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Introduction - BUS500 Communication for Professionals
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Reflective learning journal is very important and significant because it helps reflect the learning areas along with some strong and weak areas. Reflective writing helps in identifying the weak areas which can be strengthened with effective strategies and actions. It also helps in discovering concepts for helping in the development of understanding processes. Throughout the entire model I have also identified some weak and strong areas that I can focus on.
Main body
Learning areas
Throughout the module, I have gathered knowledge in various parts. I have gathered knowledge that mission, strategies, beliefs as well as values that underpin a company's personnel are referred to as corporate culture (Sihombing, Nasirwan, & Situmeang, 2020). Because they have measures in place that encourage performance of employees, productivity, as well as commitment, corporations with an organisational culture are far more successful and those without one. Every employee needs to be encouraged to accomplish their best possible job when the organizational experience is positive.
Emotional intelligence
I have gathered knowledge about emotional intelligence and its importance for organisational culture (Knights & Thanem, 2017). Emotional intelligence helps and their leaders and managers understand the emotions and feelings of the employees which can help in building a good communication system within the workplace. It helps the managers identify the situation and which can help them implement necessary actions to overcome the situation (Serrat, 2017).
I understood that with the help of emotional intelligence I can maintain flexibility in the communication system which will benefit me to create progress and bring some necessary changes (Knights & Thanem, 2017). Emotional intelligence is very crucial because it builds a positive relationship within the workplace which can stimulate growth and success of the company. It is very crucial for developing a communication system (Serrat, 2017). With the help of this emotional intelligence and capability the managers can also develop some policies and schemes which can also shape organisational politics. Thus, it can help me in building a good career in future.
I have learned about testing emotional intelligence by using four areas including recognition, utilisation, understanding and management. In the first area of recognition I can recognise the motions of other fellow employees and workers of the team. In the next stage I can use my emotions and feelings to help others and solve various problems by generating various feelings (Serrat, 2017). In the next stage I can understand feelings and emotions of others and how these emotions are variable to different circumstances. Management stage helps me in managing the strategies to manage feelings and emotions of me as well as others. Using emotional intelligence I can thereby create a good communication system and the employees can share their behaviours and opinions regarding the nation.
Emotional labour is another area on which I have gathered acquired knowledge. Emotional labour is refers to the aspect through which the employees can manage their emotions and feelings to help the company make profitability (Knights & Thanem, 2017). Emotional labour can be seen through different lenses including occupational requirements which is a sociological lens, emotional displays or organisational behaviour lens, and intrapsychic process or psychology lens. An organisation can start emotional labour in the human resource management. Emotional labour can be employed within the organisation in different operations including job analysis recruitment selection training and performance management talent management and monitoring (Knights & Thanem, 2017). I have understood that human resource managers can use emotional labour to implement well-being, job satisfaction, and job attitudes of the employees.
Shadow organization and functional stupidity
I have also gather knowledge about the shadow side which is a toxic portion of any company which is unacknowledged and unspoken. The shadow side is basically behind the scene that the employees try to stop presenting to others (Ilham, 2018). Many organisations do not focus on the shadow side of the enterprise. The shadow side can impact the profitability of the organisation organisational politics communication system. As they are hidden, unstructured, and maybe even unspoken, they fall outside of standard management strategies. They are economically powerful: they potentially create value, but they kind of always incur explicitly or implicitly expenditures which were not accounted for in conventional financial systems.
The shadow side produces distinctions in organisational functions as well as hierarchical levels. Community, as well as ethnicity is just a few illustrations of internal boundaries which use their own set of norms as well as power dynamics. The poisonous element of a corporation is the unacknowledged, behind-the-scenes crap, and unspoken that prevents things from being done. The shadow side of a corporation can be quite subtle, and maybe some people would love enough for us to be unaware of it.
Organizational culture
The blame culture within the organisation can be harmful for organisational growth and development because it hinders the interest and enthusiasm among employees to do something new (Sihombing, Nasirwan, & Situmeang, 2020). Blame culture can also impact productivity of the employees. Workplace blame culture also impacts the decision making process.
In the workforce, effective communication will help reduce difficulties and improve growth. The effective communication at workplace may significantly boost performance and efficiency to build a successful business. Employees will be even more enthusiastic in cooperating as well as choosing the appropriate answer simultaneously when they discuss with one another appreciate the opinions of others (Latif et al., 2018). Administrators may understand better their personnel' abilities and talents by establishing effective communication, and then giving specific instructions to the personnel who are most suited for this purpose, boosting the relevance and usefulness of each operation.
