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BM522 Project Management Assignment Sample

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Introduction : Project Management Plan for Hospital Construction in Wigmore, UK Assignment Sample

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Proper project management is very important for teh success and improvement of the project. This particular project is based on a constriction of a hospital in the region of Wigmore, UK. The principal aim of this project is to evaluate the project plan properly and application of the proper methodology for the success of the project.

Task 1

The principal objective of this project is to create a proper plan for the hospital building constriction in the region of Wigmore near Luton Airport in London. Apart from that, the implementation of a proper methodology for the progress of the project is very essential (Flyvbjerg, 2021). The scope of this project is very high as all project activities are well organized as well as a pepper project plan is also created including a network diagram, critical path analysis along with a proper timetable. The creation of the project plan is based on the Agile methodology so it is very helpful in the improvement of the project quality and leads to project success (Ika et al. 2020). The “work breakdown structure” of this project is very organised so there is a great chance for the success of the project.

Agile methodology is the most appropriate methodology for this project as the project activities can be changed midway through the project and the collaboration of the project is constructed by the top-level managers. This methodology will be the best option for this project as this methodology guides to finish of the project within a short time period by evaluating the best quality of the product. This methodology allows flexibility of the project activities as guides to reduce the risk factors within the projects (Tereso et al. 2019). Apart from that, this methodology guides to improve the project visibility as well as transparency.

Task 2

Network diagram

The network diagram clearly displays that the project work is well organised and therefore has a great chance to gain success. This project started by securing the financial resource from the government and after that, the project proceed with the identification of the administrative as well as the medical staff (Andrei et al. 2019). This is also collected with a proper selection and survey on the site. After the recruitment, an information system is developed, recruiting all the hospital staff through interviews as well as equipment selection. Training will be provided after the recruitment (Lensges et al. 2018). Then the construction of the hospital building will start with building pieces of equipment and their installation. 

Critical path analysis

This project has two different paths for proceeding with the identification of all administrative as well as medical staff and the selection of project sites with the proper survey. The identification of all the stakeholders of the hospital equipment selection is very important as bringing them to the project site. Then the equipment installation for the project and training of the supporting staff as per requirements is required (Thesing et al. 2021). Another path proceeded with the preparation of the ultimate construction plan and then the construction process starts. Both process end in the training programs of all recruited staff.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart disclosed that the project will take around 70 weeks. The financial resource collection process will continue for around 91 days and the identification of the administration along with another medical employee for the hospital. It is seen that utility arrangements as well as the delivery of the project pieces of equipment take a longer time in this project (Balali et al. 2022). The construction process of the hospital also takes a longer period.

Task 3

This figure shows that “the health secretary”, “Luton borough council”, and “Governance board of the construction company” as well as the national media have high power in this project but low interest while sponsors, neighbours, site managers have high power and interests (Li, 2020). The regional transportation companies and schools have low interest and power while regional residents, suppliers and recruiting agencies have low power but high interest.


Internalor External

“Amount of Power/Interest

The stakeholder has”

“How would the stakeholder affect the project or be affected by the project”

“Communication Strategy”

Health secretary


High power/low interest

The health secretary has a lot of power over the project because they fund the project and make sure that the project would follow the health legislations. However, their whole interest is not devoted to this particular project.

Send monthly reports which outline the progress of the project and explain how the project follows the legislation in the health sector.

Luton residents


Low power/high interest

It is in the Luton residents’ interest to have a hospital built in their area. However, the features, that this hospital would have, would influence the quality of health care that they would receive in the future. Those residents do not have a lot of power over the project.

Send a leaflet to Luton residents at the beginning and end of the project, informing them about the project and explaining what features that the hospital would potentially have.

Project sponsor


High power/high interest

They provide the financial resources and other assistance.

Send the project a progress report in a regular basis and explain why the project chooses the agile methodology.

Site neighbours


High power/high interest

The project can be effective for their livelihood and affect their usual daily routine.

Send a leaflet before starting the project and explains the safety of the project.

Site managers


High power/ high-interest

The monitoring of the site of the project and amendment as per requirements.

Verbal communication with them daily to consult the progress.

Company operating machineries on the construction site


High power/ high-interest

It has high power and interest as without company machinery the project cannot be completed.

Verbal or written communication as per requirements.

Luton borough council


High power/ low-interest

The project should be signed by this council.

Written communication with all project details.

Governance board of the construction company


High power/ low-interest

The support of this board is required for the construction.

Written communication with all project details.

National media


High power / low-interest

This has high interest in promoting the project.

Written or verbal communication.

Local transportation companies


Low power/ low-interest

The project has the least impact on these companies.

Written communication system

Local schools


Low power/low interest

It has no such effect on the school activities.

Written communication

Local universities & nursing schools


Low power/High-interest

The students of these institutions can be recruited in this project.

Written communication and advertisement

Medical equipment suppliers


Low power/High interest

The suppliers can supply all the project pieces of equipment.

Written communication and advertisement

Recruiting agencies


Low power/High interest

They can provide human resources for the project.

Written communication and advertisement

Table 1: Stakeholder Analysis

(Source: Project)

There are several stakeholders of this project and they have high or low interest in this project. A different communication system is applied here to communication system like verbal or written communication with proper advertisements (Purvitasari et al. 2018). The stakeholders have also higher or lower power in this project. 

Task 4

The hospital project has five main project developers in different aspects like funding, human resources, site activities, busing the project pieces of equipment as well as finishing the project work. The funding is mainly collected from the government. HRM recruits administrative, medical as well as project workers for the project (, 2022). The site managers survey the project and look after the availability of the project materials.

