability to suffer from memory loss and anxiety.


  • Chen, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, N., Li, Y., & Liu, Y. (2022). Effects of animal-assisted therapy on patients with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Psychiatry Research, 114619. Retrieved on 11th October 2022, from:
  • Yakimicki, M. L., Edwards, N. E., Richards, E., & Beck, A. M. (2019). Animal-assisted intervention and dementia: A systematic review.Clinical nursing research,28(1), 9-29. Retrieved on 11th October 2022, from:
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