I have learned that the purpose of culture establishment and maintenance here is to connect the inspiring vision, goals, and objective together again and explain them correctly to all personnel. When extensively established throughout firm, corporate culture may help pave the way for guiding employee behaviour to one another (Sihombing, Nasirwan, & Situmeang, 2020). Simultaneously, it really can encourage more friendly conduct toward customers as well as suppliers, producing in a positive climate that people will choose to return to. Most corporations do have some lovely basic values, as well as senior management individuals' attitudes are regularly at odds with the institution's image (Sihombing, Nasirwan, & Situmeang, 2020).

I have developed understanding about the importance of communication for maintaining a good organisational culture. Communication systems are very crucial for building a healthy organisational culture (Latif et al., 2018). When the employees communicate with one another effectively, it helps them create a healthy environment within the workplace. There are two sides which include soft skills and hard skills which are important for organisational growth and development for every employee and manager.
Emotional intelligence and communication skills are the major skills which are required for the managers and leaders. And the hard skills including technical knowledge at the major areas on which I have gathered understanding and knowledge throughout this module (Knights & Thanem, 2017). Due to lack of the soft skills and hard skills the organisational behaviour can be hampered leading towards a decreased organisational culture (Meng & Berger, 2019). Sometimes employees can also understand the attitudes and behaviours of the leaders with a positive impact. Good behaviour for the managers can positively impact the behaviour of the employees in which they can behave effectively smartly and positively within the workforce.
Managerial communication
With this module I can link the management theories for organisational culture and growth. Different management theories that I have learnt throughout this module include scientific management theory, administrative management theory, bureaucratic organisation, human relations model, trait leadership, and the management by objectives. Different management theories can help me in shaping the organisation and making effective decisions (Pidgeon, 2017). These theories are also crucial for shaping the organisational environment and understanding the importance of developing innovative ideas which can bring success and growth for the company.
Scientific management
Scientific management is dependent on motion, basic efficiency and time. Working hours, functions, processes cost and quality are used in scientific management. Scientific management is the separation of planning from its execution (Tikhomirov, 2017). Understood that efficiency, motion and time are crucial for management operations. The managers need to make effective decisions based on the needs and requirements of the employees. With this I can manage effectively employees towards a better position and success.
Administrative management
With the help of the theory of administrative management I have understood that unity is very important for management. Unity of command helps the employees get instructions and guidelines from the managers about any organisational task (Li, 2021). Managers maintain discipline within the organisation by setting some rules and regulations that the organisation members must obey and respect. Administrative management also implies authority in which the managers provide orders to the employees to get the organisational tasks accomplished effectively (Li, 2021). It also comprises the power of labour division in which the employees are provided the necessary training and skill development courses for helping them specialise in a particular field. Unity of direction refers to the functions of the managers to direct the organisational members towards objectives and goals of the company.
Administrative managers also try to link the interests of the individuals towards a common goal of the organisation (Li, 2021). Administrative management department provides fair payment to the employees for good work. With this theory I can link them that equity and fairness are important to be maintained within the workplace to improve the employee’s satisfaction. I also need to maintain some rules and regulations within the workplace.
Human relations model
The human relations model has provided me an opportunity to learn about employee welfare and employee management, and employee relations. I have learnt that human relations are very crucial for organisational culture (Sihombing, Nasirwan, & Situmeang, 2020). The employees are required to be paid rewards for their achievements and best efforts which can help them increase their productivity.
Trait leadership
The trait leadership theory has made me learn different traits and knowledge that a leader needs to possess for operating in a business organisation. As a leader I need to possess the desire to meet the entire team. Trait leadership possess honesty and integrity and also make the team members maintain integrity and honesty within the workplace which can help in generating a good organisational culture (Golden III, & Shriner, 2019). Self-confidence is also important because it helps me make decisions and take risks. I also must gather knowledge about the job which I am operating. Intelligence and desire to drive the force and also important being a leader do create a good ambiance within the workplace.
Management by objectives
Management by objectives are another theory at developing the performance of any company by clearing the goals and objectives set by the management. The theory has helped me develop the need of goal setting self-protection and self-evaluation through which I can lead the organisation towards a right direction.
I have also identified the areas which I need to make some changes for strengthening those ideas. From the past experiences I have identified that I need to improve my management and leadership skills further for bringing efficiency and effectiveness in management and leadership. I need to build some knowledge on developing organisational culture with the help of maintaining behaviour and attitude of other employees (Lubis & Hanum, 2020). For bringing some necessary changes within the organisation I need to possess some skills related to adaptability. Technical skills are important to bring some changes in the organisational operations. By improving knowledge in technical operations, I can bring some changes in certain activities.