Different types of managers are required in this project for looking after the project work properly. All the managers perform with some staff. The managers of this project look after the financial, HR, and site work as well as procurement activities (, 2022). An IT manager is also required for looking after the technical activities.

Task 5

Several risk factors can emerge within the workplace of this project like machinery breakdown, work accidents, and national or regional emergencies. Apart from that, the weather and recruitment process has a high impact on this project. Installation of medical pieces of equipment can have a high impact on the project. 


Description of the risk

Negative / Positive

Probability / Impact

Strategy to deal with the risk

Major work accidents (e.g. fire, ground collapse… etc.).

These kinds of accidents have a negative effect on the project. They might halt the progress in the project or cost the construction company a lot of money in repairing damages.

Low probability/high impact

Transfer the risk to another party by, for example, ensuring the project against fire accidents.

National emergencies (e.g. war, pandemics … etc.)

These kinds of national emergencies have anegative impact on the project. They might halt the progress in the project.

Low probability/high impact

Accept the risk of those emergencies when they occur, because they are unpredictable and the project management does not have a clear idea about their nature and how to respond to them. However, the project management would put a plan to deal with them when they occur.

Favourable publicity on a TV report

It would have a positive impact by providing positive publicity for the project.

Low probability/high impact

Exploit this opportunity by inviting TV channels to the project’s site or sending the TV channels information about the positive impact which the hospital would have on the local community.

Machine breakdown

The impact of this is negative as the engineers along with other services workers will manage the situation.

High probability/low impact

Reduce, by appointing the more numbers of technicians and engineers. 

Unfavourable weather conditions

The impact of this is negative as the project activities will be postponed for some time.

High probability/low impact

Mitigate by postponing the project work for some days.

Applicants do not turn up for the job interview

The impact of this is negative because there are numerous candidates who will be interested in this project.

High probability/low impact

Mitigate, the job advertisement for the project will enhance for attracting more candidates.

Luton mayor asks for a meeting with the sit managers

The impact of this is positive as with the permission of the mayor the project never starts. 

Low probability/low impact

Accept/Reject the proposal of the mayor can be accepted or rejected as per the requirements of the project. 

Medical equipment is not installed correctly

The impact of this is negative because it can be managed by other mechanics.

High probability/High impact

Avoid other mechanics who will invite to install the machinery materials.

 Table 2: Risk management table

(Source: Project)

There are several risk factors in this project and they can emerge at any time within the project. On the other hand, a solution is prepared for managing all the risk factors. Some risks can be removed, mitigated as well as avoided as per requirements.

Task 6

Solution: The risk assessment plan is prepared for mitigating any risk factor within the project. A strong communication system plan is prepared for the solution of stakeholder communication.

Quality expectation: It is expected that the project quality will be very high as a proper network diagram, critical path, as well as project timeline, are created for the project. This project plan includes proper stakeholder analysis and a risk management plan to enhance the project's quality.

Acceptance criteria: The project plan will get a huge acceptance because all the necessary requirements of a project are included in this project. A work breakdown structure is also provided in this plan for better acceptance. 

Quality specifications: The project plan consists of a network diagram, critical path analysis, a Gantt chart for proper time management and a WBS structure for the distribution of project work. An organigram is also provided for the betterment of the project quality.


The hospital construction project plan includes all the essential requirements of a project that guides to improve the project quality and increases the outcomes of the project. The project plan is based on agile methodology and includes WBS structure, stakeholder analysis as well as the risk assessment plan for better quality.



Andrei, B.A., Casu-Pop, A.C., Gheorghe, S.C. and Boiangiu, C.A., 2019. A study on using waterfall and agile methods in software project management. Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, pp.125-135. 

Balali, A., Moehler, R.C. and Valipour, A., 2022. Ranking cost overrun factors in the mega hospital construction projects using Delphi-SWARA method: An Iranian case study. International Journal of Construction Management, 22(13), pp.2577-2585. 

Flyvbjerg, B., 2021. Top ten behavioral biases in project management: An overview. Project Management Journal, 52(6), pp.531-546. 

Ika, L.A., Söderlund, J., Munro, L.T. and Landoni, P., 2020. Cross-learning between project management and international development: Analysis and research agenda. International Journal of Project Management, 38(8), pp.548-558. 

Lensges, M.L., Kloppenborg, T.J. and Forte, F., 2018. Identifying Key Agile Behaviors That Enhance Traditional Project Management Methodology. Journal of Strategic Innovation & Sustainability, 13(2). 

Li, C., 2020, March. Research on management information system of capital construction project in large hospital. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 768, No. 5, p. 052032). IOP Publishing. 

Purvitasari, E., Azis, S. and Iskandar, T., 2018. Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Delay in a Construction Project of Dr. Iskak’s Hospital Pavilion of Tulungagung District. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science, 2(9). 

Tereso, A., Ribeiro, P., Fernandes, G., Loureiro, I. and Ferreira, M., 2019. Project management practices in private organizations. Project Management Journal, 50(1), pp.6-22. 

Thesing, T., Feldmann, C. and Burchardt, M., 2021. Agile versus waterfall project management: decision model for selecting the appropriate approach to a project. Procedia Computer Science, 181, pp.746-756. 

Websites, (2022), Agile methodologies, Available at: [Accessed on: 2nd November, 2022], (2022), COMPONENTS OF HOSPITAL PLANNING, Available at: [Accessed on: 2nd November, 2022]

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