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Introduction - Leveraging Technology to Enhance Operations and Sustainability at British Airways
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Theme 1: Benefits of application of technology in British Airways.
British Airways is national airline of UK which is having One world alliance as one of founding members. This airline constitute of 7 airlines acted to carry letters, passengers and cargo on daily bases with more than 240 aircraft's mainly that of Boeing and Airbus. The four major objectives which company is having that of travellers first choice, service quality, global expansion and increasing customer loyalty. All of these could only be increased if the company is able to give fast and efficient service to all its customers and also solving their problems on quick bases. As in today's scenario every customer is wanting to be treated on priority they would not be liking to wait into queue, wanting that their emails are answered within 24 hours and call must be received after 3 rings only (Morrish and Brian, 2012). All these could only be possible if company is putting its more efforts on improving use and implementation of technology in all its working and operations.
If a company is only depending upon humans for their work they will not be able to achieve target of giving high quality service ot its customers as they are in expectation of. Moreover, company should be effective in implementing all what technology is having and then benefiting in both economical and environmental sense. As British Airways is trying to fulfil its target of providing quality of service which will then in tern be helping them in growing and maintaining customer loyalty which is very important as with increased in competition (Filimonau, Mika and Pawlusiński, 2018). On the other hand there are still many problems which are faced by the aviation industry in the execution of hi-tech technological equipments.
There are many factors which are been introduced as benefits of technology within the company and whole aviation industry. Some like that of British Airways is saving lot of time and money, it is becoming faster, with the use of technology British Airways is building reputation, noise pollution is been lower down and moreover saving cost of company. This is more beneficial in experience building of customer and giving them faster service and that too of the best quality. Travel experience of customer is what they are focusing and providing competence with technology application which is making connection more strong between company with that of customers (Maurino and John, 2017). Nowadays British Airways is also giving customer base service like that of providing Wi-Fi facility during travel and also allowing them to bring their own device with them. If customer is having any complain about crew or flight of British Airways they are allowed to share that on public forum after which company will be resolving issue on real time bases. British Airways is investing a huge sum of money to implement High-tech devices which will be helping company, staff and also to customer and thus in end encouraging profits and saving cost. Company is putting its efforts in communicating with customers and suppliers so that benefits could be taken out from them. They are also installing iPhones and iPads which will be helping staff in running operation more easily this will be having applications like aircraft manuals, read and signs, engineering procedures, material availability, action task, declare serviceable, and fit or remove components (Lu, 2018).
Theme 2: Economic benefits of technology in British Airways.
With the introduction of technology within all operations of British Airways there are both economic and environmental benefits which are attached to. At the starting point of installing technological appliances or applications within company will b allowing huge investment into it. But after that company will be started to gain more and more amount from this technology advancement (Kantenbacher and Scarles, 2018). Economic aspect of technology will be categorised as saving money, making more money, becoming faster, enhancing reputation of company, reducing paper work and enabling customers with self check-in. The investment in technology by company will be key factor of increased in profits of about 20% in British Airways on same path where fuel price is increasing and competition as well.

Company is also using technology so that they could be able to streamline all procedures which are used within business, which is helping in removal of complexity and thus eventually cutting cost of company. As British Airways is growing this is leading to help them making technology as leader in simplification of business as complexity will be slowing down whole system of company. They are also making huge investment in the official website of company which is this will be accounting of about 33% of total sales within Britain and 80% worldwide (British Airways cites IT investment as key factor in 20% profit increase, 2018). Speed of work is increasing customers are not made to wait for ticket booking, check in, boarding or any other function their query are been resolve in short time spam. British Airways is using the best technology for all activities which they are preforming for ticket booking to end taking back the luggage.