I have also gathered knowledge about the importance of creativity. Workers are motivated to collaborate when they have been given the ability to do things. Collaboration is emphasized during the creative process (Ilham, 2018). Businesses should promote workers to seek additional information, experience, and working methods by motivating them to explore new ideas, comprehension, and new ways of doing things. Although many innovative ideas originate with a single individual, they are shaped by teamwork towards becoming highly formed.
The major strengths which I have identified about this reflective writing include communication skills, emotional intelligence, team work skills, creative skills and problem solving skills.
I have identified that I have good communication skills through which I can communicate with anyone freely. My communication skills also help me interact with others and which is very significant for working in a team (Kerrin, Mamabolo, & Kele, 2017). Another strong point is my ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others. It has helped me boost my capability to support others by understanding their emotions.
With the ability to think critically I can solve difficult problems and overcome any difficult situation. Problem solving skills have helped me in developing my opportunities to overcome any difficulties (Kerrin, Mamabolo, & Kele, 2017) It will also provide me with advantages in my future career development areas.
Creative skills are also important for any business organisations because it helps in developing competitive advantage, employability and productivity. With the creative skills I can develop innovative ideas which will generate new dimensions of opportunities for me in my future career (Perry & Karpova, 2017).
As I have good communication skills, I can work effectively with other people. The ability to work in a team has helped me in guiding and assisting other team members towards the right direction and also completing the team task with efficiency.
Management skills are another significant area which I have developed throughout this learning module. Managerial skills include the ability to manage the people team members in the right direction. I can manage the team members with the help of scientific management. I have also strengthened my knowledge about the importance of processing functioning, managing the working hours, quality and cost of the employees (Ahmad, 2021). I understood that organisational culture has to be maintained which is another significant area of management skill. Being a manager I need to develop a healthy work atmosphere within the organisation to build a good communication system and a good organisational culture can be flourished within it.
Leadership skills
I was to develop leadership skills which is a strong point. I can lead the team members in the right direction by providing the necessary guidelines and support whenever they require. With this I can understand the feelings and emotions of other team members and employees and by identifying their needs and requirements I can assist them in need (Pidgeon, 2017).
I have also identified some weak areas which they need to strengthen for my future career. These weaknesses include technical competence, and time management skills.
I have a very limited knowledge in technical devices and the technical systems which can hinder my growth and development in this aura of technological advancements. This digital World, technology plays a very crucial role (Kerrin, Mamabolo, & Kele, 2017). Lack of knowledge in technology operations can bring many challenges and problems for me to accomplish different activities like project management, digital transformation and other activities which require technological support. I need to develop my technical competence.
For different activities I face various troubles and problems in managing time effectively. I also face troubles in accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time. Due to lack of knowledge in time management I may face trouble in delivering projects within the deadline. Therefore, I need to develop my time management skills so that I can complete the necessary tasks within the stipulated time (Kerrin, Mamabolo, & Kele, 2017).
I prefer to develop my time management skills and technology and skills for advancing my future growth and development. Also prefer to develop my leadership skills and managerial skills which will also provide me opportunities to flourish my future career. These are the preferences that I want to focus on (Kerrin, Mamabolo, & Kele, 2017).
Therefore, it can be stated that the reflective writing has a huge benefit to reveal the most required areas to be improved. The writing will be used for personal and professional development. It will be a great path for the development of my personality and career.
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Golden III, J. H., & Shriner, M. (2019). Examining relationships between transformational leadership and employee creative performance: The moderator effects of organizational culture. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(3), 363-376.
Ilham, R. (2018). The impact of organizational culture and leadership style on job satisfaction and employee performance. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 6(1), 50-53.
Kerrin, M., Mamabolo, M. A., & Kele, T. (2017). Entrepreneurship management skills requirements in an emerging economy: A South African outlook. The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 9(1), 1-10.
Knights, D., & Thanem, T. (2017). Embodying emotional labour (pp. 31-43). Routledge.
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Meng, J., & Berger, B. K. (2019). The impact of organizational culture and leadership performance on PR professionals’ job satisfaction: Testing the joint mediating effects of engagement and trust. Public Relations Review, 45(1), 64-75.
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Pidgeon, K. (2017). The keys for success: Leadership core competencies. Journal of Trauma Nursing| JTN, 24(6), 338-341.
Serrat, O. (2017). Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 329-339). Springer, Singapore.
Sihombing, T. P., Nasirwan, N., & Situmeang, C. (2020). The Effect of Accounting Information and Organizational Culture on Decision Making. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 522-530.
Tikhomirov, A. A. (2017). Mythology remains: one more tale behind The Principles of Scientific Management. Management & Organizational History, 12(1), 30-46.