British Airways is making the air travelling experience of customer more comfortable which will thus be enabling them to become loyal with company (Lucas, 2014). Introduction of call centre so that all sort of problems and query of customer are been solved and ensuring that it is not occurring again. They are having qualified and trained staff who could be helping customer throughout their journey via plane (Lee, S., and Ahn, W., 2018). All these things are adding up to more profit earning, cost cutting for company and finally enabling customer with high quality of services. The cost of company from past 40 years are been reduced unto 40% just by technological advancement. But this will not be limited to introducing technology within operations but also this technology needs to be upgraded use of obsolete one will not beneficial but burden for company. In the improvement of service quality technology is playing vital role and thus setting benchmark of British Airways into aviation industry.
The introduction of technology within the sector is making connectivity more and more incremental and cost of air transport is decreasing. As connectivity increase there will be increase into number of passengers who are opting British Airways as its first choice in aviation to travel from one place to the other. This in tern would be attracting higher number of profits and very good for economical aspect as well (Economic Benefits from Air Transport in the UK, 2018). The productivity of company will be increasing with help of technological advancement domestic markets will be attracting more and more international players with sector. Thus, this will not only be leading to development of company but that of country as whole will be benefited by technology.
Theme 3: Environmental impact of technology in British Airways.
As far in the above section we have learnt about how technology is impacting British Airways in positive way and what will be effect of this on profits and sale of company. But on the other hand there are many environmental effects which is leading because of technology in British Airways. This airline company is among top on world leader in terms of fuel efficiency they are also involved in plantation of turning tonnes of rubbish into jet fuel (Lucas, 2014). For all companies who are operating within country must be taking care of its surrounding and environment if not then they would be deprived to operate like in the case of Volkswagen. British Airways has planed to turn about 50000 tonnes of rubbish of London into jet fuel so that environment is not been threatened in the future. This is all possible because of technological advancement which they are using within their company and also investing huge amount which is enabling them to save their cost on fuel.
The company is very efficiently using technology in their operations and working which is also giving them environmental benefits. They are fighting with COâ‚‚ emission with the introduction of new aircraft's, tugs and fuel (British Airways Fights Emissions with New Aircraft, Tugs, Fuel, 2018). As according to a research done it was found that about 2% of the COâ‚‚ emission is produced by aviation industry for this they are trying to reduced this impact on environment which industry is putting. The technology is also reducing amount of paper which is used by British Airways as only focusing on paper less work and making ecofriendly or only online tickets.
While time of travelling there are also many complaints of noise pollution is very much frequent so company is making efforts in lowering down. This issue is been faced by passengers while they are making their travel by aircraft's which was recognised as one of big challenges in Paris environment agreement last December (British Airways carbon emissions in spotlight, 2018). So they decided to decrease the production of aircraft's which are producing higher amount of noise which was growing till 24%.
Books and Journals:
- Filimonau, V., Mika, M. and Pawlusiński, R., 2018. Public attitudes to biofuel use in aviation: Evidence from an emerging tourist market. Journal of Cleaner Production. 172. pp.3102-3110.
- Kantenbacher, J., Hanna, P., Cohen, S., Miller, G. and Scarles, C., 2018. Public attitudes about climate policy options for aviation. Environmental Science & Policy. pp.46-53.
- Lee, S., and Ahn, W., 2018. The framework for factors affecting technology transfer for suppliers and buyers of technology in Korea. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.30(2). pp.172-185.
- Lu, C., 2018. When will biofuels be economically feasible for commercial flights? Considering the difference between environmental benefits and fuel purchase costs. Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Lucas, OM, 2014, The impact of information technology on organizational flexibility. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. Volume 4(2). pp. pp.155-176.
- Maurino, D and John, R 2017. Beyond aviation human factors: Safety in high technology systems. Routledge. Aldershot
- Morrish, S and Brian, R 2012. Airline alliances—who benefits? Journal of Air Transport Management. 8(6). pp.401-407..
British Airways carbon emissions in spotlight. 2018 [Online]. Accessed through: <>
British Airways cites IT investment as key factor in 20% profit increase. 2018 [Online]. Accessed through: <>
British Airways Fights Emissions with New Aircraft, Tugs, Fuel. 2018 [Online]. Accessed through: <>
Economic Benefits from Air Transport in the UK. 2018 [Online]. Accessed through: <>